I have over 40 years experience in aviation, most of that time has been spent working on military aircraft and space vehicles. Every evolution of a US military aircraft gets a Block Number. Having worked for 14 years at an advanced jet and space propulsion laboratory, I know that it can take 10 years or longer for projects in development to reach the public domain. Even aircraft that are 50 years old still undergo upgrades and modifications, and with each one, those Block Numbers increment upwards.
I was born just after the dawn of The Flying Saucer Age. I am sure many readers have seen some of the UFO photographs below. Have you noticed the evolution of the vehicles? I would like to point out a few things.
Separate photographs in time and location often show similarities in craft, and in videos there is a signature way each type of vehicle moves. I find a fifty year steady evolution in UFO type a curious aspect of supposed Extraterrestrial Cultures that are thousands of years more technologically advanced. Some of the latest craft exhibit radical design differences from their predecessors.
1950’s UFOs look very 1950s… 1950’s Flying Saucers looked like 1950’s Studebakers, and 21st century UFOs look like Tesla Roadsters. A questioning person would think that any Extraterrestrial Civilization that can travel light-years between star systems would have its basic vehicle design for such extreme travel locked down at least for a period of more than 10 years. The 1960’s and 1970’s UFOs are vastly different.
The best example I can present is the current aircraft I work on, from first flight until today, it has been in service for 62 years. Its outward appearance has changed little in that time span, yet new engines, airframe enhancements, and advanced avionics make it a very different aircraft. It is expected to be in service until 2050. The last airplanes may well be 94 years old when they are retired.
The areas where you will see cutting edge design changes are in your next generation fighters and in a military’s front-line hardware.
At the close of The UFO Maze – Part I, I embedded the videos of alleged TR3-Bs. The two videos in Afghanistan are very impressive. The video of the TR3-Bs following Air Force I, I have questions about. The main being the albedo and shadows on the TR3-B do not change very much, but I have noticed this in other videos. It may be the auto-focusing of modern recorders, but the exact reason is beyond my technical knowledge and ability to validate.
I do find it interesting that the Air Force I TR3-B escorts resemble the UFO that zooms by the US soldiers in the Afghanistan video. Consider in that video that the TR3-B is dropping flares and is being chased by a jet.
The command structure that released the jet to pursue the UFO did not recognize the craft. That either means the UFO is from another country, it is an extraterrestrial craft, or it belongs to a part of the United States military that is very secret. The main point is that a flying vehicle dropping flares to avoid being shot down by a heat-seeking missile is all very terrestrial.
I would have to say that the UFO Era really began with The Battle of Los Angeles in February of 1942. As I have mentioned in my books and on this Website, there is nothing in modern UFO lore that you can trust. Even most of the 1950’s photographs were questioned as forgeries; and in 2018, forget UFO photographs and videos, there are hundreds of them on YouTube.
However, I have slowly come around to The Nazi Flying Saucer Theory. I cannot believe that it was as extensive as the Nazi Regime colonizing Antarctica, but I do believe that the Nazis may have escaped to South America with Adolf Hitler, a few test vehicles, scientists, equipment, and most importantly ancient knowledge.
Readers should note in The Battle of Los Angeles photograph that the apparent shape of the craft in the search lights is the familiar 1950’s style bell-shaped vehicle. In February of 1942, war between the United States and the Axis powers of Germany and Japan were clearly on the horizon.

I suggest that the vehicle photographed in The Battle of Los Angeles is a Nazi test vehicle and not a craft from some Extraterrestrial Civilization.
I have not pursued UFO Research because of the tremendous effort it takes to sort out fact from fiction.The Air Force actively used Psychological Warfare tactics to drive Paul Bennewitz insane. This is the true nature of late 20th century and 21st century government intelligence agencies, and it is all very Nazi-like.
The Battle of Los Angeles points to the reality of a Nazi Flying Disk Program. German physicists at that point in time were pioneering Quantum Physics. Unless, The Vril Society summoned aliens.
The best researcher and compiler of data on UFO and Extraterrestrial visitation is Linda Moulton Howe. The Archives at Earthfiles will keep you reading for awhile and allow you to construct your own interpretation of the UFO/ET Phenomenon. The subscription to Earthfiles’ Data is well worth the price.
In May of 1998, Linda Moulton Howe interviewed a former Army/CIA UFO Analyst. He alleges that the Nazis had first contacted “aliens” through the efforts of The Vril Society in 1918.
It is beyond my ability to question such a declaration, but I have also come around on my mechanistic view of Extraterrestrials and their spacecraft. If you review ancient scriptures and reevaluate The Ancient Astronaut Theory, then you just may see the possibility that the UFO/ET Phenomenon is a spiritual and psychological aspect of the reality of homo sapiens sapiens.



THE 1960’S UFO


THE 1970’S UFO




The Amaury Rivera Abduction by far presents the best evidence ever, and it is my favorite because his photographs of three F-14s from the nearby Naval Air Base chasing a flying disk immediately after his return to Earth would be nearly impossible to fake in that time frame. Do note the sleekness of the UFO compared to previous photographs of what may be clumsy reverse-engineered Earth knockoffs.

It is interesting that one of the first photographs of a Triangle UFO happens to be in Ohio. Besides Wright-Patterson Air Force base in Dayton, Ohio where allegedly crashed UFOs were taken, there is also the NASA Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, with the Plum Brook field station near Sandusky, Ohio.
I almost took a job at the 6,400 acre rocket test facility at Plum Brook. A friend and former coworker of mine reactivated a number of test stands there back in the 1990s. I had an insider’s tour of the facility after my job interview, and they do some very interesting development work there for a number of space vehicles, including the Martian Rovers. I opted for 64 year-old aircraft and the sub-tropics instead of winters along the shores of Lake Erie testing the latest rocket engines.

Researchers believe the black and white images were taken from the USS Trepang SSN 674 submarine in March 1971 and show evidence of alien lifeforms. The pictures are said to have been taken from the US submarine on its journey between Iceland and islands of the coast on Norway.
This series of pictures show a very large Triangular Craft that is either an Extraterrestrial Vehicle or a Nazi Vehicle. It would seem that around the 1980’s time period the Majestic Program Overseers of all UFO related material finally were able to develop the TR3-B Triangular Craft. One can then speculate that the 1971 Submarine photographs are most likely pictures of an Extraterrestrial Spacecraft.

Readers can judge from these posted photographs that there has been a pretty substantial evolution of UFOs over the last 76 years. I believe that Adolf Hitler’s greatest tactical errors were using his military before his Defense Industries were ready to mass produce the latest innovations in military technology.
Personally, I accept that this is the way fate and universal engineering seem to workout. I suppose it can be identified as karma. Here is where we get into spirituality, religion, and 7000 years or more of human history. How does this slice of history fit into The Bigger Picture?
Operation Paperclip was basically the integration of NATO and Nazi Germany. The monarchies of both Great Britain and the Netherlands have been proven to have early allegiances to Nazi Germany.
Nostradamus Sixain XLIX (47)
Nostradamus Sixain XLIX (47)
Venus & Sol, Iupiter & Mercure
Augmenteront le genre de nature
Grande alliance en France se fera,
Et du Midy la sangsue de mesme,
Le feu esteint par ce remede extreme,
En terre ferme Oliuier plantera.
Nostradamus Sixain XLIX (47)
Venus [Islam] and the Sun [Christianity], Jupiter [Capitalists/Globalists] and Mercury
Will augment the forms of nature
A great alliance will be made in France,
And the leech in the South the same,
The fire put out by this extreme remedy,
In farmland will he plant the Olive Tree.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, Pages 338-339
Immediately after World War II both the French and Arabs formed alliances of note. The French signed the Treaty of Brussels on March 17, 1948, which led to the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on April 4, 1949.
As a historical side note, the elected politicians of three major European countries did not sign the Treaty of Brussels: signing for Belgium was Prince Charles, signing for the Netherlands was Queen Wilhelmina, and signing for Great Britain was King George VI.
Nostradamus and Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, Pages 129-130
This Sixain presents us with a good reason to suggest that Vincent Seve got the numbering wrong when he copied The Sixains from the material given to him by Henry Nostradamus. As I will point out, some of Nostradamus’ prophecies have numbers that align with the year of a prediction. There is almost the temptation to suggest that Sixain XLIX reflects the year of the NATO treaty.
Readers should note the consistent use of these metaphors in The Sixains, The Quatrains, and The Presages, “Venus [Islam] and the Sun [Christianity], Jupiter [Capitalists/Globalists]”.
I believe “Mercury” is an allusion to post-World War II scientific knowledge and technology. Hermes Trismegistus is the first scientist. “Augmenting the forms of nature” sounds suspiciously like nuclear engineering, thus nuclear bombs.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, Pages 338-339
“A great alliance will be made in France, and the leech in the South the same…”
The Arab League was founded in Cairo on March 22, 1945. There are two side notes to the formation of the Arab League that need to be examined to understand the identity of the Leech and another important character in The Sixains, the Relative of the Leech.
…After Egypt signed the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty in 1979, Egypt was expelled and the symbolic capital of the Arab League was moved from Cairo to Tunis in Tunisia. In 1989, Egypt was allowed to rejoin the Arab League and its headquarters moved back to Cairo.
The second important historical note is the admission of Palestine. …At the Arab League Summit of 1964, however, the League countered the Israeli obstinacy to negotiate by giving Palestinians full membership.
The signatures on the 1949 NATO Treaty validate the fact that the German descendant monarchies of Europe still rule the West.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, Pages 267
Both the House of Windsor and the House of Orange-Nassau publically disavowed the extended family connections to the Nazis during World War II. But Prince Bernard was a Reiter SS member before the invasion of the Netherlands. After his family fled to London, he did fight against the Nazis as a pilot and aviator, but after the war, when he sat on the board of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, there were rumors that he had Nazis flown to South America.
Fascism is the signature of the Pagan Sect. In Chapter Fourteen you will see that all connections to the Nazis lead to the Pagan Sect. It infests the three main houses of power, the House of Orange-Nassau, the House of Windsor, and the Vatican. All have deep and well documented ties to Germany even after the Nazis came to power. After the bombs started dropping, those early connections to Nazi Germany seem to have been purposely blurred in the history books.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, Pages 337
As I have written, the leaders and enforcing arm of the Washington elite are really the New England Tory families who historically have linked themselves with the southern slave states during the Civil War.
After World War II they became part of the political power structure in the states of Texas, Florida, and Louisiana, and when their front organizations were discovered there, they tried to find a new cover in Arkansas during the 1980s. The connective link between all of these states is the drug and gun running businesses.
So, let us return again to Licio Gelli of Tuscany; whose life story is part of the public record. Licio Gelli was always a committed fascist. He volunteered for Mussolini’s Black Shirt expeditionary forces and fought in Spain to support Francisco Franco while also working with the Third Reich and Hermann Göring. After World War II, he gained notoriety by supporting the ratlines that fleeing Nazis were using to escape to South America.
In 1951, Gelli and Croatian Roman Catholic Priest Krunoslav Draganovic helped Klaus Barbie, the “Butcher of Lyon” escape to Argentina.
In 2018, the Vatican and both the House of Windsor and the House of Orange-Nassau control the West. In the West, every Central Bank is controlled by Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, thus the City of London, and thus Great Britain are at the helm of the West.
Most people do not understand the delicate dynamic behind monarchs and bankers. Yes, the banker finances the armies of the monarch, but ultimately, not one banker or their mercenaries have a chance against the army that a monarch can marshal. In an instant, a well-prepared monarch can just order his or her military to seize everything a banker owns.
Leaders of armies control the world, and that is just the plain simple fact of 7000 years of recorded human history.
I have led readers to this point, because all of it is central to The Q Phenomenon, which made the New York Times on April 6th, 2018.
The Q Phenomenon is the validation of one of my interpretations of Nostradamus’ prophecies.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 30
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 30
Until there will be one born from a branch long sterile one, who will deliver the people of the world from this benign and voluntary servitude. Placing them under the protection of Mars, stripping Jupiter of all his honors and dignities, and establish himself in the free city [and] in another smaller Mesopotamia.
And the chief and governor cast out from the middle and hung up in the air, ignorant of the conspiracy of one of the conspirators with the second Thrasibulus, who for a long time will have directed all this.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 30:1
Then there will come forth a military leader believing in the ideals of democracy, which had long been sacrificed to the excesses of capitalism and globalism [Jovialists]. He will deliver the world from usury and the benign and voluntary servitude of fascism imposed by multinational corporations, banks, and corrupt politicians.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 30:2
He will protect the laws of the Constitution with military force. First, he will establish himself in the war in Iraq, a smaller Mesopotamia, and then establish himself in Washington D.C.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 30:3
A prominent leader, ignorant of the conspiracy, will be cast out of government and lynched. One of the conspirators with the second Thrasibulus directed the plot for a long time.
The Q message drops specifically point to President Donald J. Trump leading the United States military against this global control force that has been in place at least since the 1949 NATO Treaty, but more likely for just over the last 300 years, and with the outside chance that these forces extend much further back in time and originate off-Earth. In a biblical-sense they would be called “Heavenly Forces“.
Already we have seen President Donald J. Trump publicly state that he was pulling all American military forces out of Syria, and then that decision was immediately reversed.
Who is in control of the United States military?
Who is in control of the TR3-Bs and the exotic weaponry?
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-55
L’horrible guerre qu’en l’Occident s’appreste,
L’an ensuivant viendra la pestilence,
Si fort l’horrible que jeune, vieux ne beste,
Sang, feu, Mercure, Mars, Jupiter en France.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-55
The horrible war which is being prepared in the West,
The following year will come the pestilence,
So very horrible that young, old, nor beast,
Blood, fire Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.
Nostradamus makes it quite clear in The Quatrains and The Sixains that the West starts World War III. Another very important point to examine in the layering of predictions in this Quatrain is “the following year will come the pestilence”. In Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, Chapter Twelve, I describe how this apparently comes after a great naval battle.
Human civilization is following an ancient social engineering plan. I am not quite sure how President Donald J. Trump can marshal the United States military to challenge such a powerful and ancient force that has essentially enslaved humanity for millennia.
If true, The Q Message Meme validates every character and the plot I first identified in my 2010 EBook, The Age of Desolation. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are leading some very dark forces within Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect.
I have been repeatedly challenged by naming Barack Obama as Nostradamus’ Black King and his Third Antichrist. Even though at the very top of my Website I quote Dr, Martin Luther King, the racial overtones in my interpretation have always come into play.
In fact, in August of 2013, I began a heated debate with well-know Nostradamus Commentator John Hogue over who first identified Nostradamus’ Black King with Barack Obama. He won; Hogue did indeed beat me by several months in publishing this interpretation. Only I did give credit to Edgar Leoni for first solving the anagram inside “Noir” that identifies one on the leading characters in Nostradamus’ writings.
At last check, John Hogue has walked that interpretation back several times by either identifying Russian President Vladimir Putin or Turkish President Erdogan as Nostradamus’ Third Antichrist. You cannot get on television by calling Barack Obama Nostradamus’ Black King. That is so politically incorrect today that it might get you killed.
However, I am sticking with my interpretation that Barack Hussein Obama, is Nostradamus’ Black King and his Third Antichrist. Obama was clearly groomed for the role he plays today. His Nobel Peace Prize and the Norway Light Spiral are the major clues on how long this ancient social engineering plan has been shaping civilization.
Once again, as I suggest in my EBooks, is some organization or group trying to Immanentize the Eschaton?
I will examine this in The UFO Maze – Part III.