I suspect that there are some people who believe that we just scraped by with the missile trading between Israel and Iran. Sadly, I believe that it is not over yet.
The Hitler’s Birthday surprise this year turned out to be the U.S. House of Representatives sending more billions of dollars to the Ukrainian Nazis, who must have some really choice blackmail material on American politicians.
I suggest that Israel got its money too, because of the IDF’s restraint in its attack on Iran the previous day.
This April 19th and April 20th turned out to be very symbolic, and we know that Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels love symbolism and ritual.
ROLL CALL: Israel-Ukraine-Security Supplemental Appropriations Acts

US House approves $61bn in military aid for Ukraine after months of stalling
First, let me address journalist Pepe Escobar’s story regarding Israel’s attack on Iran. It was fed to him by three intelligence sources who told him that Israel had launched an F-35 toward Iran on April 20th, 2024 with a missile carrying a nuclear warhead designed to cause and Electromagnetic Pulse that would destroy Iran’s electrical grid. This airplane was allegedly shot down over eastern Jordan by Russia.
What the truth is, The Common Person of The Street will never know. Personally, I do not believe such an attack would occur without other indicators. The symbolic Israeli attack on Iran was light and left many people asking questions. The fact that Israel was given its money by the U.S. Congress the very next day suggests that Israel was rewarded for not going Full Retard.
If Israel went Full Retard and had initiated a massive attack on Iran, that would have led to a major war and the U.S. Democratic Party’s immediate defeat. Joe Biden is already being called Genocide Joe by The Progressive Left.
‘Genocide Joe has got to go’: Pro-Palestine protestors gather during Biden’s visit to Tampa
Pepe Escobar is a well-respected journalist, who I also deeply respect. I do not doubt what his sources told him. However, I do believe that his intelligence sources were playing him or being played themselves. In the world of Spy vs. Spy, you just never know. Most likely, everybody was signaling what Israel’s next response will be.
The April 19th and April 20th dates for all of these events are a sure sign that we are dealing with Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels.

Les dix Kalendes d’Apuril de faict Gotique
Resuscité encor par gens malins:
Le feu estainct, assemblée diabolique,
Cherchant les or du d’Amant & Pselyn,
Nostradamus Quatrain I-42
The tenth of the Calends of April in Gothic Count [April 20]
Revived again by evil people:
The fire extinguished, diabolical assembly
Seeking the gold owed the lover and Pselyn [Henri Selyn].
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 325
Nostradamus clearly saw the influence of the Nazis when he penned what I believe is one of his greatest predictions. Every Nostradamus interpreter has missed this translation for centuries because he or she has incorrectly converted the Julian and Gregorian dates.
April 19th is the occult day of The Blood Sacrifice to the Beast. This begins the 13-day countdown to the second most sacred day for Satanists, The Beltaine Festival on May 1st, which requires a “fire sacrifice.”
April 20th is Adolf Hitler’s birthday. I discovered this sacrificial two-day period while I was trying to interpret Nostradamus Quatrain I-42. It was the long bloody history prior to Adolf Hitler’s April 20th, 1889 birthday that I found so intriguing and that lends credence to its occult origins.
Every well-known Nostradamus Commentator published in English has missed the fact that the date Nostradamus predicts in Quatrain I-42 is April 20th. When I first read Richard Hoagland’s research about the Nazi influence in NASA and the launching of many missions on April 20th, Adolf Hitler’s birthday, I thought immediately of this Quatrain.
The lines from this Quatrain define these people. The tenth of the Calends of April in Gothic Count (April 20/Hitler’s Birthday), Revived again by evil people, The fire extinguished, diabolical assembly.
Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels is the group who today’s Alternative Media identifies as the satanic pedophiles.
No, Alex Jones did not uncover this group; he simply validated its existence when he crashed their Bohemian Grove party in 1999.
However, it was only after I first saw Jones’ video in 2004, with The Global Elite dressed in robes and dancing around a forty-foot cement statue of an owl called Molech, when I immediately understood the Biblical ramifications. I already knew of Ted Gunderson and David Icke’s work, and I had just spent the previous three-years reading religious scriptures of all kinds, doing research for my first book, The Age of Desolation. Therefore, finding the phrase Pagan Sect of New Infidels in Nostradamus’ Epistle to Henry and then seeing Alex Jones’ video made it all very real for me.
In the years since, I have come to discover that bending the knee to Baal and Molech is the test every human being must take when born onto this Earth.
Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.
And likewise did he for all his strange wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods.
And the LORD was angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned from the LORD God of Israel, which had appeared unto him twice,
And had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods: but he kept not that which the LORD commanded.
Wherefore the LORD said unto Solomon, Forasmuch as this is done of thee, and thou hast not kept my covenant and my statutes, which I have commanded thee, I will surely rend the kingdom from thee, and will give it to thy servant.
The Testament of Solomon, (Translated from the edition of Fleck, Wissensch. Reise)
5. Now when I Solomon heard this, I entered the Temple of God, and prayed with all my soul, night and day, that the demon might be delivered into my hands, and that I might gain authority over him. And it came about through my prayer that grace was given to me from the Lord Sabaoth by Michael his archangel. [He brought me] a little ring, having a seal consisting of an engraved stone, and said to me: “Take, O Solomon, king, son of David, the gift which the Lord God has sent thee, the highest Sabaoth. With it thou shalt lock up all demons of the earth, male and female; and with their help thou shalt build up Jerusalem. [But] thou [must] wear this seal of God. And this engraving of the seal of the ring sent thee is a Pentalpha.”
128. And I Solomon glorified God, and adorned the Temple of the Lord with all fair-seeming. And I was glad in spirit in my kingdom, and there was peace in my days. And I took wives of my own from every land, who were numberless. And I marched against the Jebusaeans, and there I saw Jebusaean, daughter of a man: and fell violently in love with her, and desired to take her to wife along with my other wives. And I said to their priests: “Give me the Sonmanites (i.e. Shunammite) to wife.” But the priests of Moloch said to me: “If thou lovest this maiden, go in and worship our gods, the great god Raphan and the god called Moloch.” I therefore was in fear of the glory of God, and did not follow to worship. And I said to them: “I will not worship a strange god. What is this proposal, that ye compel me to do so much?” But they said: “. . . . . by our fathers.”
129. And when I answered that I would on no account worship strange gods, they told the maiden not to sleep with me until I complied and sacrificed to the gods. I then was moved, but crafty Eros brought and laid by her for me five grasshoppers, saying: “Take these grasshoppers, and crush them together in the name of the god Moloch; and then will I sleep with you.” And this I actually did. And at once the Spirit of God departed from me, and I became weak as well as foolish in my words. And after that I was obliged by her to build a temple of idols to Baal, and to Rapha, and to Moloch, and to the other idols.
130. I then, wretch that I am, followed her advice, and the glory of God quite departed from me; and my spirit was darkened, and I became the sport of idols and demons. Wherefore I wrote out this Testament, that ye who get possession of it may pity, and attend to the last things, and not to the first. So that ye may find grace for ever and ever. Amen.
From The Old Testament books I Kings and II Kings, we learn how the Jewish people succumbed to worshiping Baal and Molech.
Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.
But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.
TaNaKh: Nevi’im: Zephaniah 1
4. “I will stretch out my hand against Judah and against all who live in Jerusalem. I will destroy every remnant of Baal worship in this place, the very names of the idolatrous priests—
5. those who bow down on the roofs to worship the starry host, those who bow down and swear by the LORD and who also swear by Molek,
6. those who turn back from following the LORD and neither seek the LORD nor inquire of him.”
I do credit Alex Jones with finally convincing me that retired FBI agent Ted Gunderson and author David Icke were right, that this satanic group was real and had infiltrated governments around the world.
…A Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI, an American author, and a conspiracy theorist. Some of his FBI case work included the Death of Marilyn Monroe and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. He was the author of the best-selling book How to Locate Anyone Anywhere Without Leaving Home. In later life, he researched a number of topics, notably including satanic ritual abuse.
In 1980, he became a defense investigator for Green Beret doctor Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who had been convicted of the 1970 murders of his pregnant wife and two daughters. Gunderson obtained affidavits from Helena Stoeckley confessing to her involvement in the murders which she claimed had in actuality been perpetrated by a Satanic cult of which she was a member
Alex Jones was not even a teenager when I had read and discounted the work of Ted Gunderson. Today, it is hard to ignore the satanic symbolism that is found everywhere.
But The Global Elite have come up with a psychological disorder for such beliefs.
The Satanic panic is a moral panic consisting of over 12,000 unsubstantiated cases of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA, sometimes known as ritual abuse, ritualistic abuse, organized abuse, or sadistic ritual abuse) starting in the United States in the 1980s, spreading throughout many parts of the world by the late 1990s, and persisting today.

My claim to fame is that I have confirmed this world view in the prophecies of Nostradamus.
As Quatrain I-42 above indicates, the Nazi ideology would be “Revived again by evil people.” There are more Quatrains that Nostradamus wrote narrowing the field of view to England and its German royal family.

Nostradamus Quatrain X-100
Le grand empire sera par Angleterre
Le Pempotam des ans plus de trois cens:
Grandes copies passer par mer & terre,
Les Lusitains n’en seront pas contens.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-100
The great empire will be through England,
The pempotam [all-powerful one] for more than three hundred years;
Great forces to pass by sea and land,
The Lusitanians (Portuguese) will not be content.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 313
The 1701 Act of Settlement led to the House of Orange-Nassau taking control of the British throne.
PAMPOTAMIA could be related to POMPOTANS in Quatrain VIII-97 or PEMPOTAM seen in Quatrain X-100. …In Nostradamus and his Prophecies… Edgar Leoni sees this as a compound word constructed of two Greek and Latin words, Pan, meaning “All”, and “Potens” as “Powerful”, hence “All-powerful”.
Quatrain X-100 relates this squarely to England.
It is the last quatrain of the published ten Centuries. Therefore, the importance of Quatrain X-100 and England’s role in world affairs cannot be understated.
In 1605, an alternate Quatrain X-100 began to be published, and then subsequently numbered Quatrain X-101 in later 17th century editions.

Nostradamus Quatrain III-57
Sept foys changer verrés gent Britannique
Taintz en sang en deux cent nonante an:
Franche, non, point par apui Germanique.
Aries doute son pole Bastarnan.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-57
Seven times will the British nation change
Steeped in blood in two-hundred and ninety years:
Free not at all through Germanic patronage.
Aries [war] doubt his pole [flag or missiles] [in] Bastarnan (Ukraine/S. Poland).
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 561
As I described in Chapter Three, Nostradamus writes in Quatrain X-100, the last Quatrain in The Centuries, that Great Britain has ruled the Western world for over three hundred years.
The 1701 Act of Settlement began the Hanoverian Succession and the German ascendancy to the throne of Great Britain.
This is clearly a very successful prediction. “Free not at all its support Germanic” is a reference to the Hanoverian Succession. Add 290 years and Great Britain was “steeped in blood” in 1991 when it joined George H. W. Bush’s New World Order in the Desert Storm invasion of Iraq. The biggest banks are in Great Britain; the leaders of the Western world do get their marching orders from the City of London. Gog and Magog are, therefore, the appropriate symbols as the guardians to the financial interests of the globe.
Incidentally, 1991 was also the recognized year of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
“Pole” becomes the key to understanding the last line. It may mean lance, standard, or missile. “[The] war [in] doubt, his pole [in] Bastarnan (Ukraine/Southern Poland)”. If we take “son” as “his” and “his” implying the “British nation” then at face value, the 2014 NATO coup d’état in Ukraine involves the planting of NATO’s standard in Ukraine.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 715-716
Edgar Leoni sees “Bastarnan” as the Latin word Bastarnae, The Bastarnae lived between the Carpathian mountains and the Dnieper River. Today it would encompass an area that stretches from Ukraine and the Black Sea into southern Poland.
As I described in Chapter Four, Nostradamus writes in Quatrain X-100, the last Quatrain in The Centuries, that Great Britain has ruled the Western world for over three hundred years.
The 1701 Act of Settlement began the Hanoverian Succession and the German ascendancy to the throne of Great Britain.
This is clearly a very successful prediction. “Free not at all its support Germanic” is a reference to the Hanoverian Succession.
Add 290 years and Great Britain was “steeped in blood” in 1991 when it joined George H. W. Bush’s New World Order in the Desert Storm invasion of Iraq. The biggest banks are also in Great Britain. The leaders of the Western world get their marching orders from the City of London and Rothschild Banks.
Gog and Magog therefore, are the appropriate symbols for the guardians of the financial interests of the globe.
Quatrain III-57 is also part of The Senile Leader Triplicate Series predicting Nuclear War. Readers should also note the great part that England is playing in the Ukrainian War.
UK Defense Chief Says Ukraine To Increase Long-Range Strikes In Russia

Another prediction that I have come up with is that Nostradamus’ Defender of Ukraine who will disappear is most likely Volodymyr Zelensky. He is going to disappear with all of the U.S. money that he has stolen. The joke on everyone will be that he will be made a “hero martyr, disappeared by the Russians.”
CIA To Zelensky: ‘Please Stop Stealing So Much.’
With Israel’s war on Hamas about to move to the next level with its upcoming invasion of the Palestinian city of Rafah, predictably, antisemitism is now erupting at college and university campuses across the United States.
I believe that this is being led by Barack Obama, the CIA hired Muslim Community Activist, laying down the social agenda behind the scenes for The Progressive Left and The Global Elite. This prediction is also part of a Nostradamus’ Triplicate Series.
In Nostradamus’ Quatrain X-75, “One issued from the league of Great Hermes” is this occult connection to Barack Obama and his upbringing.
In Quatrain X-76, we have the Trump anagram. In my 2017 and 2019 books, I warned that The Jill Kelley Generals were preparing deceit against their President, Donald J. Trump.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 595
I feel that parts of this Quatrain are still in play. As I mentioned above, with “feront” translated as “prepare”, line three takes on a different context in conjunction with Quatrain X-77, below, “His [David H. Petraeus] adherents prepare at the sound of Trump.”
His adherents are part of Donald J. Trump’s Defense Department. Current Secretary of Defense James Mattis and David Petraeus coauthored the same book. In fact, both Generals share the same scandal.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 595
Another interpretation using the multidimensional perspective, “His [David Petreaus] adherents [Jill Kelley Generals] prepare deceit at the sound of [Trump]”.
These consecutive Triplicate Series in Century X almost completely lay out the social engineering plans of The Pagan Sect.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 692
If we go with the anagram of Trump in conjunction with Deception, the prediction matches what really happened to Donald J. Trump.
“His [David H. Petraeus] adherents [The Jill Kelley Generals] prepare [deception] at the sound of Trump.” As I have shown in the previous chapter, we now know this to be true.
In Quatrain X-77, we have the conclusion to the Triplicate Series. It is the sinking of an American naval fleet by Iran that will bring Barack Obama openly back to power during a National Emergency.
I suppose that I am putting it all on the line when I suggest that this could happen in the next few months. The Battle of Armageddon is coming and Israel is going to fall.
In my own work, I still walk the razor’s edge on whether Israel’s destruction will come during Phase I or Phase II of The Apocalypse. Phase I is a Limited Nuclear War, Phase II is a Large-scale Nuclear War. In-between those two phases is the three-year and seven-month False Peace.
Given Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s age, his fate seems slated for events that might come before the end of this year. How does that fit into the picture?
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-96
La Synagogue sterile sans nul fruit,
Sera receuë entre les infideles,
De Babylon la fille du porsuit,
Misere & triste luy trenchera les aisles.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-96
The Synagogue [Jerusalem] sterile, bearing no fruit,
Will be received the infidels entering,
Of Babylon the daughter of pursuit,
Miserable and sad her wings severed.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-97
Nouuelle loy terre neufue occuper
Vers la Syrie, Iudee, & Palestine:
Le grand Empire Barbare corruer,
Auant que Phebés son siecle determeine.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-97
New law to occupy the new land,
Around Syria, Judea, and Palestine:
The great Barbarian Empire will decay,
Before the Moon’s [Islam’s] cycle is determined.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 34:5
Its greatest cities will be depopulated and those who enter within will fall under the vengeance of the wrath of God.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 34:5
Israel’s greatest cities will be made uninhabitable by nuclear radiation. Those who enter will fall under the vengeance of the wrath of God.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:1
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:1
The sepulcher, the object of such great veneration, will for a long time remain in the open, exposed to the universal sight of the heavens, of the Sun and the Moon.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:1
The sepulcher and the holiest shrines in Israel will be destroyed and remain open to the elements.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:2
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:2
The holy place will be converted into a stable for a herd small and large and adapted for profane substances.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:2
The holy place will become a prison and adapted for profane purposes.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:3
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:3
Oh what a calamitous affliction will befall pregnant women.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:3
Pregnant women will be greatly affected by the radioactive fallout.
Then let them which be in Judea flee to the mountains;
Matthew 24:17
Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house:
Matthew 24:18
Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
Matthew 24:19
And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
Now consider Matthew 24:16 thru 24:19. It sounds remarkably like Nostradamus’ prediction. Does this sound like Israel wins?
Most of us will not be around for round two, when Israel is reconquered.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-14
Saturne & Mars en Leo Espagne captiue,
Par chef Libique au conflit attrapé,
Proche de Malte, Heredde prinse viue,
Et Romain sceptre sera par coq frappé.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-14
Saturn [bad luck] and Mars [war] in Leo [Jul 23rd – Aug 22nd] Spain captive,
Through the Libyan chief trapped in the conflict,
Near Malta, Heredde [Herod] captured alive,
The Roman scepter struck by the cock [French].
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 651
I wonder if Herrode is a reference to the historical Herod the Great who ruled Israel under the aegis of the Roman Empire. Remember the quote from Sixain XXXIV, “the Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable to committing the heinous and execrable deed”. Is this Herrode, who was supported by the Empire of Aquilon, an exiled leader from Israel after it has been overrun by the Chinese-Islamic Alliance? It is easy to see Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in this role.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 806
“Herrede taken alive” is certainly a reference to Herod the Great, the leader of Israel during the Roman occupation. Thus, Nostradamus’ reference to “The Roman scepter struck” alludes to Israel’s overlord NATO as the Roman Empire.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 807
…“Herrode taken alive” is more than likely the current Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, a vassal leader of The New World Order and Rome.
Spain is due two invasions, one from Russia and one from the New Xerxes leading Al-Mahdi’s Islamic Alliance. Therefore, this will occur after the collapse of The False Peace.
From here to there means a limited Nuclear War involving Russia, China, and the United States within the next few months. I still am working out on how “Limited” this may be. Then I suspect that The False Peace may be negotiated by January or February of 2025.
At my age, survival with the cannibals does not seem too appealing. I am a chronicler. I became self-aware watching The Watergate Hearings when I was seventeen-years old and enjoying the Summer break before my first year of college. On the day when FAA Director Alexander Butterfield told the world that the White House and Oval Office were bugged, I was watching it live and knew exactly what that meant.
In 2024, I now understand that that The Watergate Scandal was related to the CIA operation to remove Richard Nixon from power and begin the formation of the Group of Seven Nations.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 526
Big plans seemed to have been set in motion in 1974. It began with the British elections on February 28th, 1974 and a Hung Parliament a day later.
President Pompidou of France died on April 2nd, 1974 and his successor resigned.
West German Chancellor Willy Brandt resigned on May 7th, 1974 and three of his successors passed through the position by the end of the year.
President Richard Nixon of the United States was forced to resign on August 8th, 1974.
Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka of Japan resigned in a scandal on December 9th,/sup>, 1974.
There was more to The Watergate Scandal than history records. In the light of the removal of four world leaders in 1974, these original core nations would later form the Group of Seven Nations, the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany, Japan, Canada, and Italy.
And so frankly, it is disheartening to read many of these uninformed articles from amateurs throughout the Alternative Media who cannot maintain any continuity of thought with this well-documented history, and therefore cannot properly predict what comes next.
Some people understand only part of the equation.
“Taken Out By The FBI, CIA, & Bob Woodward” – Tucker Carlson Says Watergate Was Orchestrated To Remove President Nixon From Office
Enter, The Jew-Haters…
Simply put to all the Jew-Haters, there is no Christianity without the Jewish religion. The foundation of Christianity is bound to Jewish scripture, hence the concept Judeo-Christian values.
Moses was a Jew, Jesus Christ was a Jew. What precepts do these morons follow? Perhaps they bend the knee to good old Nazi Teutonic mythology.
Today, we now see the Jew-Haters coming out of the closet. They are easy to spot; you will hear them use the word Zionist ad nauseam or blame all the Jews in the world for the actions of the Israeli government. This is a generalization that does not sit well with me, because many Jewish people have settled in countries around the world and are not the least bit responsible for the decisions that are made in Jerusalem and Israel.
A simple reading of The Old Testament puts these bigots in their place.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2007, Page 33
Although attributed to Moses, there is scholarly consensus that the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, known as The Torah to Jews and called The Pentateuch by the early Greeks, are a compilation of oral traditions written down centuries after his death, perhaps near 1100 BCE.
But whether prophesied by Moses or vaticinia ex eventu (prophecy after the event), it is made abundantly clear that after settling in Canaan, the children of Israel would have a tendency to drift away from the “Book of the Law.”
For I know that after my death ye will utterly corrupt yourselves.
In II Kings you will read that The Torah was lost around the same time that the Canaanite gods came to be worshiped in the Temple of Jerusalem. Throughout the books of The Old Testament the god of Moses vies with the Canaanite gods, Baal and Ashtaroth, as deities of Hebrew worship. This is an important spiritual contest and mytheme.
Therefore, what we are dealing with in Jerusalem today are The Baal Worshipers. These are the same satanic cultists who have infiltrated the governments of Great Britain, the United States, and most of the nations in Western Europe.
I feel that a simple reading of The Old Testament is all that is required to call out all the antisemites. However, it is the Christian Elmer Gantries, also previously called by me, The 19th Century Soothsayer Christians, who have not been able to add up two plus two.
Sadly, the Alternative Media Christian Elmer Gantries are just as ignorant as the Alternative Media Jew-Haters, who also have not been able to call out the satanists in Jerusalem. For them it is Jew this and Jew that, not Israeli this or Israeli that.
For those Conservative Christian Alternative Media websites who play to this false narrative of supporting Jerusalem while heaping scorn and hate on the Palestinians, you are no better than the Jew-Haters.
Hamas and the PLO will always be terrorist organizations. The mercenaries of choice used by the satanist social engineers have always been Islamic fundamentalists. The origins of ISIS made this a glaring fact confirmed by Wikileaks emails.
Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS
Emails released by WikiLeaks add to the growing body of evidence that Gulf regimes have backed the Islamic State
I am terribly vexed; I do not understand how people steeped in Conspiracy Theory cannot maintain continuity of thought. Once a variable is defined, you must apply that definition across the spectrum of the historical narrative.
How many Alternative Media websites have regurgitated infamous Freemason Albert Pike’s letter to Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini? In 1859, Albert Pike became the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction; he had a powerful influence on Freemasonry’s direction. In a letter to Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini, Pike outlined Freemasonry’s plan for the future, including three World Wars.
I have read the Cardinal of Chile, JoseÌ MariÌa Caro RodriÌguez’s 1925 book. The letter is mentioned in that book, so it is obviously not a fake.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 357
Clearly, Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels are causing the three Abrahamic religions to destroy themselves. This was the essence of Albert Pike’s letter to Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini; so, the real war is not Christians and Jews battling Muslims.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 370
Certainly, there is a bigger plan at work, and that was made clear in Albert Pike’s letter to Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini. I have the 1925 book, The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled, written by the Cardinal of Chile, JoseÌ MariÌa Caro RodriÌguez. Albert Pike’s letter is the foundation of that book. Therefore, the letter existed nearly a hundred years ago and was not a 1950s invention.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 376
To remind readers, “The Plan” is late conservative William F. Buckley’s worst nightmare; they want to Immanentize the Eschaton. No sacrifice is too great to bring about heaven-on-Earth, including Armageddon.
This of course brings us back to the infamous Freemason, Albert Pike and his alleged letter outlining a future that included three World Wars.
I suggest that two Popes, Donald J. Trump, and Prince Harry (Henry) Windsor are attempts to game the system and engineer fate.
Therefore, what we are seeing today is “The Albert Pike Plan” unfolding before our eyes. Across the Alternative Media, people will wax on as if Trump or Biden, or MAGA and ANTIFA are the issues. It is all a socially engineered distraction, and it is so much bigger than that. I understand that websites need a daily churn to stay relevant, and the factual posts on issues such as the origin of COVID-19 are so absolutely necessary. However, I now avoid the emotional polarization and opinions of Alternative Media writers trying to generate clickbait.
I feel that this is the most Christian thing that I can do.
Many people on both sides still just do not get it, and I certainly do not want to get into the middle of that. I just read the history, try to balance out the mythology and the religion, and then I maintain continuity of thought when I am making guesses about the future.
Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Joe Rogan touched upon several important points.
Congressmen Are “Terrified Of The Intel Agencies”; Tucker Carlson Warns They’ll Frame Them With “Kiddie Porn”
Stunningly, Carlson tells Rogan that congressmen were “terrified” that intelligence agencies will frame them with “kiddie porn” if they openly opposed the “warrantless spying” bill.
Specifically, he says US lawmakers “told” him that they are “worried” about being punished by intel agencies if they oppose reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
“People don’t say that because they’re worried about being punished. They’re worried about someone putting kiddie porn on their computer. Members of Congress are terrified of the intel agencies. I’m not guessing at that. They’ve told me that — including people on the intel committee, including people who run the intel committee…”
All of today’s political and philosophical arguments collapse to one day in history, November 22nd, 1963.
The successful assassination of President John F. Kennedy led to the successful assassinations of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King in the same year, 1968.
These three successful murders gave birth to “Conspiracy Theory.” This is the cornerstone of every political argument since 1963, not only for the United States, but for Western Europe and NATO, Nostradamus’ Aquilon.
The Coup d’état Deep State of 1963 gave birth to The Deep State of 2024. Therefore, everything that the United States government puts out must be questioned. All political debates become pointless in the face of this great historical fraud.
Therefore, I would tell all Progressive Leftists who parrot The Deep State, they are supporting the murderers of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King. Those people who were responsible are now long dead, but their hand-picked successors control The Deep State and the U.S. military today.
As I mentioned above, it was not only an American Conspiracy; it was a conspiracy within NATO. This gave birth to The Global Elite and Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
The historical evidence that every reader can discover for him or herself is The Years of Lead in Italy. This decade of synthetic terrorism was conducted by fascist NATO follow-on forces posing as Communists. These were the post-World War II Nazi sympathizers.
Nostradamus makes it quite clear that The Palestinian Problem will lead to Armageddon.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:2
combien que par les Azos tains voudroit mesler dedans le miel du fiel, & leur pestifere seduction: & cela sera proche du septiesme millenaire, que plus le sanctuaire de Jesus-Christ ne sera conculqué par les infideles qui viendront de l’Aquilon,
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:2
Although the Azostains/Philistines would like to mix the honey of bile, and their pestilent seduction; and this will be near the seventh millenary, when the sanctuary of Jesus Christ will no longer be trodden down by the infidels who will come from Aquilon.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:2
Although the Palestinians will suffer, they mix honey with bile to seduce terrorism and war. But the real infidels will be those politicians and military-industrial leaders of Aquilon and the [New World Order] who used the Christian Church to launch a New Crusade and remodel the world in their image.
Following this paragraph, Nostradamus introduces The Great Conflagration. Obviously, this sounds like Nuclear War.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:3
The world approaches a great conflagration, although, according to calculations in my prophecies, the course of time runs much further.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:3
The world will then approach a conflagration. Although according to my calculations, the world will not end with nuclear war. The course of time will go much further.
Before the October 7th, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, some websites and readers believed that nuclear weapons would be used in Ukraine. I believe George Ure over at has gotten it right. Nobody wants to be the first to pop off a nuke.
That is why the use of the first two nuclear weapons will be by unknown terrorists. “And of such deeds one will not see the issue [Cause/Terrorism].”
I have called these two Nostradamus predictions The First and Second Blows of Steel. I have long expected that these will be two nuclear terrorist events. The first in a Palestinian territory, the second will be in Italy.
Nostradamus Sixain XLV (43)
De coup de fer, tout le monde eƒtonné,
Par Crocodil eƒtrangement donné,
A vn bien grand parent de la ƒangƒuë,
Et peu apres ƒera vn autre coup
De guet à pend, commis contre le loup,
Et de tels ƒaits on verra l’iƒƒuë.
Nostradamus Sixain XLV (43)
The entire world astonished by a blow of steel,
Strangely given by the Crocodile [Egypt],
To a very great one, relative of the leech [Palestinians],
And shortly after there will be another blow
By foul play, committed against the wolf [Italy],
And of such deeds one will not see the issue [Cause/Terrorism].
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 485
“And of such deeds one will not see the result” certainly implies that two notable terrorist incidents using a nuclear weapon will occur against the Relative of the Leech and the wolf. Of course, the wolf is an allusion to Romulus and Remus, the mythological twin brothers who founded Rome and who were both raised by a she-wolf.
Now I infer the use of nuclear weapons in Italy from another prediction that certain areas of northern Italy will be forbidden lands, and also from Sixain XIX above, which outlines the years and mentions the “incendiary.”
Here is how I derive the metaphor for one target being somewhere in Palestinian held land. I have considered and offered in all the editions of this book that it might be in the West Bank or Gaza.
On my Nostradamus Timeline, I saw that window open up around the 9th of Av of 2023, and I wrote about it here.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 720
The Trump Administration worked exclusively for Israel. The Temple Triplicate Series is another important set of prophecies. However, in Quatrain VI-21, I once thought the line, “Newly elected supporting the great temple” applied to Donald J. Trump as the “newly elected leader.” I now believe that this applies to the reelection of Benjamin Netanyahu as the Prime Minister of Israel, who was sworn in on December 29th, 2022.
He has formed the most right-wing government in Israel’s history. I believe that the 9th of Av in 2023 brought about the symbolic destruction of Israel. The Israeli judicial system underwent major reforms that infuriated many Israelis and became law on July 24th, 2023.
On July 27th, 2023, The 9th of Av, Israelis were told to obey these changes to their government and not to protest. Israel was taken over by a group of maniacal racists who will try to destroy the Palestinians.
Also in that Tucker Carlson interview with Joe Rogan they touched upon The UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomenon. As I wrote in my first book, this is where all human religions begin.
“It’s pretty clear to me that they’re spiritual entities whatever that means are Supernatural and which is to say Supernaturals means above the natural above the observable uh nature.”
2) Rogan reiterates his long-held fear of the potential for artificial intelligence to evolve beyond human control, transforming into a new form of life that could dramatically alter our understanding and existence.
“Digital Life it’s going to give birth to a new life form and I think we’re real close to that I think we’re way closer than that to that than most people would ever want to admit.“
The UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomenon connects to subjects that are too deep for a brief discussion here. It is an important cornerstone of my work, and that is why it took five chapters in my first book to outline the history. This was necessary, because Nostradamus is quite clear that we will be visited by “Rare Birds” who will give humanity an important message.
Unfortunately, there are idiots on the Internet who are trying to sell a coming Fake Alien Invasion. Given this very long and ancient history, there will be nothing fake about the alleged Project Blue Beam. However, it must be put in the proper context.
As readers will note on that page, I recount the Vedic/Hindu myth of The Holocaust of Parashurama.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2007, page 149
During the Treta Yuga, a previous dark age, the Kshatriyas (Vedic Knights) put aside their chivalric code and forgot their responsibilities as a warrior caste and so they stole what they wanted. Parashurama, who was supposed to be an incarnation of the supreme god, Vishnu, destroyed all of them because of their arrogance.
Only the Kshatriyas of the Abhira were able to escape by hiding in craters and underground. Of course this is a remarkable correlation with the myths of the Nephilim, and most especially the demise of some of them and the imprisonment of others under various mountains of the world.
Some researchers believe that the Hebrews are descendants of the Abhira. Is The Holocaust of Parashurama related to The Holocaust of World War II? Is this why the Jews have been hunted throughout history?
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2007, page 170
We have many conflicting perspectives of this war of the gods. Also, there is the possibility that the Hebrew people are descendants of the Abhira Kshatriyas that escaped from Parashurama’s intended extermination of all the warlike Kshatriyas.
And from Canto Eleven of the S’rîmad Bhâgavatam, it seems that the curse upon the Yadu Dynasties has certain similarities to the plight and persecution of the Hebrews throughout history. Then there is Arjuna’s rescue of the Yadav women from the impending flood of Krishna’s city of Dwarka. This too carries a resonant theme with the Flood myth.
Consider too, that Noah may also have been the eighth and last antediluvian Sumerian king, Ziusudra, which in effect makes him a follower of the Sumerian Asura gods who were considered demons in Vedic mythology. There certainly is no clear dividing line between sides; at one point in early Indo-Aryan mythology the distinction between the Asuras and Devas was not definable in terms of good and bad. So, if it all gets a bit confusing, let the following verse give you some guidance.
One can understand whether a living entity is a demon or a demigod by understanding that living entity’s devotional performances. A thoughtful man can understand how much a person is favored by the Supreme Lord by seeing his actions.
This advice is as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago. It is apparent that one group of gods could not be defeated on Earth and another group of gods had to resort to some type of planetary disaster to dislodge their opponents.
The gods and the Danavas, though brothers, are ever at hostility with each other. How can I, therefore, make an alliance with those that are our enemies?
This is what I mean by there being larger things at work here. I do not see this depth of research in other people’s work. This is the precise reason why I stay out of the emotional political diatribe that is never ending in the Alternative Media.
Frankly, I find it amusing that it will most likely be The Progressive Left who kicks off The Second American Civil War and Martial Law. However, The Progressive Left will soon discover that Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islam are not their friends.
Popular Iranian Rapper Sentenced To Death For Supporting ‘Anti-Hijab Protests’
More than 3,000 hate crime complaints made to Police Scotland
A large number were about a 2020 speech by First Minister Humza Yousaf (the first Muslim and second generation immigrant elected to the Scottish Parliament) – then justice secretary – highlighting white people in prominent public roles.
Community Safety Minister Siobhian Brown said people were making “fake and vexatious complaints”.
Besides the Islamic invasion of Europe, which I predicted in 2007, the Conservative Christian Alternative Media is finally coming around to more of my Nostradamus’ predictions… except they like to leave out Nostradamus and my name.
MUST SEE: O’Keefe Media Group Uncovers who is Really Running the White House – Special Advisor Reveals That Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Are Still Involved Behind The Scenes! (VIDEO)
In 2017, I did not see one prediction touting the return of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton anywhere in the Alternative Media. Trump supporters were expertly distracted by The Q PYSOP and Trump’s empty rhetoric and whiffle ball punches at The Deep State.
The following quotes from my 2017 book are now seven-years old. I actually expected a coup d’état against Donald J. Trump in 2019. That came the following year disguised as a rigged Presidential Election.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 693
If Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton again appear on the world stage as leaders of a reformed United States’ Federal Government, or if Barack Obama becomes the Secretary General of the United Nations, then my interpretations will not sound so crazy.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 12
Bill and Hillary Clinton’s connections to convicted child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, the occult, and an international child exploitation ring are now public. The revelation of the secrets held by Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels comes in conjunctions with the threat of war between NATO, Russia, and China.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 595
However, with The Great Scandal ready to explode onto the world stage, I still see former Attorney General Loretta Lynch as a possible candidate, especially if Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton lead a military coup d’état in 2019.
I also found Donald J. Trump’s support of moving Israel’s capital to Jerusalem and giving them the Golan Heights troubling. This meant that there would never be a two-state solution to the so-called Palestinian Problem. I also found the Jeffrey Epstein connection to Mossad deeply troubling, and that thread can be followed back to Donald J. Trump’s immoral mentor, Roy M. Cohn.
In my books, I have quite clearly associated Sixain XXXIV with Israel opening the seven seals in the Book of Revelation.

Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
Princes & Seigneurs tous ƒe feront la guerre,
Couƒin germain le frere auec le frere,
Tiny l’Arby de l’heureux de Bourbon,
De Hieruƒalem les Princes tant aymables,
Du fait commis enorme & execrables,
Se reƒƒentiront ƒur la bourƒe ƒans fond.
Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
Princes and Lords will all make war against one and other,
First cousin, brother against brother,
[L’Arby/Arab League] finished by the happy Bourbon,
The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable,
To committing the heinous and execrable deed,
They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 229
Israel will not be alone in its decision to attack Iran. “The Princes of Jerusalem” will agree with the agenda set by those Princes and Lords who control the Western alliance, those countries who have sworn allegiance to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Empire of Aquilon.
“Arabs finished by the happy ones of Bourbon” is a reference to Nostradamus’ hero Henri Selin who is a descendant of the Dauphin and the House of Bourbon and who will fight against the Antichrist in the American Civil War and go on to beat back the Chinese-Islamic invasion of the West.
“They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.” This alludes to Israel feeling the effects of the global economic collapse. The United States does not have a bottomless purse.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, Page 83
Sixain XXXIV and Quatrain II-15 may give a temporal indicator of when Global Economic Collapse will come. “The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable, to committing the heinous and execrable deed. They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.” This may be an Israeli action leading to full-scale war in the Levant.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, Page 83
As much as you analyze the potential flashpoints in this global order of battle, the hint that sparks global war is line four in Nostradamus’ Sixain XXXIV and the Book of Revelation.
And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
It is quite clear from the facts of the day, that Israel and Sunni Islam have shared interests and cooperate.
I have always believed that Revelation 5:5 predicts that Israel will “loose the seven seals” of The Apocalypse. In the following chapters, you will read both the prophecies in Sunni Hadith and the prophecies of Nostradamus and they point to the same predictions.
And so all the pieces are now in place. Israel and Iran have finally traded punches, and next comes Israel’s invasion of Rafah and then Egypt breaking the Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty.
IDF Shelling Hammers Rafah As Egypt Sends Top Intel Official To Avert Ground Offensive
Israel Moves Closer to Rafah Invasion as Iran Crisis Wanes
Israel Prepares Rafah Evacuation With Help From US, Egypt – New Tent City Erected
The pieces involving Turkey have also fallen into place.
NATO Member Rolls Out Red Carpet For Hamas Chief

Nostradamus Quatrain V-47
Le grand Arabe marchera bien auant,
Trahy sera par les Bisantinois:
L’antique Rodes luy viendra au deuant,
Et plus grand mal par austre Pannonois.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-47
The great Arab will march far forward,
Betrayed through the Byzantines (Turks):
Ancient Rhodes (Greece) will come to meet him,
And greater harm through Austria and Pannonias (Hungary).
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 598
“The great Arab” is clearly the 42-Nation Sunni Islamic army.
We now understand Turkey’s betrayal because of the failed CIA-backed coup d’état and President Trump’s threats to destroy the Turkish economy.
Russia, Turkey, and Iran have agreed to setup “safe zones” in Syria. Russia has told the United States that coalition aircraft entering the Syrian Safe Zones will be shot down.
I also expect Turkey to begin making its moves on the Greek islands off of the coast of Turkey very soon.
Turkey-Greece tensions flare (again) over marine park plans
Be careful, Ankara warns Athens.
Turkey has threatened Greece with a loss of sovereignty over islands in the Aegean

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