Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not come to the United States on a pleasure visit. Israel is ready to kickoff the Big One, a war with Iran.

In Quatrain V-14, Nostradamus called Benjamin Netanyahu, The New Herod. Herod was the titular King of Israel when it was occupied by the Roman Empire.

The neoconservatives, now arguably called the neo-liberals, have wanted this war for a very long time.

On March 2nd, 2007, retired General Wesley Clarke told the entire world on video camera that “the Bush Administration planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran.

This is the video that makes Amy Goodman, the face of Democracy Now and a Progressive Liberal goddess, a phony. Forgetting all about Barack Obama’s destruction of Libya and Ukraine, Progressive Liberals preach that conservatives are the biggest threat to the world.

The Democrats need a miracle to win the 2024 Presidential Election, or Martial Law. The best place to go for that is war.

The Dajjal is the Islamic Antichrist. He is an unbelieving Muslim. I believe that he is Barack Obama.

Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Hadith 7015
He (dajjal) would be a young man with twisted, contracted hair, and a blind eye. He would appear on the way between Syria and Iraq and would spread mischief right and left.

Sahih Bukhari: Book 87, Hadith 153
Then I turned my face to see another man with red complexion, big body, curly hair, and blind in the right eye which looked like a protruding out grape. I asked, ‘Who is he?’ They replied, ‘He is Ad-dajjal.

Sahih Muslim, Book 041, Number 7008
There would be written three letters k. f. r., i. e. Kafir, between the eyes of the Dajjal.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 615
Barack Obama is coming back. Readers may not believe it, but that is why they call it prophecy. He is a self-admitted Muslim; and after eight years of rumor and controversy, that component of Barack Obama’s identify, whether right or wrong, crazy or sane, exists as history.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,057
Barack Obama is coming back. “Red complexion” is not a reference to Donald J. Trump’s spray-on tan. The Dajjal must be a Muslim.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 693
Barack Obama is 6’ 1”, and although his right eye does not look like a “protruding grape”, nor do we see the letters on his forehead labeling him an “unbeliever”, I am quite sure that these are unresolved metaphors. I have found that the one thing both critics of prophecy and the devout who follow prophecy share is trouble with metaphors.

Barack Obama revealed his identity over the course of his reign with his initiation of The Arab Spring and the NATO attack on Libya.

The key to understanding the identity of the Islamic Antichrist is in uncovering his actions and juxtaposing them to prophecy. When delving through the texts of various religions and sects, you will find that contradictions abound.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,057
Please note that The Illuminati symbol on The Great Seal of America is one eye observing from the top of a pyramid in a grape-like sphere.

Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Hadith 7028
Behold he (dajjal) is in the Syrian sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemen Sea (Arabian sea).

Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Hadith 7034
The dajjal would be followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan wearing Persian shawls.

Sunan Abu Dawud Book 37, Hadith 4282
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The greatest war, the conquest of Constantinople and the coming forth of the dajjal (Antichrist) will take place within a period of seven months. Asbagh bin Nubatah stood up and said: He shall be mounted on a white ass. One step of that ass will be of one mile.

Whichever spring or well he reaches, will dry up forever.

He will call out aloud which shall be audible to all in the east and the west from the Jinns, humans and satans.

He would tell his friends: I am the one who created then shaped. And I estimated and guided. I am your High Lord.

Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 419
“Seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan wearing Persian shawls” is certainly a reference to Israeli special operators and spies inside of Iran.

Isfahan is in Iran, over two-hundred miles south of Tehran. It is the site of Iran’s largest missile production facilities as well as the home of the Isfahan Nuclear Technology Center. It is an integral and very important city in Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

This points to a large Israeli military force already positioned around Iran’s nuclear weapons program in the city of Isfahan.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 964
Ahenbarbous was the name of Nero’s family. It literally means red beard or bronzebeard. Remember that the Islamic Dajjal was described as of “red complexion”.

The Dajjal, the Islamic Antichrist, is also going to be known for his reddish complexion.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 615
This trait certainly can apply to Barack Obama who comes from multiracial parents. “Redbone” is a southern slang word that arose in Louisiana during the early part of the 19th century after migrant groups of various ethnicities began settling into the state.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 317
Ahenbarbous, Nero’s family name translates as red beard or bronze beard. “Barbe d’airain” is “Beard of bronze”. Coincidentally, the Islamic Antichrist, The Dajjal, is described as having a “red complexion”.


My great thanks to George Ure over at UrbanSurvival.com. He is one of the few who see it coming.

July 26, 2024
Olympic Woes Begin – Rally with $35-Trillion Debt?

A nod to G.A. Stewart’s forecast – based on his decades of Nostradamus research – as we see the Olympics are off to a rocky start: Paris Olympics hit by coordinated arson attacks across train network.

Our concern is not so much with the arson – sure, inconvenient, but not a mass killer – except that it now has the potential to turn into a 1-2 punch. Where the arson today is the “distraction of Authority” while the other pieces of another – much larger crime – are being assembled.

June 5, 2024

A major war will most likely start with a terrorist attack at the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics against the Israeli athletes.

July 26, 2024
Paris Olympics hit by coordinated arson attacks across high speed train network

I suspect that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is visiting the United States to finish up the final details.


Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
Princes & Seigneurs tous ƒe feront la guerre,
Couƒin germain le frere auec le frere,
Tiny l’Arby de l’heureux de Bourbon,
De Hieruƒalem les Princes tant aymables,
Du fait commis enorme & execrables,
Se reƒƒentiront ƒur la bourƒe ƒans fond.

Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
Princes and Lords will all make war against one and other,
First cousin, brother against brother,
[L’Arby/Arab League] finished by the happy Bourbon,
The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable,
To committing the heinous and execrable deed,
They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.

The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 229
Israel will not be alone in its decision to attack Iran. “The Princes of Jerusalem” will agree with the agenda set by those Princes and Lords who control the Western alliance, those countries who have sworn allegiance to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Empire of Aquilon.

“Arabs finished by the happy ones of Bourbon” is a reference to Nostradamus’ hero Henri Selin who is a descendant of the Dauphin and the House of Bourbon and who will fight against the Antichrist in the American Civil War and go on to beat back the Chinese-Islamic invasion of the West.

“They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.” This alludes to Israel feeling the effects of the global economic collapse. The United States does not have a bottomless purse.


July 25, 2024
Netanyahu’s Meeting With Lame Duck Biden Was As Inconsequential As Anyone Expected

July 26, 2024
Ben-Gvir Endorses Trump, Says He’s More Likely to Back War On Iran

July 25, 2024
Trump: Israel Needs To End War Quick & Have Better ‘Public Relations’


Nostradamus Quatrain IX-55
L’horrible guerre qu’en l’Occident s’appreste,
L’an ensuivant viendra la pestilence,
Si fort l’horrible que jeune, vieux ne beste,
Sang, feu, Mercure, Mars, Jupiter en France.

Nostradamus Quatrain IX-55
The horrible war which is being prepared in the West,
The following year will come the pestilence,
So very horrible that young, old, nor beast,
Blood, fire Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,431
The following year will come the pestilence” suggest that in 2025 The Great Plague kills more than the COVID-19 Pandemic or the COVID-19 Vaccine. I suggest that the COVID-19 Vaccine was purposely engineered to weaken the human immune system. This has been proven.

In conjunction with the victories of the Russian and Iranian armies in Turkey and Europe, the West will be decimated by The Great Plague.



Nostradamus Sixain XXX (27)
Dans peu de temps Medecin du grand mal,
Et la ƒangƒue d’ordre rang inegal,
Mettront le feu à la branche d’Oliue,
Poƒte courir, d’vn & d’autre coƒté,
Et par tel feu leur Empire accoƒté,
Se r’alumant du franc finy ƒaliue.

Nostradamus Sixain XXX (27)
In a short time the Physician of the great disease,
And the leech of unequal order and rank,
They will set fire to the Olive branch,
Positioning driving, one side and another,
And through such fire their Empire accosted,
Reigniting the last of French saliva.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 811
In Sixain XXX, I believe Nostradamus is giving future historians the two arbiters of humanity’s fate. The Physician of the Great Disease and The Leech of Unequal Order and Rank. They seem to be responsible for what history will recognize as the start of World War III.

In Chapter III, I explained how Nostradamus identified The Leech as being south of France, which makes The Leech North Africa, or more precisely, the Arab League. With that explanation, we can presume that The Leech of Unequal Order and Rank is the single most important Islamic leader in the world.


February 11, 2018


Nostradamus Quatrain X-31
Le sainct Empire, viendra en Germanie,
Ismaëlites trouveront lieux ouverts,
Anes voudront aussi la Carmanie,
Les soustenans de terre tous couverts.

Nostradamus Quatrain X-31
The Empire [of] saint(s) [Islamic martyrs] will come into Germany,
The Ishmaelites [Muslims] will find open places,
[Because] The asses also want Carmania (Iran),
The supporters [of war] all covered by earth.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 576
This is certainly a reference to the neo-conservative agenda to overthrow the current government of Iran. “Voudront” is to want, to desire, or to take. “Carmanie” is Carmania, an ancient province in Iran at the entrance to the Persian Gulf.

“Ishmaelites” is a clear reference to Islam. Today, we understand the strategic importance of this part of the world. Most importantly to note is that “the asses desiring it” and “the supporters in favor of it” are all killed, “all covered by earth”.

This means that since the “[neo-conservative] asses” are generally far from the battlefield, they are killed in what seems to be an eventual nuclear war.

Obviously, The Mule is the symbol of the Democratic Party and another of Nostradamus’ allusions.



Nostradamus Quatrain III-90
Le grand Satyre & Tigre de Hyrcanie,
Don presente à ceux de l’Ocean:
Le chef de classe istra de Carmanie
Qui prendra terre au Tyrren Phocean.

Nostradamus Quatrain III-90
The great Satyr and Tiger of Hyrcania (Northern Iran),
Presents a gift to the Ocean:
Chief of the fleet will leave Carmania (Straits of Hormuz)
One who lands at Tyrren Phocean (Tyrrhenian Sea and Marseilles, France).

Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 583
Iranian Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi is easily identifiable as Nostradamus’ “Great Satyr and Tiger of Hyrcania”. Fadavi is a small village in Northern Iran. As you will read, after the 41-Nation Islamic Alliance army attacks Syria, the leader of this army, called The Sufyani in Islamic Hadith, will want to attack Iran.

The Iranians will immediately counterattack, targeting all United States military assets in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. In fact, we may see terrorism throughout major cities in the West.

As we can note from this Quatrain, after Admiral Ali Fadavi defeats the United States 5th Fleet, he will go on to drive the Iranian Navy to the French port of Marseilles as the Iranians join a Russian invasion of Europe.



Nostradamus Quatrain VI-44
De nuict par Nantes Lyris apparoistra,
Des artz marins susciteront la pluye:
Arabiq goulfre grand classe parfondra,
Vn monstre en Saxe naistra d’ours & truye.

Nostradamus Quatrain VI-44
At night the Rainbow will appear near Nantes (France),
The marine arts will cause it to rain:
In the Arabian Gulf (Arabian Sea/Persian Gulf) a great fleet will flounder,
A monster in Saxony (Germany) born of a bear [Russia] and a sow [China].

Many years ago, I identified “the marine arts” as part of a Directed Energy Weapons system that could control the weather.



Nostradamus Quatrain II-60
La foy Punique en Orient rompue
Gang, lud. & Rosne, Loyre, & Tag. changeront:
Quand du mulet la faim sera repue,
Classe espargie sang & corps nageront

Nostradamus Quatrain II-60
The faith [in] Punic (Libyan) [Regime change] in the Orient (China/Russia) broken
Ganges (India), Jordan (Syria), and Rhone (France), and Tagus (Spain) will change:
When the hunger of the mule will be satiated,
Fleet sprinkled, blood and bodies will swim.

The four lines of this poem are four different predictions:

1) 2011: The NATO attack on Libya made China and Russia realize the West’s word was no good.
2) That event will eventually bring war to the regions where these rivers flow.
3) The Hunger of the Mule is the NATO/Neoconservative/Vatican/Bilderburg Agenda. The main facilitators were Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, both are the senior leaders of the Democratic Party, The Mule. They hunger to attack Iran.
4) This will lead to the sinking of the American 5th Fleet.



Nostradamus Quatrain IX-100
Navalle pugne nuit sera superée,
Le feu aux naves à l’Occident ruine,
Rubriche neufve, la grand nef colorée,
Ire à vaincu, & victoire en bruine.

Nostradamus Quatrain IX-100
A Naval battle will subdue night,
Fire in the ships to the West ruin,
New rubric, the great ship colored,
Anger to the vanquished, and victory in a drizzle.

Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 585
This Quatrain seems to indicate that this is a Western Fleet outside of the Persian Gulf or in the Arabian Sea. Therefore, it is possible that it links up with Quatrain V-62 below, which I believe may involve Chinese and American naval forces in the South China Sea.



Nostradamus Quatrain X-77
Trente adherans de l’ordre des quirettes,
Bannis, leurs biens donnez ses aduersaires:
Tous leurs bienfaits seront pour demerites,
Classe espargie deliurez aux corsaires.

Nostradamus Quatrain X-77
Thirty adherents of the order of quirites [Generals/Admirals],
Banished, their property given to adversaries:
All their benefits seen as misdeeds,
The fleet sunk, delivered to the corsairs.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 595
“Thirty adherents of the order of Quirites” alludes to Roman Generals in their role as civil leaders. From Quatrain X-76 we get the sense of a Senate ordaining a General, which I have associated with former General David Petraeus, and in Quatrain X-77, the civilian Generals are banished after a “fleet sunk delivered to the Corsairs.”

“Delivered to the Corsairs” suggests that this is the United States 5th Fleet in the Persian Gulf or the Arabian Sea, since this is a 16th century term Nostradamus would use for Muslim pirates.

As I mentioned, what is interesting about Quatrain X-76 is its relationship to the history of the Athenian General Thrasybulus, which Nostradamus recounts in his Epistle to Henry. Before his coup against the Thirty Tyrants, the Athenian fleet and expeditionary force sailed to Sicily and was destroyed.



Nostradamus Quatrain VI-21
Quant ceulx de polle artiq vnis ensemble,
En Orient grand effrayeur & crainte:
Esleu nouueau, soustenu le grand temple [tremble],
Rodes, Bisance de sang barbare taincte.

Nostradamus Quatrain VI-21
When those of the arctic pole [NATO] unite assembling,
In the Orient [China/Russia] great terror and fear:
Newly elected supporting the great temple,
Rhodes (Greece), Byzantium (Istanbul, Turkey) stained with Barbarian blood.

Sunan Abu Dawud Book 37, Hadith 4282
The greatest war, the conquest of Constantinople and the coming forth of the dajjal (Antichrist) will take place within a period of seven months.

Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Number 7016
…Gog and Magog would walk until they would reach the mountain of al-Khamar and it is a mountain of Bait-ul-Maqdis…

Baitul-Maqdis” is easily identified as the al-Aqsa mosque on the Dome of the Rock.

After The First Blow of Steel, Israel may seize and destroy al-Aqsa mosque to build the Third Temple.


July 25, 2024
Coup Upon Coup Upon Coup


Nostradamus Quatrain VI-25
Par Mars contraire sera la monarchie,
Du grand pescheur en trouble ruyneux:
Ieune noir. rouge prendra la hierarchie,
Les proditeurs iront iour bruyneux.

Nostradamus Quatrain VI-25
Through Mars [War] contrary [to the] the monarch [King/President],
The great fisherman [Pope] in ruinous trouble:
The young Black [King]. red [Muslim] seizes the hierarchy,
The traitors move on a rainy day.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III,
G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 325-326

This is another important Quatrain in Century VI. “Jeune noir rouge”, “Young [Muslim] red Black King” repeats the description Nostradamus used for his Third Antichrist in Quatrain III-60, “D’un ieune noir rempli de felonnie”, “Of a young Black [King] filled with felony”.

In this Quatrain, “Ieune noir. rouge prendra la hierarchie”, “The young Black [King]. red [Muslim] seizes the hierarchy”.

In Quatrain VI-38 Nostradamus uses “Noir sanguinaire, rouge sera commis,”, “the Black [King] bloodthirsty, red [a Muslim], shall be exposed”. As you read Quatrain VI-10 defines “red”, “De blanc & noyr les deux entremeslee”, “Of white and black of the two intermixed”, “Rouges & iaunes leur embleront les leurs”, “Red and yellow ones will carry off their possessions”.

Therefore, Quatrain VI-25 definitively states that “Jeune noir rouge” is a Muslim who, “seizes the hierarchy” and who Nostradamus considered “Les proditeurs”, “The Traitors” from the Latin word “proditor”, “traitor”.





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