I believe that Nostradamus does address the rumors that Michelle Obama is transgender.

Michelle Obama be careful of getting on airplanes; I suspect that they will not allow your secret to be revealed. “Near the heavens human blood shed“, “Too much the sky weeps for the Androgyne created“, “By death too late a great people re-created“.

Nostradamus Quatrain II-45
Trop le ciel pleure l’androgin procreé,
Pres de ce ciel sang humain respandu,
Par mort trop tarde grand peuple recreé
Tard & tost vient le secours attendu.

Nostradamus Quatrain II-45
Too much the sky weeps for the Androgyne created,
Near the heavens human blood shed,
By death too late a great people re-created
Late and soon the awaited relief comes.

If Michelle Obama is transgender, that discovery would destroy Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels. This Quatrain points to a fatal airplane crash in a storm.

This Quatrain is part of an important Triplicate Series.