I know readers have been wondering where I have been. George Ure over at emailed and then called me asking if I was okay? I really do appreciate that.

Three-weeks ago, I woke up in the hospital after a late-night admittance. The cover picture was the view out of my window the next morning. Three words came to me; God is Love, Grace, and Power.

Personally, it has been a rough eight-months. From health issues, to property issues, to lawsuits, to the end of my job four months from now, the bad luck just keeps on breaking at my doorstep. I have been getting very poetic about all of it, but as a fix it kind of guy, I have been trying to figure out why.

Most of this post was written before that hospital visit three-weeks ago, but I shelved it. Some comments by notables in the Alternative Media originally generated this post, but after shelving it, I went back to it at least a half-dozen more times and tried to finish it; but each time, I felt like I was quite done with blogging. My whining about the Alternative Media has become repetitious, and in fact, I do not see the point.

Ideally, I have other interests that I would like to enjoy before the world gets blown up. This website has never been profitable, but thanks to about a half-a-dozen people, for the last few years out of seventeen-years, it now pays for itself… except for the man-hours. It is these loyal readers, some whom have been coming here for seventeen-years, who deserve an explanation.

I am a harsh critic of the Alternative Media, but the Alternative Media is an absolute necessity in the age of rampant government lies, propaganda, and censorship. The Internet is a Rumor Mill with doctored photographs and videos all designed to generate click-bait. It is up to every reader to figure out where the dividing line is between horseshit and reality.

My cautious approach to the Alternative Media might make me sound like some cranky curmudgeon, but I want to draw a very distinctive line between my views and the nutjobs. My material is strictly related to Nostradamus Commentary and not a political statement. My views are based on accepted facts, real history, and real scientific principles.

There is a funny story in the evolution of what I do here. One night in 2010, a coworker and his friend got drunk and were the first to buy my 2010 book, The Age of Desolation. The joke was on me; they also sent me an email pretending to sound like some racist Nazi/KKK group.

I quickly returned their money; but the important point in this Alternative Media rant is that in 2010, this was their perception of the Alternative Media… Conspiracy Theory Hillbillies. That has not changed 14-years later.

These are very educated men, but today, they both have great respect for what I do here, because 14-years later, they have watched the world materialize as I descibed so long ago. So, two-weeks ago at this coworker’s wedding, the three of us joked and toasted to the fact that they were the first to buy my book.

Incidentally, my coworker’s mother knows about my material, and at the wedding she told me that she thinks that it is all going to go down in October. Many readers have also written about sensing how close we are to world changing events.

However it comes down, at least there is another spin out there in the world regarding the prophecies of Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce. This has always been a self-indulgent hobby, and I know that all I do here is provide entertainment.

However, to write my posts, I do scan all the big Alternative Media websites several times a day, because generally, I cannot find what I am looking for in the Mainstream Media. Mucking the horseshit, as I call it, to find a few gems of usable information becomes depressing, mainly because of the great number of idiots blogging and being linked by the large aggregate websites. Am I a snob? I have no idea; I just look for something real and factual.

The major Alternative Media aggregate websites are all modeled after Matt Drudge’s website, The DudgeReport. I always saw The DudgeReport as an organ for government propaganda; I only go there to monitor what the government is trying to sell me on any given day. It has become so obvious now. I have no idea who Matt Drudge is; maybe he is AI. Drudge’s website clearly follows the Globalist Progressive/Democratic/Communist Party line.

Then there are the spinoff aggregate websites who have picked a niche and use The Alex Jones Model, hoping for a share of the Alex Jones’ audience. Most of these websites mix news with opinions, and the opinions are always associated with various Conspiracy Theories central to the web host’s sales angle.

I do the same thing here. Not only do I hustle Doom, but I actually work in the business.

Readers should note that in 2018, I realized that QANON was a PYSOP. Since then, I have generally stayed away from polarizing opinion politics. I have learned to just follow the movement of various country’s military hardware. That is where the truth can be found.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 492
Conspiracy Theory is going to be made illegal. My suspicion is that The Q PYSOP is preparing the groundwork to categorize a large-segment of the population as mentally unbalanced and the root of violent, antisocial behavior.

And herein lies the mechanics for fracturing the Alternative Media audience. There are people out there who are still clinging to the QANON myth.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 628
The Q PYSOP was a dissident identification program, as I described in that book. It was a method of creating a political class that could be targeted with hate and scorn because of their crazy beliefs.

Right on schedule, the Joe Biden/Barack Obama Administration came to power and The Progressive Left began to call believers in QANON and Trump’s MAGA followers “Violent Extremists.”

In Russia, from 1921 to 1926, Cheka was the predecessor to the State Political Directorate (GPU) of Soviet Russia and ran Operation Trust. It was meant to identify monarchists and anti-Bolsheviks who opposed the Communist revolution by convincing people that a secret group of military leaders were still in control.

Verbatim, this was The Q PYSOP.

There are so many Doomsayers in the Alternative Media these days, that I think American audiences have become desensitized and confused in-between the sales pitches for vitamins, gold, or whatever. On and The, ad headlines are disguised as posts. How many readers have found themselves clicking into one? was once focused on economic news. Today, it sounds like my website, and it is often my one stop shopping for confirming links to material that I wrote years before.

The claims to use its profits to fight Lawfare. That is a worthy cause, but on the eve of Nuclear War, that is like an old man tilting at windmills.

The one thing that I have really come to detest from the Alternative Media is seeing or hearing my own work repeated back to me from some other source. These would be major stories like predicting the return of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Today, as far as I am concerned, the regularly contributing money changers outside The Temple of The Doom can have it.

January 6th, 2021 helped me weed out the Alternative Media poseurs and nutjobs. It comes down to who looks at the world realistically versus who is emotionally vomiting in public and on the Internet. I provided my warning about listening to some of these idiots four-days before thousands of people fell into the The Capitol Riot False-Flag trap.

If I could see it coming, so could the PYSOP goons at the Alphabet Agencies. January 6th, 2021 was just like shooting fish in a barrel.

January 2, 2021
Protected: HARD TRUTHS

Keep On Truckin’, Grateful Dead, 1973
Set up like a bowling pin. Knocked down, it gets to wearing thin. They just won’t let you be.

My January 2nd, 2021 post makes me smarter than most of the fools in the Alternative Media. However, for many years, I was stupid enough to believe in some of these Alternative Media personalities. I have previously written about this; I have followed the Princes of the Alternative Media steadily since September 11th, 2001. I have watched them grow up.

Outside of the Alternative Media bubble, nobody really knows who any of these narcissistic clowns are in my world.

Alex Jones rose to the top because he turned Conspiracy Theory into a multi-million dollar business. Since he claims to have seen everything coming, maybe he is The New Nostradamus. Maybe he is just being set up like Donald J. Trump.

I first learned about Conspiracy Theory from former CIA Officer John Stockwell.

I can give an exact location in time and space when my eyes were truly opened. In 1989, John Stockwell, a former CIA Manager and Vietnam Marine explained on C-Span how the CIA killed JFK. I have read a number of books that support his contentions; therefore, is C-Span in the Conspiracy Theory business?

The times have indeed changed and now the CIA/Police State just tells the Mainstream Media what to publish and what subjects to bring into the National Debate.

November 3, 1989
Secret Wars of the CIA
John Stockwell talked about the inner workings of the CIA. Topics included CIA destabilizing governments in Angola and other countries and setting up drug cartels as part of covert operations in certain countries.

I read many of the books that John Stockwell recommended, and then followed that two-years later by attending a luncheon with former Presidential candidates Ross Perot and John Anderson.

Alex Jones was fifteen-years old when I woke up.

June 24, 2022
BREAKING: Kim Dotcom And Alex Jones Try To Stop Imminent Nuclear War

Yeah, you guys are real heroes. Just forget about the tens-of-thousands of people putting it on the line every hour of everyday. Clearly, you live in a fantasy world.

June 28, 2022
Jack Posobiec Issues Emergency Warning: Biden Planning WWIII As October Surprise / US Faces Total Destabilization & Civil War

Yeah, I got there years ago.

Alex Jones is getting taken out because he put out click-bait horseshit that allegedly led to some of his unhinged followers preying on and taunting the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook shootings.

June 7, 2024
Alex Jones to Sell Infowars, Liquidate Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families $1.5 Billion Settlement – Alex Jones Provides Update (VIDEO)
Jones also said he apologized to the Sandy Hook families, but it wasn’t enough.

“I admitted I was wrong. I admitted it was a mistake. I admitted that I followed disinformation but not on purpose. I apologized to the families. And the jury understood that. What I did to those families was wrong. But I didn’t do it on purpose,” Alex Jones said in December 2022.

June 24, 2024
DEVELOPING: Bankruptcy Trustee to Shut Down Infowars, Liquidate Its Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families

Should Alex Jones be responsible for his unhinged followers? How many of these unhinged followers were working for one of the U.S. Alphabet Agencies?

Since Lawfare is all rigged, maybe sticking to the available facts is the best and safest course for all bloggers. Every blogger takes his or her chances with the Alphabet Agencies who can exploit Lawfare when a website gets too big and threatening.

Consider how the universe works. George Orwell’s 1984 antagonist, O’Brien, was secretly a loyal Inner Party member posing as a revolutionary. The FBI has always played from the same book.

June 26, 2024
EXCLUSIVE: The Hidden History of Robert Mueller’s Right-Wing Terror Factory—Part 1
Interviews and newly unearthed records reveal FBI program to stage Nazi rallies

June 29, 2024
EXCLUSIVE: The Hidden History of Robert Mueller’s Right-Wing Terror Factory—Part 2
‘In all my 20 years of practice, I’ve never seen anything like what they did to Deborah Plowman…’

The Alternative Media is an echo chamber, and there is a protocol, and there is a circuit of high priests, and that is what cults are all about.

I find it all very tedious and repetitive, and I have just grown very tired of this entire blogging thing. I seem to be repeating myself a great deal in many of these posts, and I no longer see the point. I do not want to do churn, and website churn is what the Internet and blogging are all about.

Given the state of world affairs, George Ure was surprised to hear about my job coming to an end. He is a pilot, and so he understands the necessity of what we do.

For 26-years, I was able to be king of my kingdom. It was a dream, an honor, and a privilege. It was my responsibility to setup the technical end of this $250-million facility 23-years ago, and it is going to be my job to close it down in four months.


But the world is not as it seems.

The bay on the left cost almost six-million dollars. It was built in 2018, mistakenly only inches too short; so, it became unusable for its designed purpose. How does that happen? Who takes the responsibility, especially with the shit that I have had to put up with over the years? If we make it to next year, the building will be emptied and the plan is to start breaking down walls and doing things all over again.

There was talk of relocating my millions of dollars worth of equipment, but it now appears that it is going to be broken down and stored in crates and for the next few years. Frankly, that is a perfect example of high-level delusional thinking. This equipment will never see the light of day again.

For me, I put the first boot on the ground, and I want mine to be the last boot off the ground. There is a job opening where I use to work across the state, and I have been wondering about the timing. It is the same company that first operated my site, and I have a good reputation with them.

Like the furniture, I was passed along from that company to the company who won the contract in 2011. Since then, this company has tried to fire me; they have threatened to reprimand me, and they finally did reprimand me. Why the hostile workplace? I am not a corporate drone. Nobody gets away with blaming shoddy work practices and leadership on my technical team. We have a higher-level of responsibility exceeding anyone in a corporate suit.

I also have a very long history of standing up to bullies.

I built this website as a tool, actually a cudgel, because I am tired of bullies.


October 20, 2022

It is easy to stand up to the giants when you have a multi-million dollar business behind you and a large public soap box. It is not so easy as a wage slave with a wife and mortgage, paying for expensive lawyers who are useless and who feed you legal horseshit. Standing up takes its toll and comes at a great cost. Unfortunately, this is what The January 6th, 2021 Political Prisoners are now discovering.

I am also not good with The January 6th, 2021 Political Prisoners being made martyrs for the unscrupulous in the Alternative Media who use their suffering to hustle more click-bait.

Fighting the unscrupulous seems to have been my life’s calling. The bloodsucking company that I work for now has my technicians traveling between two states until we shut down at the end of the year. They wanted me to do it too, but my recent hospital visits have given me a legal pass; otherwise, I would have been handed another reprimand. I am not willing to die for this company.

Today, the company has learned to embrace and depend on my team’s talents, because my technical team comes to the rescue every time; as they are doing right now. They will have to commute between two states until everyone is laid-off in November. How do you stay inspired?

Over fifteen-years ago, with the help of another coworker, I organized over a thousand people across the country into a union under the previous contractor. In fact, other programs outside of our own saw what we had done and also unionized. The company that I work for today hates unions. They have fought down two union attempts. With their win of the contract thirteen-years ago, they inherited our union contract.

When other people doing the same job see that you are getting paid what you are worth, they want some of that too. In my mind, only a slave would accept anything less.

Honestly, I still have to listen to the union haters cry even though they are paid double of what they were previously making. I listened to it all when I was organizing. I do not care what anybody believes about unions. The world is gang warfare, and just like gangs, unions eventually succumb to individual greed. I have seen it up close. And that leads to the main principle of this post.

As soon as the new company won the contract, they cut up the original union block by hiring sub-contractors, and each site then fell under another contract with the same union. And here is where the union corruption creeps in; out of the original powerful block of organizers, the company sliced and diced that original large block of workers, neutering it, and putting each slice under the control of subcontractors with new separate union contracts. Union leadership is good with that because this is how unions make their money, negotiating new contracts and collecting the dues.

Thus, pay and benefits for the smaller group of local union members are only as good as the subcontracting company. If this smaller group of union members challenge them, today, only this tiny group is in the fight by themselves, and the local union lodge bears the brunt of the legal expenses. That is the criminal end of the union scam.

In 2019, I was part of the union team that negotiated the next three-year contract for four sites. In lieu of dropping the severance pay section of our contract, the company was offering a large hourly pay raise. Everybody went for it except me. For three-days, there was back-stabbing and throat cutting, and many phone calls. In the end, I prevailed. When my job ends at the end of November, all of us at our site will at least still be getting a severance check. Most of us have been there for a very long time.

People do not look at the Big Picture, and as The Beatles sang, it is all about “I, Me, Mine“.

Since 2019, the company has bought out another large competitor; strangely, that company’s leadership took over, and today they have built themselves a new company headquarters. I tell all of my coworkers to look back on 2019, that is at least how far back all of these plans were made.

This is the other main principle and point to this post. When you divide, you are conquered.

This is a cutthroat world, and hopefully each reader understands my union analogy as various Alternative Media websites battle for audience share. The click-bait hustlers are the people with short-term interests.

My naïveté and hope about people has bitten me every time. This has been a repeating history for me, professionally and personally, and it has required three course corrections in my life.

Some years ago, when I considered turning this blogging crap into a business, I did some exhaustive research on the audience size of the Top 20 Alternative Media websites. I then measured that information against the audience size of the Top 20 Mainstream Media websites. There was no contest; the Mainstream Media and government propaganda rule.

At that time, the U.S. audience for the Alternative Media seemed to be roughly close to ten-million, with Alex Jones’ InfoWars getting the crushing majority share. I was actually surprised that it was this low.

Today, after COVID-19, the COVID-19 Vaccine injuries, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and Donald J. Trump’s arrest and conviction, Alex Jones’ at last check sees approximately sixteen-million people per day. There is no point in adding up the other minor players.

Here is my take on being able to influence sixteen-million Americans; if you want to start a revolution start a boycott. If you are not doing that, then you are hustling click-bait.

Revolution is all about organization, coherence, and survival, and I certainly do not see that in the Alternative Media. All I see is the click-bait hustle and the jokers scrambling for the crumbs left in Alex Jones’ wake.

Using boycotts, people do not even have to show up to the fight; they can remain anonymous and out of jail. “Pick the Subject of the Boycott”. Personally, I think a sports-of-all-kinds boycott would get instantaneous attention, because when the gladiators of the elite are not out on that field making money, the elite start to panic. It also has a smaller peripheral impact on individual communities.

Boycotts were the approach of a simple preacher, Dr. Martin Luther King. I have written about this power numerous times on this website. Bullets cost dollars; therefore, the dollar is more powerful. History tells this truth.

From my point of view, it seems that we chumps in the audience of the Alternative Media are not very well respected; P.T. Barnum would call us suckers.

I have never been terribly impressed by some of these characters, but I have found some important answers on their websites. That makes each of them relevant.

During the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks, I was at a location where stinger missile teams were on the rooftops. A few days later, a very serious coworker, who knew of my Nostradamus Hobby, came into my office asking about some Nostradamus’ prophecies that had gone viral on the Internet, allegedly predicting the terrorist attacks.

I was surprised. Up until that moment, my interest was kind of a joke. At that time, I had 22-years of Nostradamus study under my belt. I knew immediately; I told him that they were fakes. This was my first introduction to the Internet poseurs and the power of the Internet.

So, I began my first book and this enterprise on September 27th, 2001 in an effort to take down the click-bait hustlers rewriting Nostradamus’ prophecies. That was 23-years ago, and the click-bait hustle in the Alternative Media has only gotten worse by orders of magnitude.

As I mentioned above, I also entered the Internet public arena with a great bit of naïveté. We all seemed to be talking about the same thing.

Before I published my first book for the general public in 2010, I first emailed website host Steve Quayle on June 25th, 2009. I was a fan of his website, and I had some suggestions regarding some recent Crop Circles in Great Britain. He never responded.

My second email to Steve Quayle went out on April 13th, 2014. Still a happy consumer of Quayle’s aggregate website with its daily collection of different links, I politely informed him that the article that he linked by author (B…K…) sounded suspiciously like material from my book and website. Quayle was polite enough to reply, and when I sent him the copyrighted material from my book and website, I never heard from him again.

That is when I began to understand how this blogging shit works. You have to be an approved member of the circuit, and then you make the rounds to various websites selling your wares, with the ultimate goal being a gig or link on The Alex Jones Show. The serious bloggers emerge from the depths of Substack and aim for a link on

Are there publicists and contracts involved in this process? I have no clue to this day how this all works, nor do I care. I try to produce books and posts based on facts, and I have learned over the years, every word and sentence needs a reality check.

Over three-weeks ago, Doomsayer Steve Quayle over at gave me a real good laugh with his comment on a link that he was providing to Hal Turner’s website.

June 14, 2024
UNLOCKED: S-500 Deployed Earlier Than Expected; Posture Now Consistent with Nuclear First-Strike

Steve Quayle’s comments to this link:

Yeah, Steve Quayle, that would be you, Hal Turner, and a few others in the Alternative Media! Most of you know what I do here. Your comment was a beautiful and applicable quote as well as were Hal Turner’s recent comments and questions about his audience.

Consider the Steve Quayle links to a writer calling himself Coach Dave Daubenmire. I read many of this guy’s posts and agreed with many of his positions; but clearly, there was a lot missing from Coach Dave Daubenmire’s online personality.

Only after The January 6th, 2021 Fake Capitol Riot did I discover the foundation of Coach Dave Daubenmire’s belief system thanks to a article.

September 14, 2022
‘Suspicious Actors’ Who Conspired To Raid Capitol On Jan. 6 Never Arrested, Attorney Alleges

Salt and Light Brigade members engaged in a “stunning conspiracy” to attack the Capitol, but have faced no charges.

The Salt and Light Brigade is part of Pass the Salt Ministries, a charity founded in 2001 by Coach Dave Daubenmire. The brigade has offered tactical training sessions in more than a half-dozen states, teaching Christians self-defense, such as how to handle firearms and engage in hand-to-hand combat…

On his podcast on Dec. 16, 2020, Daubenmire played a video of a Salt and Light Brigade member calling for 500,000 armed men to descend on Washington on Jan. 4—a date that was changed to Jan. 6 after Trump announced he would speak at the Ellipse. “Daubenmire said it was a ‘time to strap a rifle over your shoulder,’ and that the moment was an opportunity ‘to totally redo Washington D.C.,’” Geyer wrote.

That sounds like a Christian Fundamentalist nutjob to me. These wannabe Christian soldiers seemed to have latched on to only one line in The Gospels.

Luke 22:36 (King James)
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

Clearly, the rest of The Gospels and Jesus Christ’s message does not mean a thing to such characters.

Why, Mr. Christian Soldier, are you recommending guns and not peaceful stay at home boycotts?

I believe that these kinds of people are a little boys dreaming of battlefield glory. Perhaps, it is an FBI setup. There is no deep thinking evident here; these appear to be only military wannabes who have watched too many movies. Maybe they think they look cool in the gear.

Hal Turner’s recent questions about his dumbshit audience brings that into perspective. Since I read his website, maybe his comments also apply to me…

June 14, 2024
Weekend FYI: What it’s like to be a Media Guy in today’s America
I have decided it may be helpful to you, to get an example from time to time of what it’s like to be a media personality like me in today’s world; the odd or downright nutty things I have to deal with from the general public.

A media personality like me…

Mmmm… Yeah, thanks for a really good laugh. Hal Turner, get over yourself. You were an FBI Informant. Should I trust that?

Initially, after getting into this blogging business in 2007, I accepted the resumes of websites claiming that they had “inside contacts“. I took some of these bloggers at face value. There is that naïveté showing up again. However, years later and after some intense study, I began to understand the layout and the philosophical boundaries of some of these websites and Alternative Media personalities.

I was a subscriber to Hal Turner’s website for several years. I have read his comments section. I understand who makes up the majority of his audience. I wonder if that brought FBI attention to me?

He claims to have some inside sources, and that seems to be true. Breaking stories, like “the Russians loading nuclear weapons onto their aircraft” can be a game changer in providing hours worth of a head-start on a potential Nuclear War. But Turner also makes mistakes in an effort to be first.

On the first day of Lent, his March 5th, 2014 report of the Russians loading nuclear weapons onto their aircraft was verified a year later in a Vladimir Putin interview. Russia would use nuclear weapons to protect Crimea. It also helped me immediately solve Nostradamus’ Sixain XXVIII. I realized that something big was coming in 2019, and that meant my material even trumped Hal Turner’s lead. All I needed was that one clue.

This is the way it has been for seventeen-years as I scan the spectrum of the Alternative Media on a daily basis.

For seventeen-years, I have pointed to Nostradamus Physician of the Great Disease as the chairman of the board for Western social engineering. I have identified his city as most likely Brussels in Belgium, the seat of the European Union.

Sixain XXVIII has become may favorite translation and interpretation success, especially in proving Nostradamus’ Dating Code and the validity of The Sixains.



a) 2011 – NATO destroys Libya – kills Muammar Gaddafi
b) 2014 – NATO supported coup d’état in Ukraine
c) 2019 – COVID-19 released (NATO Biological Weapon)


The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 223

Nostradamus Sixain XXVIII (24)

Nostradamus Sixain XXVIII (24)
L’an mil ƒix cens & neuf on quatorzieƒme,
Le vieux Charon fera Paƒques en Careƒme,
Six cens & ƒix, par eƒcrit le mettra
Le Medicin, de tout cecy s’eƒtonne,
A meƒme temps aƒƒigné en perƒonne
Mais pour certain l’vn d’eux comparoiƒtra.

Nostradamus Sixain XXVIII (24)
The year one thousand six hundred and nine [1609-2014] or fourteen [1614-2019],
The old Charon will celebrate Easter in Lent,
Six hundred and six [1606-2011], in writing he will place it
The Physician, by all this is astonished,
At the same time summoned in person
But for certain one of them will appear.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 292-293
Charon and Ogmios are mythological psychopomps. Readers should note the appearance of The Physician of the Great Disease. He appears in three of The Sixains and is integral to starting World War III.

This Sixain provides all the important years of major NATO provocations. In 2011, NATO invaded Libya. In 2014, NATO operatives staged a successful coup d’état in Ukraine, in 2019, COVID-19 was released, and it appears that it was developed by the U.S. National Institute of Health under the guidance of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 525
The question begs, why does Nostradamus call the other antagonist, The Physician of the Great Disease? Is this person a doctor? Is it a metaphor? We know he “will set fire to the Olive branch”. Does he use “the great disease” as a weapon? Does he start biological warfare?


After predicting biological warfare for 2019, one would think that Alternative Media websites that piss Conspiracy Theories and fortunetelling would have been all over this exact hit from The Real Nostradamus.

This Nostradamus’ prophecy is my measuring stick of the Alternative Media.

The Alternative Media, like the Mainstream Media, sells any kind of Fortunetelling horseshit that will generate click-bait that can be explained in the breath of a Tik Tok or Instagram meme.

Greg Hunter and his website never came onto my radar until a reader of this website, J.C., emailed me and told me that he had been banned from commenting on Hunter’s website because he was leaving links to this website.

J.C. was a Regular Reader of Greg Hunter’s website and a donator. This is when I saw the circuit connections. Hunter is so deranged, he believed that I was J.C. making donations to his website while hustling click-bait in the comments section. How is that for logic? For me, this is another nobody hustling Nuclear War, and I find that somewhat twisted and personal.

Greg Hunter’s banning of J.C. from the comments section because of links to this website points to the business angle. It is churn and burn with the usual cast of bloggers traveling the Chitlin’ Circuit.

Hal Turner has also complained about his readers leaving links in their comments. These jokers sure do think that it is okay that I and others provide links to their websites. Get a grip people, just because you might get a spot, you are not rock stars.

I have never been impressed with any so-called Media Personalities. When ABC’s Peter Jennings stuck a camera and microphone in my face on the flight deck of a Navy ship, I was more interested in getting a cold beer after a month at sea.

At the present moment, the only person in the Mainstream and Alternative Media who I will listen to is Tucker Carlson.

And here is where the audience of various Alternative Media websites and Conspiracy Theories fracture into its nutjob components.

Who out there reading this post believes that Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk’s motives are connected to some Zionist-Jew-Reptilian Conspiracy?

That kind of material is batshit crazy, and it really is getting freaky out there in the Alternative Media. Most of the purveyors in the Alternative Media have sold their souls for pennies on the dollar, and all business models will be failing very soon. That Apocalypse satellite phone might not work as advertised.

J.C. is a diligent reader who has put the pieces together his own way; I can tell from the links that he leaves in his comments. He is allowed to have an opinion that is different than Greg Hunter’s opinion.

Unfortunately, like the rest of us, he also has to figure out who the phonies are selling the click-bait hustle or real information.

I thank him for his recent comments on George Ure’s website And thank you George Ure for getting it and catering to an intelligent audience who also gets it. We are allowed to have our own way of getting it.

June 28, 2024
Window for RFK? Can the Middle Be Saved?
This is also a huge victory for G.A. Stewart’s interpretations of Nostradamus predictive quatrains. A post by Reader J.C. – here – lays out some of the background and looks ahead.

J.C. knows my material very well, and he pulled up the exact Nostradamus’ prophecy of what I suspect is coming soon.

June 28, 2024 at 01:56
Biden/Trump debate.
G.A. STEWART: If Biden is out by August, there will be a reason.

Nostradamus Quatrain VI-25
Through Mars [War] contrary [to the] the monarch [King/President],
The great fisherman [Pope] in ruinous trouble:
The young Black [King]. red [Muslim] seizes the hierarchy,
The traitors move on a rainy day.

I gave up trying to blog for money; it is too stressful. For me, this is a mental playground and writing these posts have helped me write my books. Frankly, I think my work here is historic and I do not care who believes it.

George Ure sells survival. He also has his own views on Nostradamus.

I published my Nostradamus’ map in 2007 on this website. I plotted this map out by myself and for my own use.

George Ure also works with math and cycles in history. There is plenty of material in Nostradamus’ writings that coincide with cycles in history that repeat. The Nostradamus Math seems to confirm this; unfortunately, in conjunction with explaining this complexity, I have to waste my time explaining to the idiots that Nostradamus was not a Soothsayer. This is an actual label and criticism that I have had to deal with from the morons commenting on Alternative Media websites.

Here is where all writers are presented with a problem. What side of the audience do you write for? For me this becomes a chore, because subconsciously, I write for the doubters and the critics. I believe I have reached the end of wanting to do that.

Between my professional life and this blog, there is basically no time left for anything else. When I do anything, I work at my best, because generally I am doing it for me.

That leads me to apologize to some of the Regular Readers of this website who have been around for these last seventeen-years. I do not have the capability of researching all of the various links that I have juxtaposed in these website posts to the quotes from my books. Some of the previous links that I have used have come from sources that I now deem untrustworthy.

I do try to go down several layers to verify a link, but the Information War is real and we are dealing with experts in psychological warfare. The Alex Jones Liability Law will become a real thing. If you are a blogger who makes people feel uncomfortable, there is going to be a cost.

This is why bloggers will be driven to go behind a private wall, where it can be argued, “Assumption of the Risk.” This is what I will be doing here with any further posts.

Studying Nostradamus’ prophecies and seeing them unfold has certainly made me more religious. That seems to be under attack today, and that plays into many people’s interpretation of the Book of Revelation.

July 5, 2024
Vatican excommunicates ex-ambassador to U.S., Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò,
declares him guilty of schism

When I was lying in that hospital bed two-weeks ago and contemplating the symbolism and meaning of that cross right outside of my window, I was wondering if I was just another money changer working The Temple of Doom. I began to wonder if there is some spiritual reason for what I have been encountering since November of last year.

After my travails back in February and March, I slid into Survival Mode. I went back to work and everything else outside of that became just noise. This included my interpretations and expectation for Doom beginning sometime around April of this year.

Having fully healed, I started playing music once again and bought some gear for my guitar and drums. I also ordered a Digital Audio Workstation and some great software. Things were looking upbeat and positive.

But then soon after, my left-hand swelled up three sizes too big to play my guitar or drums. It felt like a nail had been driven through it. This led to the recent hospital visit and stay as the infection in my hand spread up my arm. Now that I am three-weeks downstream of that crisis, the wound has almost disappeared.

By the middle of last week, I was resigned and resolute to once again forget about Doom and blogging, so once more I shelved this post. I wanted to get on with what is left of life; and just as I was about to start biking and working out again, I wound up catching a terrible cold that was going around my office.

On July 4th, I tried rewriting this post again to weed out the whining and just present my take on the news in relation to what I have written. The Senile Leader’s resignation is one of Nostradamus most important prophecies, and I am sure that Regular Readers want to know my take, since it was predicted on this website two-years ago.

I had to work the day after the Fourth of July, and by Friday afternoon, the cold seemed to reach its peak and I felt miserable. I had to be at work for the new firmware loads for an aircraft avionics modification, and this is what you get when bloodsucking companies lay people off and try and squeak by with a skeleton crew. Ultimately and unfortunately, I am responsible, and I have to make it work. These modification are the moneymakers for the company, and it is all high-pressure, so I do not want the grief. Life is hard enough.

After working a full day, by Friday night, I was really hurting from the cold and too tired for anything, and once again, I decided to shelve this post. I really wanted no more part of blogging. I do not need to understand one more atom of what is in the future. Even thinking about going one word further with this post and website made me feel worse.

Work sucked, blogging sucked, and the future is just about to come roaring down on us like a freight train when Biden departs.

Here I am, strangely disconnected and ignoring what I have been writing about for the last seventeen-years. And I am out there in the world buying musical equipment, pretending it is not going to happen. That is hopefully delusional.

Is God sending me a message with this sudden job opening across the state? Will things turn around where I work now? Will I be totally wrong about Nostradamus’ prophecies, even after getting this close?

I woke up Saturday morning, and life did get worse; the air conditioning in the house that I am renting stopped working. It has been brutally hot, and so was the house. The metaphor did not escape me. Not being the property owner, I worked on the unit as much as I could, because it looked like there would be no AC until some time Monday.

I started to realize that the message for almost the last four-weeks seems to have been, every time I wanted to pitch this post into the trash, something worse happened.

It is now Sunday; I spent all day yesterday in front of a fan finishing most of this post and committed to publishing it today to keep the hounds of hell at bay. Strangely enough, my cold quickly disappeared by last night, and I woke up this morning and the AC was working again.

To satisfy those hounds, I have also spent all day Sunday adding several of the newly discovered Trump Prophecies to make this a complete post. With this last great effort here, and with my great efforts at my job, I now consider my dues to the universe paid. Maybe the universe will start lightening up on me.

We are all on our own spiritual journey and perhaps our dreams supply the clues. George Ure is brave enough to write about his dreams. The cookie-cutter bloggers have no personality.

And so once again in the hospital, after this unending attack of bad luck since Halloween of last year, I began looking for a pattern.

I once kept a very detailed dream journal. I have met/heard God, I have met Satan, and I have built time machines. When I recorded these dreams, I attributed them to my reading material at the time.

In November of last year, I was just about to finish my latest book Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, and the update to G. A. Stewart’s Nostradamus Compendium. Then all hell broke loose in the apartment that I had been living in for the last seven-years. Over a week into the mess, it really got bad after meeting Satan in a dream for a second time after 29-years.

November 26, 2023

Looking for a pattern, I started thinking about the books that I have written and published.

My 2010 book came with the breakup of a long-term relationship.

My 2013 book came with my financially devastating second divorce.

My 2017 book came with Legionnaires’ disease and a Near-Death Experience.

My 2023 book came with my Second Devil Dream on the night of my birthday, and the ensuing chaos of the last eight months.

Since that dream, my hands look like they have been burned, and this led to the infection in my left-hand three-weeks ago.

Am I being dramatic or superstitious? Am I a neurotic hypochondriac? How do we approach the intangible? I have certainly reached this year’s out-of-pocket-deductible for medical expenses. That is tangible enough.

I had what I call my First God Dream on Groundhog Day, February 2nd, 1994.

Here is some of what I recorded: God said something about the apocalypse we had just witnessed. I said that I had been too busy scampering over rocks trying to get away then to pay any attention. Some of the group laughed in agreement.

Then I was trying to take notes or write something down, but the blue ink bled all over the paper making it a mess.

Given that I have now had a seventeen-year-old blog explaining Nostradamus’ prophecies about The Apocalypse, I look back at what I wrote; God ordered me to record The Apocalypse. I was amazed when I reread this only a few years ago, but it sounds delusional.

1994 seems to have been a year of enlightenment, but I clearly did not know it at the time. To balance out my First God Dream, I had my first Devil Dream on June 19th, 1994.

Here is some of what I recorded: Satan tried to antagonize me with words, perhaps even threatening me. Though not clear what harm he would inflict on me, I remember thinking, I don’t care if he kills or tortures me, I’m ready for it, I’m sticking by my belief in God. And I wasn’t frightened at all…

…I saw five priests sitting at a table, one was dressed like a Cardinal. I knew instinctively that they were all of different faiths. Oblivious to the devil, they seemed more concerned with business.

I have recounted these dreams in previous posts, but as time moves on, you gain a new perspective.

Back in 1994, I was married, I had a full-time job building and testing rocket engines, I had gone back to college a few years earlier and was gradually advancing toward my degree. My fifteen-year-old interest in Nostradamus and prophecy was relegated to working on my computer files, and categorizing Nostradamus’ writings when time allowed. My main area of study then was Alternative Energy and Alternative Physics. It was a great time of learning, because I was also taking electronics, physics, and astronomy in college.

Today’s physics sounds more like metaphysics. I never considered myself religious, but I accepted the validity of a human soul. I have always been more interested in the metaphysics of religion rather than in following the rituals. Therefore, dreams of God and Satan did not register at the time as anything more than subconscious symbolism.

To be sure, The Global Elite surround themselves with ritual; logically, there must be a reason for that. It would take me another decade to understand.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, Page 376
As I mentioned in Chapter III, in The Master Game, Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World, Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval detail the history of the Gnostic Christians and the evolution of Hermeticism after Adam Weishaupt and Alessandro Cagliostro introduced the Egyptian rite into the Masonic Lodges of Europe in the 18th century.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, Page 219
The people who practice Hermeticism, also practice astrology, alchemy, and theurgy. Theurgy is the practice of rituals.

I believe the reason that rituals are important is because they entrain Mass Consciousness. Like a laser beam, the consciousness of millions and billions of people become almost coherent, sharing the same symbolism. This is basic quantum physics; the Observers are involved in creation.

Consider the five priests in my 1994 Devil Dream; they were all about business. That is where we are at today in the Alternative Media.

After I returned to work at the end of March, I remember going to bed after the first day back and thanking God that some how I had survived the last two-months. I may have had what could have been my Second God Dream.

I was in some nasty industrial setting at night, similar to places where I have worked before. A group of people and I were being congratulated for a job well-done by a man in a cone of light wearing a very expensive suit with a beautiful light blue tie. This groups feels like they were part of the group in my First God Dream in 1994.

Writing this post and revisiting these dreams gets me wondering about the odds of a thirty-year set of coherent dreams. I will be saving those musings for the private side of this website with what time we have left.

We will all meet on the other side of midnight, and I am curious how my part in all of this will be weighed.

January 24, 2024
A moment of historic danger:
It is still 90 seconds to midnight
2024 Doomsday Clock Statement

I have researched Nostradamus’ prophecies as much as I have cared to; the time is up. If there is anyone out there who can match my translations and interpretations, it is time to show your wares. The major pieces have already fallen into place. At this stage of the game, with the material that I have produced over the last seventeen-years, we can say that the window is closing on any “New Nostradamus” appearing with the answers.

That is not hubris, that comes from the quotes that have evolved over the course of six books, seventeen-years of blogging, and today’s news.

I came out with a number of prophecies in 2007, and my interpretations and model of the future have turned out to be very close to accurate. Apparently, this interferes with the business model of the shameless in the Alternative Media. I have said this before, many of these people are legends in their own minds, and frankly, they need to stop living in their own Private Idahoes.

You are not going to take it with you.

December 18, 2023

November 18, 2022

Professionally, I have been watching what I have built over the last 26-years fall apart. It is such a big part of what is going on in the world. I have been telling my coworkers all along that if we get to December without war and a complete collapse of the world economy, I would be quite surprised, and absolutely thankful. Losing our jobs would be the best alternative. I have also told my coworkers for years that The 1991 Post-Soviet Collapse was coming to America, and it is here. I am in the business where the grunts see it first. When you are at ground-level, that is where the foundation begins to crumble.

This side hustle providing Nostradamus Commentary is a venerable business that is nearly five-centuries-old, but today, you cannot making a living from it. Everybody on the Internet is a Nostradamus and his mother. However, seventeen-years of blogging actually helped me write my books, and the Alternative Media certainly gets credit for helping me make my Nostradamus’ discoveries.

The Mainstream Media never covers Conspiracy Theory. Only various outlets in the Alternative Media will delve into crazy, and crazy is where the answers are found.

In 2004, I discovered that Alex Jones had crashed Bohemian Grove and recorded the pagan rituals of The Global Elite back in 1999. This led to one of my major epiphanies in putting the Nostradamus Puzzle together. Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels is found in his Epistle to Henry.

Alex Jones, however, was not a ground-breaker then, just a good soldier. For years, I had ignored the first two men who proceeded him, because an International cabal of satanic pedophiles sounded so very crazy. Alex Jones does get credit for making it all mainstream and for being relentless.

In 2024, childhood transsexualism is now an area protected by government laws. Is that a coincidence?

Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels was one of the first pages I put up on this website in 2007. Today, there is so much material that is connected across history. While recently updating the material with passages from my latest book, Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, I divided this long page into six pages.

  • SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001
  • Whatever the infighting is between certain websites in the Alternative Media, I do not really care. My union analogy above is my empirical understanding of human behavior, and at this point in my life, it is tiring for me to watch and repeat. I try not to vomit in public. However, as a consumer of the Alternative Media, what readers get is assembly line fast-food from the various fast-food Doom Franchises.

    I am always looking for something more substantial.

    I do not care what Alex Jones is putting out, what Steve Quayle is putting out, what Greg Hunter is putting out, what Jeff Rense is putting out, or what wannabe gurus and prophets Clif High and Dick Allgire are putting out, along with the so-called Future Forecasting Group. I find their hubris in trying to take the title away from Nostradamus enlightening.

    December 15, 2023

    Nostradamus recognized it all. I think I have the best explanations ever published.

    I would consider some people’s intentions of looking into the future genuine, if at least a few of them would have shown even a casual interest in the work that I have published here since 2007. I have gotten many things right, and this is a validation of Nostradamus and not G. A. Stewart.

    In 2007, I presented an empty slate with specific years; in 2024, most of those dates have been filled in and most of Nostradamus’ major characters have been identified.

    What makes it disturbing for me is that if Nostradamus got it right, and it looks like he has, and if these different modalities of matching predictions see the same future, this validates Nostradamus’ beliefs in Christianity.

    April 7, 2023

    That is monumentally both historic and a confirmation of the Christian faith. That confirmation of faith seems to have been cashed in for click-bait.

    I no longer want to compete with the crazy people in the Alternative Media. I do not even like scanning the headlines anymore, which has become a necessary component of this blog.

    The major news today is a Senile President. This is another amazing major Nostradamus hit regarding a Senile Leader who starts a Nuclear War. We are close to Nuclear War, and this is big news.

    July 7, 2024
    Russia Holds Mobile Nuclear Missile Launcher Drills Days Before NATO Summit In DC

    Nostradamus Quatrain III-59 gives us the sequence for the start of a Nuclear War. It mentions a Senile Leader. If any of the Princes of the Alternative Media have read and ignored that line, then you know your own colors.

    My prediction goes back to 2010, when I thought it applied only to Barack Obama.

    March 11, 2022


    Nostradamus Quatrain III-59
    Barbare empire par le tiers vsurpé
    La plus grad de son sang mettre à mort:
    Par mort senile par luy le quart frapé,
    Par peur que sang par la sang en soit mort.

    Nostradamus Quatrain III-59
    Barbarian [Islamic] Empire usurped by the third [Antichrist]
    The greater part of his blood being put to death:
    By senility death through him a fourth [USA/NATO/or the world] smitten,
    By fear that blood for blood is acceptable death.

    Revelation 6:8 (King James)
    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

    The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 243
    I initially had a problem with identifying President Obama as Nostradamus’ Third Antichrist. I have been expecting an older man, and the reason for this is because I was comparing the prediction of the Antichrist from the Berlin Lead Tube Prophecies.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 344
    This Quatrain is actually part of a Sextet Series, so they are extremely important. However, I am breaking the Sextet Series into two Triplicate Series of Quatrains, because they introduce The Black King and his Great Proscription, the reinvasion of Iraq, and the Quatrain above, which tells readers that “through him a fourth [USA/or the world] smitten”. Readers should have noted from Chapter Seven that Quatrain VIII-77 sets the standard.

    Nostradamus wrote “L’antechrist trois”, The Third Antichrist, therefore when he writes only The Third, we should infer The Third Antichrist. There can be no doubt that NATO and The New World Order are responsible for the chaos in the Middle East and North Africa.

    In Quatrain III-59, “Barbarian empire usurped by the third” is another reference to The Third Antichrist. Again, the noun, “the third”, is “usurping” an empire.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 344
    In the Sextet Series, Quatrains III-56, 57, and 58 seem to relate to the war between NATO and Russia in Europe. In fact, there is a good case to be made that large sections of Century III are devoted to World War III. The suggestion that the deaths may be limited to Muslims is not precise. The line “By senility [madness] death through him a fourth [USA/or the world] smitten”, is also vague in range.

    “Par lui le quart frapé”, through him a quarter smitten or struck leaves readers wondering a quarter of what, Muslim nations, the United States, or a quarter of the world. A quarter of the world is the number of deaths described in the book of Revelation.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 564
    Consider that Quatrain III-59 is not completed. Barack Obama did try to “usurp” the Middle East and North Africa with The Arab Spring. However, while Barack Obama was President of the United States, a fourth of the United States or the world was not “struck” or “smitten”.


    I thought the use of the word Senile was an artistic Nostradamus’ metaphor for the madness of Nuclear War. Today, we know that it breaks down to a physical description of a Senile Leader and Nostradamus’ Third Antichrist. Senile Joe Biden has been called Barack Obama’s puppet, and that is just a fact. This is another big win for my list of Nostradamus’ interpretations.

    June 28, 2024
    Could former President Barack Obama replace Kamala Harris in 2024?

    Lately, I have been wondering how exact I would have to be to get the attention of the Alternative Media and overwhelm the click-bait greed. Barack Obama’s return was in the cards, and I wrote about it in 2017. Following Quatrain III-59, here is a Nostradamus’ series that could predict how a Nuclear War is started by the Senile Leader.


    Presage 12 October 1555
    Venus Neptune poursuiura l’entre prinse,
    Serrez pensifs, troublez les opposans,
    Classe en Adrie. citez vers la Tamise,
    Le quart bruit blesse de nuict les reposans.

    Presage 12 October 1555 (2022)
    Venus [Islam] Neptune [Naval Fleet] prosecute the enterprise,
    Confined pensive, the opponent troubled,
    Fleet in the Adriatic, summoned toward the Thames (River, England),
    A fourth wounded by noise sleeping at night.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 344
    Here again Nostradamus writes a “fleet in the Adriatic”. Here again Nostradamus writes a “fleet in the Adriatic”. I see “citez” as “cite” or “summon someone to appear”. The most popular Nostradamus Commentators see it as “cities”, which does not make sense.



    Nostradamus Quatrain II-86
    Naufrage a classe pres d’onde Hadriatique:
    La terre esmeuë sus l’air en terre mis:
    Egypte tremble augment Mahommetique
    L’Herault soy rendre à crier est commis.

    Nostradamus Quatrain II-86
    A fleet of ships sunk [by a] pressure wave [in the] Hadriatique [Adriatic Sea]:
    The earth stirred up in the air and placed on land:
    Egypt trembles Mahomet [Islam] augmented
    The Herald surrendering commissioned to cry out.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 735
    I believe that this Quatrain is either providing the description of thermobaric ordnance used in a naval battle or a nuclear weapon. Nuclear naval battles in the Adriatic Sea will most likely be preceded by a series of nuclear naval battles in the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 878
    First we need to examine the dated prophecy for 2022. Readers should consider the current state of North Africa, especially the state of Libya. As I mentioned in Chapter Thirteen, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi and Commander Khalifa Haftar of the Libyan National Army (LNA) are allies.

    Khalifa Haftar is an ally of Russia.



    1791-1776 = 15 YEARS

    Nostradamus Quatrain IV-96
    La soeur aisnee de l’Isle Britannique,
    Quinz ans deuant le frere aura naissance:
    Par son promis moyennant verrifique,
    Succedera au regne de balance.

    Nostradamus Quatrain IV-96
    The elder sister of the British Isle,
    Born Fifteen years before her brother:
    Through her promise in return for verification,
    Succeeding to the kingdom of the balance.

    TRANSLATION/INTERPRETATION: Nostradamus Quatrain IV-96
    [America] The elder sister of the British Isle
    Born Fifteen years [1776] before her brother [France in 1791]
    Through her promise in return for verification [concerning nuclear weapons],
    [America will] Succeed to the Kingdom of the balance [Christian Church/Justice],

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 63
    This Quatrain is a good example of Nostradamus’ dating schemes and identifiers. The symbolism of the Kingdom of the Balance, the United States, and the preservation of Christianity is found throughout all of Nostradamus’ work. That is why I have included it here with the passages from The Epistle to Henry.

    Here is a first important example on how to read Nostradamus’ dates. America celebrates July 4th, 1776 as its Declaration of Independence from rule under the British crown.

    “Fifteen years” later, King Louise XVI of France and Marie Antoinette tried to flee France. Their carriage ride to Varennes and arrest on the night of June 22nd, 1791 is the symbolic end of the French monarchy.

    These are not the actual dates of the founding of the United States or the Republic of France, but in 1776 and in 1791 the symbolic events of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the capture of Louise XVI and Marie Antoinette would lead to the formation of both republics.

    This is another perfect example of The Nostradamus Butterfly Effect.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 176
    It is important to note here also, as I explain in the chapters ahead, that there is an unwritten part to my interpretation of this Quatrain that I will touch upon briefly. Line three in Quatrain IV-96 states that, “Through her promise in return for verification”, the United States will be, “Succeeding to the kingdom of the balance”.

    The Kingdom of the Balance is the Christian Church. Lady Justice holds the balance. She is the judge of morality. Why will America inherit the power of the Christian Church? I suspect that during a nuclear missile attack, America will be sacrificed waiting for “verification” of the attack.

    The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 290
    In Chapter Six I explained why the United States is the Kingdom of the Balance. Does “through her promise in return for verification, succeeding to the Kingdom of the balance” mean that the United States will delay a return nuclear strike while waiting for a verification of a hostile launch?


    This is the main backdrop of my material.

    Here is some food for thought. Certain people have made predictions in 2023 that have not come true in 2024. Why?

    On July 29, 2023, I posted my warning to Israel. That came true on October 7th, 2023.

    July 29, 2023

    Shortly after, certain people started hawking imminent Doom in the Middle East.

    My Nostradamus Timeline is filled with Conditional StatementsIf This happens, Then That Happens Next.

    My prediction was that Israel was going to war, the next event on my Nostradamus Timeline was the sinking of a U.S. Naval fleet or a nuclear terrorist event in a Palestinian territory, which I call The First Blow of Steel. What comes first is open to question.

    On October 7th, 2023, Israel went to war with Hamas. Subsequently, U.S. Aircraft carrier task forces have been deployed to the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea as Nostradamus’ Man from Yemen seems to be on the horizon.

    January 15, 2024


    Nostradamus Quatrain V-55
    De la felice Arabie contrade,
    Naistre puissant de loy Mahometique:
    Vexer l’Espagne, conquester la Grenade,
    Et plus par mer à la gent lygustique.

    Nostradamus Quatrain V-55
    In the country of Arabia Felix (Yemen),
    One born powerful in the law of Mahomet:
    To vex Spain, conquer Grenada (Spain),
    And more by sea against the Ligurian people (Genoa, Italy).

    This Quatrain is part of a Triplicate Series pointing to important events related to the war between Christianity and Islam.


    I have written that China will sink two American fleets.

    April 2, 2020

    January 1, 2019
    Chinese Admiral Wants To “Sink Two US Aircraft Carriers” Over South China Sea

    That discovery goes back to 2018.


    Nostradamus Quatrain V-2
    Sept coniures au banquet feront luyre,
    Contre les trois le fer, hors de nauire:
    L’vn les deux classes au grand fera conduire,
    Quant par le mail. Denier au front luy tire.

    Nostradamus Quatrain V-2
    Seven conspirators at the banquet cause to flash,
    Against the three the iron, out of the ship:
    The one will have two fleets driven to the great [one],
    When by the mail. [The] Denier to the facade draws him [in].

    January 12, 2020

    The “Denier to the facade” is President Xi Jinping. Trump tweeted that the United States had a “very, very great relationship” with China hours after the cruise missile attack on Syria. Xi Jinping’s public appearance and position after the American naval attack on Syria was neutral. President Xi Jinping was “ignoring the facade”, because he is drawing Trump into a trap.

    The three”, Russia, China, and Iran, completely understand the real agenda of the “seven conspirators”, NATO and the Group of Seven Nations. They have their targets set, the United States 5th, 6th, and 7th Fleets.

    I suggest that “the one will have two fleets driven to the great [one]” is an allusion to the destruction of the United States 7th Fleet in the Pacific Ocean and the 5th Fleet in the Arabian Sea or near the Persian Gulf.


    Knowing how the web hustle works, in the weeks after my July 29th, 2023 warning to Israel, I started reading about these different predictive modalities issuing ambiguous warnings in the Middle East. I knew what was coming next. I had to beat the twist and spin army of writers who would follow in my wake. Therefore, I knew to immediately publish my material on the sinking of a U.S. Naval fleet from those chapters in my books that connected with the predictions of The First Blow of Steel.

    October 11, 2023

    Sure enough, a short time later came the YouTube warnings about a threat to the U.S. Navy. Obviously, nothing on that scale has happened yet. Why?

    In my world, the reason why is because the Conditional Statements that I have outlined in my books and on my website have not yet been met.

    October 23, 2023

    Perhaps Egypt has already made its move as rebellion among Egyptian troops is rising. These are the unknown events that go on in the background that Nostradamus clearly saw.

    June 18, 2024
    Anger & Signs Of Rebellion Among Egyptian Troops As Sisi Remains Silent On Gaza

    July 3, 2024
    Egypt Teeters On Brink Of Economic Ruin As Public Debt Mounts, Poverty Rate Soars

    My apparent failures seem to proceed the real failures of the Internet wannabes. When the event finally materializes, then everybody claims credit. How could that be? We are halfway through 2024. What happened to all those YouTube warnings about the imminent sinking of a U.S. Navy ship and the ensuing fireworks in Iran?

    World events have caught up to what I have outlined in these posts, and Senile Leader Joe Biden’s exit is the next big event, and that may be related to a Nuclear War, as I outlined in those three Nostradamus’ prophecies above.

    It is all a complex puzzle, and my solution certainly follows current events. If people are not interested and curious about the coincidences to what I wrote in 2017 going back to 2007, then there is not a thing I can do to fix that. I have made it simple enough to understand.

    Joe Biden is saying that he will not go.

    July 7, 2024
    “The Sh*t Is Going To Hit The Fan On Monday”: DC In Turmoil As Biden Says Only ‘Act Of God’ Will Dislodge Him

    Consider what I have already written. For Joe Biden’s exit, my original timing was off, but I corrected it later, and now I seem to have come very close.

    June 1, 2022
    Protected: BIDEN OUT IN AUGUST 2022

    If Biden is out by August, there will be a reason. My guess is that within the next two month we will have some kind of nuclear weapons event, either a terrorist attack or as the next escalation in NATO’s war against Russia.

    I am still sticking with Quatrain VIII-65 as a prediction for Joe and Hunter Biden.




    Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-65
    Le vieux frustré du principal espoir,
    Il parviendra au chef de son empire,
    Vingt mois tiendra le regne à grand pouvoir,
    Tiran cruel en delaissant un pire.

    Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-65
    The old man frustrated by his principal hope,
    He attains to chief of his empire,
    Twenty months he will hold rule with great force,
    Tyrant cruel in giving way to one worse.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,756
    “Twenty months he will hold rule with great force” is a phrase that itself can be ambiguous.

    What if we use Joe Biden’s September 1st, 2022 Philadelphia, Independence Hall speech as the starting point of Joe Biden’s tyrannical reign as he declared anyone who voted for Donald J. Trump as a an “extremist”?

    We can average 20-months to 612 days. From September 1st, 2022 to May 5th, 2024 would give us that 20-months. This date would then fit with some of the dated 2024 prophecies.


    May 5th, 2024 is close, but it still does not exactly work out. “Twenty-months” is the key. I examined the possible math in the following two posts.

    August 31, 2023

    January 19, 2023

    It will be interesting to see what day Senile Joe Biden resigns. If we subtract Twenty-months, we should have a clue of Nostradamus’ intent. Beware of what happens next.

    For the new readers who have just found this website, maybe you have just searched the Internet and heard about a “New Nostradamus” and World War III; I am not that guy. I have been here a longtime and it is a long story.

    June 5, 2024

    The last “New Nostradamus’” prediction has failed. World War III did not start on June 18th, 2024. How many websites published this guy’s horseshit?

    World War III has actually been going on since 2011; and according to Nostradamus, it will end in 2038. As I have explained to my readers, Nostradamus believed that World War III would break out in 2011 and would last until 2038. This is The 27-Year War of The Third Antichrist, and this is part of that long story.


    The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 223

    Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-77
    L’antechrist trois bien tost annichilez,
    Vingt & sept ans sang durera sa guerre,
    Les heretiques morts, captifs exilez,
    Son corps humain eau rogie gresler terre,

    Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-77
    The third antichrist soon annihilated,
    Twenty-seven years of blood will his war last,
    The heretics dead, captives exiled,
    Blood, human corpses, water, red hail covering the Earth,

    September 19, 2023
    Milley & Stoltenberg Agree: ‘We Must Prepare Ourselves For A Long War In Ukraine’



    Nostradamus Quatrain IX-17
    Le tiers premier pys que ne feit Neron,
    Vuidex vaillant que sang humain respandre:
    R’édifier fera le forneron,
    Siecle d’or, mort, nouveau roy grand esclandre.

    Nostradamus Quatrain IX-17
    The third [Antichrist] [is] first [and] worse than Nero,
    [The] Valiant [are] vacant how much human blood will flow,
    He will rebuild the furnace,
    Golden age, dead, a new King great scandal.

    The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 212
    Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 385
    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 316
    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Complete Prophecies of World War III,
    G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 324

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 316
    In Quatrain VIII-77 in the paragraphs above, Nostradamus wrote, “the third antichrist soon annihilated.” In Quatrain IX-17, we can connect the “The Third” to the “Third Antichrist” and then to “Nero.”

    Quatrain IX-17 makes the direct connection to “Nero,” and then you can link this to Nostradamus’ character “[Bronzebeard/Aenobarbe].” “Ahenobarbus” was Nero’s family name.

    “He will rebuild the furnace” is an indicator of the level of violence and the horrendous death toll that will occur in America.

    The 2025 population projections at have become very controversial. They have since been removed; however, I still use their 2017 projections in this book to make my point.

    Originally, when I published Volume I, the website was predicting a reduction of over 83%, of the American population;’s last projection was corrected to a 69% reduction. That would still require the disposal of millions of bodies. That is many times the number of Jews in World War II killed and disposed of in the “first furnaces.”

    I use The Data from 2017 in a country-by-country analysis of the world population in 2025; presumably, 2024 will be the most devastating year of a war between NATO and Russia.

    In 2017, after dividing countries into either the NATO alliance and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), I found that the European death toll aligns with the RAND analyses of a NATO loss. The populations of the United States and Great Britain in 2025 appear to reflect a nuclear war.

    Nostradamus clearly alludes to that fact. “R’édifier,” “le forneron,” to “rebuild,” to “reconstruct,” to “re-erect,” “the furnaces, the ovens;” it is exactly what it sounds like. It means the rebuilding of Nazi ovens to burn the large number of dead bodies.


    Apparently, many Christian Fundamentalists see my version of the sacred word Antichrist, with all of its cliches, as an apostasy. I guess this is why I am considered a heretic. I suspect that the critics who think this way are also the same Christians who supported Bush I and Bush II, and gave us The New World Order.

    I regularly scan all the big Alternative Media aggregate websites. I know the circuit and the sales pitches and what bubbles up from Substack and elsewhere. As I have written, generally, I can read the headline on a link and know who the author is right away.

    The 2025 Population Data was always controversial.

    Let me present an example of the standard Alternative Media waffle to the flow of the news. The writers over at were examining the infamous population forecasts for 2025. As far as I can tell, at first they floated with COVID-19 as the cause of the great population loss, but now they seem to be blaming the population losses on a potential Nuclear War. What prompted the change? My guess is that Nuclear War is now selling like hot cakes across the Alternative Media.

    August 7, 2023
    The Deagel Forecast For 2025 Showed Who The WW3 Winners & Losers Were Going To Be: With Joe Biden Itching For A Fight, We Wanted To Remind Him Which Side America Fell On

    August 7, 2023
    Full Breakdown Of The Ongoing Covert Ops To ‘Cull The Herd’ – Alarming Proof The CIA, Rockefeller Foundation And DOD Are Directly Tied To Deagel’s Apocalyptic 2025 Depopulation Forecast
    Deagel’s depopulation forecast is not just an estimation but in fact, a target that is on track to be hit thanks to the deadly effects of Covid-19 vaccination.

    April 29, 2021
    UPDATE! Deagel Now Back Online After 4 Days Down! Was Deagel’s Warning About The Culling Of The Western World By 2025 Too Close For Comfort To The Globalists?
    There’s no logical business reason for it, especially since it was done before the COVID hysteria gripped the world. It stretches a reader’s credulity.

    February 28, 2020
    Deagel’s Forecast Of Massive Depopulation By 2025 Didn’t Include ‘Death By Pandemic’ But Warned Us What Could Happen: ‘A Scenario Could Evolve Of A Death Toll Of Up To 90%’

    You see, there is an easier way to know for sure what the population forecasts for 2025 are telling us. You just have to want to do the homework.

    I divided the entire world into two camps, NATO and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Clearly, the NATO countries suffer a catastrophic population loss pointing to a one sided Nuclear War.

    October4 22, 2022

    As readers can see, most of the NATO countries will lose a quarter to half of their populations by 2025. Strangely enough, has removed the population forecasts for 2025 from their website, and they just provide current data for specific countries. I used the 2016 numbers, which I believe are probably closer to the truth. These numbers were unpalatable when first published and subsequently downsized.

    All the writers over at had to do was a little logical analysis and math. This is lazy writing.

    Then we can move on to Doomsayer Michael Synder. He uses what I call the cookie-cutter approach to reporting on Doom. It is easy to see how he stamps it out. In May of 2024, Michael Synder was focusing on the economy and was linked by four times in nearly a week.

    May 30, 2024
    Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,
    Why Are Vast Numbers Of People Relocating To Small Towns All Over The Country?

    June 2, 2024
    Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,
    A “Restaurant Apocalypse” Is Starting To Sweep Across America, And That Is Really Bad News For The U.S. Economy

    June 5, 2024
    Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,
    During The Great Depression They Were Called “Hoovervilles”, But Today America’s Shantytowns Are Called…

    June 7, 2024
    Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,
    Retail Bloodbath: More Than 2,600 Store Closings Have Been Announced So Far In 2024

    Those are just the linked posts. Today, being linked by is the Holy Grail of the Alternative Media, with coming up fast on the inside. came online in 2009; in 2011.

    This month Michael Snyder is giving us a concise and cogent post carried by on what the amateurs will call World War III.

    July 6, 2024
    Authored by Michael Snyder via,
    10 Signs That Global War Is Rapidly Approaching

    My website came on line on December 10th, 2007; this was exactly two-years to the day before Barack Obama would receive his phony Nobel Peace Prize and when I would discover that Barack Obama is Nostradamus Third Antichrist. This is clearly spelled out in the anagram in Quatrain VI-5. There is something sacred and pivotal in the coincidence of that discovery on that day.

    This is the foundational story standing up the Joe Biden puppet. This script was written long ago.



    The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 228

    Nostradamus Quatrain VI-5
    Si grand famine par vnde pestifere,
    Par pluye longue le long du pole arctique:
    Samarobryn cent lieux de l’hemispere,
    Viuront sans loy, exempt de politique.

    Nostradamus Quatrain VI-5
    So great a famine by a pestilent wave,
    By rain extending the length of the Arctic Pole:
    Samarobryn one hundred leagues [135 miles] from the hemisphere,
    Living without law exempt from politics.




    Nostradamus Quatrain X-71
    La terre & l’air geleront si grand eau,
    Lors qu’on viendra pour ieudy venerer,
    Ce qui sera jamais ne fut si beau,
    Des quatre parts le viendront honorer.

    Nostradamus Quatrain X-71
    The earth and air will freeze a great [jet] stream,
    When they will come to venerate Thursday [Thursday, December 10, 2009],
    He who is not at all is not so nice [peaceful],
    From the four parts [of the world] they will come to honor him.

    The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 241
    Now I will admit that I have some major differences with the commercially successful Nostradamus commentators and the third line of Quatrain X-71.

    Nostradamus Quatrain X-71 (Third Line)
    Ce qui sera jamais ne fut si beau

    Only Erika Cheetham is the closest to the way I interpret it.

    Erika Cheetham
    He who will come will never be as fair,

    John Hogue
    That which will be, never was [it] so fair,

    Edgar Leoni
    That which will be never was it so fair,

    The key phrase descriptors are Jamais and si beau. Jamais means never, not at all. Si Beau means so good, so nice. Ce qui means whom, which, and by inflection, he. Sera means be or exist. Ne fut means was not or is not. If you put these together you get: That which is not at all, is not so nice or He who is not at all is not so nice.

    …They will come to venerate [on] Thursday [the Nobel Peace Prize]: He who is not at all [peaceful] is not so nice…

    This translation of course fits in with many of the descriptions of the young black king, throughout the quatrains. Another coincidental element is the bellicose nature of President Obama’s acceptance speech of his undeserved Nobel Peace Prize, which he himself recognized and admitted in his own speech.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,681
    Barack Obama was awarded his Noble Prize on a Thursday, December 10th, 2009. World leaders came from the “four parts” of the globe to honor him with a peace prize, even though he was conducting multiple wars in the Middle East and Asia. The hypocrisy even stood out to Nostradamus.

    Obama conducted wars against eight countries.


    The carnage that Barack Obama brought to the Libyans, Syrians, and Ukrainians will be coming to America and Europe.

    Joe Biden will be removed when a very serious war begins in the Middle East when the U.S. suffers some kind of naval defeat. This will most likely be initiated when Israel and Hezbollah go to war.

    June 27, 2024
    ‘A disastrous event’: All-out war between Israel and Hezbollah could devastate both sides


    Nostradamus Quatrain IX-100
    Navalle pugne nuit sera superée,
    Le feu aux naves à l’Occident ruine,
    Rubriche neufve, la grand nef colorée,
    Ire à vaincu, & victoire en bruine.

    Nostradamus Quatrain IX-100
    A Naval battle will subdue night,
    Fire in the ships to the West ruin,
    New rubric, the great ship colored,
    Anger to the vanquished, and victory in a drizzle.

    Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 585
    This Quatrain seems to indicate that this is a Western Fleet outside of the Persian Gulf or in the Arabian Sea. Therefore, it is possible that it links up with Quatrain V-62 below, which I believe may involve Chinese and American naval forces in the South China Sea.



    Nostradamus Quatrain X-77
    Trente adherans de l’ordre des quirettes,
    Bannis, leurs biens donnez ses aduersaires:
    Tous leurs bienfaits seront pour demerites,
    Classe espargie deliurez aux corsaires.

    Nostradamus Quatrain X-77
    Thirty adherents of the order of quirites [Generals/Admirals],
    Banished, their property given to adversaries:
    All their benefits seen as misdeeds,
    The fleet sunk, delivered to the corsairs.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 595
    “Thirty adherents of the order of Quirites” alludes to Roman Generals in their role as civil leaders. From Quatrain X-76 we get the sense of a Senate ordaining a General, which I have associated with former General David Petraeus, and in Quatrain X-77, the civilian Generals are banished after a “fleet sunk delivered to the Corsairs.”

    “Delivered to the Corsairs” suggests that this is the United States 5th Fleet in the Persian Gulf or the Arabian Sea, since this is a 16th century term Nostradamus would use for Muslim pirates.

    As I mentioned, what is interesting about Quatrain X-76 is its relationship to the history of the Athenian General Thrasybulus, which Nostradamus recounts in his Epistle to Henry. Before his coup against the Thirty Tyrants, the Athenian fleet and expeditionary force sailed to Sicily and was destroyed.



    Nostradamus Quatrain VI-25
    Par Mars contraire sera la monarchie,
    Du grand pescheur en trouble ruyneux:
    Ieune noir. rouge prendra la hierarchie,
    Les proditeurs iront iour bruyneux.

    Nostradamus Quatrain VI-25
    Through Mars [War] contrary [to the] the monarch [King/President],
    The great fisherman [Pope] in ruinous trouble:
    The young Black [King]. red [Muslim] seizes the hierarchy,
    The traitors move on a rainy day.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 325-326
    This is another important Quatrain in Century VI. “Jeune noir rouge”, “Young [Muslim] red Black King” repeats the description Nostradamus used for his Third Antichrist in Quatrain III-60, “D’un ieune noir rempli de felonnie”, “Of a young Black [King] filled with felony”.

    In this Quatrain, “Ieune noir. rouge prendra la hierarchie”, “The young Black [King]. red [Muslim] seizes the hierarchy”.

    In Quatrain VI-38 Nostradamus uses “Noir sanguinaire, rouge sera commis,”, “the Black [King] bloodthirsty, red [a Muslim], shall be exposed”. As you read Quatrain VI-10 defines “red”, “De blanc & noyr les deux entremeslee”, “Of white and black of the two intermixed”, “Rouges & iaunes leur embleront les leurs”, “Red and yellow ones will carry off their possessions”.

    Therefore, Quatrain VI-25 definitively states that “Jeune noir rouge” is a Muslim who, “seizes the hierarchy” and who Nostradamus considered “Les proditeurs”, “The Traitors” from the Latin word “proditor”, “traitor”.


    King Charles III, Barack Obama, and George Soros are the biggest players in the West.

    May 15, 2024


    Nostradamus Quatrain IX-58
    Au costé gauche à l’endroit de Vitry,
    Seront guettez les trois rouges, de France,
    Tous assomez rouge, noir non meurdry,
    Par les Bretons remis en asseurance.

    Nostradamus Quatrain IX-58
    As collateral [for the] left at the location of Vitry,
    Will be lookouts [for] the three reds [Muslims] of France,
    All disabled red [Muslim], Black [King] not murdered,
    By the Bretons [English] restored and assured.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 596
    I see “costé” as Old French for “collateral”. It is tempting to see “gauche à l’endroit de Vitry”, as “left at the location of Vitry”, which could be a description of one of many Communes
    in France; however, I do not see it as part of the description of a place; I see it as the description of a political affiliation.

    As I covered above in Quatrain IX-76, Nostradamus delineated sides perfectly, “the left military hand” and “the right military hand.” The main premise in this Quatrain is an assassination plot; the “rouge, noir non meurdry”, the red [Muslim], Black [King] not murdered”. “Collateral… the three reds [Muslims] of France will be lookouts… all disabled”; “By the Bretons [English]” the “red [Mulim], Black [King] not murdered… [He is] restored and assured [as President].”

    This clearly describes Great Britain and possibly its foreign intelligence service MI6 in restoring Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States.

    Once again we see Nostradamus continued use of “rouge, noir”; which I again interpret as the “red [Muslim], Black [King].”

    Whether this assassination attempt occurs in France, or elements of the plot occur in France, there is no way to tell. However, you will read further on the predictions concerning the British government’s relocation to America after the war in Europe begins.

    February 12, 2017
    Obama to meet French presidents, past and present, on Paris trip
    The former US leader, who visited Beijing and New Delhi this week, had stood alongside Hollande and Hidalgo two years ago during a memorial ceremony for the victims of the November 13, 2015, terrorist attacks in the French capital.


    Here is a new prophecy that I discovered in 2022 when I finally compiled my Nostradamus Compendium. This is what we may see soon, either the Republican Convention or the Democratic Convention will not be held. This was a new discover. i discovered more Donald J. Trump anagrams. He turned out to be the third most frequent anagram in Nostradamus’ prophecies, Barack Obama is number two.


    Nostradamus Quatrain VI-64
    On ne tiendra pache aucune arresté,
    Tous receuans iront par tromperie:
    De paix & trefue terre & mer protesté;
    Par Barcelone classe prins d’industrie.

    Nostradamus Quatrain VI-64
    They will not hold [a] convention no arrests,
    All the subscribers will act through deceit [Trump]:
    In peace and truce, land and sea protest,
    By Barcelona (Spain) fleet seized through industry.

    Does this suggest the Republican Convention? Will Trump be taken off the ballot?

    2024 Republican National Convention
    The 2024 Republican National Convention is scheduled to be held July 15 to 18, 2024, at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

    Does this suggest the Democratic Convention? Will something happen to Senile Joe Biden before the convention?

    2024 Democratic National Convention
    The 2024 Democratic National Convention is scheduled to be held August 19 to 22, 2024, at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois.


    I updated my interpretation of Quatrain VIII-15 below eight-years ago. Clearly, I beat Martin Armstrong’s analysis with his prediction of Hillary Clinton’s return, and I did not need a computer named Socrates.

    I was predicting that in 2016, when I was writing my 2017 book, and Donald J. Trump had not even won the Republican nomination for President?

    June 27, 2024
    Trump vs Biden Debate – The Setup for Hillary


    Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-15
    Vers Aquilon grands efforts par hommasse,
    Presque l’Europe & l’Univers vexer,
    Les deux eclypses mettra en telle chasse,
    Et aux Pannon vie & mort renforcer.

    Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-15
    Towards Aquilon [NATO] great efforts by the mannish woman,
    Nearly all of Europe and the Universe vexed,
    The two eclipsed such that they become the hunted,
    And for Pannon (Hungary) life and death reinforced.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 451
    “Towards Aquilon [NATO] great efforts by the mannish woman”. We know that Hillary Clinton was the chief architect of The Arab Spring and NATO’s attack on Libya and the subversion of Syria. “The Mannish Woman” suggests that this is a reference to Hillary Clinton’s alleged bisexuality.

    This Quatrain involves Hillary Clinton’s return with The Black King to rescue the United States from a disastrous war with Russia.

    The future prediction: “Nearly all of Europe and the world vexed”, “the two eclipsed” suggests the war between NATO and Russia has begun. “The two eclipsed” might be France and the United States as members of NATO.

    However, there is the multidimensional aspect related to the Clintons. I suspect that this also might eventually lead to a hunt for the Clintons who may be fleeing after the “the impurities and abominations, will to great shame, be brought out and manifested in the darkness of the obscured light”.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 255
    Presently, the return of Hillary Clinton to power is a possibility if something should happen to the President, Joe Biden. I suspect that she will be nominated for the position of Vice President when Joe Biden resigns.


    By 2019, I realized that Michelle Obama (Big Mike) had a future role to play.

    July 3, 2024
    VP Harris Top Choice to Replace Biden in Election Race if He Steps Aside, Sources Say
    Passing over the first Black and woman vice president for another candidate would lead to a backlash from Black and women voters who are key to any victory, several Democratic strategists said.

    Joe Biden’s departure will bring Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Michelle Obama back on scene simultaneously with some military disaster.

    May 1, 2019


    Nostradamus Quatrain II-45
    Trop le ciel pleure l’androgin procreé,
    Pres de ce ciel sang humain respandu,
    Par mort trop tarde grand peuple recreé
    Tard & tost vient le secours attendu.

    Nostradamus Quatrain II-45
    Too much the sky weeps for the Androgyne created,
    Near the heavens human blood shed,
    By death too late a great people re-created
    Late and soon the awaited relief comes.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 591
    If Michelle Obama is transgender, that discovery would destroy Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels. This Quatrain points to a fatal airplane crash in a storm.


    Where are we right now?

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,326
    The First Blow of Steel and The Second Blow of Steel, which I would guess to be sometime between November of 2023 and June of 2024…

    The big change of perspective for me in writing this post comes with the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics and Nostradamus warning of The Games of Slaughter, should I move the location of The First Blow of Steel from a Palestinian territory to Toulouse in France, as mentioned in the prophecy?


    Nostradamus Sixain XXXI (28)
    Celuy qui a, les hazards ƒurmonté,
    Qui fer, feu, eaue n’a iamais redouté,
    Et du pays bien proche de Baƒacle,
    D’vn coup de fer tout le monde eƒtonné,
    Par Crocodil eƒtrangement donné,
    Peuple raui de veoir vn tel ƒpectacle.

    Nostradamus Sixain XXXI (28)
    He who has overcome the hazards,
    Who has never feared sword, fire, water,
    And of a country close to Toulouse,
    By a blow of steel the entire world astonished,
    Strangely given by the Crocodile,
    People delighted to see such a spectacle.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 791
    Nostradamus identifies The Crocodile to be the person or metaphorical nation that is the first to use a nuclear weapon.

    Originally, I thought that this might apply to Russian Metrojet Flight 9268 that was blown up over the Sinai Peninsula by ISIS on October 31st, 2015.

    Since The Blow of Steel is mentioned in two Sixains, one clearly connected to a nuclear explosion, I believe that this Sixain is also describing a nuclear terrorist attack on the West Bank of Israel.

    Nostradamus mentions Toulouse because there is a very large Palestinian population in Toulouse. On March 11th, 2012, the Toulouse and Montauban shootings began when an Islamic extremist over the course of the next week began shooting French soldiers and Jewish school children.

    I now believe that the nuclear attack that Nostradamus predicts in The Epistle to Henry that occurs in Nablus will either be a component of a larger war at hand, such as a war between Israel, Hezbollah, and Hamas, or more than likely part of two nuclear terrorist attacks.

    The Blows of Steel are more than likely the precursor events to igniting a much larger war. They seem to occur before nuclear weapons are used in Turkey and the in the Aegean Sea.



    Nostradamus Sixain XLV (43)
    De coup de fer, tout le monde eƒtonné,
    Par Crocodil eƒtrangement donné,
    A vn bien grand parent de la ƒangƒuë,
    Et peu apres ƒera vn autre coup
    De guet à pend, commis contre le loup,
    Et de tels ƒaits on verra l’iƒƒuë.

    Nostradamus Sixain XLV (43)
    The entire world astonished by a blow of steel,
    Strangely given by the Crocodile [Egypt],
    To a very great one, relative of the leech [Palestinians],
    And shortly after there will be another blow
    By foul play, committed against the wolf [Italy],
    And of such deeds one will not see the issue [Cause/Terrorism].

    Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 485
    “And of such deeds one will not see the result” certainly implies that two notable terrorist incidents using a nuclear weapon will occur against the Relative of the Leech and the wolf. Of course, the wolf is an allusion to Romulus and Remus, the mythological twin brothers who founded Rome and who were both raised by a she-wolf.

    Now I infer the use of nuclear weapons in Italy from another prediction that certain areas of northern Italy will be forbidden lands, and also from Sixain XIX above, which outlines the years and mentions the “incendiary.”

    Here is how I derive the metaphor for one target being somewhere in Palestinian held land. I have considered and offered in all the editions of this book that it might be in the West Bank or Gaza.




    Nostradamus Quatrain II-15
    Vn peu deuant monarque trucidé,
    Castor Pollux en nef, astre crinite.
    L’erain public par terre & mer vuidé,
    Pise, ast, Ferrare, Turin, terre interdicte.

    Nostradamus Quatrain II-15
    Shortly before the monarch is slaughtered,
    Castor Pollux in the ship, a long-haired star [comet].
    Public funds emptied by land and sea,
    Pisa, Asti, Ferrara, Turin forbidden lands.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 821
    “Shortly after there will be another blow” “…against the wolf [Italy]” means that the “blow of steel…” “To a very great one, relative of the leech [Palestinians]” will come to Italy.

    “And of such deeds one will not see the issue” certainly implies nuclear terrorism by an unknown group.

    This will cause “Public funds [to be] emptied by land and sea”. From Sixain XXXIV, we also know that “The Princes of Jerusalem [are] very agreeable” “To committing the heinous and execrable deed”, and “They [Israel] will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.”




    Nostradamus Quatrain V-45
    Le grand Empire sera tost desollé,
    Et translaté pres d’ardue ne silue:
    Les deux bastards par l’aisné decollé,
    Et regnera Aenobarb. nez de milue.

    Nostradamus Quatrain V-45
    The great Empire [Aquilon/NATO] shall be totally desolate,
    And transferred near the Ardennes Forest (N. France) [NATO Headquarters]:
    The two bastards through the eldest beheaded,
    And reigning Aenobarbe [Nero/Black King]. [his] nose [in the] middle.


    Brother Anthony of Aix-la-Chapelle – 1871
    Some day war will break out again in Alsace. I saw the French in Alsace with Strasbourg at their rear, and I saw Italians fighting with them. Suddenly great transports of troops arrived from the French side.

    A two-day battle ended with the defeat of the Prussian [Kaliningrad] army. The French pursued the Prussians over the Rhine in many directions. In a second battle at Frankfurt, the Prussians [Kaliningrad army] army lost again and retired as far as Siegburg, where they joined a Russian army.

    The Russians made common cause with the Prussians [Kaliningrad army]. It seemed to me as if the Austrians were aiding the French. The battle at Siegburg was more horrible than any before and its like will never occur again.

    After some days the Prussians and Russians retreated and crossed, below Bonn, to the left bank of the Rhine. Steadily pressed by their opponents, they retired to Cologne, which had been bombarded so much that only one-fourth of the city remained intact.

    Constantly in retreat, the remainder of the Prussian [Kaliningrad] army moved to Westphalia, where the last battle went against them. The people greatly rejoiced because they were freed from the Prussians.

    Readers should note that the cities mentioned in Brother Anthony of Aix-la-Chapelle’s prophecy regarding the Kaliningrad army and their alliance with Russian forces points to Russia defeating NATO in Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and combining Nostradamus prophecies for Phase I, NATO headquarters is also destroyed and relocates in Northern France. These cities in Germany, France, and Belgium are between 600 to 750 miles west of Kaliningrad. Therefore, that means that Russia is not chased out of the Kaliningrad Oblast by NATO; otherwise they would have retreated east.

    We can see that Brother Anthony of Aix-la-Chapelle’s prophecy takes place over a period of time before Russian forces retreat back over the Rhine River.



    Remember, my dates for these events were a guess, but we are still in the window. The clue is when Joe Biden leaves, how he is replaced, and with whom. From the tenor of Nostradamus’ prophecies, it looks like war will be the key.


    Nostradamus Quatrain I-74
    Apres seiourné vogueront en Epire:
    Le grand secours viendra vers Antioche,
    Le noir poil crespe tendra fort à l’empire:
    Barbe d’aerain le roustira en broche.

    Nostradamus Quatrain I-74
    After sojourning sailing to Epirus (Greece/Turkey):
    The great rescue comes towards Antioch (Turkey/Syria),
    The frizzy haired Black [King] reaches out strongly for the empire [Aquilon/NATO]:
    Bronze beard [Aenobarbe/Nero] will roast on a spit.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 325-326
    Here is where we can link Nero and The Third to The Black King. This also tells readers that The Black King is returning, “after sojourning”, “apres seiourné”, essentially, it is a temporary stay.

    In line three, “Le noir poil crespe”, “The Black with frizzy hair” makes no sense unless “noir” is the noun, so we apply the rules for the anagram “noir”. As the noun and subject, “le noir” becomes “Le Roi Noir”, “The Black King”.

    As you read in the previous chapter, in Quatrain II-79 it is, “La barbe crespe & noire”, “The frizzy and black bearded/barbarian”.

    Ahenbarbous, Nero’s family name translates as red beard or bronze beard. “Barbe d’airain” is “Beard of bronze”. Coincidentally, the Islamic Antichrist, The Dajjal, is described as having a “red complexion”.


    April 26, 2024

    It is easy to see that what I described in my books is in the works. The fact that The First Blow of Steel has not occurred yet means that we go from The First Blow of Steel to The Second Blow of Steel to all out Nuclear War in quick succession. I was hoping for a tapered escalation.

    June 29, 2024
    Iran warns Israel of ‘obliterating war’ if it attacks Lebanon

    June 29, 2024
    UK Military Planes Making Secretive Flights To Lebanon From Cyprus


    Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
    Princes & Seigneurs tous ƒe feront la guerre,
    Couƒin germain le frere auec le frere,
    Tiny l’Arby de l’heureux de Bourbon,
    De Hieruƒalem les Princes tant aymables,
    Du fait commis enorme & execrables,
    Se reƒƒentiront ƒur la bourƒe ƒans fond.

    Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
    Princes and Lords will all make war against one and other,
    First cousin, brother against brother,
    [L’Arby/Arab League] finished by the happy Bourbon,
    The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable,
    To committing the heinous and execrable deed,
    They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.

    The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 229
    Israel will not be alone in its decision to attack Iran. “The Princes of Jerusalem” will agree with the agenda set by those Princes and Lords who control the Western alliance, those countries who have sworn allegiance to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Empire of Aquilon.

    “Arabs finished by the happy ones of Bourbon” is a reference to Nostradamus’ hero Henri Selin who is a descendant of the Dauphin and the House of Bourbon and who will fight against the Antichrist in the American Civil War and go on to beat back the Chinese-Islamic invasion of the West.

    “They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.” This alludes to Israel feeling the effects of the global economic collapse. The United States does not have a bottomless purse.



    Nostradamus Sixain XXX (27)
    Dans peu de temps Medecin du grand mal,
    Et la ƒangƒue d’ordre rang inegal,
    Mettront le feu à la branche d’Oliue,
    Poƒte courir, d’vn & d’autre coƒté,
    Et par tel feu leur Empire accoƒté,
    Se r’alumant du franc finy ƒaliue.

    Nostradamus Sixain XXX (27)
    In a short time the Physician of the great disease,
    And the leech of unequal order and rank,
    They will set fire to the Olive branch,
    Positioning driving, one side and another,
    And through such fire their Empire accosted,
    Reigniting the last of French saliva.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 811
    In Sixain XXX, I believe Nostradamus is giving future historians the two arbiters of humanity’s fate. The Physician of the Great Disease and The Leech of Unequal Order and Rank. They seem to be responsible for what history will recognize as the start of World War III.

    In Chapter III, I explained how Nostradamus identified The Leech as being south of France, which makes The Leech North Africa, or more precisely, the Arab League. With that explanation, we can presume that The Leech of Unequal Order and Rank is the single most important Islamic leader in the world.



    Nostradamus Quatrain IX-55
    L’horrible guerre qu’en l’Occident s’appreste,
    L’an ensuivant viendra la pestilence,
    Si fort l’horrible que jeune, vieux ne beste,
    Sang, feu, Mercure, Mars, Jupiter en France.

    Nostradamus Quatrain IX-55
    The horrible war which is being prepared in the West,
    The following year will come the pestilence,
    So very horrible that young, old, nor beast,
    Blood, fire Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,431
    The following year will come the pestilence” suggest that in 2025 The Great Plague kills more than the COVID-19 Pandemic or the COVID-19 Vaccine. I suggest that the COVID-19 Vaccine was purposely engineered to weaken the human immune system. This has been proven.

    In conjunction with the victories of the Russian and Iranian armies in Turkey and Europe, the West will be decimated by The Great Plague.


    Quatrain IX-55 clearly identifies the West for starting World War III; this is the backdrop behind the approach of “Israel’s Heinous Deed.” “The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable to the social engineeing plan that NATO has been working since the end of Wolrd War II.”

    I suggest that this can come at any moment, and I do hope that I am very wrong.

    Alois Irlmaier, Freislassing, Bavaria. Predicted his own death in July 1959.
    The “Great City” of the United States will be destroyed by rockets, and the West Coast will be invaded by Asians, but they will be beaten back…”

    A Vision Received by Brother Dumitru Duduman April 22, 1996
    Then, the man spoke again, “When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning.”




    Nostradamus Sixain XXVII
    Celeƒte feu du coƒté d’Occident,
    Et du Midy courir iuƒques au Leuant,
    Vers demy morts ƒans point trouuer racine
    Troiƒieme aage à Mars le belliqueux,
    Des Eƒcarboucles on verra briller feux,
    Aage Eƒcarboucle, & à la fin famine.

    Nostradamus Sixain XXVII
    Celestial fire from the side of the West,
    From the South, running to the Levant [East],
    Worms half dead without finding a root.
    Third Age of Mars the warlike [World War III],
    From carbuncles [Lasers] one will see brilliant fire,
    The age of the carbuncle [Laser] and in the end famine.

    Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 63
    “Fires shining from the Carbuncles” is a reference to laser weaponry. Interestingly enough, a carbuncle is anyone of the scarlet and crimson varieties of garnet where the stone is cut with a convex face. There is an ancient legend that Noah used such stones to illuminate the ark.

    The lines, The Third Age of Mars and fires shining from carbuncles, are clearly prophecies of World War III and lasers. I remember forty-years ago looking up the definition of carbuncle in my 1956 American Educator Encyclopedia. I noted that it mentioned that the ancients had prized carbuncles for their ability to “shine in the dark”.



    Nostradamus Quatrain IV-50
    Libra verra regner les Hesperies,
    De ciel, & terre tenir la monarchie:
    D’Asie forces nul ne verra peries
    Que sept ne tiennent par rang la hierarchie.

    Nostradamus Quatrain IV-50
    Libra [the balance] will see Hesperia [America] reign,
    Holding rule over heaven and earth:
    The forces of Asia nobody shall see perish
    When seven [G7] hold the hierarchy in order.



    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 22

    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 22:1
    And by the third which will extend their forces towards the circuit of Eastern Europe…

    TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 22:1
    And then by the actions of the third brother and the [Third Antichrist] who will expand the forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization throughout Eastern Europe, which will threaten the peace with Russia.

    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 22:2
    Where, in the Pannonias, they will be overthrown and succumb…

    TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 22:2
    In Hungary, the armies of [NATO and the New World Order] will succumb [to the armies of the Chinese-Islamic Alliance].

    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 22:3
    And by marine sail extend to Sicily, the Adriatic by Myrmidons and Germany will totally succumb.

    And the Barbarian sect will be greatly afflicted and driven out of all the Latins,

    TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 22:3
    By naval forces sailing towards Sicily and the Adriatic Sea, they will deliver an army as numerous as ants that will occupy Greece, the Balkan Peninsula, Germany, and Sicily.

    TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 22:4
    Europe will totally succumb and resort to chemical and nuclear warfare. The armies of the [Russian-Chinese-Islamic Alliance] will be greatly afflicted and driven out of Spain and Italy.

    The Myrmidons were ant people created by Zeus. Some of them separated to become the Macedonian tribe led by Achilles. The Macedonian is one of Nostradamus’ conquerors who is quite ruthless.

    After nuclear war and plague decimates the world, the Chinese will be like the Vikings raiding various surviving coastal cities, which most likely will turn into tiny fiefdoms run by The Petty Tyrants.



    Nostradamus Quatrain II-90
    Par vie & mort changé regne d’Ongrie:
    La loy sera plus aspre que seruice,
    Leur grand cité d’vrlemets, plaincts & crie:
    Castor & Pollux ennemis dans la lyce.

    Nostradamus Quatrain II-90
    Through life and death the realm of Hungary changed:
    The law will be more harsh than service,
    The great city cries out with wails and screams:
    Castor and Pollux enemies in the arena.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 242
    Castor and Pollux were the mythical twin brothers. If readers will recall, I mentioned this important quote from Nostradamus’ Epistle to Henry, “those two brothers of Aquilon who are not yet brothers.”

    When I examine this Quatrain in depth, you will note that Nostradamus repeatedly predicts that even though Russia and the United States go to war, as mentioned above, they will eventually align to defeat China and the Islamic Alliance.


    July 5, 2024
    Hungary’s Orban talks Ukraine peace with Putin, stirring EU outcry



    Nostradamus Sixain XLVII (45)
    Le grand d’Hongrie ira dans la nacelle,
    Le nouueau né fera guerre nouuelle
    A ƒon voiƒin, qu’il tiendra aƒƒiegé,
    Et le noir eau auec ƒon alteƒƒe,
    Ne ƒouƒƒrira que par trop on le preƒƒe,
    Durant trois ans ƒes gens tiendra rangé.

    Nostradamus Sixain XLVII (45)
    The great one of Hungary, he will go into the bark [the Church],
    The new heir will make new war
    To his neighbor whom he will hold besieged,
    And the Black [King] water along with his highness [violence/force],
    Not suffering, through too much pressure,
    For three years he will keep his people arrayed.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 840
    “The great one of Hungary, he will go into the bark [the Church]” the war between NATO and Russia will come to Hungary and Hungary’s leader will go to the Vatican to seek peace.

    “The Black [King]”, “For three years he will keep his people arrayed” means that the NATO and Russian armies will faceoff on the border of Hungary and the rest of Europe for three-years.

    If we follow Brother Anthony of Aix-la-Chapelle’s timeline, this means that the war in Northern Europe and Ukraine will be waged for almost a year before the war comes to Turkey.



    Nostradamus Quatrain IV-95
    Le regne à deux laissé bien peu tiendront,
    Trois ans sept mois passés feront la guerre
    Les deux vestales contre rebeleront,
    Victor puis nay en Armonique terre.

    Nostradamus Quatrain IV-95
    The realm left to two very few will hold,
    Three years and seven months passes they will make war
    The two vestals rebel in opposition,
    Victor the [eldest] born in the land of Armonique [America].

    Nay: Né – Born – Aîné né – Eldest born. Alternate name for Henri Selin, Henri V.



    Nostradamus Quatrain II-70
    Le dard du cielfera son estendue
    Mors enparlant: grande execution.
    La pierreenl’arbre la fiere gent rendue,
    Bruit, humainmonstre, purge expiation.

    Nostradamus Quatrain II-70
    The dart from the sky will expand,
    Deaths in speaking, great execution,
    The stone in the tree, the proud people [nation] surrenders,
    Noise, human monster, purge exhalation.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2023, G.A. Stewart, Page 1238
    I have never published my interpretation of this Quatrain in any any of my previous books nor on my website.

    “The dart from the sky will expand” is most likely one Russian Sarmat Intercontinental Nuclear Missile launched against the United States deploying ten multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) warheads against the United States.

    In his March 1st, 2018 state of the nation speech, Vladimir Putin announced the development of the RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile. The video showed him deploying MIRVs against Tampa Bay Florida, presumably targeted at MacDill Air Force Base; home of the U.S. Central Command and the U.S. Special Operations Command.

    From Nostradamus’ prophecies, we can presume that Putin will display two weapons systems, one RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile against the United States and one Poseidon Status 6 nuclear torpedo against Great Britain.



    Nostradamus Quatrain II-91
    Soleil leuant vn grand feu lon verra
    Bruit & clarté vers Aquilon tendant:
    Dedans le rond mort & cris lont orra
    Par glaiue, feu, faim mort les attendants.

    Nostradamus Quatrain II-91
    Sunrise [in the Levant] one will see a great fire
    Noise and light extending toward Aquilon [NATO]:
    Within the circle death and cries are heard
    Through steal, fire, famine, death attends them.

    This is the final Quatrain in the America-Russia history Triplicate Series.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 881
    Soleil leuant, is Sun Levant, which is Sun in the East, implying Sunrise. However, consider the superposition of meaning Levant is East, but it is derived from The Levant, the land of Israel and Syria.


    This leads me to my very old Special UFO Message prediction, first published in 2007.

    Since The UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomenon has now been confirmed by the U.S. military, it is no longer Conspiracy Theory, and we can now add this reality into the metaphysical and historical mix.

    After my May 22nd, 2004 conversation with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon, who also held two M.I.T. engineering degrees, I realized that The UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomenon was central to all prophecy and at the root of all religions. Here is where that led me to back in 2007.


    2007 CHAPTER ONE

    2007 CHAPTER TWO




    This new reality is also central to some very important Nostradamus’ predictions involving Extraterrestrials.

  • Readers should note that at the very bottom of this new page, I show how the math in one of the U.S. Navy’s infamous UFO patents works out.

    January 4, 2021

    How many Alternative Media bloggers have done that or can understand it?

    I do not see anyone else in the Alternative Media getting to the heart of certain topics, just exploiting the alleged Conspiracy Theories such as Project Blue Beam. In the context of historical religious literature, the concept behind that particular Conspiracy Theory does not even make sense. That is why it took five chapters in my first book to figure it out the history. It means extending your Belief Systems, and I certainly recognize that is tough. I am not there yet.

    Revelation 13:7 (King James)
    And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

    Revelation 13:13 (King James)
    And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in sight of men.

    Revelation 13:14 (King James)
    And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast…

    January 10, 2022


    Nostradamus Quatrain I-91
    Les dieux feront aux humains apparence,
    Ce quils seront auteurs de grand conflit:
    Auant ciel veu serein espée & lance,
    Que vers main gauche sera plus grand afflit

    Nostradamus Quatrain I-91
    The gods make to humans [an] appearance,
    That they will be the authors of a great conflict:
    Before heaven seen serene sword and lance,
    On the left hand there will be great affliction

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III,
    G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 884-886

    I read line one, “Les dieux feront aux humains apparence” differently than most Nostradamus Commentators, especially in the light of the prediction from The Epistle to Henry that I detail below. “Feront”, “make” “apparence”, “appearance” is clear enough. “The gods make an appearance.”

    A language expert would be needed to differentiate “Make an Appearance” or “Make it Appear”. Line two, “Ce quils seront auteurs de grand conflit“, seems to give the impression that the gods trick humans into starting a war.

    In The Epistle to Henry, that interpretation may be checked, because “Rare Birds” appear in the sky to give a warning and then vanish; therefore, from that point it may mean “Make an Appearance“.

    Do note two important points, Nostradamus has given us Quatrain I-91 as a reference to The War in Heaven, and take note that Quatrain II-91 deals with The War on Earth. Both Quatrains acknowledge the important 911-symbolism that history recognizes today.



    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:1

    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:1
    After that the antichrist will be the infernal prince, again for the last time, all the Kingdoms of Christianity, and even of the infidels, will tremble for the space of twenty-five years,

    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:2

    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:2
    And there will be more grievous wars and battles, and there will be towns, cities, castles and all other edifices will be burned, desolated, and destroyed, with great effusion of vestal blood, violations of married women and widows, and sucking children dashed and broken against the walls of towns.

    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:3

    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:3
    By the means of Satan, Infernal Prince, so many evils will be committed that the entire world will be found undone and desolate.

    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:4

    Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:4
    Before these events many rare birds will cry in the air. Now, now, and sometime later vanish.


    Nostradamus Quatrain II-75
    La voix ouye de l’insolit oyseau,
    Sur le canon du respiral estaige,
    Si haut viendra de froment le boisseau,
    Que l’home d’home sera Antropophage.

    Nostradamus Quatrain II-75
    The voice of the rare bird heard,
    Over the cannon breathtaking coinciding,
    So high will the bushel of wheat rise,
    That man will be eating his fellow man.

    Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 889
    Once again, we see this term “insolit oyseau”, “rare bird”. “Insoli” can mean “rare”, “unusual”, “bizarre”, or “freaky”.

    “Respirer” means “to breath”. Extrapolating from seeing something rare that coincides with a great war that leads to cannibalism, I would say that the intent is some event that takes people’s breath away.

    “Estaige” is “etage”. As a masculine noun, “etage” can mean “floor”, as a verb it means “to superpose” or “to place something above something else”; in geometry, it means, “to make two figures coincide exactly”.

    This is such a very serious Quatrain that is straight out of The Book of Revelation.

    Revelation 6:6 (King James)
    And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.


    This is what I have worked out over the last seventeen-years. I seem to be close, with lots more room for important events to appear in-line with the news and the prophecies that I have included in this post.

    It is entertainment, it is fortunetelling, but it is still far better, more accurate, and more consistent with most of the horseshit out there in the Alternative Media. This post has provided some important examples of how the Doom Industry works, and I am really tired of the Big Macs.

    Hopefully, readers will find something a little more nutritional in this banquet of Nostradamus’ prophecies.

    I will be leaving this post and a few others open, as I take a long rest. Comments on breaking news will come on the private side of the website. That will be the last password on the last page of Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024.





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