There is only one website on the entire Internet that promotes my work with Nostradamus’ prophecies. George Ure emailed me this morning with some questions about how I date Nostradamus’ prophecies.
Hedging Future Tech Shock
While our predicted Wave 3 down seems to continue organizing, we will address the elephant in the room for young people. Because conditions soon to appear will drive not only newly graduated from high school and colleges to question where the “best bet on Future” is, but as the economy unravels (from here) and in coming years, as well, understanding how to purposely create your own future will be a very desirable skill.
…Since G.A. Stewart works aren’t all in my head, I asked the local desktop A.I. about what’s out there in July because there’s something in the back of my mind from reading Stu’s (voluminous) work that something wicked this way comes…
Attention Stu!
As you can see (or not) there is a chance that the “offset” of specific dates in Nostradamus may be open to solution.
In order to “solve Nostradamus” all you’d need is an encyclopedic knowledge of Quatrains (Stu!) and then list every (judicial) astrological event and calculate the offset to “modern” astrology/dating.
I must say that I have gone over the 1,321 Nostradamus’ prophecies many times. That is a personal count of all his prophecies that I developed decades ago, expanding upon the great work of Nostradamus Commentator, Edgar Leoni. I have my disagreements with Leoni’s conclusions regarding The Presages and The Sixains, but his work provided organization and clarity to the entire subject of Nostradamus.
There are only two books that need to be read to learn all that exists regarding Nostradamus and his prophecies. Edgar Leoni’s 1982 book, Nostradamus and His Prophecies, which is a reprint of his original 1961 book, Nostradamus: Life and Literature. This book is often liberally copied from without citation by other Nostradamus Commentators.
The second book is Ian Wilson’s 2002 biography, Nostradamus, The Man Behind The Prophecies.
Readers can add a third book, G. A. Stewart’s Nostradamus Compendium, which I wrote using the oldest surviving editions of Nostradamus’ prophecies. My book points out nearly 500-years of printing errors.
How any reader wants to approach the writings of the iconic Nostradamus is a personal choice. The 19th Century Soothsayer Christians believe that Nostradamus dabbled in the occult. Those criticisms are a measurement of their ignorance. Nostradamus was a great believer in Jesus Christ and the church as established by Simon Peter. Clearly, he was not too happy about Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. Therefore, Nostradamus would most likely consider The 19th Century Soothsayer Christians as heretics.
Deciphering Nostradamus’ prophecies started out as a hobby for me. Like any riddle or puzzle, I discovered that there are rules and conventions that Nostradamus used. Nostradamus wrote an epic Narrative Poem. The Narrative Poem comes in 1,321 puzzle pieces. The Quatrain and Presage puzzle pieces have four sides; a Sixain has six sides. Every line counts and connects to another piece.
There is a Dating Code in Nostradamus’ prophecies. Without bogging down this post, the following link explains how that works.
For the nearly three-dozen Dating Code prophecies, most of the important dates have already passed. Therefore, it is easy enough for every reader to measure my interpretations of the Nostradamus’ metaphors, allusions, and symbolism with the events that have occurred over the last seventeen-years since I began publishing my material on-line.
Let me be clear; some of these I still puzzle over as readers will discover in this post.
While readers are at it, each of you can measure my interpretations of The Berlin Lead Tube Prophecies. I have recently expanded this link, to show how many of these align with Nostradamus’ prophecies. I am very proud of this work; it goes far back to a cross country trip through California and across the U.S., when I first learned about them in J. R. Jochman’s book, Rolling Thunder.
The Berlin Lead Tube Prophecies ended with the year 2000; the one line prophecy for that year is “The Triumph of the Olive.” It appears to be related to The Holy Consecration of Russia; it was quietly held under the radar at the Vatican in the year 2000. This was a late discovery that I made. This one line prophecy aligns with Nostradamus’ history of Russia, which Nostradamus spelled out exactly in The Epistle to Henry. It also follows statements made by the late Father Malachi Martin, who was a Vatican insider and bestselling author. I believe that the Three Fatima Prophecies are found in a Nostradamus’ Triplicate Series.
I will be adding the Nostradamus’ Fatima Triplicate Series to both of those links when time permits. I will also be updating and adding more to this side of this website.
I have made some very big predictions that should begin appearing in the next few weeks; but I have discovered long ago, that these always materialize in ways that I never imagined.
In 2011, 2014, and 2019, I thought humanity was heading for extinction. I thought the worst for each of those years. I am quite sure that the failure of some OTHER BIG PREDICTIONS for those years by others in the future forecasting business might also be related to my failure.
a) 2011 – NATO destroys Libya – kills Muammar Gaddafi
b) 2014 – NATO supported coup d’état in Ukraine
c) 2019 – COVID-19 released (NATO Biological Weapon)
Here we are in May of 2024, the world has not ended and most of us are still alive. I know some of you in the audience have lost people, and that makes what I write here all the more real. Below, readers will find the Nostradamus’ prophecies that held these three dates. Readers are free to work out the metaphors, allusions, and symbolism for themselves.
Since social engineering is now a major topic in the Alternative Media; I have come to understand this concept in my measurement of the Dating Code. I was too military oriented and focused on a World War II-type of war. What is coming will be that type of war, but to launch it, the Western social engineers needed to blow up countries, and turn the population of these nations into refugees forced to flee the engineered carnage and stream into Europe and the United States. These immigrants do not understand how they have been played. And the population of these nations do not understand how they have been played after the social engineers began using social media to label the people who objected as xenophobic and racist.
In 2014, humanity approached the abyss of Nuclear War. On March 5th, 2014, the first day of Lent, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian aircraft to load nuclear weapons. In 2015, he told the world in an interview that he was prepared to engage NATO in a Nuclear War if the NATO led Ukrainian revolutionaries tried to take Crimea. This is now an obscure fact of history, but a serious reality of how close the world was to Nuclear War in 2014. And that fact should find its way into today’s conversation every single day. But it does not.
“Click,” moving on to the next topic… By the way, can I sell you a product before everything gets blown to hell?
We are approaching a very specific date mentioned in a very important Quatrain. I call these types of Nostradamus’ prophecies pointers. It is a conditional statement; “When This Is Happening Here, That Is Happening There.”
This Quatrain comes with a month and a day but no year, also with a corresponding second Quatrain. The enormity of the prediction will guarantee instant recognition around the world. I have always chosen Los Angeles, California for the location, because it is the world’s “Great Theater.”
As I was writing the 2017 update to my 2007 book, I began to see that Quatrains IX-83 and Quatrain X-67 may not be related to a natural earthquake but to the ground shaking by warfare. In my 2017 book, I began considering whether Los Angeles was going to be destroyed by an earthquake or a nuclear bomb. North Korea seemed a good culprit at the time.
Interestingly enough, we see both these possibilities in the today’s news headlines.
Nuclear Detonation “Workshop” In Los Angeles This week
4.1-magnitude earthquake shakes Orange County, Riverside County
I am no smarter than you folks, but I do not know what to make of those two news stories. They coincide so precisely with my work, that it raises many questions for me.
Therefore, in my recent post suggesting that Joe Biden will be replaced around May 5th, 2024 and that the U.S. and China may go to war around May 10th, 2024, I suppose that I should explain where my thoughts have been and where they are today.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-83
Sol vingt de Taurus si fort terre trembler,
Le grand theatre remply ruynera,
L’air, ciel & terre obscurcir & troubler,
Lors l’infidele Dieu & saints voguera.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-83
Sun twentieth of Taurus [May 10th] a mighty earth trembling,
The great theater [Hollywood, California] completely ruined,
The air, sky, and land darkened and troubled,
Then the infidel [Islamic Jihadist] invokes God and the saints.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 485
This Quatrain has always been my main indicator of when war is just beginning in the Middle East. “Then the infidel [Islamic Jihadist] invokes God and the saints” is also a great line for pointing out that Islamic saints are Islamic martyrs.
Since a new North Korean War is a good possibility, I began thinking that this Quatrain may point to warfare and not an earthquake. With Nostradamus, you just never know. Do you take “terre trembler”, “land trembling from an earthquake” or as the allusion, “land trembling from explosions”?
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 834
Hollywood is certainly “The great theater”.
…I began looking at the line “L’air, ciel & terre obscurcir & troubler.” It presents me with a different picture. Is the air and sky darkened or obscured because of many fires? Is the “troubled air” an indication of radioactivity?
We have the prediction of the destruction of Hollywood by a “mighty trembling.” “It will ruin the great theater completely” means the complete destruction of Hollywood and American
movie making; followed by “Lors l’infidele Dieu & saints voguera.”
At first, I thought this was a celebration and call-to-arms by “the infidel[s]” who took this event as a sign from Allah in their war against Christianity. However, “voguera” is to “invoke.” This
seems to indicate that this could be an act of Islamic terrorism.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-67
Le tremblement si fort au mois de May,
Saturne, Caper, Iupiter, Mercure au boeuf,
Venus aussi, Cancer, Mars en Nonnay,
Tombera gresle lors plus grosse qu’vn oeuf.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-67
The strong trembling in the month of May,
Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus,
Venus [Islam] also, Cancer [June 22nd – July 22nd], Mars [War] in Nonnay [Nonay France],
Hail will fall larger than an egg.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 486-487
We have the confirming prediction of a “mighty earthquake in May”.
Once again, I do not believe that Nostradamus is giving us astrological alignments to date this Quatrain. He is providing metaphors and giving us only the months that these events will
Saturn [Bad Luck] in Capricorn between [December 21st to January 19th].
Jupiter [Good Luck] in Taurus between [April 19th to May 20th] for Venus [Islam]. This period of good luck may apply right up until the May earthquake. This is where the Quatrain IX-83 prediction fits, “then the infidel [Islamic Jihadist] calls God and the saints.”
War in France in Cancer between [June 20th to July 22nd] seems to follow the war cry from Muslims after the May earthquake in Quatrain IX-83.
Israeli Warplanes Strike Damascus As Iran Tensions Still On Edge
Turkey Halts All Trade With Israel As Relations At Breaking Point
Readers will understand my conundrum of translation and interpretation from the February 6th, 2023 Double-Earthquake in Turkey.
I was expecting a war between Greece and Turkey in the Spring; in 2023. It turned out to be the Double-Earthquake. That exact description is given by Nostradamus, and it is tied to a war between Greece and Turkey. Apparently, that is coming.
With that 2023 indicator appearing, I knew we were closing in on what I have called “The First Blow of Steel.” This is the detonation of a terrorist nuclear weapon on a Palestinian territory, and it is somehow connected to Egypt. I recognized what was occurring in Israel around the 9th of Av of 2023 and pointed to that event in my July 29th, 2023 post.
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 302
…The 9th day of the 11th month in the Hebrew calendar is the fasting day of Tisha B’Av. It is a remembrance of the destruction of both Jewish Temples, as well as other tragedies that have fallen on the 9th of Av.
“The Second Blow of Steel” will most likely occur “Soon After” in Italy, and it too will somehow be a terrorist event connected to Nostradamus’ Black King. This will force the move of Pope Francis into France. This is where The Fatima Prophecies conclude in conjunction with a Nostradamus’ Triplicate Series that matches the Vatican’s description.
If my timeline is still on schedule and we see hostilities between Greece and Turkey beginning in conjunction with Egypt breaking its peace treaty with Israel when the Israeli Defense Force begins its invasion of Rafah, very quickly, events could go non-linear.
Carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Now in the Mediterranean Sea
After almost four months on station in the Red Sea, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) and USS Gravely (DDG-107) transited the Suez Canal on Friday, the Navy announced.
Ike, the flagship of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group, and Gravely are now in the Eastern Mediterranean, according to a news release from U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa. It is unclear how long the two ships will remain in the Med.
The Ike Carrier Strike Group deployed on Oct. 13 and headed toward the Red Sea, where it participated in Operation Prosperity Guardian. Aircraft from Ike and Gravely shot down several Houthi drones and anti-ship missiles while in the Red Sea, according to USNI News’ timeline.
“The Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group has delivered exceptional naval power in the U.S. 5th Fleet for the last five months,” said Rear Adm. Marc Miguez, commander of the Ike CSG, in the release. “Reentry into the U.S. 6th Fleet is only a small gesture of our ability to project combat superiority to any part of the globe.”
This U.S. Naval movement follows Nostradamus’ prophecies perfectly when the war against Israel begins.
My interpretation of The First Blow of Steel hinges on the identity of Nostradamus’ Relative of the Leech. The Leech is certainly The Arab League, defined in Sixain XLIX: “A great alliance will be made in France [NATO], And the leech in the South [North Africa/Arab League] the same.”
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 339
The Arab League was founded in Cairo on March 22, 1945. There are two side notes to the formation of the Arab League that need to be examined to understand the identity of the Leech and another important character in the Sixains, the Relative of the Leech.
The Palestinian Liberation Organization formed shortly after on June 2, 1964. So, this is my choice for the identity of the Relative of the Leech. On November 29th, 2012 the United Nations General Assembly voted to give Palestine “non-member observer state” status.
After my 2013 book, Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, I began to immediately see the pieces fall into place in Ukraine on February 22nd, 2014. These dates were the steps toward Nuclear War. I have been writing about The Nostradamus Butterfly Effect since 2007; so, clearly, I seemed to have focused on the worst possible aspects after grouping certain prophecies under these three specific dates. In 2014, I immediately suspected that we would see Biological Warfare in 2019, and you will find that prediction in my 2017 book.
Nostradamus Sixain XXX (27)
Dans peu de temps Medecin du grand mal,
Et la ƒangƒue d’ordre rang inegal,
Mettront le feu à la branche d’Oliue,
Poƒte courir, d’vn & d’autre coƒté,
Et par tel feu leur Empire accoƒté,
Se r’alumant du franc finy ƒaliue.
Nostradamus Sixain XXX (27)
In a short time the Physician of the great disease,
And the leech of unequal order and rank,
They will set fire to the Olive branch,
Positioning driving, one side and another,
And through such fire their Empire accosted,
Reigniting the last of French saliva.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 669
In Sixain XXX, I believe Nostradamus is giving future historians the two arbiters of humanity’s fate. The Physician of the Great Disease and The Leech of Unequal Order and Rank. They seem to be responsible for what history will recognize as the start of World War III.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 525
In Chapter Three, I explained how Nostradamus identified The Leech as being south of France, which makes The Leech North Africa, or more precisely, the Arab League. With that explanation, it is easy to make the case that The Leech of Unequal Order and Rank is the single most important Islamic leader in the world.
The question begs, why does Nostradamus call the other antagonist, The Physician of the Great disease? Is this person a doctor? Is it a metaphor? We know he “will set fire to the Olive branch”. Does he use “the great disease” as a weapon? Does he start biological warfare?
a) 2011 – NATO destroys Libya – kills Muammar Gaddafi
b) 2014 – NATO supported coup d’état in Ukraine
c) 2019 – COVID-19 released (NATO Biological Weapon)
Nostradamus Sixain XXVIII (24)
Nostradamus Sixain XXVIII (24)
L’an mil ƒix cens & neuf on quatorzieƒme,
Le vieux Charon fera Paƒques en Careƒme,
Six cens & ƒix, par eƒcrit le mettra
Le Medicin, de tout cecy s’eƒtonne,
A meƒme temps aƒƒigné en perƒonne
Mais pour certain l’vn d’eux comparoiƒtra.
Nostradamus Sixain XXVIII (24)
The year one thousand six hundred and nine [1609-2014] or fourteen [1614-2019],
The old Charon will celebrate Easter in Lent,
Six hundred and six [1606-2011], in writing he will place it
The Physician, by all this is astonished,
At the same time summoned in person
But for certain one of them will appear.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 292-293
Charon and Ogmios are mythological psychopomps. Readers should note the appearance of The Physician of the Great Disease. He appears in three of The Sixains and is integral to starting World
War III.
This Sixain provides all the important years of major NATO provocations. In 2011, NATO invaded Libya. In 2014, NATO operatives staged a successful coup d’état in Ukraine, in 2019, COVID-19 was released, and it appears that it was developed by the U.S. National Institute of Health under the guidance of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-55
L’horrible guerre qu’en l’Occident s’appreste,
L’an ensuivant viendra la pestilence,
Si fort l’horrible que jeune, vieux ne beste,
Sang, feu, Mercure, Mars, Jupiter en France.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-55
The horrible war which is being prepared in the West,
The following year will come the pestilence,
So very horrible that young, old, nor beast,
Blood, fire Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,431
“The following year will come the pestilence” suggest that in 2025 The Great Plague kills more than the COVID-19 Pandemic or the COVID-19 Vaccine. I suggest that the COVID-19 Vaccine was purposely engineered to weaken the human immune system. This has been proven.
In conjunction with the victories of the Russian and Iranian armies in Turkey and Europe, the West will be decimated by The Great Plague.
Quatrain IX-55 clearly identifies the West for starting World War III; this is the backdrop behind the approach of “Israel’s Heinous Deed.” “The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable to the social engineeing plan that NATO has been working since the end of Wolrd War II.”
I suggest that this can come at any moment, and I do hope that I am very wrong.

Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
Princes & Seigneurs tous ƒe feront la guerre,
Couƒin germain le frere auec le frere,
Tiny l’Arby de l’heureux de Bourbon,
De Hieruƒalem les Princes tant aymables,
Du fait commis enorme & execrables,
Se reƒƒentiront ƒur la bourƒe ƒans fond.
Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
Princes and Lords will all make war against one and other,
First cousin, brother against brother,
[L’Arby/Arab League] finished by the happy Bourbon,
The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable,
To committing the heinous and execrable deed,
They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 229
Israel will not be alone in its decision to attack Iran. “The Princes of Jerusalem” will agree with the agenda set by those Princes and Lords who control the Western alliance, those countries who have sworn allegiance to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Empire of Aquilon.
“Arabs finished by the happy ones of Bourbon” is a reference to Nostradamus’ hero Henri Selin who is a descendant of the Dauphin and the House of Bourbon and who will fight against the Antichrist in the American Civil War and go on to beat back the Chinese-Islamic invasion of the West.
“They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.” This alludes to Israel feeling the effects of the global economic collapse. The United States does not have a bottomless purse.
George Ure described my work as voluminous. It has to be; at least 440 of those 1,321 Nostradamus’ prophecies are connected to World War III. Those thirty-five dated prophecies are the edge pieces to this great puzzle. In 2007, I misunderstood the metaphors, and so I expected the worst for 2011, 2014, and 2019.
Arguably, 2019 and COVID-19 and the Global Lockdowns exactly matched my 2017 predictions. Nearly seven-million deaths qualifies as some of “the worst.” However, I think more is to come very soon.
Therefore, how every reader interprets Nostradamus’ metaphors, allusions and symbolism is the great part of the puzzle.
A very insightful reader recently suggested to me in an email that when we sea “Crimson Sea” in a particular Nostradamus’ prophecy, that it may not mean blood on the seas, but “The Red Sea.” I love to read these different perspectives and angles regarding my interpretations. In a future post, I will certainly use this reader’s suggestion and update those prophecies with this possible interpretation.
This vagueness and ambiguity that Nostradamus Critics have complained about for centuries is simply Nostradamus’ poetic license. It is all part of the game. Besides The Nostradamus Butterfly Effect, there is also Nostradamus Irony and The Twist. And Nostradamus is quite specific about all of this in his Epistle to Henry.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 39:1
Through this discourse, Sire, I present these predictions almost in confusion, and when and in what order they will take place. For the chronology of time which follows, conforms little, if at all with what has been set forth, although it was determined by means of astronomy, and by other sources, even including Holy Scriptures, and thus cannot err. If I wanted to give each quatrain its dating in time, I could have done so. But it would not be agreeable to all, least of all those interpreting them, Sire, until Your Majesty granted me sufficient power to do so, lest calumniators be furnished with the opportunity to bite into me.
A long time ago, I realized that a static book of Nostradamus’ prophecies would never work. Real-time updates to my books were required.
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 49
My website has become a real-time outlet for deciphering many different prophecies that are materializing in the headlines of the daily news. After three years of shopping my book around to publishers, I realized that the static nature of a book could never keep up with current events.
With those Nostradamus’ sentiments in mind, I present the very important dated prophecies in conjunction with those prophecies that should be self-evident to most readers. Every reader may see elements of a poem from a different angle; however, the conclusions are often quite clear. All of these predictions are now in the past, and so the poems below are a measuring tool of each person’s personal perspective compared with the actual history. This is the point where everybody can accept or reject Nostradamus, or at least my translations and interpretations.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-49
Beaucoup beaucoup auant telles meneés
Ceux d’Orient par la vertu lunaire
L’an mil sept cent feront grand emmenées
Subiugant presque le coing Aquilonaire.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-49
Very much before such intrigues
Those of the Orient [Russia/China] by virtue of the Moon [Islamic Army]
The year one thousand seven hundred [1700 -2011] prepares the great to be marched away
Nearly subjugating a corner of Aquilon [NATO].
IN 2038
Nostradamus Quatrain III-77
Le tiers climat soubz Aries comprins
L’an mil sept cens vingt & sept en Octobre,
Le roy de Perse par ceux d’Egypte prins:
Conflict, mort, pte; à la croix grand opprobre.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-77
The third climate comprising Aries [World War III]
The year one thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven [1727-2038] in October,
The King of Persia (Iran) captured by the Egyptians:
Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great shame.
Milley & Stoltenberg Agree: ‘We Must Prepare Ourselves For A Long War In Ukraine’
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-77
L’antechrist trois bien tost annichilez,
Vingt & sept ans sang durera sa guerre,
Les heretiques morts, captifs exilez,
Son corps humain eau rogie gresler terre,
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-77
The third antichrist soon annihilated,
Twenty-seven years of blood will his war last,
The heretics dead, captives exiled,
Blood, human corpses, water, red hail covering the Earth,
Why is there a difference between the number of years of The War of The Antichrist in Quatrain VIII-77 and Nostradamus’ Epistle to Henry? As I wrote in Wings Over The World:
Readers should take note of the two-year difference between Quatrain III-77 and the length of The Antichrist’s War in Nostradamus’ Epistle to Henry.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:1
en après l’Antechrist sera le prince infernal, encores par la derniere foy trembleront tous les Royaumes de la Chrétienté, & aussi des infideles, par l’espace de vingt-cinq ans,
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:1
After that the antichrist will be the infernal prince, again for the last time, all the Kingdoms of Christianity, and even of the infidels, will tremble for the space of twenty-five years,
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:1
The third and last Antichrist will be the infernal prince. [Because of his war] all the Kingdoms of Christianity, and even of the Islamic people, will tremble for the space of twenty-five years.
Since Quatrain I-49 specifically mentions Aquilon [NATO], is the G7 approval of the two missile strikes integral to the calculation? President Donald J. Trump launched two attacks against Syrian targets in two separate years. 27 years minus 2 years = 25 years.
Here is another place where the dates align if you can accept the metaphors. The Leech is identified in Sixain XLIX as south of France. That makes The Leech North Africa. This is a metaphor for the Arab League. Consider Barack Obama’s Arab Spring and the millions of Muslim refugees that flooded Europe, particularly France and Germany.
Nostradamus Sixain XXVII
Celeƒte feu du coƒté d’Occident,
Et du Midy courir iuƒques au Leuant,
Vers demy morts ƒans point trouuer racine
Troiƒieme aage à Mars le belliqueux,
Des Eƒcarboucles on verra briller feux,
Aage Eƒcarboucle, & à la fin famine.
Nostradamus Sixain XXVII
Celestial fire from the side of the West,
From the South, running to the Levant [East],
Worms half dead without finding a root.
Third Age of Mars the warlike [World War III],
From carbuncles [Lasers] one will see brilliant fire,
The age of the carbuncle [Laser] and in the end famine.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 63
“Fires shining from the Carbuncles” is a reference to laser weaponry. Interestingly enough, a carbuncle is anyone of the scarlet and crimson varieties of garnet where the stone is cut with a convex face. There is an ancient legend that Noah used such stones to illuminate the ark.
The lines, The Third Age of Mars and fires shining from carbuncles, are clearly prophecies of World War III and lasers. I remember forty-years ago looking up the definition of carbuncle in my 1956 American Educator Encyclopedia. I noted that it mentioned that the ancients had prized carbuncles for their ability to “shine in the dark”.
Fauci Was ‘Smuggled’ Into CIA Headquarters To “Influence” Covid-19 Origins Investigation: Select Subcommittee
“A CIA Front Organization”: Revisiting EcoHealth COVID-19 Claims After Fauci ‘Influence’ Campaign Bombshell
a) 2011 – NATO destroys Libya – kills Muammar Gaddafi
b) 2014 – NATO supported coup d’état in Ukraine
c) 2019 – COVID-19 released (NATO Biological Weapon)
Nostradamus Sixain XXVIII (24)
Nostradamus Sixain XXVIII (24)
L’an mil ƒix cens & neuf on quatorzieƒme,
Le vieux Charon fera Paƒques en Careƒme,
Six cens & ƒix, par eƒcrit le mettra
Le Medicin, de tout cecy s’eƒtonne,
A meƒme temps aƒƒigné en perƒonne
Mais pour certain l’vn d’eux comparoiƒtra.
Nostradamus Sixain XXVIII (24)
The year one thousand six hundred and nine [1609-2014] or fourteen [1614-2019],
The old Charon will celebrate Easter in Lent,
Six hundred and six [1606-2011], in writing he will place it
The Physician, by all this is astonished,
At the same time summoned in person
But for certain one of them will appear.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 608
The question begs, why does Nostradamus call the other antagonist, The Physician of the Great disease? Is this person a doctor? Is it a metaphor? We know he “will set fire to the Olive branch [peace]”. Does he use “the great disease” as a weapon? Does he start biological warfare?
En l’an cinq cens octante plus & moins,
On attendra le ƒiecle bien estrange:
En l’an sept cens & trois cieux en tesmoings,
Que plusieurs regnes vn à cinq feront change.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-2
In the year five hundred eighty [1580-1990] more or less,
One awaits a very strange century:
In the year seven hundred and three [1703-2014] heaven in witness,
That several realms one to five will make a change.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III,
G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 202/451
In 1990, George Herbert Walker Bush, also known as Magog to his fellow Yale Bonesmen, announced the arrival of The New World Order as he commanded a world military alliance that attacked Iraq.
The prediction in Quatrain VI-2 is that the February 2014 Ukrainian Presidential coup d’état, that was supported by NATO, will lead to a Russian victory in a war with NATO.
…Readers should note The Nostradamus Butterfly Effect. Quatrain VI-2 should be read as, events in 2014 will lead to “several realms one to five will make a change”.
And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
I consider this one of the most successful predictions that I have made and that has ever been made in history. Why has the Alternative Media ignored my work?
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 233
After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, 2023, we can now expect “one to five” NATO countries to change by the time The False Peace is negotiated.
My choices:
1) The United States, 2) Great Britain, 3) Poland, 4) Germany, 5) Hungary
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-96
La Synagogue sterile sans nul fruit,
Sera receuë entre les infideles,
De Babylon la fille du porsuit,
Misere & triste luy trenchera les aisles.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-96
The Synagogue [Jerusalem] sterile, bearing no fruit,
Will be received the infidels entering,
Of Babylon the daughter of pursuit,
Miserable and sad her wings severed.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-97
Nouuelle loy terre neufue occuper
Vers la Syrie, Iudee, & Palestine:
Le grand Empire Barbare corruer,
Auant que Phebés son siecle determeine.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-97
New law to occupy the new land,
Around Syria, Judea, and Palestine:
The great Barbarian Empire will decay,
Before the Moon’s [Islam’s] cycle is determined.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-14
Saturne & Mars en Leo Espagne captiue,
Par chef Libique au conflit attrapé,
Proche de Malte, Heredde prinse viue,
Et Romain sceptre sera par coq frappé.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-14
Saturn [bad luck] and Mars [war] in Leo [Jul 23rd – Aug 22nd] Spain captive,
Through the Libyan chief trapped in the conflict,
Near Malta, Heredde [Herod] captured alive,
The Roman scepter struck by the cock [French].
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 651
I wonder if Herrode is a reference to the historical Herod the Great who ruled Israel under the aegis of the Roman Empire. Remember the quote from Sixain XXXIV, “the Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable to committing the heinous and execrable deed”. Is this Herrode, who was supported by the Empire of Aquilon, an exiled leader from Israel after it has been overrun by the Chinese-Islamic Alliance? It is easy to see Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in this role.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 806
“Herrede taken alive” is certainly a reference to Herod the Great, the leader of Israel during the Roman occupation. Thus, Nostradamus’ reference to “The Roman scepter struck” alludes to Israel’s overlord NATO as the Roman Empire.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 807
…“Herrode taken alive” is more than likely the current Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, a vassal leader of The New World Order and Rome.
Spain is due two invasions, one from Russia and one from the New Xerxes leading Al-Mahdi’s Islamic Alliance. Therefore, this will occur after the collapse of The False Peace.
The larger portion of the world has turned against Israel and NATO.
NATO’s boldness against Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran suggests that there is something behind the curtain. I have always suggested that this is Extraterrestrial technology.
Here is how the symbolism works. This spirit in the machine wants death, destruction, and rebirth. Unfortunately, over nine-billion people are involved in that process, and only a few are going to make it to the other side.
I actually wrote that sentence and most of this post before the army released its new recruitment video, regarding the ghost in the machine. These folks can stop by my office anytime; I am right down the road.
4th PSYOP Group
Faceless people, invisible hands: New Army video aims to lure recruits for psychological operations
A haunting new video released in the early morning hours is the latest effort by the Army to lure soldiers to some of its more secretive units
Every American has been blessed with a great responsibility. It is the ultimate spiritual test, and every bit of it is individual. Most Americans have enjoyed great freedoms for over two-centuries. I come from a family of Italian and Irish immigrants who had to work hard through the racial stereotypes. Racial exploitation is a facet of human history that has existed for thousands of years. History has shown us today that nations are destroyed by it.
The United States, as we pretend it to be, actually ended on November 22th, 1963, and the nail in the coffin came in 1968. The successful CIA and FBI assassinations of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, and the assassinations of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King in 1968 brought America today’s Deep State. People and pundits love to skip over this glaring fact of history, and it is the foundation of the world that we live in today.
Americans and most Europeans live in an Edward Bernays’ advertising facade. This is what third world refugees are drawn to, and this is at the core of The Great Replacement.
As I wrote above, the Western social engineers blow up countries to create a large worldwide refugee population, who of course flee to Western Europe and the United States, where the streets are allegedly paved with gold.
Watch: Migrants Complain That New Yorkers Don’t Learn African Languages
NY City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino responds to migrants complaining about the free food, housing and other services provided to them. “What motivated you to come here thinking the streets are paved in gold? They are not.”
The refugee demographic is increased power for politicians and morally, this is essentially treason against the native population whose political leaders allow it to happen. I say that it is all connected to a long term, bigger global plan.
“Explain To Me Why We Don’t Have The Right To Exist?” – Eva Vlaardingerbroek Warns Whites Against Massive Demographic Changes In Their Native Countries
…Suddenly within one generation, a few bureaucrats have decided against the will of the people
There is a much higher agenda, but unfortunately, the less wackier it sounds, the more it will be picked up by the Conservative Alternative Media, because all of this blogging crap is click-bait heroin, and most people write for the next fix. I say it is all spiritual; so, pick your flavor.
I like looking at the core beliefs of social groups and measuring them against history and the agreed upon facts of our Shared Reality. Today, everybody is selling The Great Reset and The Great Replacement. It is actually much worse. It is the extinction of the Plebeians and then Transhuman Feudalism.
Cloud Atlas – A Fabricant’s Life Cycle
I was writing about “The Second American Civil War” in 2007; however, based on Edgar Cayce’s many readings, recently, I began calling it “Atlantis 2.0.”
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 446
I will explain in detail how old conservatives like William F. Buckley use to warn about “Immanentizing the Eschaton”. As I first mentioned in Chapter Ten, Terence McKenna’s The Eschaton comes from political philosopher Eric Voegelin. “To Immanentize the Eschaton” is to engineer an Apocalypse if Heaven on Earth is on the other side of that Apocalypse for a few select people. So, the Gulf Oil Disaster, the Fukushima nuclear Disaster are all part of the slow burn and gradual increasing flame required to cook frogs before they jump out of the pot.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 115
Since it plays an essential part in the eschatology of the three Abrahamic religions, its construction would indicate that some group wants to kickoff The Apocalypse. The desire to bring about the end of the world to usher in utopia is to want to Immanentize the Eschaton. It is a political philosophy that the Catholic Church associates with the Antichrist.
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 460
I recently came upon the work of Terence McKenna. McKenna was an ethnobotantist and philosopher known for his exploration of psychoactive drugs used by indigenous cultures around the world. He came to believe that the human species was moving toward a Great Attractor in time. He called it The Eschaton; it is the point when The End Times begin.
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 460
From McKenna’s idea of a Great Attractor in time, he developed Novelty Theory and the fractal mathematics of Timewave Zero, where Novel Events that change the direction of human civilization can be plotted on a graph and anticipated.
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 786
On November 16th, 2012, Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil visited Gaza and the Israelis promptly bombed the office of the Palestinian Prime Minister upon Qandil’s departure. This is not some insignificant event. November 16th, 2012, was Terence McKenna’s original date for The Eschaton… turning out to be the symbolic beginning of The End Times.
Israel Prepares to Send Delegation to Cairo for Last-Chance Gaza Cease-Fire Talks
With Israel’s recent bombing of targets in Damascus, Syria, there is no way that this is turning back. NATO and Israel are following the unified script of King Charles III and the Western European army of satanist social engineers. As I wrote in my last post, world events today are the socially engineered manifestation of Freemason Albert Pike’s 19th century letter. It called for three world wars and the destruction of the three Abrahamic religions.
Every side is being played, and for some people that concept is apparently just too difficult to grasp.
Readers must understand, there is nothing in the world today that anyone can trust. The social engineers are being directed by some unseen force.
There is a Nostradamus Triplicate Series that may explain some of those connected possibilities. The last Quatrain I have called The Games of Slaughter, and I have associated this with the 2020 Summer Olympic Games that came during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In my 2023 book, I show how it actually encompasses the Olympics from 2018 until 2022, and in this post I am going to add the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics.
However, the entire Triplicate Series speaks to synthetic terrorism, and that includes the release of COVID-19. It also provides us with who is responsible. This Triplicate Series also includes the only true date in all of Nostradamus’ prophecies. It is not hidden by a Dating Code.



L’an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra un grand Roy d’effrayeur,
Resusciter le grand Roy d’Angolmois,
Avant aprés Mars regner par bon-heur.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-72
The year one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine [1999] seventh month [July],
From the sky will come the great King of Terror,
Resuscitating the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars [war] reigns by good luck.
In July 1999, [The Beast will begin planning the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States]. The King of Terror will strike from the sky. [Then NATO will invade the Middle East] and the great power of China will be resuscitated. Before and after, war reigns with good luck.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 216
I believe this pertains to the planning of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. George W. Bush announced his run for the Presidency in June 1999. By September 2000, the neoconservative think-tank, Progress for the New American Century, wrote its infamous paper, Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources for a New Century that called for a “new Pearl Harbor” type of event that would facilitate the United States military agenda.

Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 219
In 1999, George H. W. Bush assembled The Vulcans as his son’s foreign policy advisors. There is no doubt in my mind that the events of September 11th, 2001 were the results of this group implementing the globalist plans of Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels.
The Clinton Administration laid the groundwork for NATO interventionism.
The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a Neo-conservative think-tank created in early 1997, the very same year that the Group of Eight Nations formed. As I will examine in Chapter Nine, I believe Nostradamus used the metaphors “asses” and “mules” to describe their foreign policy goals as well as it being a symbol for the Democratic Party.

The Nostradamus Primer, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 162
The Progress for a New American Century (PNAC) was a Neoconservative group co-founded by Robert Kagan in 1997. He is the husband of the Biden Administration’s Victory Nuland who is Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, and the person who is really running the war in Ukraine, as she did in 2014 in the Barack Obama Administration.
Given the fact that the Internet is now abuzz suggesting that Chinese satellites used lasers to start the Maui Lahaina fires around August 7th, 2023, I am revisiting my original interpretation of this Quatrain.
14. (Q) Is America fulfilling her destiny?
(A) Rather should the question be sought, my children, are individuals fulfilling those channels to which they have been brought through their own application of the knowledge within themselves to fulfill their position? For each and every one, each and every nation, is led – even as in heaven. For that ye see in earth is a PATTERN of that in the MIND, as ye well know, and is as a shadow of spiritual truth, life and light.
Is America as a whole? This is as has been given. If there is not the acceptance in America of the closer brotherhood of man, the love of the neighbor as self, civilization must wend its way westward – and again must Mongolia, must a hated people, be raised.
It is filling its destiny? Is it filling, rather, its place, that destined in the experience of peoples, of a nation? What have ye done with the knowledge that ye have respecting the relationships of thy Creator to thy fellow man? and hast thou made known that ye know of His ways, God’s ways, among thy fellows?
Yea, here and there, as ye have seen, America has become not only the greater of these that have sent those that would make known secular ways but has also – does harbor within its bosom those things of other lands that are making, as it were, a leaven to the whole. And here, there – for, as given, His messenger shall appear there. Hence, is finding those that make the paths straight.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-74
Au revolu du grand nombre septiesme,
Apparoistra au temps jeux d’Hecatombe,
Non esloigné du grand age milliesme,
Que les entrez sortiront de leur tombe.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-74
The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
Appearing at the games of slaughter:
Not far from the millennial age,
When the buried come out of their tombs.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 708
With The 9th of Av on July 29th – 30th, 2020 in the middle of the games, this is the period I believe we will most likely see a war between NATO and Russia.
Well, that didn’t turn out to be quite the case in 2020, but we did have biological warfare and the COVID-19 Pandemic and the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 753
As I wrote on my website on February 24th, 2020, when the COVID-19 Pandemic began, I had considered that Quatrain X-74, “Appearing at the games of slaughter,” could mean that Nostradamus Great Plague would appear during the Olympics.
This would turn out to be exactly two years to the day before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and that came four days after the closing ceremony at the Beijing Winter Olympics.
“When the buried come out of their tombs” seems to be a reference that there will be too many dead to bury. We saw this in many countries that were struck by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Temporary mortuaries and mobile crematoriums were brought into many cities around the world.
The COVID-19 Pandemic and The Black Lives Matter Riots happened in 2020. I have shown readers how that year continually appears across various dated prophecies throughout all the platforms in Nostradamus’ work.
On February 24th, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Thus, my temporal indicator for a NATO war with Russia was correct to within four days.
Today, I have a deeper understanding of this Quatrain than I did when I published the last update of Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024. I am now wondering about the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics, because it never occurred to me that The Games of Slaughter may encompass a series of Olympics. Here is what I wrote in my last book.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 752-753
During the 2018 Winter Olympics in Seoul, South Korea, between February 9th and 25th, 2018, there was apparently much diplomatic action going on behind-the-scenes that led to Donald J. Trump’s June 11th, 2018 Singapore Summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
I find it interesting that three consecutive Olympics occurred in South Korea, Japan, and China when a genetically engineered cornavirus was released from a biological warfare laboratory in Wuhan, China.
The 2018 Winter Olympics in Seoul, South Korea, spanned from February 9th until the 25th of 2018; the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics was supposed to begin on July 24th, 2020 and end on August 9th, 2020; however, it was postponed and took place in 2021 because of the outbreak of COVID-19.
The Beijing Olympics lasted from February 4th until February 20th, 2022, and these Olympic Games also came under the period that included the COVID-19 Pandemic and the death of nearly seven-million people.
As I wrote on my website on February 24th, 2020, when the COVID-19 Pandemic began, I had considered that Quatrain X-74, “Appearing at the games of slaughter,” could mean that Nostradamus Great Plague would appear during the Olympics.
This would turn out to be exactly two-years to the day before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and that came four-days after the closing ceremony at the Beijing Winter Olympics.
This Triplicate Series is followed by another important Triplicate Series.

Nostradamus Quatrain X-75
Tant attendu ne reviendra jamais,
Dedans l’Europe, en Asie apparoistra,
Un de la ligue yssu du Grand Hermes,
Et sur tous Roys des Orients croistra.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-75
Long expected he will never return,
Inside Europe in Asia appearing,
One issued from the league of Great Hermes,
And over all the Kings of the Orient he will grow.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 372
For arguments sake, this Quatrain mentions nothing about an Antichrist, but it does suggest that some “long expected King” who will “not return inside Europe”; “Jamais revenir”.
The entirety of Nostradamus’ work is written around his Three Antichrists. In his Epistle to Henry, he mentions, “the Second Antichrist” and in Quatrain VII-77, “the Third Antichrist”, “the Last Antichrist”.
After his first two Antichrists, Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler, appeared inside of Europe, there is the expectation by readers that Nostradamus’ “Third Antichrist” will also come from Europe.
You cannot examine each Quatrain discreetly. The Black King prophecies must be examined in the entirety of the theme. This is a person who is so powerful that “over all the Kings of the Orient he will grow” and “he will never return to Europe.”
…I believe the line “one issued from the league of Great Hermes” addresses the secret cabal that chose to make Barack Obama the President of the United States. What is my proof?
In 2005, the late Pope Benedict XVI created a coat-of-arms that included The Black Moor King. He provided no explanation on why he made this choice.10 Three-years later, the Moor King became a reality when Barack Obama became President.

In 2007, I only had a few pages of citations to back up my suppositions that a “league of Great Hermes” existed. However, I now completely defer to the information found in The Master Game, Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World.
Hancock and Bauval uncovered the same information that I had found before their book was published, but they dug much deeper. They examine the history of “the league of Great Hermes” back to its potential source.
The histories of the Gnostics, Freemasonry, Neo-Platonists, Rosicrucians, and other lesser-known esoteric secret societies, have a foundation based on Hermeticism. They perfected and passed down the science of symbolism, meant to communicate information silently and unobtrusively.
Those people who practice Hermeticism believe that wisdom comes through the understanding of astrology, alchemy, and theurgy.
Theurgy is the practice of rituals. As I have described, and as can plainly be seen from the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics, the importance Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect places upon a perfectly crafted ritual.
The 2024 Paris Summer Olympics begin on July 26th, 2024 and end on August 11th, 2024. The 9th of Av begins the next day, at sundown on August 12th and ends at sundown on August 13the, 2024. From those quotes from my books and posts cited above, I see it all falling apart very soon. Only recently, did I begin thinking that this Olympic Game ritual that began in 2018 is being played out as millions of people around the world are suffering and dying.
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin even delayed his invasion of Ukraine so that China could wrap up the 2022 Bejing Winter Olympics. It is all very macabre; the myth of human excellence on the cusp of human extinction. Recently, I began thinking why should the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics be any different. Since last year, I have been writing that 2024 is the year that war comes to the rest of Europe; so, it all fit into my Nostradamus’ Timeline.
This post is nearly 9,000 words; I understand why people have trouble taking it all in, because there is a great deal of information here.
What I present here, I often try to support with actual information that confirms what I am talking about. In 2014, I discovered that Hal Turner’s website often provides breaking information before the rest of the Alternative Media is on to the breaking news. I have often cited his work for confirmation of my Nostradamus’ Timeline, especially in 2014.
The money that Hal Turner’s website generates in revenue in one month, this website generates in four-years. I am not here to generate an income, but to present factual information. So, I try to be in the business of filtering out the bullshit found in the Alternative Media on which this website depends. I write these posts when I can find the time. I need to work a 40-plus hour week to keep a roof over my head and food in the pantry.
I was about to link Hal Turner’s post regarding a United States Air Force B-2 photographed flying over Gaza, but I was delayed by that job. It would coincide with my prediction that some kind of Egyptian nuclear weapon has been smuggled on to a Palestinian territory.
The radioactive materials in nuclear weapons emit all kinds of particles and Gamma rays that can even be detected from space. If a B-2 did fly over Gaza, this would have been an acknowledgement by the U.S. government and a signal that the use of any nuclear device in Gaza or Rafah would be met with a similar response to the responsible party.
I grabbed the link in the preparation of this post.
Intimidation? U.S. B-2 Stealth Overflies Gaza, Low Enough to Be Clearly visible
However, during that delay, I discovered that this photograph is most likely a fake.
Photo Analysis: A B-2 Bomber Did Not Fly Over Gaza
A photo has been making its way around social media today claiming to show an American B-2 bomber flying over an unspecified area of Gaza.
I present both stories; therefore, the reading audience can decide for themselves, because if it were true, that would be a significant escalation.
I hope all of this post answer’s George Ure’s questions. He has his own solid knowledge of Nostradamus’ prophecies, and from what I have tried to present here, I hope that I have shown that there is an underlying structure to Nostradamus’ work as well as a multidimensional aspect. The historical themes overlap, but it is all subjective.
This is why I believe that the movie Cloud Atlas is one of the best movies ever made, and why I included the clip above.
The physics of reality and religious beliefs come under Metaphysics; I believe that they are a subset of “The Big Picture.” All of us are here at this moment in time for a reason.
I have provided those Dated Prophecies that have already passed. Every perspective is different; every reader may have a different take on Nostradamus’ metaphors, allusions, and symbolism.
My view is that I have been making public predictions on my interpretations of prophecy for the last 17-years. It is actually very disturbing to start seeing what I had written so long ago begin to materialize. And if we get through the Summer, I would be very happy to play the fool and end this blog there.
Indonesian Volcano Explodes in Smoke, Lava and Lighting – Second Eruption of Mount Ruang in a Week Causes Thousands to Evacuate (VIDEO)
This volcanic erutption in Indonesia suggests that if some event “ruins the Great Theatre” in Los Angeles on May 10th, 2024, it may be an earthquake and not related to some terrorist attack or the beginning of Nuclear War.
The fate of the Palestinians is the key. As I wrote in the last post, Nostradamus makes it quite clear that The Palestinian Problem will lead to Armageddon.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:2
combien que par les Azos tains voudroit mesler dedans le miel du fiel, & leur pestifere seduction: & cela sera proche du septiesme millenaire, que plus le sanctuaire de Jesus-Christ ne sera conculqué par les infideles qui viendront de l’Aquilon,
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:2
Although the Azostains/Philistines would like to mix the honey of bile, and their pestilent seduction; and this will be near the seventh millenary, when the sanctuary of Jesus Christ will no longer be trodden down by the infidels who will come from Aquilon.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:2
Although the Palestinians will suffer, they mix honey with bile to seduce terrorism and war. But the real infidels will be those politicians and military-industrial leaders of Aquilon and the [New World Order] who used the Christian Church to launch a New Crusade and remodel the world in their image.
Following this paragraph, Nostradamus introduces The Great Conflagration. Obviously, this sounds like Nuclear War.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:3
The world approaches a great conflagration, although, according to calculations in my prophecies, the course of time runs much further.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 48:3
The world will then approach a conflagration. Although according to my calculations, the world will not end with nuclear war. The course of time will go much further.
Obviously, we are nearing this point. I write, because I like my readers, I like bouncing ideas around with George Ure, and some of my readers here enjoy that banter. Life is the process of exploring, learning, and sharing; that is how you build families, clans, towns, and nations.
Nuclear War Will Happen in Europe, Russian TV Pundit Warns
Nuclear strikes by Russia on European targets are inevitable, a political expert warned in a fiery rant on Russian state television.
“You’ve chosen these morons to lead you. But we are trying to change your future, which [currently] means 200-250 million dead or maimed Europeans. That’s the price of nuclear war.”
“And we should explicitly name the European cities that will be destroyed. And how many casualties there will be after five or six nuclear missiles hit Paris. And so on.”
Yevstafyev then went on to suggest a system to threaten European citizens directly, perhaps via mail.
“For example, I would do the following: Every European should receive a postcard from us in their mailbox—a postcard with his house, NATO military facility, the place where there will be a strike and what will be left of their house,” he said. “And we have to make every European citizen understand that they can die too. Because for the last 60 years the European citizen has lived in a complete sense of immortality.”
“And by the way, Americans are fine, they are OK,” Yevstafyev said on Thursday. “Well, maybe some cloud will reach, OK. Or maybe it won’t maybe in the ocean, and so on.
I have been writing about Russia’s Poseidon Status 6 nuclear torpedo since 2017. Russia developed these tidal wave weapons to avoid poisoning the Northern Hemisphere with radioactivity and to prevent a Nuclear Winter. One prophecy in the 2011 World War III Triplicate Series suggests that America’s three coasts are vunerable.
I have just added this set of prophecies to the Triplicate page.
Readers should keep in mind that there are many Triplicate Series. This page only represents an important sampling.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-50
De l’aquatique triplicité naistra
D’vn qui fera le ieudy pour sa feste:
Son bruit, loz, regne, sa puissance croistra,
Par terre & mer aux orients tempeste.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-50
Of the aquatic triplicate will be born
One who shall make Thursday his holiday:
His fame, praise, reign, and power grow,
By land and sea a tempest to the Orient.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 304
In light of the indirect Russian announcement that Russian submarines have seeded the American coastlines with “nuclear mole missiles” to generate tidal waves, Nostradamus may be trying to point something out here.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart. 2019, Page 311
Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Thursday, December 10th, 2009. Thanksgiving Day is always on a Thursday; it is a distinctly American holiday. The United States is surrounded by three major bodies of water, the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and the Gulf of Mexico; “Of the aquatic triplicate”.
Quatrain I-50, “One who shall make Thursday his holiday” and Quatrain X-71, “When they will come to venerate Thursday [Thursday, December 10, 2009]” are similar.

Nostradamus Quatrain VI-10
Vn peu de temps les temples de couleurs
De blanc & noyr les deux entremeslee:
Rouges & iaunes leur embleront les leurs
Sang, terre, peste, faim, feu, d’eau affollce.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-10
In a short time the colors of temples
Of white and black of the two intermixed:
Red and yellow ones will carry off their possessions
Blood, land, pestilence, famine, fire, extremely frightened [by] water.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 339
Consider the translation of “affolée”, it means panic or overcome with extreme fright. Now consider the Russian media revealing that the Russians have seeded the shorelines of the United States with “nuclear mole missiles” that can be remotely detonated causing tsunamis.
Therefore, I suggest that after a few of these explode wiping out American coastal cities, “extremely frightened [by] water” will apply.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 354
“Red” is historically a Nostradamus metaphor for Muslim unless there is a reference to the Vatican and Cardinals who wear red.
“Yellow” is another Nostradamus metaphor for the Chinese or people from the “Orient”. I have wrestled with the precise definition of “d’Orient”. It is difficult to know if it includes Russia and China or solely China. This Quatrain makes it clear that the red and yellow races will invade and occupy Europe.
Consider the translation of “affolée”, it means panic or overcome with extreme fright. Now consider the Russian media revealing that the Russians have seeded the shorelines of the United States with “nuclear mole missiles”, otherwise known as The Status 6 or The Poseidon nuclear torpedo drone. It can be remotely detonated causing huge tsunamis. Therefore, I suggest that after a few of these explode wiping out American coastal cities, “extremely frightened [by] water” will apply.

My coworkers have finally convinced me to watch the Amazon Prime series Fallout. I am a little closer than a thumb’s view from any mushroom clouds. I suggest that events this month will lead to a very difficult summer. Tomorrow, the window opens for Joe Biden’s departure from the Presidency. Readers should not expect exact dates, the window is open until the end of May. Nostradamus was dealing with a period of 20-months.
If Quatrain VIII-65 applies to Joe and Hunter Biden, the key is the starting date when this 20-months began. Last year, I picked a new starting date and worked the math out in the post below. Senile Tyrant Joe Biden called half of the United States electorate a threat to Democracy in his treasonous speech in Philadelphia on September 1st, 2022. That was the day of The Big Reveal of the American police state.
I am under Constant Evaluation by The Deep State. This blog is where I send them messages. They should know too, that the reverse is true for them.
Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
This certainly sounds delusional, but some readers know exactly to what I am referring. From my security cameras to my laptop, I do not trust anything, and I do not care. Jedi Powers work in both directions, and that is the power of Christianity. The details and how to can be found in scripture, and that is why I read, read, read.
Working in a positive light, I am hoping for an uneventful month. I have prepared myself as much as I care to, and so I have been spending my money on my second hobby, music. I would also like to take up golf. 2024 is where my work here finally comes to an end, because I will be either wrong or right, and either way that does not matter. I want to be wrong and spend my time getting to learn golf.
I have some music to play and songs to sing. Let’s pray that the world turns back and things work out.

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