There is some hot news coming off the wires that fits with the material that I have published in my books and on this website; however, I need to fill readers in on the back story.

As Regular Readers know, I decided to deal with some health issues before the end of civilization and modern medicine came along, and I was waiting for the beginning of this new year to deal with those issues. In January, I had some out patient surgery. Unfortunately, the wound became infected, and that led to a much worse second surgery and nearly a week in the hospital on intravenous antibiotics. The good news is that I got to live and keep my leg and go home.

Over the last few weeks, I have had the help of home healthcare nurses to deal with dressing changes and then weekly wound care to make sure that I was healing; so, its been a test of personal limits.

I must say that life has been a slobber-knocker of a fight since the end of October of 2023, and perhaps the old adage, the flak gets heaviest when you are over the target applies.

November 26, 2023

It certainly has been a tough five-months. Tie in a major move, preparing for the end of my job in November, a simple operation that turned into a deadly ordeal, and then two-months out of work recuperating, my Apocalypse seemed to have arrived last October. Without a doubt, each of us is looking Doom and Nuclear War straight in the eye, and I certainly had a lot to get done before it showed up, but the Doctors told me to just sit in a chair for two months and heal.

The most likely reason there was a second operation is because I found that hard to do after the first operation, and I went right back to work. This time I listened. However, after two-weeks spent working on my reading list, I decided that I might as well use the down-time to rebuild the HTML portion of this website.

I had not updated those pages in two-years, and so I decided I could burn some time and boredom by attending to the needs of this website.


These web pages have existed in one form or another on this website since December 10th, 2007 and contained the foundation of my interpretations of Nostradamus’ prophecies. In 2018, I went to the WordPress format and that can have its problems. When these problems arise, I have to work through the dashboard that my web hosting company supplies and I need an Internet connection to write a Post.

When I was just writing my own HTML pages, I created one universal style sheet that allowed me to take a 1,200 pixel page and build it anyway I wanted, and there is a great deal of freedom in that. When I was finished, I simply used a File Transfer Program to upload the new pages directly to my web hosting server. There were not many layers between me and the product that I wanted to produce. The WordPress formats are slick looking, but the template is severely limited. It is very linear and all vertical. Sometimes one idea needs to branch horizontally in two or three, or more ways.

After this latest brush with mortality, I decided that I wanted to build the same pages in one unified manner. Professional Nostradamus Commentary was not a career choice, and back in 2007, I just wanted to sell one book; so, the website grew with no plan or direction, and it has become an unruly mess. Imagine adding another room to your house without paying attention to the form or flow of the house.

I also wanted to rebuild something that was leaner and more permanent. I discovered many of the embedded YouTube videos that I have supplied over the years have now been censored. Today, readers see big, dark gray boxes telling them that the video is no longer available.

One important video that I believe needs to survive is George Soros 60 Minutes interview where he freely admits that as a Jew, he had no problems seizing the property of other Jews and collaborating with the Nazis. As those videos are pulled, some good people upload them again under a different name; so, I have learned to download the important videos.


And so, for the last month I have sat at my desk for 12-hour days and rebuilt the website following the structure of my books. Of Nostradamus 1,321 prophecies, a third of those deal with World War III, and so that becomes a great amount of material to connect. Since the puzzle pieces are all interconnected, I have built buttons to link seemingly disparate parts.

Most importantly, if my website ever goes down, this part of it is now completely independent of the Internet. I can restore the entire site in about 30-seconds. It fits in two folders on a thumb drive and can be viewed in any browser. Since I now have important videos that support my years of work, I can write that into the code if I want.

I like to know how the machinery works and who is operating it; so, my last book is a notebook full of details, and I have put some of that material into these new web pages too; because people need to know the players and the networks. Chess is a difficult game with a blindfold on.

The WordPress format allows me to give readers a daily assessment of world events juxtaposed to what I have written since 2007. Since 2018, this will be my 315th post. If that material is ever hacked or censored, it is all opinion and fluff. It is nearly impossible to present the scope of my material in one post without pointing to some reference, generally, they have been links to these old HTML pages. My books tell a very detailed story, and I have taken 17-years of quotes from my books and rebuilt these web pages in a modular form.

The majority of my material was just supposition in 2007; in 2024, it all now perfectly lines up. Being immersed once again in Nostradamus’ writings for nearly the last two-months, putting images and links to current events that support what I have written has shown me how precise Nostradamus’ vision must have been. We all have the power, it just remains untapped.

I find it interesting that on the night before it was announced that Jacob Rothschild died, I had a dream that I was walking through a poor tenement building, and when I went into one apartment, I could see that the balcony had collapsed. When I looked out the shattered balcony sliding glass door to the parking lot below, I could see that an old man dressed in a cheesy red lame devil’s custom was lying dead in the rubble.

February 26, 2024
Jacob Rothschild, Financier and Philanthropist, Dies at 87

As I have written on this website more than a few times, nobody gets out alive.

My latest brush with mortality was number two for me.

One of the few people in this world who I can relate to is George Ure over at UrbanSurvival.com. Like George, I am on a serious quest to understand what “Life” is “all about“, and how it works.

Not too many people are trying to figure out how time works; therefore, on occasion, George and I bounce ideas off one and other, and I have become very interested in his recording of dreams.

Dreams offer us a glimpse behind the illusion we call physical life. It is a form of time travel and the crazy dream symbolism is just like HTML code. I have always found it amazing that the numbers, letters, symbols, and code are transparent as we look at the images on our computer screens.

In two consecutive nights after my dead devil in the cheesy costume dream, I also had two more interesting dreams; one involved an object from space nearly hitting the Earth, and the other involved Nuclear War. How do we decode that? Is this some heavenly revelation or have I just been working in this website too much?


Nostradamus Quatrain II-12
Yeus clos ouuerts d’antique fantaƒie,
L’habit des ƒeuls ƒeront mis à neant:
Le grand Monarque chaƒtiera leur freneƒie,
Rauir des temples le threƒor par deuant.

Nostradamus Quatrain II-12
Eyes opened closed by antique fantasy,
The habit of the monks will be put to naught:
The great monarch will chastise their frenzy,
Ravishing the treasure in front of the temples.


Nostradamus Quatrain II-13
Le corps sans ame plus n’estre en sacrifice:
Iour de mort mis en natiuité:
L’esprit diuin fera l’ame felice,
Voyant le verbe en son eternité.

Nostradamus Quatrain II-13
The body without soul no longer to be sacrificed:
Day of death put for birthday:
The divine spirit will make the soul happy,
Seeing the word in its eternity.

Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 784
The last two predictions above are obviously related and part of a pair. As I have pointed out so many times in this book, that makes them very important. Quatrain II-12 seems to imply that priests and monks will become a relic of the past. “The habit of the monks will be put to naught”.

And so that brings me to an important part of my latest book, Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024; as I have written here, I have discovered several more Trump anagrams in Nostradamus’ prophecies. Donald J. Trump is officially the third most reappearing character in Nostradamus’ writings, Henri Selin and The Black King being first and second respectively.

There is one Quatrain that suggests that there will not be a Republican Convention, and it includes an anagram for Trump, tromperie.


Nostradamus Quatrain VI-64
On ne tiendra pache aucune arresté,
Tous receuans iront par tromperie:
De paix & trefue terre & mer protesté;
Par Barcelone classe prins d’industrie.

Nostradamus Quatrain VI-64
They will not hold [a] convention no arrests,
All the subscribers will act through deceit [Trump]:
In peace and truce, land and sea protest,
By Barcelona (Spain) fleet seized through industry.

And then there was this VERY important item…


March 18, 2024
Just In: Barack Obama Caught on Video Entering Home of UK Prime Minister—Why?


Nostradamus Quatrain IX-58
Au costé gauche à l’endroit de Vitry,
Seront guettez les trois rouges, de France,
Tous assomez rouge, noir non meurdry,
Par les Bretons remis en asseurance.

Nostradamus Quatrain IX-58
As collateral [for the] left at the location of Vitry,
Will be lookouts [for] the three reds [Muslims] of France,
All disabled red [Muslim], Black [King] not murdered,
By the Bretons [English] restored and assured.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 981
This clearly describes Great Britain and possibly its foreign intelligence service MI6 in restoring Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States. Once again, we see Nostradamus continued use of “rouge, noir”; which I again interpret as the “red [Muslim], Black [King]”.

This prediction was in my 2017 book, Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, Volume I. In the past two years, the public has seen information that points to the British government and Secret Service, MI6, involved in the overthrow of an elected American President.

The Steele Dossier, the heart of The Trump Russian Collusion Scandal, was initiated and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. Christopher Steele is the former head of the Russia Desk for MI6.

After Barack Obama’s Presidency, he and the Obama family vacationed in Provence in the south of France in June of 2019.


Tomorrow is the 30th Anniversary of the sealing of the Denver Airport time capsule. March 19th is a very special day as my graphic explains.

Exactly where we are at today, I have described in great detail in all of my books. When I saw Barack Obama at 10 Downing street only a few hours ago, I was able to quickly pull the material from my book and put it on this website. I have truly provided the headlines before they become headlines.

This is a very bad sign!!!

Both China and Russia have issued serious warnings in the last 48-hours.

March 18, 2024
Putin Warns Of ‘Full-Scale WW3’ If West Sends Troops To Ukraine

March 16, 2024
China ‘Ready To Intervene’ If US, NATO Attack Russia: Report

Here are some samples of the new HTML pages.

I did need to go to the store today to top of my supply of canned goods, but seeing the Obama story pointed to something imminent approaching and considering what day tomorrow is, I wanted to bring that information to readers.

When I release these new web pages, readers can point their family and friends to them when people start looking for answers, and they will after the first nuke is cracked.

I just returned to work today, but I should be done by the weekend. Stay safe.





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