I have been adding to this page all day, because evil just presented us with a calling card. There is a Postscript that is very important, but I have also added some comments to what I wrote and published earlier this morning. I want to say that this calling card is momentous. I am now almost convinced that King Charles III is Nostradamus’ Macedonian.
It is one of my readers who gets the credit with this discovery. I do not mention names, but many times I have learned from my readers. As I wrote in my last book, “Consider that Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, was also Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark.”
This forces me to reevaluate this possibility with my previous translations and interpretations of the half-dozen Macedonian Prophecies. If you bought Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, you will find them all in Appendix H – Repeating Characters. This will deserve a separate post, but it does not bode well for an open war between NATO and Russia coming very soon.
King Charles III’s new portrait certainly raises a great deal of questions, especially considering what I wrote over seven-years ago.
The Butcher King of England prophecy is part of a double Triplicate Series.
All the hidden details you missed in King Charles’ first official portrait since his coronation
Satanic or Just Sick? Official Portrait of King Charles
IN HELL? Charles III Unveils Creepy First Oil Portrait of Him as King – And People Are Freaking Out
The Alternative Media is just a joke. The answers are below, but most of the Alternative Media has chosen to walk in darkness for the same reason that World War III is coming… Most of the leaders of the West have subconsciously chosen suicide for their people.
The Alternative Media will, however, go here:
CREEPY: Mirrored Image of King Charles III’s New Portrait Allegedly Reveals Baphomet Face

The complete story is told by Nostradamus, and I wrote about that seven-years ago.
First, we can start with what I have previously written regarding the Hanoverian Succession and the 1701 Act of Settlement and the family of the Saxe-Coburg Gothas, who changed their name to the Windsors during World War I, lest anyone associate them with their German origins.
King vows to strengthen ties between UK and Germany in banquet speech to mark first state visit

Nostradamus Quatrain X-100
Le grand empire sera par Angleterre
Le Pempotam des ans plus de trois cens:
Grandes copies passer par mer & terre,
Les Lusitains n’en seront pas contens.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-100
The great empire will be through England,
The pempotam [all-powerful one] for more than three hundred years;
Great forces to pass by sea and land,
The Lusitanians (Portuguese) will not be content.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 313
The 1701 Act of Settlement led to the House of Orange-Nassau taking control of the British throne.
PAMPOTAMIA could be related to POMPOTANS in Quatrain VIII-97 or PEMPOTAM seen in Quatrain X-100. …In Nostradamus and his Prophecies… Edgar Leoni sees this as a compound word constructed of two Greek and Latin words, Pan, meaning “All”, and “Potens” as “Powerful”, hence “All-powerful”.
Quatrain X-100 relates this squarely to England.
It is the last quatrain of the published ten Centuries. Therefore, the importance of Quatrain X-100 and England’s role in world affairs cannot be understated.
In 1605, an alternate Quatrain X-100 began to be published, and then subsequently numbered Quatrain X-101 in later 17th century editions.

Nostradamus Quatrain III-57
Sept foys changer verrés gent Britannique
Taintz en sang en deux cent nonante an:
Franche, non, point par apui Germanique.
Aries doute son pole Bastarnan.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-57
Seven times will the British nation change
Steeped in blood in two-hundred and ninety years:
Free not at all through Germanic patronage.
Aries [war] doubt his pole [flag or missiles] [in] Bastarnan (Ukraine/S. Poland).
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 561
As I described in Chapter Three, Nostradamus writes in Quatrain X-100, the last Quatrain in The Centuries, that Great Britain has ruled the Western world for over three hundred years.
The 1701 Act of Settlement began the Hanoverian Succession and the German ascendancy to the throne of Great Britain.
This is clearly a very successful prediction. “Free not at all its support Germanic” is a reference to the Hanoverian Succession. Add 290 years and Great Britain was “steeped in blood” in 1991 when it joined George H. W. Bush’s New World Order in the Desert Storm invasion of Iraq. The biggest banks are in Great Britain; the leaders of the Western world do get their marching orders from the City of London. Gog and Magog are, therefore, the appropriate symbols as the guardians to the financial interests of the globe.

Incidentally, 1991 was also the recognized year of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
This Quatrain is also part of The Ukraine War Triplicate Series that includes a Nuclear War started by a Senile Leader. I think that Senile Joe Biden gave us the date that it all goes down. Today’s big announcement of the date of The Trump-Biden Debate, June 27th, 2024, is part of the secret message being delivered with the unveiling of this portrait.
Readers will discover how I reached that conclusion in my Postscript.

BLOODY HELL King Charles reveals he’s related to sinister figure from history
These prophecies need to be prefaced with the Nostradamus’ Quatrain below.
1700-1725 EDITION
Nostradamus Quatrain X-58
A temps du dueil que le felin Monarque,
Guerroyera le jeune Aemathien,
Gaule bransler, perecliter la barque,
Tenter Phossens au Ponant entretien.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-58
At the time of mourning the feline Monarch,
The young Macedonian makes war,
Gaul (France) shakes, the bark [Vatican] in jeopardy,
Marseilles (SE France) tried Ponant [could or Pontiff] entreats.
Aemathien: Latin: Emathius – Macedonian.
Phossens: Latin: Phocenses – The Phocaeans, founders of the port of Marseilles.
Ponant: Old French: Poant – Could.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 320
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 640
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 494
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 565
We note that the Vatican and a Pope are integral to this Quatrain of a Queen’s death. Queen Elizabeth II died a week after Joe Biden gave his Philadelphia speech calling half of the American voting population threats to democracy.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 789
“The young Macedonian [who] makes war” is an interesting line given the heritage of the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He was born on the Greek island of Corfu.
It was one of the Regular Readers of my website who wrote to me on September 14th, 2020 and brought to my attention that the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, was Greek and could be thought of as Macedonian. I had completely missed this, and it would fit with the line in Quatrain VIII-76, “More butcher than king in England.”
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 565
This Quatrain is another important temporal indicator. “The young Macedonian makes war… in the time of mourning the feline monarch”. The death of The Feline Monarch is certainly Queen Elizabeth II.
The Macedonian is a recurring Nostradamus character integral to the war between NATO and Russia. On April 27th, 2017, Macedonian protestors stormed parliament. The protesters were upset that the ethnic minority Albanians in parliament were installing an Albanian speaker.
Russia claims that the West is trying to integrate Macedonia into a Greater Albania. As I have mentioned, Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Hashim Thaçi, is one of three kingpins in the Balkan’s illegal weapons and drug trade. He is the leader of an Albanian mafia group.

Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-76
Plus Macelin que Roy en Angleterre,
Lieu obscur n’ay par force aura l’empire,
Lasche sans foy, sans loy saignera terre,
Son temps s’aproche si prez que je souspire.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-76
More butcher than king in England,
Born [of a] dark place through force gains the empire,
Coward without faith, without law bleeding the land,
His time approaches so close that I sigh.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 566
I believe this applies to Prince Charles ascension to the throne of England. “ Born [of a] dark place” is the rumor that the British Royal Family are practicing Satanists.
What is interesting is the order of this Triplicate Series that includes Nostradamus Third Antichrist.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-77
L’antechrist trois bien tost annichilez,
Vingt & sept ans sang durera sa guerre,
Les heretiques morts, captifs exilez,
Son corps humain eau rogie gresler terre,
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-77
The third antichrist soon annihilated,
Twenty-seven years of blood will his war last,
The heretics dead, captives exiled,
Blood, human corpses, water, red hail covering the Earth,

This is my examination. I had to check for myself and I have recreated what I have seen circulating across the Alternative Media. It is true. There are images formed even with the picture upside down.
Obviously, with the perfectly staged picture of Barack Obama and Pope Francis on the exact day of Yom Kippur, we are being sent messages. Consider the quote above from The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Jews seem to be the first to have identified and described humanity’s real enemy.
This is the root of the Antisemitism seen at this very exact moment in time, and why I have no patience with it. This picture was revealed at this moment in time for a reason.

Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-79
Qui par fer pere perdra n’ay de Nonnaire:
De Gorgon sur la fera sang perfetant,
En terre estrange fera si tout de taire,
Qui bruslera luy mesme & son entant.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-79
He who loses his father by the sword, born of Nonnaire:
From Gorgon’s blood will conceive again,
In a strange land he will do everything to be silent,
Who will burn both himself and his child.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 614
This Quatrain begins a Triplicate Series that I feel are all related in some way to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who is mentioned by name in Quatrain VIII-81. This Quatrain, I believe, relates to his son Prince Charles who will most likely be King of Great Britain when England is abandoned, thus we have the phrase, “in a strange land”.
Quatrain X-58 provides the clue when Prince Charles becomes King of the United Kingdom, “the young Macedonian makes war… in the time of mourning the feline monarch”.
Edgar Leoni sees “perfetant” as an apheresis of “superperfetant”, “conceiving while pregnant” and “Nonnaire” as low Latin for “nonneria”, a “nunnery” or “convent”. I prefer to leave it as an unsolved place/name. “Gorgon’s blood” certainly introduces the occult. Quatrain VIII-80 and an apparent satanic ritual follow this Quatrain. Rebirth using Gorgon’s blood introduces The David Icke Theory regarding the English monarchy.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the Moon, sat across a table and told me and a dozen other people that humanity may be dealing with a number of extraterrestrial civilizations. I therefore do not laugh or discount David Icke’s work. I have done a great deal of research on a wide swath of UFO/extraterrestrial lore. I choose to formulate many of my own opinions regarding this phenomenon based on foundational religious texts from a number of religions.
The Apocalypse holds the answers to some very ancient questions.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-80
Des innocens le sang de veufve & vierge,
Tant de maux faits par moyen se grand Roge,
Sains simulachres trempez en ardent cierge,
De frayeur crainte ne verra nul que boge.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-80
The blood of innocents, widow and virgin,
So many evils committed by means of the great Red One,
Saintly images dipped in burning candles,
From fear apprehension [they] cannot see none move.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 615
“So many evils committed by means of the great Red One” suggests a Muslim leader or someone involved with The Pagan Sect of New Infidels. It certainly has the description of a satanic ritual, “the blood of innocents, widow and virgin”, and “saintly images dipped in burning candles.”
The Dajjal, the Islamic Antichrist is also going to be known for his reddish complexion.
This trait certainly can apply to Barack Obama who comes from multiracial parents. “Redbone” is a southern slang word that arose in Louisiana during the early part of the 19th century after migrant groups of various ethnicities began settling into the state.
It could also apply to “The leech of unequal order and rank” from Sixain XXX who I examined in Chapter Thirteen. However, I am more inclined to go with the idea of an Illuminati Ritual based on the last Quatrain in this Triplicate Series.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-81
Le neuf empire en desolation,
Sera changé du pole aquilonaire,
De la Sicile viendra l’esmotion,
Troubler l’emprise à Philip. tributaire.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-81
The new empire [New World Order] in desolation,
It will change from the pole of Aquilonaire [NATO],
From Sicily comes the emotion,
Troubling the grip to Philip’s tribute.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 965
Since we have “the new empire [New World Order] in desolation” with mention of “Aquilonaire [NATO]”, we note that there only two possibilities to the identity of “Philip”.
As you have read, King Felipe VI of Spain will be an important figure in the NATO war with Russia. However, in the context of “the new empire [New World Order]”, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh is one of the main leaders of the West and The New World Order. “Troubling the grip to Philip’s tribute” is certainly a reference to the City of London and its preeminent criminal bank, HSBC.
As you read from Quatrain IX-89, “Ogmion [Henri Selin] will destroy his [Philip] stronghold”. This battle against British control and The New World Order is a consistent subplot in Nostradamus’ World War III series of prophecies and found again in Quatrain II-1 below.
From what I can piece together from both Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce’s prophecies is that the Northeast United States will be probably be the last refuge of the Federal government.
Great Britain is leading the war in Ukraine, not the United States. Pundits and political experts have it all wrong; every country in the West is a vassal state of Great Britain and the City of London. Once again, I point out people’s failure to maintain continuity of thought as they juggle and pontificate on various Conspiracy Theories.
Quatrain VIII-81 is clearly a reference to the defeat of NATO. How many prophecies have I published on this website that describes the same thing? Quatrain VIII-81 has never been published on this website before.
Hopefully, readers can see the connections between all of these prophecies.
Between my job and keeping things running like my body, my truck, and things at work, I have been very busy lately; I owe some folks a reply to their emails and thanks for their generous donations. I am blessed to have some very intelligent readers, some of whom have kept this website going and who also keep me inspired.
The Alternative Media still has problems figuring things out. Nostradamus provided the answers, and one day the Alternative Media is going to have to accept what I write here. I don’t have all the answers, but it is certainly better than what I have been reading.
Slovakia’s Populist Prime Minister Robert Fico Has Been Shot
Slovak PM Robert Fico Expected To Survive; UK Media Appears To Justify Assassination Attempt
Journalist Glenn Greenwald has commented, for example, “Listen to this Sky News report on the shooting of Robert Fico. Not only do they come close to justifying it because he opposes aid to Ukraine, but they also casually imply that he’s being paid by the Kremlin. This casual accusation is so prevalent in the West, and toxic.” The Sky segment in question which calls Fico “very pro-Russian” and that it’s “not surprising” that the attack took place…
The attempted assassination of Slovakia’s prime minister, Robert Fico, is not a surprise to me after yesterday’s unveiling of King Charles III’s bloody portrait. They needed a sacrifice to send the message. This is the way Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels works.
If he dies, we have met the exact prediction that Alois Irlmaier made in 1959. “War will begin after the assassination of an eminent politician in Czechoslovakia or in Yugoslavia.”
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1042
Alois Irlmaier, Freislassing, Bavaria. Predicted his own death in July 1959.
The Third Great War comes, when three high-ranking men will be killed.
Then comes a single aircraft from the East. It throws a “neutralizer” in the great water by England. Then the water lifts in one single piece as high as a tower and falls back down. It makes an earthquake and a giant wave and everything will be over flooded. Almost all of England and the European coast to Berlin will sink except for a few mountain peaks.
“The “Great City” of the United States will be destroyed by rockets, and the West Coast will be invaded by Asians, but they will be beaten back…
The Third World War will come, but I cannot predict the year. It will be preceded by signs in the skies, which will be seen by millions of people. War will begin on a rainy night, shortly before harvest time, when the ears are full. War will begin after the assassination of an eminent politician in Czechoslovakia or in Yugoslavia. An invasion from the East will follow…
We now have an approximate date when the world is going to go to hell.
BREAKING: Biden and Trump Accept CNN’s Invitation to Debate on June 27 – Trump Takes the Gloves Off and RIPS “Crooked Joe Biden”t
There is no way that Joe Biden will be allowed to debate Donald Trump on June 27th, 2024. Therefore, something big is coming before then.
Readers should take note of the date with which Nostradamus ends his Epistle to Henry. This was a late discovery and why I wanted readers to reread the entire post again. If something more comes up, I will most likely add it to an upcoming post on my reevaluation of Nostradamus’ Macedonian.

Mais tant seulement je vous requiers, ô Roy tres-clement, par icelle vôtre singuliere & prudente humanité, d’entendre plus-tost le désir de mon courage, & le souverain estude que i’ay d’obeyr à vôtre Serenissime Majesté, depuis que mes yeux furent si proches de vôtre splendeur Solaire, que la grandeur de mon labeur n’atteinct ne requiert.
De Salon, ce 27 de Juin, 1558.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 59
But I shall only beseech you, O Most Clement King, by this your singular and prudent humanity, to understand rather the desire of my heart, and the sovereign wish I have to obey your Most Serene Majesty, ever since my eyes approached your solar splendor, than the grandeur of my labor can attain or acquire.
From Salon, this 27th of June 1558
Written by Michael Nostradamus of Salon-de-Crau, Provence.

Nostradamus Quatrain IX-58
Au costé gauche à l’endroit de Vitry,
Seront guettez les trois rouges, de France,
Tous assomez rouge, noir non meurdry,
Par les Bretons remis en asseurance.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-58
As collateral [for the] left at the location of Vitry,
Will be lookouts [for] the three reds [Muslims] of France,
All disabled red [Muslim], Black [King] not murdered,
By the Bretons [English] restored and assured.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 596
I see “costé” as Old French for “collateral”. It is tempting to see “gauche à l’endroit de Vitry”, as “left at the location of Vitry”, which could be a description of one of many Communes
in France; however, I do not see it as part of the description of a place; I see it as the description of a political affiliation.
As I covered above in Quatrain IX-76, Nostradamus delineated sides perfectly, “the left military hand” and “the right military hand.” The main premise in this Quatrain is an assassination plot; the “rouge, noir non meurdry”, the red [Muslim], Black [King] not murdered”. “Collateral… the three reds [Muslims] of France will be lookouts… all disabled”; “By the Bretons [English]” the “red [Mulim], Black [King] not murdered… [He is] restored and assured [as President].”
This clearly describes Great Britain and possibly its foreign intelligence service MI6 in restoring Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States.
Once again we see Nostradamus continued use of “rouge, noir”; which I again interpret as the “red [Muslim], Black [King].”
Whether this assassination attempt occurs in France, or elements of the plot occur in France, there is no way to tell. However, you will read further on the predictions concerning the British government’s relocation to America after the war in Europe begins.
Obama to meet French presidents, past and present, on Paris trip
The former US leader, who visited Beijing and New Delhi this week, had stood alongside Hollande and Hidalgo two years ago during a memorial ceremony for the victims of the November 13, 2015, terrorist attacks in the French capital.
November 13, 2015 was a Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect 1-1-3 Ritual Killing Day.
Archbishop Viganò: Globalist ‘extermination plan’ serves Satan’s goal to kill both body and soul
‘Pretending that we are dealing with vile merchants interested only in money and refusing to see the Satanic matrix of the globalist plan is an unforgivable mistake that none of us can make.’
WAYNE ROOT: My Message to President Trump: The Debates are a Trap. Something is Wrong. Drug Test Biden.
No, Wayne Root and TheGatewayPundit.com; it is time the Alternative Media embrace the horror. Nostradamus was spot on, and I got my readers there first. That’s breaking news.
Ukraine ‘tipping point’ looms as Putin piles on pressure with 500,000 troops at border

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