From the time of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination to the present day Deep State attack on President Donald J. Trump, the world of Spy versus Spy is an alternate reality. For The Common Person on the Street, I suspect that there is a very different history to world affairs than the one taught in public schools.
Real history most likely involves a legacy network of old families, Secret Societies, and the knowledge of humanity’s origins.
This may be a difficult pill to swallow for neophytes of Conspiracy Theory, but that is the way history rings out for The One Percent.
In my 2010 EBook, The Age of Desolation, I presented my linear examination of humanity’s oldest religious scriptures in the first five chapters. The following link is a brief web page synopsis of those chapters followed by PDF links to those original five chapters that I began submitting to publishers and literary agents in January of 2007. They are as relevant today as they were over eleven years ago.

It was my May 22nd, 2004 conversation with Dr. Edgar Mitchell that led me to question the fundamentals of present day UFO/Extraterrestrial Lore. There is a long history of disinformation, government lies, strange deaths, and there is not one aspect or story concerning UFOs that I have come to fully trust. All I can do as a researcher is point out coincidences that are part of Our Shared Reality as human beings.
I am of the opinion that there is enough physical evidence that Extraterrestrials and UFOs did not just start showing up in 1947. Therefore, unless Extraterrestrials and UFO crews are capable of time travel, which is a distinct possibility, then I reasoned a more accurate description could be assembled from the oldest written historical records.
It is more than coincidental that the oldest historical written records also turn out to be records about spirituality and foundational religious concepts. Perhaps at that time, humanity was closest to the source of its creation, or at least its self-awareness.
Over the course of the next few years of research, this is how I transitioned from my mechanistic view of prophecy, that started with my interest in Nostradamus and Eschatology, and then gradually edged toward the immaterial and spiritual concepts of why there had to be an End Times or an Apocalypse. I needed to know, what was the Root Cause of humanity’s future doom.
What was the Greek War of the Gods all about; what was the Fall of the Angels all about; what was the Rebellion in Heaven all about; why was this consistent theme appearing in the records of different cultures?
Whatever the spiritual implications, the research suggests that a small group or groups of individuals have been, and are currently, shaping history through social engineering. There seem to be two forces at work, creative and destructive, and identifying those forces is strictly based on point-of-view.
The Common Person on the Street would see culling half of the population to save the other half of the population as a destructive event. The One Percent would see it as a creative solution to saving civilization.
Who are The One Percent?

These two excellent books are a good place to start looking for answers.
Like a billiard ball game, all anyone can do in life is observe the dynamics of the table and play accordingly. A mechanistic view allows you use Newtonian physics to predict where all the balls on the table will wind up after a certain amount of force is applied to the cue ball, the initiator of events.
In life, the cue ball is the government that rules over each individual. This is where laws, precepts, morality, fairness, and social contracts are turned into the canons of human civilization by either agreements or by forces outside of each individual’s control.
On November 22nd, 1963, the successful assassination of President John F. Kennedy put control of the United States in the hands of a very small group of people.
As I have covered in all three of my books, the facts behind President Kennedy’s assassination provide enough evidence to focus on a group known socially as The Georgetown Set. This high-brow, high-profile crowd included senior CIA members, leading politicians, powerful judges, and they engineered The New World Order over cocktails.
Three people from this group made up the seven members of the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
The New World Order is an old concept. In The Master Game, Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World, Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval have documented and substantiated many of the original suppositions that I made in my 2010 book, The Age of Desolation.
The Master Game should be the first Conspiracy Theory book anybody reads. It deals with the foundational concepts of civilization, and Hancock and Bauval’s research may answer many questions on the “whys” and the “hows” of history.
President George H. W. Bush announced the coming of The New World Order to a joint session of the United States Congress on September 11th, 1990 at 9:09 PM. George H. W. Bush, like his father Prescott and other members of his family, belonged to the Yale University Secret Society known as The Order of Skull and Bones. Appropriately, his initiation name was made Magog.
Many Skull and Bones members have held high positions in the intelligence services and military throughout the last two centuries. President Bush I, President Bush II, and Senator and former Secretary of State, John Kerry are members.
Several members of The Georgetown Set were also Skull and Bonesmen.
In 1948, the newly created Central Intelligence Agency created the Office of Special Projects, and Frank Wisner Sr. was made the Director.
Wisner was a World War II Naval Officer who transferred to the Office of Strategic Services. After the war, the OSS was pared down to the Strategic Services Unit within the War Department.
In 1947, some event seemed to have changed President Harry Truman’s original fears about the OSS turning into an “American Gestapo“. This was the warning given to him by the founding FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, who understood the dangers of having 16,000 secret agents at the OSS’s command running operations throughout the United States and Europe.
The Office of Special Projects became the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), where the CIA ran its main espionage and counter-intelligence services.
Frank Wisner was the father of Operation Mockingbird, and he began recruiting CIA Mainstream Media personalities to sell propaganda. Tom Braden, a former OSS officer and one of CNN’s first media personalities was part of Operation Mockingbird. He is quoted as saying, “Wisner brought in a whole load of fascists after the war, some really nasty people. He could do that, because he was powerful.”
As I have previously written in 2016, I came across an article by author James Reston Jr. Reston Jr. would have his readers believe that JFK was not the target of Lee Harvey Oswald. “Lee Harvey Oswald’s little green book shows JFK wasn’t the real target“.
I did not pay attention to the author’s name until Reston wrote that a “cottage industry of Conspiracy Theories” had sprung up that placed blame for the assassination on everyone from the mob to the late Fidel Castro.
Curiously missing from Reston’s list of suspected culprits was the CIA. Since Oliver Stone made the CIA famous for the assassination in his movie JFK, I found Reston’s omission curiously intentional.
That is when I bothered to look at the author’s name. James Reston’s father, James Reston Sr., was a member of The Georgetown Set. How many people would know that?
This is a generational operation, and they are getting away with rewriting history and calling everything Conspiracy Theory or Fake News.
Frank Wisner Sr. would later use Frank Wisner Jr.’s shotgun to blow his brains out.
Frank Wisner Jr. would then grow up to be “Bagman for the Empire“. He was hired to be Barack Obama’s
point man in Egypt when he ordered the CIA to unleash The Arab Spring.
Frank Wisner Sr. had support for his operations from the Secretary of Defense at the time, James Forrestal; it is interesting that both men eventually went insane and killed themselves.
J. Edgar Hoover called Wisner’s group, “Wisner’s gang of weirdos“.
On June 24th, 1947, Kenneth Arnold saw 9 flying objects north of Mount Rainier in Washington.
As I wrote in 2007:
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, page 128
…After the most destructive war that humanity had ever fought, World War II, which included the use of atomic weapons, the Gnostic texts are rediscovered and soon after that so are The Dead Sea Scrolls; coincidentally, in 1947, the forces that would reclaim Israel also gathered.
More importantly, near one specific military installation of the world’s most powerful army, near a unit capable of deploying atomic weapons, and also not too far from where the newly employed Nazi scientists were resuming their rocket experiments, there is the now famously reported crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft at Roswell, New Mexico.
That is a lot of history to swallow in one small bite of time.
…All the religious and spiritual transformative forces that appeared in the first century have
reappeared to humanity’s consciousness beginning in 1947.

Another key member of The Georgetown Set was Richard Bissell, who became the first Director of Area 51 in 1955. He managed Area 51 until he was fired from the CIA by President John F. Kennedy for the failure of The Bay of Pigs Invasion on April 20th, 1961, along with the Director of the CIA and another member of The Georgetown Set, Allen Dulles.
Please note that April 20th is Adolf Hitler’s birthday. As you will read below, this exact date is given in a very important Nostradamus’ Quatrain.
April 20th is also the initiation day for new members “tapped” to be Skull and Bonesmen. The first Director of Area 51, Richard Bissell went to Yale, but turned down the offer to join Skull and Bones.

As I read that document, I get the sense that President Kennedy was briefed on the UFO phenomenon; however, it seems that his Defense Department briefing passed along an equally perplexed viewpoint that suggests that a certain percentage of UFO activity was a complete mystery to the United States’ military, but was considered hostile.
After the CIA’s Chief of Counter-Intelligence and Georgetown Set member, James Jesus Angleton died, his files were purged. Allegedly, the following document was rescued from the fire destroying Angleton’s files on MJ-12, the infamous secret group controlling all information on UFOs and Extraterrestrial visitation to Earth.

This alleged secret document is corroborated by the November 12th, 1963 real document where President John F. Kennedy is asking for all material on UFOs.

Readers familiar with my research into Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels understand that long ago, I identified some of the numerical systems used by this group in their rituals and tactics. My research is based on the system first discovered by Richard C. Hoagland related to NASA’s rocket launches on April 20th. NASA Nazis loved to celebrate the Fuehrer’s birthday.
My discovery of a Nostradamus’ Quatrain that validates Richard Hoagland’s initial observation comes specifically through one exact date pinpointed in Nostradamus’ Quatrain I-42. Further research led me to correlating historical events with numerology and specific calendar days whose ritual symbolism can only be guessed at.
Various combinations of 9+1+1 or 3+1+1 are also used. When you “Cast Nines“, the numerical output always adds up to the same number, and this is the essence of numerology.
9-1-1 most likely is related to The Ninth of Av, the 9th day of the 11th month called, Tisha B’Av, has seen a number of historical tragedies, and not always related to the Jewish people.
Besides the one possibility I presented for THE NUMBERS 1-1-3 being related to The Knights Templar, readers of my research should take note of Nostradamus’ Dating Code and one of the code keys. By adding 311 CE to all of Nostradamus’ 1700 Series of Prophecies, you get the year in which the prediction falls.
311 CE is the first year that Christianity was officially recognized by the Roman Edict of Christian Toleration. Perhaps this is why Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels uses this number combination for a ritual killing. The symbolism is the antithesis of the philosophy behind Christianity.
As I have recounted in my books, on May 22nd, 2004, Dr. Edgar Mitchell stunned the dozen people at our dinner table with his revelations and thoughts about UFOs, Extraterrestrials, and bad people within the United States Defense Department in control of powerful technologies.
The conversation was initiated by me after I had read a February 18th, 2004 article in the St. Petersburg Times, Neighborhood Times, “Astronaut: We’ve Had Visitors”, by Ann Moore Waveney.
Basically, it was a two-hour conversation between Dr. Mitchell and myself with those around the table listening. Some people even asked Dr. Mitchell if he had brought me along as a “ringer“. More than a few people came up to me at the close of the evening to say that our conversation had changed their worldview. If you were there that night, please contact me.
On the way home, I realized that there is nothing in modern print on UFOs and Extraterrestrials that you can believe. This is what led me to studying ancient scripture from all civilizations. It gave depth to the now stale and trite phrase, Ancient Astronauts.
The Nazis scoured the world for all ancient scriptures, as famously depicted in the movie Indiana Jones. The picture below gives us hints that they found something.

In Nostradamus Quatrain I-42, the primary connection that can be made to the Nazis and the occult is Nostradamus giving his readers the exact date of Adolf Hitler’s birthday.
Besides Quatrain I-42 supporting the idea behind Nostradamus’ world control group, whom he called The Pagan Sect of New Infidels, it also suggests that the occult, with all of its connotations of demons and Satan, might be real.

Les dix Kalendes d’Apuril de faict Gotique
Resuscité encor par gens malins:
Le feu estainct, assemblée diabolique,
Cherchant les or du d’Amant & Pselyn,
Nostradamus Quatrain I-42
The tenth of the Calends of April in Gothic Count
Revived again by evil people:
The fire extinguished, diabolical assembly
Seeking the gold owed the lover and Pselyn [Selyn/Psellus].
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, Page 325
Nostradamus clearly saw the influence of the Nazis when he penned what I believe is one of his greatest predictions. Every Nostradamus interpreter has missed this translation for centuries because he or she has incorrectly converted the Julian and Gregorian dates.
Every English translation for this Quatrain has failed since 1672. I am correcting a 345-year-old error.
Since 2008, I have noticed many blogs referring to the inordinate amount of bloodshed and carnage that has occurred throughout history on April 19th and April 20th. I pioneered this research, and it first appeared on my website in 2008.
April 19th is the occult day of The Blood Sacrifice to the Beast. This begins the 13-day countdown to the second most sacred day for Satanists, The Beltaine Festival on May 1st, which requires a “fire sacrifice”.
April 20th is Adolf Hitler’s birthday. I discovered this sacrificial two-day period while I was trying to interpret Nostradamus Quatrain I-42. It was the long bloody history prior to Adolf Hitler’s April 20th, 1889 birthday that I found so intriguing and that lends credence to its occult origins.
It seems to begin in 1012. On April 19th, the predecessor to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Alfege, the Anglo-Saxon Bishop of Winchester, was killed by Viking raiders in Greenwich, London.
April 19th and April 20th both have a long history associated with Rebellion. Would that be symbolic of The Rebellion in Heaven?
In 1529 on April 19th the leaders of independent German cities rejected the reinstatement of the Edict of Worms, which made Martin Luther an outlaw. The Protestant Reformation became an official movement.
In 1587 on April 19th the English privateer Francis Drake, as second-in-command of the English fleet, sunk the Spanish fleet in Cádiz harbor.
In 1653 on April 20th Oliver Cromwell dissolved the English parliament after Charles I, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland had been beheaded in 1649.
In 1657 on April 20th the Jews of New Amsterdam (New York City) were granted the right to practice their religion.
In 1657 on April 20th Admiral Robert Blake, of England’s Commonwealth Navy, destroyed a Spanish fleet at Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
In 1689 on April 20th the deposed King James II of England put the city of Derry to siege in an effort to retake the throne.
In 1713 on April 19th Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, issued the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 and the Hapsburg Empire went to his future daughter, Maria Theresa of Austria.
In 1770 on April 19th Marie Antoinette married Louis XVI.
In 1775 on April 19th the American Revolution began with the two battles at Lexington and Concord.
In 1861 on April 20th Robert E. Lee took command of the rebelling army of the Confederate States of America.
In 1936 on April 19th the Arab leadership of Palestine began the Great Uprising.
In 1942 on April 19th in Poland during World War II, Jews were confined to the Majdan – Tatarski and Lublin ghettos.
In 1943 on April 19th German troops entered the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland and captive Jews trying to escape annihilation began the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
In 1953 on April 19th the United States Central Intelligence Agency began project MKULTRA, where ordinary citizens were kidnapped and programmed to be robot assassins. In 1961 on April 19th the CIA backed Cuban exile army was defeated after they invaded Cuba.
In 1972 on April 20th Apollo 16 landed on the moon.
In 1978 on April 20th Korean Air Flight 902 was shot down by the Soviet Air Force.
In 1985 on April 20th United States agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms raided a neo-Nazi compound in Elijah, Arkansas.
In 1999 on April 19th the German Bundestag returned to Berlin for the first time since World War II.
In 1989 on April 19th the gun turret aboard the United States battleship the USS Iowa exploded killing forty-seven sailors.
In 1991 on April 19th, the fifty-day siege begun by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms on the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas ended when eight-one people were burned to death after a tank discharged a highly flammable CS gas into the buildings in which the men, women, and children had barricaded themselves.
In 1995 on April 19th the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was bombed, killing one hundred and sixty eight people.
In 1999 on April 20th two teenagers killed twelve fellow students and themselves in the Columbine High School massacre.
In 1999 on April 19th the German Bundestag returned to Berlin for the first time since World War II.
In 2005 on April 19th German born Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope Benedict XVI.
In 2007 on April 20th at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas a man with a handgun killed a hostage and then himself.
In 2010 on April 20th the Horizon Deep Water Oil Platform owned by British Petroleum sinks after an explosion. It becomes the biggest environmental disaster in United States History.
Every well-known Nostradamus Commentator published in English has missed the fact that the date Nostradamus predicts in Quatrain I-42 is April 20th. When I first read Richard Hoagland’s research about the Nazi influence in NASA and the launching of many missions on April 20th, Adolf Hitler’s birthday, I thought immediately of this Quatrain.
Now some Conspiracy Websites will just point to Pagan Rituals performed on this day, but it is all about Nazis. The post World War II dates of ritual occult celebration, bloodshed, and sacrifice also link to institutional neo-Nazis in the present day.
Besides being an accurate prediction of the change from the Julian to Gregorian calendar system, Nostradamus Quatrain I-42 zeros in on Germany.
This very important Quatrain presents readers with a perfect example of working with early and later editions of Nostradamus’ Centuries. In the last line, I will point out the word “or” and “Pselyn”. In later editions, the word “or” has become “os”, and depending on the edition, “Pselyn” has become “Pselin” or “Prelin”.
In every English version I have read, “os” then translates as “bones”, and the enigmatic word “Pselyn” has been translated as “Psellus”.
Michael Psellus, was a famous Byzantine philosopher and historian. Most importantly, he had a world-renowned library of occult and esoteric lore.
Above, I presented the first 1555 printing of Quatrain I-42. Below, I present six more printings from 1557 until 1630. You will see the progression of interpretation errors. There are two things to note in my new interpretation. It is my conjecture that some of Nostradamus’ compound words can take on multiple definitions.
Note that the “P” is capitalized indicating perhaps a name, but what follows is “selyn”. This is one of several spellings for Nostradamus’ future hero, Henri Selyn.
Henri Selyn and The Black King are by far the most frequent characters mentioned in The Quatrains and The Presages.


These two 1557 editions have a notable different source, because one edition only had 40 Quatrains in Century VII, and the other edition had 42.
In the 40 Quatrain edition is where we see “or” becomes “os”. Instead of Gold, commentators since have translated it as Bone. Note that “Pselyn”, “Pselin” is also printed as “Prelin”.
I would suggest that for the 1555 and the 1557 editions with 42 Quatrains in Century VII, that Nostradamus was present to correct any errors and give his approval to the printers. “Pselyn” versus “Pselin” and the “y” to “i” change was a common acceptable alternative.
Here is a thought for readers to consider. Did Nostradamus’ vision of the future allow him to foresee future iterations of his work? In Chapter One of Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, I provide quotes that point to this being the case.
I suggest “Psellus” is stretching the interpretation if you take into consideration that the original reads, “d’Amant & Pselyn”. “The Lover” and “Pselyn” certainly seems like a reference to two people.
This is another place where you must look for the consistent use of the same words appearing across a number of prophecies. According to Nostradamus, “The Great Concubine” of “Selin” will leave him. She appears in many Quatrains and Presages as The Great Lady, especially in The Sixains.
However, why did Nostradamus use the capitalized “P”? The “Pselyn” to “Psellus” interpretation does provide a multidimensional aspect to Nostradamus’ compound word. In conjunction, we note the descriptions “gens malins” and “assemblée diabolique”. A diabolical assembly of evil people searching for “The gold of Selyn“.
Henri Selyn/Selin is one of the most consistent characters in Nostradamus’ writings. If he is Henri V, then we might also want to refer back to the myths of Clovis, the first French King, the appearance of angels, and the lineage of Merovingian Kings. Nostradamus predicts that Henri Selin will eventually lead the Catholic Church in some capacity.
Is the gold a metaphor for secret knowledge? What Nostradamus Commentator first made this interpretation?
The modern English interpretation of Psellus seems to begin with Henry Roberts 1947 interpretation. However, Henry C. Roberts used the oldest English translation of Nostradamus’s work, The True Prophecies or Prognostications of Michael Nostradamus written in 1672 by Theophilus de Garencieres. He was also a well-accomplished man and an apothecary like Nostradamus.




In Quatrain I-42, ten days after the beginning of April in the Julian calendar system becomes April 20th in the first centuries after the change to the Gregorian calendar system.
The birth date of Adolf Hitler in Quatrain I-42 is also coincidental with the 1942 entry of the United States into World War II. Henri Selin is an American, and the Quatrain numbering is suspicious.
When you add the multidimensional interpretation of evil, smart people, “gens malins”, forming a diabolical assembly, “assemblée diabolique” to revive again, “Resuscité encor”, the celebrated day of April 20th, the interpretation becomes Henri Selin versus the new Nazis, or The Pagan Sect of New Infidels.
I disagree with those Nostradamus Commentators that believe that Nostradamus used “d’Amant” as a cloaked version of the word demon because he was afraid of The Inquisition. This actual suggestion is an example of the leaps in interpretation that some Nostradamus Commentators have made over the centuries.
The later evolution of “or“, meaning “gold” to “os“, meaning “bone” or “bones” is also completely incorrect.
Translating it properly as gold makes “du” in “les or du d’Amant & Pselyn“, “dû“, meaning “owed” or “due“.
Therefore, The Diabolical Assembly is destroyed trying to “cherchant“, “seek, search, hunt for“, “the gold owed Henri Selin and his lover”.
1947 – Henry Roberts:
Seek for the bones of the lovers and Psellus.
1961 – Edgar Leoni:
Searching for the bones of the Demon of Psellus.
1973 – Erika Cheetham:
Seek the bones of the demon of Psellus.
1999 – John Hogue:
Seeking the bones of the Daemon of Psellus.
2017 – G. A. Stewart:
Seeking the gold owed the lover and Pselyn.
Since Nostradamus specifically mentions a Second Antichrist in his Epistle to Henry, I can clearly point at the surrounding paragraphs to support my conjecture that Nostradamus is identifying the main antagonists in World War II; his Second Antichrist was Adolf Hitler.
The United States and Soviet Russia were the powers behind The Montreux Convention, preventing Hitler and Mussolini from gaining access to the Black Sea.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 44:1
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 44:1
At that time the great sails of Byzantium, associated with the Ligurians (Genoa, Italy) and through the support and power of Aquilon will hinder them so that the two Cretans will be unable to retain their Faith.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 44:1
At that time, the German and Italian navies will want access to Istanbul and the Dardanelles. Through the support and power of Russia and the United States [Aquilon], the Montreux Convention will allow Turkey to fortify the straits and prevent their navies from entering the Black Sea. The two Cretans, Hitler and Mussolini, will be unable to retain their faith in fascism.
It is interesting how The Montreux Convention is now an issue with Russia’s Black Sea Fleet and its passage through the Turkish controlled Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits. In Volume Two, Chapter Sixteen, of Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, I describe how this area is predicted to see a heavy nuclear conflict.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 44:4
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 44:4
To a house will be reduced that which formerly was, and is, a great city, including the PAMPOTAMIA and Mesopotamia of Europe at 45, and others of 41, 42, and 37 degrees.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 44:4
Every major world power will be reduced by World War II, including England and Germany by
1945; the Soviet Union starting in 1941, the United States in 1942, and China starting in 1937.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 45:1
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 45:1
And at this time and in those countries the infernal power will employ against the Church of Jesus Christ, the power of the adversaries (of) the law, which will be the Second Antichrist,
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 45:2
Who will persecute that Church and its true vicar, by means of the power of temporal Kings.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 45:3
Who in their ignorance will be seduced by a language which will cut more deeply than any sword in the hands of a madman.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 45:1
From 1937 until 1945 in those countries conquered by the Berlin Axis, the Second Antichrist, Adolf Hitler, will become an adversary to the laws of God.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 45:2
Through the powers of temporary puppet governments, he will persecute the Church of Jesus Christ.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 45:3
The language of this madman will seduce the ignorant and cut more deeply than a sword.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 46:1
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 46:1
The said reign of the Antichrist will last only to the determination of him who was born near the age,
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 46:1
The reign of the Second Antichrist will last until the determination of the Third Antichrist, who will be born near this age.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 46:2
And of the other one of the city of Plancus, associated with the elect of Modone Fulcy, through Ferrara, maintained by the Adriatic Ligurians and the proximity of great Sicily.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 46:2
And of the other from the city of Plancus (Lyon) in France, accompanied by the [Elect]. Those of MODENE FULCY, through Ferrara, will have maintained the [French Monarchy] with the help of the Adriatic Italians, and the proximity of great Sicily.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 46:3
Then the mountains of Jupiter shall be passed.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 46:3
The man of Lyon will then lead the French army over the Alps to retake Italy from the armies of
[the Chinese-Islamic Alliance].

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 47:1
The Gallic Ogmios will be accompanied by so great a number that the Empire of his great law will extend very far.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 18:1
And the other, who to his great confusion and late repentance, will want to ruin her, will have three regions from extremely different leagues, namely, the Roman, the German and the Spaniard, will be of diverse sects [created] by military force.
The 50th to the 52d degree of latitude will be left behind.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 18:1
And the other, the militant [Pagan Sect], much to its great confusion and late repentance, will want to ruin the Great Dame. They will try to replace the Christian Church with fascism in Italy in 1922, Germany in 1933, and Spain in 1936.
[London, Great Britain] between the 50th and 52nd degree of latitude will be able to escape
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 19:1
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 19:1
And all will render homage to the remote ancient regions of Europe and Septentrion above the 48th parallel.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 19:1
And all the conquered peoples of Europe and Soviet Russia will be forced to render homage to ancient Teutonic myths and occult beliefs.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, Pages 316
Prescott Bush was a founding partner of Brown Brothers Harriman and Company; it is now the United States largest private bank.
…It became the primary investment bank that the German industrialist Fritz Thyssen used to finance Adolf Hitler’s rise to power and Germany’s rearmament.
Prescott Bush was also the Director of Union Banking Corporation. Thyssen was UBC’s only customer. UBC was run through a bank Thyssen controlled in the Netherlands.
The committee that has run world affairs since the end of World War II is, The Bilderberg Group. This Global Control Group is a creation of the Central Intelligence Agency and the late Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, a member of the House of Orange-Nassau.
The 1701 Act of Settlement led to the House of Orange-Nassau taking control of the British throne.
The late Prince Bernard was also a member of the honorary German Reiter SS Corps just prior to World War II.
In 2012, the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, now called the House of Windsor, presided over the 311th Anniversary of the Hanoverian Succession, by hosting the Summer Olympics in Great Britain.

Nostradamus Quatrain X-100
Le grand empire sera par Angleterre,
Le pempotam des ans plus de trois cens,
Grandes copies passer par mer & terre,
Les Lusitains n’en seront pas contents.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-100
The great empire will be through England,
The pempotam [all-powerful one] for more than three hundred years,
Great forces to pass by sea and land,
The Lusitanians (Portuguese) will not be content.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, Page 313
PAMPOTAMIA could be related to POMPOTANS in Quatrain VIII-97 or PEMPOTAM seen in Quatrain X-100.
…In Nostradamus and his Prophecies, Edgar Leoni sees this as a compound word constructed of two Greek and Latin words, Pan, meaning All, and Potens as Powerful>, hence all-powerful.
Quatrain X-100 relates this squarely to England. It is the last quatrain of the published Ten Centuries. So, the importance of Quatrain X-100 and England’s role in world affairs cannot be understated.
This is unequivocally the most important Quatrain in The Centuries because Nostradamus is giving readers the identity of The Masters of the Game.
It was during the 2012 London Olympic Opening Ceremony that I recognized that 2012 was the 311th year of the Hanoverian Succession to the throne of Great Britain. This quatrain is a big win for Nostradamus, “for more than three hundred years”.
As you will read below in Quatrain III-57, Nostradamus clearly predicts the three century German influence on the monarchy of Great Britain.
In 1605, it seems a great deal of Nostradamus material appeared, and this suggests that Nostradamus’ heirs were trying to make money with whatever material they were bequeathed. This is when Quatrain X-101 appeared in some Nostradamus Compendiums.
Since Quatrain X-100 defines Great Britain as all-powerful for the rest of the 20th century and into the 21st century, I believe Quatrain X-101 is defining the power after the empire of the City of London collapses.
Henri V, Nostradamus’ future leader, who I believe will be a descendant of the Bourbon and the Merovingian Kings of France, is predicted to lead humanity into the next age.

Nostradamus Quatrain X-101
Quad le fourcheu sera soustenu de deux paux,
Auec six demy-corps, &t six Sizeaux ouuerts:
Le tréspuissant Seigneur, hériter des crapaux,
Alors subjugera, sous soi tout l’universe.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-101
When the fork will be supported by two stakes,
With six-half-bodies and six open scissors [M-CCCCCC-XXXXXX/1660/2065]:
The very powerful Lord, heir of the toads,
Then subjugating, all beneath the universe himself.
The importance of this Quatrain is another late discovery in my research. Edgar Leoni tracks the appearance of the extra Quatrain X-100 to 1605. I have not been able to find that edition, so I present Quatrain C-I, or X-101, from the 1611 edition.
This Quatrain is of course a 1600 Series Prophecy and you must add the appropriate Code Key of 405 CE giving the date 2065. It confirms that The Priory of Sion exists. Nostradamus predicts that Henri Selin will die in 2075.
Before Clovis conversion to Christianity, allegedly the banner of the Merovingian Kings contained toads. During his baptism by St. Rémi in Reims on Christmas Day in 496 CE, an angel descended from heaven with a shield containing the fleurs-de-lis.
Nostradamus is clearly giving validity to the myth and the order of the Pre-Apocalyptic world in Quatrain X-100, when Great Britain rules, and the order in the Post Apocalyptic world in Quatrain X-101, when Henri Selin rules. This is verification of my interpretation of Nostradamus’ theme of The Last Holy Roman Emperor.
Nostradamus Quatrain II-24
Bestes farouches de faim fluues tranner:
Plus part du camp encontre Hister sera,
En caige de fer le grand fera treisner,
Quand Rin enfant Germain obseruera.
Nostradamus Quatrain II-24
Beasts ferocious with hunger will swim across rivers:
The greater part of the army shall be against Hister,
In a cage of iron, the great [one] shall be hauled,
When the German child will observe nothing.
HISTER = HITLER. It is that obvious.
“Hister” is the famous Nostradamus anagram for Hitler. However, the Ister is also the Latin name of the Danube River. Note the possible dual use of this word in its reference to Germany. The inflection suggests that it is the name of a person; but it could be an army with its back pressed to the Danube River.
I believe Adolf Hitler most likely escaped Germany in a U-Boat, the “cage of iron”, and retired in South America.
“Rin” is another possible multidimensional word. It suggests the Rhine River, also an icon of Germany, but it is most likely “Rien”, nothing. “The German child will observe nothing“, including surrender.

Pictures of Adolf Hitler in Argentina, dining at The Eden Hotel in La Fada, Cordoba with the owners, Ida and Walter Eichhorn.
The CIA’s JM/WAVE Station operated out of the University of Miami from 1961 to 1968; I believe they have owned everything in Miami ever since, especially The Miami Herald. That is a Fake News Disclaimer.
Did Hitler FAKE his death? FBI documents claim Fuhrer SURVIVED WW2 and fled to Argentina
In Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, Volume I, I pointed to a series of Quatrains in Chapter Fourteen that I believe apply to World War III.
In The Prophecies of Nostradamus, Erika Cheetham makes a very good case for Quatrain III-58 applying to Adolf Hitler. This would certainly seem to be a possibility, since Quatrain III-57 specifically mentions the nearly three century German influence on the British monarchy that I detailed above.

Nostradamus Quatrain III-57
Sept foys changer verres gent Britannique
Taintz en sang en deux cents nonante an:
Franche, non, point par apui Germanique.
Aries doute son pole Bastarnan.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-57
Seven times will the British nation change
Steeped in blood in two-hundred and ninety years:
Free not at all its support Germanic.
Aries [war] doubt his pole [flag or missiles][in] Bastarnan (Ukraine/S. Poland).
Nostradamus Quatrain III-58
Aupres du Rin des montagnes Noriques
Naistra vn grand de gens trop tard venu,
Qui defendra SAVROME & Pannoniques,
Qu’on ne saura qu’il sera deuenu.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-58
Near the Rhine (River, Germany) from the Noric (Austrian) mountains
Will be born a great one of the people arriving too late,
One who defends Sarmatia (Ukraine) and the Pannonians (Western, Hungary),
One will not know what will have become of him.
Edgar Leoni sees “Bastarnan” as the Latin word Bastarnae, The Bastarnae lived between the Carpathian mountains and the Dnieper River. Today it would encompass an area that stretches from Ukraine and the Black Sea into southern Poland.
“Free not at all its support Germanic” is a reference to the Hanoverian Succession.
Add 290 years and Great Britain was “steeped in blood” in 1991 when it joined George H. W. Bush’s New World Order in the Desert Storm invasion of Iraq. The biggest banks are in Great Britain; the leaders of the Western world do get their marching orders from the City of London.
Erika Cheetham’s interpretation of III-58 in The Prophecies of Nostradamus is equally valid with the events of history except for the last line, “One will not know what will have become of him”. If Hitler did escape, and it appears that he did, this may be that prediction.
Immediately after World War II, the Office of Stategic Services recruited former Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen. Using the exiled white Russian aristocracy and former German intelligence officers, Gehlen eventually became the director of West German intelligence during the Cold War and set up The Gehlen Organisation.
Frank Wisner Sr. became the liaison between the OSS and The Gehlen Organisation. It became a very large and successful network of spies and double agents. As Wisner climbed up the ladder of esponiage success, he became one of the leading members of The Georgetown Set.
There has been much speculation that United States Navy Operation High Jump, which began on August 26th, 1946 was an attempt to attack a secret Nazi Base established in Antarctica at the close of World War II. Allegedly, the Nazi had developed anti-gravity aircraft and retreated with these to their secret bases in South America and Antarctica.
I believe there is evidence related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy that supports this theory of Nazis in South America that no one has examined.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, Page 196
There is a historical anecdote that supports that the Nazis may have developed extraterrestrial technology and then completed their work in South America.
The first is found in a September 7, 1948 document from William Douglas Pawley, a businessman and diplomat who circulated with figures in the intelligence community that are found later in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He was part of OPERATION PBSUCCESS, the CIA’s project to overthrow the democratically elected government of Guatemala, where he worked with Tracy Barnes, Frank Wisner, and E. Howard Hunt.
After a trip to South America, he wrote that Spruille Braden, the Ambassador to Argentina, was attempting to expose “nonexistent and imaginary Nazis in Latin America” as a cover for Braden’s communist sympathies.
William Pawley reportedly died from a self-inflicted gunshot in 1977. It happened during the first year the House Select Committee on Assassinations began looking into the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King.
There is enough evidence that the CIA knew about the Nazis in South America and used them quite extensively for intelligence operations.
After World War II, in 1947 The Fly Saucer Era began. Only recently have I examined reputed photographs of Nazi Flying Saucers. I have not seen any that convince me that they are legitimate. However, I did note that either the forgers took historical descriptions of 1950’s UFOs and applied them to World War II photographs, or some might be real.

Long ago, I had examined photographs from the 1950’s Flying Saucer Period, especially the sightings of Contactee, George Adamski. I always thought that these supposedly futuristic spacecraft looked like a 1950s car. The round, porthole windows seemed dated.

On October 9th, 1946, George Adamski claimed to have seen his first UFO. On November 20th, 1952, Adamski, after numerous UFO sightings, finally met a UFO pilot named Orthon from the planet Venus and so became the world’s first famous UFO Contactee.


1950s UFO enthusiasts seemed to have started the first UFO Cults. Another famous visiting crew from the planet Venus was spacecraft Captain Valiant Thor and two of his crew. They were kind enough to show up at a 1958 meeting of a New Jersey Flying Saucer Club.


The blond Venusian woman sitting alongside the copilot as Val Thor takes notes certainly has unique looks, especially those very long slender fingers. However, the two guys in suits could pass for FBI agents. Val’s copilot looks decidedly uncomfortable with his arms folded across his chest.

That was then, this is now. If those were 1950’s hoaxes, the level and quality of special effects has advanced with processor speed and Adobe Photoshop. The videos of talking Alien Puppets and Alien Spacecraft need a forensic analysis to be proven forgeries.
Why was it necessary for this TR3-B to be dropping flares as it is chased by an unidentified jet. Flares seem to be a conventional defense against heat seeking missiles.
The TR3-B reportedly uses a high-pressure and temperature Mercury plasma. It may not have a radar signature, but perhaps a distinct infrared signature.
The following YouTube video has been removed, but as you can see, its footprint still exists:
I took the code directly from my March 2010 Update, when I also posted the video of the TR3-B over Paris shown below.
The video that was removed clearly showed that the TR3-B was using some form of small rockets on its corners to provide guidance and local maneuvering.
When its alleged high-temperature and pressure Mercury Plasma begins to rotate, the craft loses mass, and the action-reaction rockets on its corners can propel the craft at high speed. Just as in the Paris TR3-B video below, the craft glows and darts away almost instantaneously.
Bruce DePalma did a great deal of research on high-speed rotating bodies that seemed to lose mass.
What is the level of deceit?
The Amaury Rivera Abduction is special because his photographs of three F-14s from the nearby Naval
Air Base chasing a flying disk immediately after his return to Earth grounds the ethereal aspects of the
UFO mythos with good photographs of terrestrial and extraterrestrial hardware together.
The Extraterrestrial’s warning to Rivera and fourteen other Puerto Ricans is similar to the prediction that Nostradamus makes regarding a warning by Rare Birds who will appear in the sky and warn “now, now, now”.
As I wrote in Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, the epic stories of The War of the Gods are not mythology; they are kernels of human history. Those historical truths are spread over 7000 years of human record keeping, and most of these began as religious records.

In the Greek version of that war there are two ages, The Titanomachy and The Gigantomachy.
In the second war, humans and their demigod siblings were needed to defeat the remnant of Titans who had risen up against the new gods ruling from Mount Olympus.
I say this war is still being fought, and I suspect even on a plane of reality that human beings have not recognized.
Certainly, multiple sources of scripture suggest this and the war has yet to be decided.
Millennialists believe we will have a small victory, and then get a thousand year respite in-between battles.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Daniel 12:1 (King James)
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
Nag Hammadi: The Apocryohon of John (Translation: Frank Wisee)
And the man came forth because of the shadow of the light which is in him. And his thinking was superior to all those who had made him. When they looked up, they saw that his thinking was superior. And they took counsel with the whole array of archons and angels.
Why all the ritualistic and occult symbolism? There is a much deeper story here, and it is part of the Big Lie.