I found the recent airplane accidents interesting considering that last Friday was what I call a 1-1-3 Ritual Killing Day. It was another conjuring trick of the wannabe magicians.
The intricacies of the rituals performed by Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels have been well-documented on this website for eighteen-years now.
There is a lot going on in the news that makes me believe that some very serious messages are being sent between warring parties.
US ‘In Contact’ With Russia, Trump Confirms
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has since indicated there may have been up to four Russian citizens on board the plane when it went down: “According to our embassy, three victims of this plane crash had Russian passports. There is confirmation regarding another, a fourth person who could hold a Russian passport, this information is currently being verified,” the diplomat said.
UPDATE: Female Black Hawk Pilot Killed in DC Collision Identified as Biden White House Aide
Some Alternative Media websites go off of the deep-end by going to extremes immediately after a breaking news story to scoop other purveyors within the Alternative Media community. I like to wait a few days to see what kind of coincidences begin showing up after the fact.
I began this post last week, got sidelined by the flu, and then the recent airplane crashes occurred. Interestingly enough, just before this there was much speculation in the Alternative Media being centered around the role of late President, Lyndon Johnson and the CIA in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Long Awaited JFK Files Could Be Released Soon
Donald J. Trump and Elon Musk have destroyed the opposition’s covert operating slush fund known as USAID.
Scattered To The Winds: Entire CIA Gets Trump Buyout Offer, USAID Employees Placed On Leave Worldwide
The news narrative has been quickly changing, illegal immigrants, two different airplane accidents, trade tariffs, and the dismantling of USAID.
We Are Watching A Rapid Re-Ordering Of How The World Works”
Within four weeks the U.S. will announce its new stance over the Israel-Palestine issue, with the implication that a two-state solution may no longer be on the table. This is all floated as opening the door to Israel-Saudi normalisation – which the Israeli press has suggested actually depends on the U.S. and/or Israel striking Iran to remove its nuclear threat (!).
At the same time, Turkey is close to striking a deal for defense bases in its former Ottoman territory, the now Islamist-led Syria.
In short, welcome to the era of conspicuous volatility and conspicuous statecraft.
Trump’s Israel foreign policy is the Real Story, and it leads to what I call The First Blow of Steel, and the end of the world as we know it.
Will we continue to see an avalanche of headline news stories that obfuscate the release of the assassination files of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King? I believe that this will most likely be the case.
You don’t see them yet do you?
The assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy were certainly predicted by Nostradamus. I wanted to remind readers that this material has been described on this website a number of times over the last eighteen-years. In Quatrain II-67, Nostradamus mentions “The Blond One“. This is such an important clue to the power and detail of Nostradamus’ vision.
“The Blond Ghost” was the code name of CIA agent Ted Shackley. This is one of my favorite examples of how exact Nostradamus’ prophecies are; Nostradamus was a spiritual witness to the events that he described. It is the one prophecy in all of Nostradamus’ work that made me realize that we, the readers, will never be able to come up with precise interpretations, because we were not there.
I have worked hard over the years to break down the real historical details of world events, as I just did with the passing of late President Jimmy Carter. He really did try to make a change. I found myself deployed to the Persian Gulf right in the center of Carter’s maelstrom. Given the fact that my detachment was directly involved in supporting Operation Desert One, I was highly critical of President Carter when it failed miserably and good people died. Little did I know that behind the scenes, President Carter was fighting a war within the American government.
Today, I recognize and honor his struggle; this is called growing up and doing the homework.
Before I go any further, I want to link Jim Quinn’s recent article, because word for word, this is exactly how I feel regarding current world events.

My level of cynicism about our governmental institutions, corporate institutions, religious institutions, and the world in general has reached epic proportions over the last several years, as I find myself believing nothing I’m told by authority figures, media talking heads, politicians, government lackeys, scientists, doctors, or anyone peddled by the MSM as an expert…
Essentially, finding like-minded people to communicate with is relegated to internet interactions, mostly on my own website…
The average person is too busy running on the hamster wheel of life, distracted by technological bread and circuses, and being lured into debt in a fruitless impossible feat of achieving the American Dream, sold to them by media propagandists and highly paid shills for the business interests reaping riches from these unachievable dreams…
Jim Quinn paints a very bleak picture of the world we live in; however, we are all mortal, and nobody gets out alive, regardless of wealth and Earthly power. This is what I find so exciting about prophecy and spirituality. As I have repeated here so many times over the last eighteen-years, the prophecies of Nostradamus validate the immaterial side of existence. The power to see through the illusion of time speaks of some form of existence outside of time, and this whole End of Days theme is part of the script, and so that is going to happen despite MAGA good vibrations and the Trump sales pitch.
As I wrote in my last book, for many years, I have worked to bring some credibility to the writings of Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce. Nostradamus produced 1,321 prophecies and Edgar Cayce produced nearly 4,000 pages of material. As you go through their writings, you realize that there is a theme. Nostradamus was born at the time of the Protestant Reformation; Edgar Cayce brought the subject of Atlantis into the 20th century and to the general public’s consciousness. There must have been a reason both men were devout Christians.
I do not think that readers can find the same kind of spiritual consolation from the Internet clickbait prophets selling YouTube videos. Where are their themes; what are they trying to say about human spirituality? They certainly lack the historical gravitas, but as Jim Quinn writes, it is all about bread and circuses.
The critics who call Nostradamus or Edgar Cayce part of the occult give themselves away. Who is to say what is part of the occult and what is not? It is this intentional ignorance on the part of critics that I find so laughable eighteen-years after beginning this website. When I show readers that Nostradamus provided his readers with the names of many historical characters, including CIA secret agents involved in the assassination of a President, the Alternative Media plays, “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil“.
It is this intellectual pretense at seriousness that I find so disturbing. It is a symptom of the mass psychosis of Western civilization. The Mainstream Media has fallen, and the new reality is now defined by the business model used by so many in the Alternative Media, who, by the way, love fortune telling and a good ghost story, as long as each one of them can spin things their way for some clickbait and some quick cash.
Presently, I have broken The Princes of the Alternative Media down by categories. There are those who believe and sell “God has chosen Donald J. Trump as his vehicle“, there are those who sell “Donald J. Trump as the Zionist puppet of Israel“, there are those who are now wondering, what Donald J. Trump meant when he said, “I’m not a Christian“, and there are others like Jim Quinn and myself.
I do find myself wondering whether I am being too cynical about whether Trump can reverse the downward spiral of the empire of debt he now reigns over. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, like I did during his first term. I will judge him on his actions and outcomes, rather than his endless rhetoric.
Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders sung it best.
The middle of the road is trying to find me
I’m standing in the middle of life with my plans behind me
Well I got a smile for everyone I meet
As long as you don’t try dragging my bay
Or dropping the bomb on my street
I am old enough to remember very distinctly the murders of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King. These came at the peak of the American Empire; it has been down hill ever since. There is one certainty that I have become sure of over the last two-decades, and that is all business models will fail against the spiritual model.
Was President John F. Kennedy killed to hide the existence of The UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomenon? There are some who say he was, and there may be documents to prove it.
Here is where the Mainstream Media and the Alternative Media are schizophrenic. There are only two positions that all Conspiracy Theorists can take regarding The UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomenon. Are those rumors and alleged leaks true that the United States’ military, or some body inside the U.S. Military-Intelligence complex, is reverse engineering Extraterrestrial technology?
If True, all discussions regarding politics, philosophy, and religion are subsets of this one important reality; it frames everything.
UFO whistleblowers expose 80-year cover-up of the existence of alien life in new doc
If it is True, the debate changes at the foundational level. The UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomenon would be at the core of The Deep State.
On November 12th, 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave the order that he wanted to see all intelligence on The UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomenon. Ten-days later, he was dead.


Nostradamus Quatrain I-13
Les exilez par ire, haine intestine,
Feront au roy grand coniuration:
Secret mettront ennemis par la mine,
Et ses vieux siens contre eux sedition.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-13
The exiles through anger and gut hatred,
Bring a great conspiracy to bear against the king:
Secretly they will place enemies as a threat,
And his own old ones against them sedition.

Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 147
“His own old ones” are The Georgetown Set. After the assassination of President Kennedy, some of the CIA Cuban mercenaries, “exiles” that tried to overthrow Fidel Castro appeared in many CIA operations. A few of them were eventually linked to the Watergate Scandal , the Iran-Contra Affair, and the BCCI Banking Scandal.

Nostradamus Quatrain II-67
La blonde au nez forche viendra cõmetre
Par le duelle & chassera dehors:
Les exiles dedans fera remetre
Aux lieux marins commetãt les plus forts.
Nostradamus Quatrain II-67
The blond one will come to compromise fork-nose,
Through the duel and will chase him out:
The exiles [Cuban] within he will restore
Committing the strongest to the marine places [Caribbean Operation].
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 186
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 343
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 153
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III,
G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 148

Texas Congressman Albert Thomas winks at Lyndon B. Johnson
after he was sworn in as the new President of the United States.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 344
The details in Quatrain II-67 are incredible. Nostradamus was writing for the historians, because he gives very fine details like the famous nicknames of secret agents that only those in power would recognize or that only historians would know after having gained access to the information once it was released to the public record.
Who, of course, in 1967 would have had access to information like this before the events unfolded or while they were occurring?

Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 344
CIA agent, Ted Shackley was there for it all, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Cuban Project, the Bay of Pigs, the Vietnam War’s Phoenix Program, and the Iran-Contra Affair. This was probably much to Lyndon B. Johnson’s regret.
If Nostradamus is right, the Georgetown Set committed two coup d’états, President John F. Kennedy and the first CIA stooge president, Lyndon B. Johnson. On March 31st, 1968, Johnson announced to the nation that he would not run for a second term in office, nor would he accept the Democratic Party’s nomination for the Presidency.
One of the most pivotal years in history for the United States was 1967. Note the number of Nostradamus’ quatrain.
CIA agent E. Howard Hunt’s confession suggests that the Blond Ghost “chased out” Johnson, because Cord Meyer worked with Theodore Shackley at JM/WAVE and the Blond Ghost had enough evidence to “compromise” the sitting President.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 342
In April 2007, former CIA agent and Watergate Burglar, E. Howard Hunt, gave a deathbed confession on tape to his son, Saint John Hunt, admitting to being one of the three tramps arrested minutes after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Hunt called himself a “benchwarmer” in case the primary assassination team failed. He claimed that Lyndon Johnson and fellow CIA agent Cord Meyer were part of the conspiracy.
At this point it is necessary to divide history into some very evil intelligence operations run by the CIA such as: Operation MONGOOSE, Operation MKULTRA, Operation GLADIO, Operation CONDOR, and Operation BLACK EAGLE. These secret intelligence units were the birth of the United States’ private mercenary armies and they flooded every country south of Texas.
Here is how uncannily accurate Nostradamus is if you are willing to link the main characters in these two quatrains, who are the “Old Ones”, “The Exiles”, and the “Blond One”.
Le grand du fouldre tumbe d’heure diurne,
Mal & predict par porteur postulaire
Suiuant presaige tumbe d’heure nocturne,
Conflit, Reins, Londres, Etrusque pestifere.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-26
The great one falls by lightning in the daytime,
Evil and predicted by the bearer of demands
According to presage [another] falls in the nighttime,
Conflict Reims, London, Tuscan pestilence.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 181
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 334
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 150
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Complete Prophecies of World War III,
G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 145

Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G.A. Stewart, 2013, Page 335
Many commentators over the last few decades have believed that this pertains to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his brother Senator Robert F. Kennedy. I do not disagree, and there is much more in this quatrain if you are willing to dig deep and accept the poetic license that Nostradamus employed. How much latitude and how wide a range readers are willing to credit to Nostradamus’ foresight is where the criticism begins.
Some critics have wondered what the conflict in Reims and London might have been or what pestilence arose in Tuscany. As this particular quatrain goes, and for that matter much of the citations in this book, the metaphors that prophets and poets decide to use will always be subjective. But we can introduce concurrent historical events to see the web of connections to what was happening in the world in 1963.
Propaganda Due is known as P2, a Masonic lodge that operated in Italy from 1945 to 1976. In 1976 the Grand Orient of Italy formally removed P2 from the Masonic charter.
Thereafter, and possibly to this day, P2 operated, or more than likely, operates as a clandestine criminal organization used by Italian and NATO intelligence services.
In the post-World War II fervor of anti-Communism, Propaganda Due grew to become the shadow government of Italy, to which its former Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, has been linked.
In 1963 Italian financier, Licio Gelli, who was born in Tuscany, became a major player in Western intelligence circles and rose to Grand Master of the P2 Lodge.1 The story of Lico Gelli is too involved for this brief overview on history and the links to the Pagan Sect of Nostradamus, but it leads directly to the Vatican and the assassination of Pope John Paul I.
We see how Tuscan pestilence is not a description of a plague, but a metaphor for a person. Nostradamus use of The Exiles in Quatrains I-13 and II-67 is remarkably consistent. Licio Gelli was a committed fascist who worked with NATO intelligence and stay-behind forces. This was the global nature of the conspiracy.
To be historically accurate, this means that the Director of the FBI at the time, J. Edgar Hoover, must have been aware that the CIA and Lyndon Johnson were involved in the assassination, yet he took no actions, thus making him and the FBI complicit. And then four-years later came the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, a relentless target of FBI surveillance and harassment.
Who killed Martin Luther King Jr.? His family believes James Earl Ray was framed.
For the King family and others in the civil rights movement, the FBI’s obsession with King in the years leading up to his slaying in Memphis on April 4, 1968 — pervasive surveillance, a malicious disinformation campaign and open denunciations by FBI director J. Edgar Hoover — laid the groundwork for their belief that he was the target of a plot.
“There is abundant evidence,” Coretta King said after the verdict, “of a major, high-level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband.” The jury found the mafia and various government agencies “were deeply involved in the assassination… . Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame.”
All that any researcher can do with the few facts that we do have is make the connections between related parties. Is guilt by association fair? All of these decades old events had repercussions that resonate to this very day.


Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 146
In 1965, Lewis Rosenstiel donated $1 million to the J. Edgar Hoover Foundation. It was Rosenstiel’s fourth wife, Susan L. Rosenstiel, who reported under oath that J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser who engaged in sexual orgies with her husband, Roy M. Cohn, and underage boys.
In 1976, Roy M. Cohn tried to secretly steal Rosenstiel’s Schenley Products Company by forging his will. This nearly got him disbarred.
Character witnesses for Roy M. Cohn were Donald J. Trump, Barbara Walters, Democratic Congressman Mario Biaggi, columnist William F. Buckley Jr., and columnist William Safire.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 166
What I have failed to include in my previous books is the importance of the company Permindex, formed in Basel, Switzerland in 1958. Many of the central characters surrounding President John F. Kennedy’s assassination have some strange connections to this long-believed CIA front company.
Key to events today is the late attorney Roy M. Cohn, the mentor of President Donald J. Trump.
Attorney Roy M. Cohn was an investor and board member of Permindex and the Chairman of the Board for Lionel Corporation and Schenley Industries of New York City.
The Lionel Corporation at one time did over ninety percent of their business with the fledgling U.S. Space Agency and the Defense Department…
In a New York Times article from August 4th, 1960, we know that Roy M. Cohn hired General John B. Medaris to the Lionel Corporation board. General John B. Medaris worked closely with Wernher von Braun and the German Rocket Team to develop and launch the first U.S. satellite aboard the Jupiter-C missile in 1958.
What the historical record shows is that Roy M. Cohn was a connected man with people in the young U.S. Space Agency.
What the historical record shows it that people within the social group known as the Georgetown Set were connected to the CIA. Three of these members became part of the Warren Commission, investigating the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Newly appointed President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed Executive Order 11130 to form the Warren Commission.

The historical record shows that Georgetown Set member Richard Bissel was the first Director of Area 51. Most of these people came to power in 1947 with the creation of the CIA.
The historical record also shows that some type of crash involving an unusual flying object occurred around July 4th, 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico.
In 2025, the new Secretary of State is Marco Rubio. In 2023, Marco Rubio was the vice chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, listening to testimony regarding The UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomenon from whistleblowers who allegedly worked in secret programs related to UFO/UAPs.
Marco Rubio Claims Top U.S. Officials Coming Forward With UFO Claims
Amazingly, after the 2025 inauguration of Donald J. Trump, New Jersey drones disappeared from the news flow and are now apparently no-longer a mystery or something to fear.
White House Clarifies ‘Dronegate’: New Jersey UAPs Authorized By FAA For “Research Purposes”
There is nothing about that answer that sounds right to me. Frankly, I expected nothing less from Donald J. Trump, but I was hoping for more.
Trump has authorized the release of the files on the JFK, RFK, and Marin Luther King assassinations, and he has said that Jeffrey Epstein is next.
Trump signs order to declassify files on JFK, MLK assassinations
That has not happened yet, and my bet is on a sudden crisis that prevents this from ever happening; the same thing applies to the Jeffrey Epstein files.
GOP Senators Want Trump To Release Epstein Files Even If He’s In Them
Will Pam Bondi Release Jeffrey Epstein List? What Trump’s AG Has Said
Both of these cases strike at The Deep State.
There is a back story here in regards to the technological oligarchs and Jeffrey Epstein. This is in regards to OpenAI’s Sam Altman, LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman, and Bill Gates, and why Elon Musk will have nothing to do with any of them.
Stargate Stunner: Sam Altman Is A Wraith In Sheep’s Clothing
Peripherally, this connects to the CrowdStrike global Internet outage on July 19th, 2024. Donald J. Trump certainly understands the battlefield topology. In the 2016 Presidential-Election, Trump pointed to CrowdStrike servers in Ukraine for the repository of Hillary Clinton’s emails.
Consider what I wrote in that Update regarding former Attorney General William Barr’s father, Donald Barr, and his connections to Jeffrey Epstein. The narrative in Donald Barr’s two science fiction books tells the inner tale.
The Sam Altman, Reid Hoffman, Bill Gates view of the future is a human civilization that is an easily controlled Borg Collective. I wrote about this years ago, because a society based on what I have come to call Transhuman Feudalism was the basis of Donald Barr’s two science fiction books. Donald Barr was the man who hired Jeffrey Epstein to teach at the prestigious Dalton School.
William Barr was the last Attorney General in Donald J. Trump’s first administration. I posit this fact and question: If we, the vast, unwashed consumers of Alternative Media, have these facts at our command, why didn’t Donald J. Trump? Is he pretending that he did not know? Hey, that’s no big deal, move along…
I have written about this numerous times.
AG Barr’s father warns of ‘dictatorship’… in outer space
“A bloody star war had left the tiny planet of Rohan seething with chaos. People swarmed in violent mobs and the government rocked with turmoil. And one man, Carl ap Rhys would stop at nothing to use the confusion to seize power for himself. Only two people could stop him…“

Though never graduating from High School, let alone a college, Jeffrey Epstein was hired by Headmaster Donald Barr to teach math and physics at the prestigious Dalton School.
Epstein Truthers Are Obsessed With a Sci-Fi Book About Child Sex Slavery Written by Bill Barr’s Dad
Now take into consideration Jeffrey Epstein’s passion for sexual slavery.
‘This is insane s—‘: Bill Gates criticizes Elon Musk for far-right support
Bill Gates: ‘Foolish’ to spend time with Jeffrey Epstein
LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman says he needed security after Elon Musk formed a ’conviction with no evidence’ that he was close with Jeffrey Epstein
I hope readers appreciate the ugly details to this very complex story that really took shape when Donald J. Trump was just a kid. This story is far bigger than a clickbait snack with your morning coffee. It requires thinking and getting serious about your core beliefs.
Here are the Donald J. Trump basics that appeared in my research and in my book.
This link holds the Nostradamus’ prediction of Donald J. Trump’s near-fatal assassination attempt on July 13th, 2024. I have yet to update this as a successful prophecy; (I did believe that this prediction was part of Nostradamus’ civil war execution series). In a generalized form, I have shown on this webpage why I believe that Donald J. Trump is a player in The Deep State. If you want more, read my last book.
The Deep State seems to have fractured sometime around 2012. Trump now seems to be leading a real opposition. I certainly do not believe that he is controlled opposition. Therefore, right this very minute, The Donald J. Trump Team is neutralizing the opposing side as quickly as they can, and that certainly benefits the people of the United States, but only momentarily.
Donald J. Trump has come out with guns blazing, but of course, those dastardly RHINOS are standing in his way once again. Frankly, I was getting very tired of the carrot and stick pretense of why nothing ever gets done as we skirt Nuclear War. As far as I can tell, it is all social engineering, plain and simple; therefore, I do not see the point in contributing to the phony political debate any longer.
If the U.S. military is in possession of Extraterrestrial technology and gravitic propulsion, then America’s military strength is an unknown, and who controls that technology is an unknown. In this post, I have shown a possible path of how Extraterrestrial technology could have gone black and been given away to other countries outside of the United States.
I am very much done with feckless leadership, pointless political debate, and Oorah patriotism. I have never been a fanboy or a sycophant. I want substance, and so I work hard to verify and look behind the torrent of low calorie superficial news. And so, as I went about my daily news surfing a few weeks ago, I discovered this Donald J. Trump news link from 2024.
Trump: “I’m not Christian.”
Sure enough, that is what Donald J. Trump says. What then is Donald J. Trump’s religion?
Who are the Jews in Trump’s inner circle?
Jared, Ivanka, Howard Lutnick, Will Scharf and other Jews could shape Trump’s second stint in the White House.
Kushner, Ivanka Trump mourn murdered rabbi, donate $1M to UAE Jewish community
Over the last eighteen-years, I have taken Barack Obama to task after admitting on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos to, “my Muslim faith.”
Therefore, it would be unbalanced and disingenuous research on my part, if I ignored this Donald J. Trump comment on his religious beliefs.
Essentially, for me, with the exception of bending a knee to Baal, it does not matter what religion any politician claims to practice; the issue is his or her honesty in presenting the truth about themselves.
However, something definitive changed in me after I finished reading Ingo Swann’s 1998 book, “Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy“. I went through an existential question and answer period within myself regarding those questions about reality and religion.
I went back to Robert Monroe’s work. Over a decade ago, I read his three books, Journeys Out of the Body, Ultimate Journey, and Far Journeys. I recently found his 48 tapes on the Gateway Method online.
I am very familiar with Hemispheric Synchronization and using Bi-neural Beats. When I went back to college full-time in 1996, I purchased the Zygon Headset and Learning Machine and began using it when I was studying for tests. The results were remarkable.
When you read Robert Monroe’s personal story of being able to astral project at will, you understand that the beings within the physical universe seem to operate on telepathy and in this immaterial medium.
When you read Ingo Swann’s personal experience working with some nameless U.S. intelligence agency, you come to understand that even if you telepathically see Extraterrestrials, they can sense the presence of your non-physical body. How is that?
The question that I have always asked is, what is this non-physical medium to which human beings are connected but cannot sense? Apparently, Extraterrestrials swim in this same ethereal sea.
During that personal question and answer period, I spent about a week writing a post titled “The Nature of Force“, and then I decided that nobody is interested in my spin on the physics of the medium of consciousness, and so it sits in a folder unpublished.
The former head of Israel’s space security program from 1981 to 2010, Haim Eshed, has claimed that Extraterrestrials have a Galactic Federation.
The Jerusalem Post, Aaron Reich, December 20, 2020
“Trump was on the verge of revealing [aliens existence], but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying, ‘Wait, let people calm down first.’”
“They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding.”
“The aliens have asked not to announce that they are here [because] humanity is not ready yet.”
“They have been waiting for humanity to evolve and reach a stage where we will generally understand what space and spaceships are.”
“There’s an agreement between the US government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here. They, too, are researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers.”
“There’s an underground base in the depths of Mars, where their representatives are, and also our American astronauts.”
This quote, “where we will generally understand what space and spaceships are” hints at the validity of Haim Eshed’s statement, because I believe that space and time are really spheres of mass-consciousness. That discussion is outside the boundaries of this post and is part of that unpublished post The Nature of Force.
After Haim Eshed made his statement several years ago, I asked myself. “Would an Extraterrestrial race want to see humanity blow itself up in a Nuclear War before we could get “sane and understand what space and spaceships” really are?”
Robert Monroe discovered that God and Heaven were not what he was taught as a young boy.
People all across the planet Earth have divided themselves into religious belief systems and if you read the books, their divisions are really based on semantics.
One of the first things that I decided to do when I began writing The Age of Desolation on September 25th, 2001 was understand how the canons of every major religion were created and published. The Human Factor in their creation and publication makes every last sacred scripture questionable.
Is that an apostasy? Am I a heretic? Politics and Religion: Kings and Priests have played and socially engineered the faithful for countless millennia. I have always felt that faith is a deeply personal thing; you do not need sacred scriptures to validate the spiritual or know what is moral. You either feel it or you don’t.
All of these cultural concepts on the duality of the universe incorporated into human religious canons are similar. The physical universe needs tension to exist; tension is created by forces both negative and positive; so the meanings of negative and positive become relative.
How Consciousness Opens Doors To Higher Dimensions
I have had a Near Death Experience; I have been in that tunnel. I wrote about that here in 2016.
After only going through a few of The Gateway Sessions, I tried an experiment two-weeks ago. My friend is an Energy Reader; she could be a highly paid professional, but Quantum Entanglement with other people’s emotions and problems can be physically demanding and brings its own problems.
As I was driving home, I sent her a thought packet to call me. She called me two-hours later on an intuition and no particular subject. I would like to do some more experiments.
My use of the Zygon Headset in 1996 made me familiar with what Robert Monroe was trying to accomplish with The Gateway Sessions; so, this was territory that I had already traveled. The difference with the thought packet that I sent out was what I had personally added to Robert Monroe’s techniques from my own research. My thoughts were that if this is going to work, a sensitive should pick it up immediately, and I was right.
Besides my Near Death Experience in 2016, I have had exactly three out-of-body experiences.
I should also mention that this friend has suddenly decided to move to a rural part of my state. She believes that 2025 is going to be a shit-show, and by coincidence an opportunity arose that she decided to pursue.
Doom is still on the table folks. Donald J. Trump’s massive firing of people in the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and elsewhere in the Federal government is essentially a coup d’état. I am wondering how long he will be allowed to continue.
FBI executives ousted and personnel under internal review as Trump DOJ fires Jan. 6 Capitol riot prosecutors
DOJ fires dozens of prosecutors who handled Jan. 6 cases
Trump Nukes All Govt-MSM Contracts After Politico Firestorm, Will Axe 97% Of USAID Staff
Donald J. Trump’s team are moving with impunity at the present moment. I expect that to end with some spectacular news headline.
The first thing to go will be the Internet and easy access to information. The recent undersea cable cuttings in Northern Europe are a clue. Readers should keep in mind that it is the Western social engineers who have gone on and on about disinformation and uncontrolled web access.
Apple Ordered To Provide UK Gov’t Access To All User Data On The Cloud
The Western social engineers are more dangerous than the Chinese and the Russians, and Alex Jones and his competitors have the social engineers scared shitless.
The shutdown of global communications has been a prediction on this website since its inception in 2007.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
Who will make such an abominable breach in the Churches that neither the reds nor the whites without eyes nor hands will know what to make of it.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
Neither Christians nor Muslims, without communications or mobility, will understand what is happening to them.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
And their power will be taken from them.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
Their technological power will be taken from them.
Donald J. Trump is quickly racking up the victories, and I do see that as a good thing.
Russia’s Medvedev Warns That US Deep State Might Swallow Musk
The former Russian president and top national security official expressed hope that the US deep state won’t consume Elon Musk after shutting down the long-running agency known for having funded regime change operations abroad for many decades.
The Deep State has been very quiet, except for a few of its mouthpieces, such as Bill Grima Wormtongue Kristol.
Bill Kristol Admits The Quiet Part Out Loud: “The Deep State Is Far Preferable To The Trump State”
Hello Mr. Kristol,
For you, the deep state is preferable because you are listed as the President of Defending Democracy (EIN 831567380) which is an indirect beneficiary of USAID through Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. You are exposed.
The President John F. Kennedy assassination files, the Jeffrey Epstein files, and ending the war in Ukraine in 24-hours are still unfulfilled Trumpisms.
The USAID covert slush fund is the main news, and Donald J. Trump Making Israel Great Again are the stories that are unfolding.
Trump says Israel will hand over Gaza to US after fighting ends
Trump is now suggesting that the U.S. could control and manage the Mediterranean Beach front property known as the Gaza strip.
Trump says Jordan, Egypt should take in Palestinians from Gaza; Egypt and Jordan push back
Jordan, Egypt Reject US Plan To Resettle Gazans As Trump Doubles Down
Trump spoke to Egyptian president about plan to evict Palestinians from Gaza
US Diplomats Warn Trump That Sending Gazans To Egypt Will Destabilize Sisi Regime
Trump Invites King Abdullah To White House Amid Pressure For Jordan To Take In Gazans
‘Non-Negotiable’: Saudi Arabia Blasts Trump’s Gaza Takeover Plan
Donald J. Trump singlehandedly unites the Muslim world.
‘Red Line’: Trump’s Gaza Takeover Plan Has United The Arab World More Than Ever
Lebanese PM Forms New Government, Includes Hezbollah, Rejecting Trump Envoy’s ‘Red Lines’
Ayatollah Shuts Door On Negotiations With US After Trump Restores ‘Maximum Pressure’
US Readies New $1BN Arms Sale To Israel As Netanyahu Arrives In Washington
Netanyahu gives Trump ‘golden pager’ in apparent reference to Lebanon attack
Western political governments have this unique ability to deny history. They have denied that Russia has owned Crimea since the 18th century, and the Palestinians, also known as the Azostains and the Philistines settled Gaza in 1100 BCE; ownership has changed many times in 3,000-years.
Therefore, Trump’s statement has to be the most ludicrous suggestion ever made by a world leader.
Netanyahu Suggests Palestinians Can Have A State In Saudi Arabia
I have had Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on my radar scope for over a decade.
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 651
I wonder if Herrode is a reference to the historical Herod the Great who ruled Israel under the aegis of the Roman Empire. Remember the quote from Sixain XXXIV, “the Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable to committing the heinous and execrable deed”. Is this Herrode, who was supported by the Empire of Aquilon, an exiled leader from Israel after it has been overrun by the Chinese-Islamic Alliance? It is easy to see Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in this role.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:2
combien que par les Azos tains voudroit mesler dedans le miel du fiel, & leur pestifere seduction: & cela sera proche du septiesme millenaire, que plus le sanctuaire de Jesus-Christ ne sera conculqué par les infideles qui viendront de l’Aquilon,
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:2
Although the Azostains/Philistines would like to mix the honey of bile, and their pestilent seduction; and this will be near the seventh millenary, when the sanctuary of Jesus Christ will no longer be trodden down by the infidels who will come from Aquilon.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:2
Although the Palestinians will suffer, they mix honey with bile to seduce terrorism and war. But the real infidels will be those politicians and military-industrial leaders of Aquilon and the [New World Order] who used the Christian Church to launch a New Crusade and remodel the world in their image.
Following this paragraph, Nostradamus introduces The Great Conflagration. Obviously, this sounds like Nuclear War.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:3
The world approaches a great conflagration, although, according to calculations in my prophecies, the course of time runs much further.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:3
The world will then approach a conflagration. Although according to my calculations, the world will not end with nuclear war. The course of time will go much further.
We are all on the cusp of something terrible. The Senile Leader is gone, and Donald J. Trump has been set up for a massive failure.
Zelensky Demands NATO Give Ukraine Nukes
Trump To ‘Force’ Zelensky To Agree On Ceasefire By Easter According To Alleged Leaked Peace Plan
Another Mass Ukrainian Drone Attack Triggers Fires At Oil & Gas Facilities In Southern Russia
The Ukrainians will not give-in to Trump so easily, no matter the amount of arm twisting. As I have written in previous posts, there will be no way on this Earth that Russia will allow NATO or United Nations’ peace keeping forces into Ukraine.
The war in Ukraine is about to shift to so-called “Maneuver Warfare“.
Another Key Donbass Town Captured By Russia As Pressure Grows On Zelensky
The trench fighting is nearly finished. One misstep from Donald J. Trump and NATO, and Russian Armored and Mechanized Infantry divisions will be moving quickly toward the Dnieper River.
What Happens If Ukraine Collapses?
The situation is developing rapidly in Ukraine. Many of the key towns and cities to Ukrainian defence seem to be falling like dominoes…
A “peace plan” has also surfaced, allegedly from the Trump administration. It basically lays out a path, where a truce should be declared by Easter (April 20) 2025 and peace by May 9. If this is the actual plan, I have to ask in what reality are the people who wrote it living in? The collapse of the AFU may be just days (the worst-case) or few weeks away. And then there’s this proposition:
The idea that Russia would allow the U.S. to continue to create a proxy-force along its longest border in the west is ludicrous…
The main point to recognize is that the days of American military hegemony have passed…
Putin Declares He Won’t Negotiate With Zelensky As Ukrainian Leader Has Outlawed Peace Talks
I do not like to use links from Alex Jones website InfoWars.com, because they have a short half-life.
EXCLUSIVE: Russian Leader Viktor Bout Warns The Globalists Are Going to Kill Ukrainian Dictator Volodymyr Zelensky to Hide The Greatest Money Laundering Operation in History
I wrote about Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky disappearing in 2019, three-years before Russia’s invasion.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-58
Aupres du Rin des montaignes Noriques
Naistra vn grand de gents trop tard venu,
Qui defendra SAVROME & Pannoniques,
Qu’on ne saura qu’il sera deuenu.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-58
Near the Rhine (River, Germany) from the Noric (Austrian) mountains
Will be born a great one of the people arriving too late,
One who defends Sarmatia (Ukraine) and the Pannonians (Western, Hungary),
One will not know what will have become of him.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 339
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 670
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 563
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Complete Prophecies of World War III,
G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 718
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 718
SAVROME is Latin for Sauromatia, present day Ukraine. The capitalization hints that this could also be an important anagram of someone’s name. With present day tensions between Ukraine and Russia, it is apparent that it does not go well for this Ukrainian.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Volodymyr Zelensky, as the NATO puppet President of Ukraine, is the “One who defends Sarmatia (Ukraine)“, and people “will not know what will have become of him“, because he is going to be vaporized in a nuclear attack.
This Quatrain is part of The Ukraine War/Senile Leader Triplicate Series. If any reader does not know what that is, buy the book.

Given the alleged corruption of Volodymyr Zelensky, I think he will probably disappear to that same garden spot to which Jeffrey Epstein retired.
Zelenskyy: Ukraine received US$76 billion out of US$177 billion approved by America
Going forward, Nostradamus’ Quatrain I-40 holds the clue to the future.

Nostradamus Quatrain I-40
La trombe faulse dissimulant folie
Fera Bisance vn changement de loys:
Hystra d’Egypte qui veult que l’on deflie
Edict changeant monnoyes & aloys.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-40
The False Whirlwind [Trump] concealing folly
Makes Byzantium (Turkey) change its laws:
Hystra [Haftar] of Egypt one who wants to protest
[The] Edict changing money and alloys.
Change Y to A
The S to F Printing Style Change
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 549
I noted that Trombe is also an anagram of Trump. Two editions of Quatrain I-40 have Trompe, meaning horn or deceived, and as I pointed out in Volume I, I believe Nostradamus used Trompe or Trompés as another anagram for Trump.
If you bought any of my books, check out Quatrain I-40 and what is coming regarding Turkey and Libya, or just search for it here on this website. I am opening up most of the posts as I go.
Sharaa to discuss defense pact, Turkish bases in Syria with Erdogan
Turkey Is Mulling Permanent Military Bases In Syria
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is now clearly the Islamic despot The Sufyani, whom I identified in prophecies from Hadith and first described in my 2013 book.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 682
Although Turkey’s President Erdogan fits the profile of The Sufyani almost perfectly, The Sufyani apparently will come from Egypt.
The Prophet, (upon whom be blessings and peace) said, “A man of the Umayyads will take power in Egypt and then his power will be taken from him, or wrested from him, and he will flee to Byzantium and enlist them against the people of Islam; and that will be the first of the battles.”
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 682
On October 3rd, 2014, when the Turkish Parliament voted to give Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan the power to invade Syria, the solution to the famous anagram in Quatrain IX-62 became suddenly apparent to me.
I even chided myself for not having solved it sooner, since Erdogan came onto the world stage as Prime Minister in 2003. He was elected President in 2014.
I have a suspicion, however, that Erdogan’s fate is sealed. He is trapped between the United States and Russia. The Sufyani will flee from Egypt and find refuge in Turkey.
I was told that the Sufyani will rule for three and a half years.
In July of 2023, I warned Israel about The First Blow of Steel, and then came the October 7th, 2023 Hamas attack.
In October of 2023, I warned the United States Navy about a defeat in the Middle East using a new tactic or weapon.
Iran Inaugurates First-Ever Drone Carrier Warship In Persian Gulf
All of these are still in play. Obviously, the Remote Viewers who followed with very similar predictions got it wrong too.
Hopefully readers are smart enough to see that Nostradamus created a very big jigsaw puzzle, and all I do here is fill in the pieces. My predictions fit inside a larger picture that will begin with an event that I have called The First Blow of Steel. In 2007, I wrote that this will come to a Palestinian territory.
Trumps suggestion to ship the Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan reveals his true colors.
All roads lead to Iran, and that is what I have repeated on this website for eighteen-years. I believe that we will most likely see a ramp up of international tensions, leading to a crisis around May, and this could also involve China.
Trump Begins Sanction Campaign Against Tehran’s “Oil Network”
I have been trying to sell Nostradamus here for 18-years now, and today the picture is just about filled in; all the pieces are in place, so it will only take one straw to take it all down.
I realize that I have been throttling back on posts, and so the audience numbers here are falling.
Frankly, I am tired of the Alternative Media political dance and clickbait patriotism. Given the UFO/Extraterrestrial schizophrenia in the Mainstream Media and the Alternative Media, I would be equally psychotic in trying to ignore this great historical factor when I write a post, hoping that I can appeal to an audience of nonbelievers in an attempt to be taken seriously and sell a few books.
Life is all a hustle; that’s the only business model, and I play in the major leagues coping with much bigger hustlers.
My professional career has been in limbo for over two-years now. In a few weeks, after almost 30-years, I will be closing the door on the kingdom that I helped build and set the standard for; never in this world do you want to see the individuals with whom I work with surrender to apathy. Many of you depend on them.
Basically, I have been right about the whole process. That is correctly reading the future. As I have written before, when you have to survive a dysfunctional family, you get good at measuring the level of people’s dysfunction, and then calculating the time to impact and the blast radius that gets you out of harms way.
My professional commitments outweigh anything that I do here by orders of magnitude, and that includes the sum total of anything that the entire Alternative Media puts out. Most of the Alternative Media is filled with substack poseurs trying to play in the Real World and stay relevant.
There are always those intellectual snobs and doubters who reject Conspiracy Theory. One of my recent favorites are the Blue Lasers From Space critics.
I have had some very interesting life experiences, and I haved worked in some very interesting jobs. When working at a highly advanced Space Propulsion laboratory, if multiple “Old Timers” were telling me in 1981 that only a few years before, they were testing cryogenic X-Ray lasers that could “melt busses“, then you can be sure that these lasers existed.
Most of my coworkers were worried about asbestosis, because they were building asbestos targets for these high-powered lasers. My Lead blamed his throat cancer on working with some material without proper personal protective equipment. That is about as tangible as it gets.
Fifty-years later, you would have to be a technical luddite if you did not believe that these lasers can now be on satellites orbiting planet Earth. Beside the prophecies of Nostradamus, you can find this suggestion and prediction in Biblical scripture.
And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in sight of men.

Nostradamus Sixain XXVII
Celeƒte feu du coƒté d’Occident,
Et du Midy courir iuƒques au Leuant,
Vers demy morts ƒans point trouuer racine
Troiƒieme aage à Mars le belliqueux,
Des Eƒcarboucles on verra briller feux,
Aage Eƒcarboucle, & à la fin famine.
Nostradamus Sixain XXVII
Celestial fire from the side of the West,
From the South, running to the Levant [East],
Worms half dead without finding a root.
Third Age of Mars the warlike [World War III],
From carbuncles [Lasers] one will see brilliant fire,
The age of the carbuncle [Laser] and in the end famine.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 63
“Fires shining from the Carbuncles” is a reference to laser weaponry. Interestingly enough, a carbuncle is anyone of the scarlet and crimson varieties of garnet where the stone is cut with a convex face. There is an ancient legend that Noah used such stones to illuminate the ark.
The lines, The Third Age of Mars and fires shining from carbuncles, are clearly prophecies of World War III and lasers. I remember forty-years ago looking up the definition of carbuncle in my 1956 American Educator Encyclopedia. I noted that it mentioned that the ancients had prized carbuncles for their ability to “shine in the dark”.

US Navy hits drone with HELIOS laser in successful test
Many people have difficulty with these concepts and the true intentions or our rulers, and I am not sure that I want to expend anymore energy and financial resources trying to convince anymore of the intentionally ignorant.
My position is this, given the possibilities of this new technology, should there even be famine and war?
I am a witness to history; I don’t give a shit if you want to believe it or not.
All of this is so central to today’s current events, but Mainstream and Alternative Media pundits dance around this radioactive subject, because every last one of them is courting an audience who wants them to take his or her punditry seriously. In the face of death and human mass extinction, this ego game of relevance is pointless. The people who count are not getting the message.
As an experienced survivor, the cavalry never comes over the hill just in time, and every battle and tilt at the windmills in this life takes its toll.
“Full-On Corruption”: A Horrific Account Of Government Harassment Against Jan. 6 ‘Survivor’
The Empire is not going anywhere.
One of my measuring sticks regarding the social engineering factor will be the appointments of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Kash Patel, and Tulsi Gabbard.
3 of Trump’s most controversial Cabinet picks face confirmation hearings this week
RFK Jr., Kash Patel and Tulsi Gabbard will try to make their case to the Senate.
Fetterman says he’ll vote against RFK Jr., Gabbard nominations
Rand Paul recoils at Trump’s Gaza takeover plans: ‘I thought we voted for America First’.
Trump says he’s given advisers instructions for Iran to be ‘obliterated’ if it assassinates him.
I say the card deck is stacked. The First Blow of Steal will decide the fate of Gaza, and then it is all downhill from there.
And then there is this prediction…
Michelle Obama Shows United Front With Barack Amid Divorce Rumors
Nostradamus Quatrain II-45
Trop le ciel pleure l’androgin procreé,
Pres de ce ciel sang humain respandu,
Par mort trop tarde grand peuple recreé
Tard & tost vient le secours attendu.
Nostradamus Quatrain II-45
Too much the sky weeps for the Androgyne created,
Near the heavens human blood shed,
By death too late a great people re-created
Late and soon the awaited relief comes.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 591
If Michelle Obama is transgender, that discovery would destroy Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels. This Quatrain points to a fatal airplane crash in a storm.

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