Silicon Valley Bank meltdown sparks contagion fears: ‘We found our Enron’
Game Over: FDIC Shutters Silicon Valley Bank, Appoints Receiver
‘Contained’ 2.0? Treasury Sec Yellen Says Banking System Is “Resilient”
I am going to leave this post open in the hopes of making a great deal of money from those passing readers who would never consider prophecy and Nostradamus seriously. This post is a business proposition; if I get it right between now and the Summer, the reader buys a book.
As I have said from my first book, successful prophecy sells religion. I have shown quite conclusively that the prophecies of both Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce follow Judeo-Christian prophecy.
What is unfortunate is that both men have been lumped in with the occult by a group who I have called The 19th Century Soothsayer Christians. Strangely enough, the 19 th century Christian revivalists embraced the supernatural aspects of Jesus Christ; therefore, you would think that Nostradamus and Edgar Caye’s continual references to Jesus Christ throughout the body of their work would gain them acceptance from this group of people who shade the gray of the unknown with the label of occult.
What I am doing here is proving the validity of Nostradamus’ prophecies. I have continually shown readers how complex this puzzle is with its interlocking pieces. This is why it takes a 1,500 page book to explain it all. These posts are just a tiny portion. I am going to provide readers with most of my Nostradamus Global Economic Collapse Chapter, and show how my Nostradamus’ Triplicate Series Theory works. The Silicon Valley Bank collapse is now the proof.
Maybe that will convince readers to spend ten dollars.
On a good month, I have about 80,000 U.S. readers. U.S. readership can fluctuate approximately 30,000 readers per month, and internationally, France, Germany, and Canada are consistently in my statistics, while other countries come and go, and that pushes my readership over 100,000. Generally, it depends on the level of international tension, as I have shown before.

Unfortunately, it seems that Global Economic Collapse will get in the way of my very first Social Security check next month. And that really pisses me off. So, I am going to start a fund drive with a goal of 100% reader participation. I am getting ready to purchase some land and reader generosity will fund how much land I buy and what I am going to do with it. I follow successful models.
I think that George Ure at has established the best working model. Some of my readers have similar models that include orchards on their property, so they too have discovered the right model.
I tried to build that model earlier, but my very expensive second divorce got in the way. So, I have been waiting for this moment to begin working Plan B, because unfettered I can work it as I want. Perhaps there is a reason behind everything. I now realize that Plan A would never have worked out.
The small model will never work. Isolated lone wolves do not have a chance unless they are on the edge of the world, and most importantly is the absolute necessity for a hardened bomb shelter. If you live on the East Coast of the United States, anything over a 50 to 100 target attack will cause you serious problems. The new Russian Sarmat/Satan II missile can carry ten 800 kiloton nuclear warheads.
My original Plan A had modeled a 300 kiloton warhead based on the technology of the time. With no bomb shelter, survival was doable with some added work. All the wind has to do is change for a few hours and you can receive a lethal dose. Therefore, a proper bomb shelter is required for the first two to three weeks after a major nuclear attack.
There are compromises to the remote living model, however, that could work. There are many hurdles to initiating Plan B so late in the game, such as the potential for Nuclear War. However, a normal retirement is now problematic for everyone. I am ready to commit my savings to a place remote from my job. It is only a matter of time now and maybe too late. If you have bought into the bullshit, that might get expensive in the next few weeks. The best case scenario is that the U.S. and European collapse will follow the Soviet Union’s collapse.
Therefore, that potential sees the future 2023 U.S. Economic Model resemble the past 1991 Soviet Union Economic Model, but on steroids. U.S. citizens can forget about Social Security and other benefits; and the U.S. military will suddenly resemble the 1991 Soviet military.
However, there are Soviet Union style opportunities in working through a slow and relatively non-violent collapse. Unfortunately, I do not see that in Nostradamus’ prophecies, and that style collapse has not been a part of my books. I would dearly love to finish the update to my 2019 book. That book was big and laborious to write, and juggling that with my professional life was difficult. There were many typos and editing errors.
I am half way through making corrections and adding more pages, if that was possible. Much of what I wrote in 2019 has now come true. The Turkey earthquakes and now the SVB collapse are further proof. However, publishing this updated book is still a few weeks away, because I would like to publish it in conjunction with an updated version of my 2022 Nostradamus Compendium. Both books work well together.
Below is my timeline of Global Economic Collapse; it was assembled and published in 2007 and updated right here for this post. If it helps you, maybe the tens bucks will be worth every penny. I have already had a few people respond to my previous post, and I really thank them. Welcome aboard. As it turns out, you are getting your money’s worth.
Over the last sixteen years I have watched this website’s numbers grow as world events have unfolded just as I described so long ago. Back then, I could only give a general description, because I was looking into the Future. Today, so many of Nostradamus’ prophecies have come true that I am now looking into the Past, and with each edition, I began to provide more details and that first book is now three times its original size.
Since I use my own work as a roadmap, I pay attention to those in the Alternative Media who have come to the same conclusions. One of those conclusions is the global nature of The Cabal. Even in that first 2007 book I was still not convinced. In 2010, Barack Obama’s fake Nobel Prize and the Norway Light Spiral convinced me how real and scary it was.

The COVID-19 Pandemic and COVID-19 Vaccine mandates made me realize how difficult The Biblical Beast Model might be to live under. I believe in the next few months that we will be led to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). Blockchain economics is the chain around everyone’s economic freedom. Once that occurs, transactions in other digital currencies, as well as gold and silver will be difficult to conduct. I seem to follow those economic advisors who see Digital Currencies instantly evaporating.
This is why I am providing ALL THE NOSTRADAMUS GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE PROPHECIES in this post, and readers everywhere will have their own measuring device.
The Mainstream Media is involved in a Criminal Conspiracy and there is proof of that if people can get passed the political and rhetorical sound bites.
Just coincidentally…
CNBC’s Jim Cramer urged viewers to buy Silicon Valley Bank stock last month
Here is a Nostradamus’ prophecy that I have never posted on this website before and it is dedicated to the idiots like Jim Cramer who are really churners for brokerage houses.

Nostradamus Quatrain III-26
Des rois & princes dresseront simulacres,
Augures, creuz, escleués aruspices:
Corne, victime d’orée, & d’azur, d’acre:
Interpretés seront les extispices.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-26
Kings and Princes draft imitations,
Prophets empty, elevated [making] fortunes:
Horn [of plenty], victim of gold and of blue [skies], of dazzling:
[This will be] Interpreted by the soothsayer.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 226
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 497
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 576
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Complete Prophecies of World War III,
G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 628
There is only one person whose economic forecast I am listening to right now. Pay close attention to George Ure’s website over the coming weeks.
Replaying 1929: The Bank Run Marker’s In
What I offer here is Nostradamus Entertainment. You see, back in 2007, I completed my Nostradamus Timeline and put it up here on this website and I have been adding to it ever since. As I have been saying recently, today is that day.
I believe this is where the end of America really begins. It will be a rocket ride to the bottom; so I am bracing for impact. I provided the signs on this website as recently as two years ago and it has been in my books and on this website since in 2007.
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is A Lehmen Brothers Moment do not let the Mainstream Media fool you.
Easy money bill is due: Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse isn’t a ‘Lehman Moment’ — at least not yet
Unfortunately, missing from everybody’s economic equation is that America is in a proxy war with Russia, and the United States has just about declared war on China.
Air Mobility Command Boss Predicts War With China In 2025 In Dire Memo
A USAF memo calls for aggressive efforts to prepare for a major fight with China, including orders to ‘aim for the head’ in firearms training.
China’s Harsh Warning To U.S.: ‘Conflict And Confrontation’ Coming Without Changes
In my last post, I made some pretty haughty claims regarding the accuracy of my timeline and Nostradamus’ predictions. It did not take long for another prediction to be fulfilled.
On my timeline, the double earthquakes in Turkey were a major sign to be prepared for March and April. One of the two Nostradamus’ Turkey double earthquake prophecies was part of a Triplicate Series and connected to all-things economic. That in turn is connected to “The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable, To committing the heinous and execrable deed, They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.“
Two massive earthquakes rock Turkey and Syria as death toll exceeds 2,400
Turkey hit by two more powerful earthquakes two weeks after disaster
Silicon Valley Bank imploded in a single day. It could be just the tip of the iceberg.
I am so certain that the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is the first stone falling in the economic avalanche to come, that I am adding this to my list of successful predictions. Consider that my accurate forecast of the first signpost of Global Economic Collapse was not based on my knowledge of economic fundamentals, just my understanding of prophecy.
1) The Ferryman Across the River Styx – 2011 (Libya), 2014 (Ukraine), 2019 (COVID-19)
2) Donald J. Trump would win in 2016.
3) Donald J. Trump would be overthrown in a coup d’état.
4) Barack Obama was coming back.
5) QANON was a PSYOP.
6) The Great Scandal – (Jeffrey Epstein).
7) The Great Plague in 2020 (COVID-19).
8) The Physician of the Great Disease.
9) The Games of Slaughter – (Two Olympics under COVID-19)
10) Nuclear Weapons Envy in 2022 (Russia invades Ukraine).
11) Two major earthquakes in Turkey before war.
12) Global Economic Collapse (SVB Collapse)
How do Triplicate Series work? Consider the Turkey earthquake Quatrain in series with two Quatrains regarding an economic crisis.

We take “Corinth (Greece), Ephesus (Turkey) in perplexity” from Quatrain III-3, and we take “Corinth (Greece) and Ephesus (Turkey) shall swim in two seas” from Quatrain II-52; and we note the similar descriptions.
In Quatrain II-52 we see an exact description of the earthquake that has now killed 60,000 people, “the Earth trembles: In the spring two efforts in series“. As I mentioned previously, it is not Spring, but Nostradamus is describing both earthquakes and war. Therefore, we might expect Turkey and Greece to go to war this Spring.
Nostradamus Quatrain II-52
Dans plusieurs nuits la terre tremblera:
Sur le prins temps deux effors suite:
Corynthe, Ephese aux deux mers nagera:
Guerre s’esmeut par deux vaillans de luitte.
Nostradamus Quatrain II-52
During many nights the Earth trembles:
In the spring two efforts in series:
Corinth (Greece) and Ephesus (Turkey) shall swim in two seas,
War starts by two valiant in combat.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 560
A war between Greece and Turkey in the Spring is also predicted in Quatrain III-3 below, which is also part of an important Triplicate Series related to Global Economic Collapse.
Most importantly, Quatrain III-3 predicts an earthquake in Asia. However, the caveat to understanding earthquake prophecies is that it may be a Nostradamus’ allusion to the ground shaking from warfare.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-3
Mars & Mercure & l’arget ioint ensemble
Vers le midi extreme siccité:
Au fond d’Asie on dira à terre tremble,
Corinthe, Ephese lors en perplexité.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-3
Mars and Mercury, and silver [Moon] joined together
Toward the south extreme drought:
In the depths of Asia one mentions the Earth trembles,
Corinth (Greece), Ephesus (Turkey) in perplexity.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 560
Here is another important Triplicate Series that ties the economic collapse to political events between Greece and Turkey. Quatrain II-52 below mentions a war starting between Greece and Turkey in the spring.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-4
Quad seront proches le defaut des lunaires,
De l’vn à l’autre ne distant grandement,
Ftoid, siccité, danger vers les frontieres,
Mesme où l’oracle a prins commencement.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-4
When the default of the luminaries [gold and silver] is related,
Not far distant from one and other,
Cold, drought, danger towards the frontiers,
Even where the oracle had its beginning [France].
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 562
Both Quatrains III-4 and III-5 predict a default in the gold and silver markets. “Proches” can mean, “close”, but it can also mean “related” or “connected”. Therefore, Nostradamus seems to be indicating that this Quatrain links to the previous Quatrain or the entire Triplicate Series.
“Not far distant from one and other” most likely means that gold disappears first and then later silver.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-5
Pres, loing defaut de deux grands luminaires
Qui suruiendra entre l’Auril & Mars.
O quel cherté! mais deux grands debonaires
Par terre & mer secourront toutes pars.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-5
Shortly after the default of the great luminaries [gold and silver]
Which will occur between April and March.
What loss! But two great debonair ones
By land and sea bring relief [to] all parts.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 562
In 2017, there were approximately 233 paper ounces of gold to 1 physical ounce and 517 paper ounces of silver to 1 physical ounce. Nostradamus predicts that those oversold gold and silver contracts will cause the COMEX to default.
I believe that the “two great debonair ones” are Russia and China. Both countries continue to reinforce their economies with physical possession of tons of gold and silver.
America supposedly has over 8,133 tons while Russia and China have over 1,828 and 1,842 tons respectively.
However, as you will read, the United States may have sold off its gold reserves or may have hidden it somewhere else.
From this point, we can connect the important Sixain XXXIV to an economic crisis and a war between Israel and Iran.
It’s time for Israel to make a decision about Iran
The would-be Hitlers of Persia have spoken openly about their desire to wipe Israel off the map. In effect, they are seeking to erect an atomic Auschwitz designed to finish what the Nazis began.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 472
L’ARBY is an anagram for Nabil Elaraby, the current Secretary General of the Arab League.

Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
Princes & Seigneurs tous ƒe feront la guerre,
Couƒin germain le frere auec le frere,
Tiny l’Arby de l’heureux de Bourbon,
De Hieruƒalem les Princes tant aymables,
Du fait commis enorme & execrables,
Se reƒƒentiront ƒur la bourƒe ƒans fond.
Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
Princes and Lords will all make war against one and other,
First cousin, brother against brother,
[L’Arby/Arab League] finished by the happy Bourbon,
The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable,
To committing the heinous and execrable deed,
They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 594
L’Arby is an anagram for Nabil Elaraby; he was the Secretary General of the Arab League until his retirement in July of 2016.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 594
This is a very important prophecy that Nostradamus uses as a temporal marker for a war in the Middle East that coincides with an economic crisis.
“The heinous and execrable deed” certainly sounds like a false-flag event. “The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable” also makes it sound like a false-flag attack conducted by Israel.
This Sixain also has one of the most important clues to when The Global Economic Collapse will come. In fact, this false-flag event seems to initiate the collapse, “they will feel the effects of the bottomless purse”.
Israel receives tremendous financial support from the United States, thus the interpretation seems to say, the time of “the bottomless purse” ends.
From there we can go to another important set that I call The Temple Triplicate Series.
Quant ceulx de polle artiq vnis ensemble,
En Orient grand effrayeur & crainte:
Esleu nouueau, soustenu le grand temple [tremble],
Rodes, Bisance de sang barbare taincte.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-21
When those of the arctic pole [NATO] unite assembling,
In the Orient [China/Russia] great terror and fear:
Newly elected supporting the great temple,
Rhodes (Greece), Byzantium (Istanbul, Turkey) stained with Barbarian blood.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 538
Quatrain VI-21 begins another important Triplicate Series, and there is a nest of them in the very important Century VI. This is also where my research shines. Readers are seeing the correct Quatrain for the first time in publishing history.
To test this theory, go to any published book on Nostradamus’ Centuries and look this Quatrain up.
Quatrain VI-21 presents readers with another printing conundrum. The 1557 edition has “the great temple” in line three. Every edition after that has “the great tremble”, which other Nostradamus Commentators have taken as an allusion to war.
The 1557 Edition was the first printing of this Quatrain and the following Quatrain VI-22 mentions “the great celestial or heavenly temple”. Since Nostradamus was still alive in 1557, I tend to go with “the great temple”. This is clearly a part of a Triplicate Series.
There is a great deal of war-like imagery. “When those of the arctic pole [NATO] unite assembling”, and “Rhodes (Greece), Byzantium (Istanbul, Turkey) stained with Barbarian blood”.
With Temple appearing in the next Quatrain, I am now completely going with the 1557 Edition. Readers should note that no other Nostradamus Commentator in history has discovered these mistakes.
Dedans la terre du grand temple celique,
Nepueu à Londres par paix faincte meurtry:
La barque alors deuiendra scismatique,
Liberté faincte sera au corn. & cry
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-22
Within the land of the great celestial temple,
Nephew at London through false peace murdered:
The bark will then become schismatic,
Liberty false shall be horn and cry

We see in The Temple Series another economic crisis and revolution, “Liberty false shall be horn and cry, And people stirred up against their King“.
D’esprit de regne munismes descriees,
Et seront peuples esmeuz contre leur Roy:
Paix, faict nouueau, sainctes loix empirees,
Rapis onc fut en si tresdur arroy.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-23
The spirit of the realm coins devalued,
And people stirred up against their King:
Peace, new fact, holy laws [made] worse,
Rapis [Paris] was never in so severe an array.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 543
Clearly, the currency devaluation reflects a major economic crisis.
When The Global Economic Collapse comes, nearly every country in the West will be thrown into chaos and revolution.
Consider Nostradamus’ prediction of The Great Scandal unfolding as well as economic collapse. There would be nowhere for politicians, lawyers, and bankers to hide.
We have just seen the courts rule against JPMorgan Chase and Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon who is involved in The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal, which is my Great Scandal.
JPMorgan must hand over Jamie Dimon’s records in Jeffrey Epstein suit
Here is the fulfillment of another prediction. What is coming Nostradamus described in his Epistle to Henry.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 31:1
Then the impurities and abominations, will to great shame, be brought out and manifested in the darkness of the obscured light; [it] will cease towards the end of the change in reign.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 31:1
Then abominable secrets will be brought out from the dark and obscure world of intelligence operations and bring great shame and great scandal to political leaders. It will cease near the end of a change of leaders.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 31:3
Of the three sects, that in the middle, because of its own partisans, will be somewhat thrown into decadence.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 31:3
Of the three brothers, the middle brother, because of national pride and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s consolidation of power, will have lessened the influence of transnational criminal organizations, and only a few politicians from the Eastern Orthodox Churches will be affected by the worldwide scandal.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 31:4
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 31:4
The first will be totally undone in all of Europe and part of Africa by the third, by means of the poor in spirit who, aroused by madmen through libidinous luxury, [who] will adulterate.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 31:4
The first brother, the Roman Catholic Church, will be completely undone in Europe and part of Africa through its connections with and the actions perpetrated by the third brother who will be led by the Third Antichrist. The level of corruption seen in the leaders and lobbyists of these
churches will be so egregious that it will arouse the poor in spirit. They will be emboldened and rise up after being shown the excesses of these madmen who lived in luxury and were involved in child prostitution and the sex slave trade.
JPMorgan Chase profited from Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking, suit says
JPMorgan Honcho ‘May Have Been Involved’ in Epstein Sex Ring, Lawsuit Alleges
JPMorgan-Epstein Lawsuit Amended By Virgin Islands; ‘Client List’ Shortened, Staley And Dubin Ties Unredacted
Ex-Barclays boss saw Jeffrey Epstein abuse young women, US lawsuit claims
US Virgin Islands district attorney fired days after suing JP Morgan Chase over Jeffrey Epstein ties
It is unfortunate that what I have written here over the last sixteen-years has been largely ignored. Accurate prophecy is validation of all-things spiritual. Right now understanding this might lead people to the conclusion that there may be penalties for ignoring the spiritual side of life.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-14
Le grand credit, d’or & d’argent l’abondance,
Fera aveugler par libide l’honneur,
Cogneu sera d’adultere l’offence,
Qui parviendra à son grand des honneur.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-14
The great credit of gold and abundance of silver,
Honor will be blinded by lust,
The offense of the adulterer known,
That succeeds to his great dishonor.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 533
Quatrain VIII-14 is part of another very important Triplicate Series. Quatrain VIII-15 is its partner in every sense of the word, and Quatrain VIII-17 is the result.
“The great credit” means “easy credit”. Bill Clinton’s economic policies initiated during his Presidency will bring about Global Economic Collapse.
“The great credit of gold and abundance of silver” suggests economic events related to The Adulterer. We know that in 1999 President Bill Clinton repealed The 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. This 1933 and 1935 legislation put restrictions on the banking and securities industries.
Many commentators believe that the removal of these protections led to the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis through easy credit.
There is more room in this Quatrain for a future prediction. I suspect that readers are being given a sign that this is also related to the final Global Economic Collapse.

Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-15
Vers Aquilon grands efforts par hommasse,
Presque l’Europe & l’Univers vexer,
Les deux eclypses mettra en telle chasse,
Et aux Pannon vie & mort renforcer.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-15
Towards Aquilon [NATO] great efforts by the mannish woman,
Nearly all of Europe and the Universe vexed,
The two eclipsed such that they become the hunted,
And for Pannon (Hungary) life and death reinforced.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 451
“Towards Aquilon [NATO] great efforts by the mannish woman”. We know that Hillary Clinton was the chief architect of The Arab Spring and NATO’s attack on Libya and the subversion of Syria. “The Mannish Woman” suggests that this is a reference to Hillary Clinton’s alleged bisexuality.
This Quatrain involves Hillary Clinton’s return with The Black King to rescue the United States from a disastrous war with Russia.
The future prediction: “Nearly all of Europe and the world vexed”, “the two eclipsed” suggests the war between NATO and Russia has begun. “The two eclipsed” might be France and the United States as members of NATO.
However, there is the multidimensional aspect related to the Clintons. I suspect that this also might eventually lead to a hunt for the Clintons who may be fleeing after the “the impurities and abominations, will to great shame, be brought out and manifested in the darkness of the obscured light”.
What follows Paragraph 31 is the prediction of Global Economic Collapse and people upset enough to start a revolution. As I have repeatedly shown, Nostradamus layers multiple predictions from different times in one poem.
Once again, do note that in various writings of Nostradamus, the defeat of NATO happens through events related to Hungary.
We find in Quatrain V-47: “And greater harm through Austria and Pannonias (Hungary)”.
We find in Quatrain V-48: “A great affliction from the scepter [Russia]”. “A fleet from Africa will appear before the Pannonians (Hungarians)”.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-16
Au lieu que HIERON fait sa nef fabriquer,
Si grand deluge sera & si subite,
Qu’on n’aura lieu ne terres s’attaquer,
L’onde monter Fesulan Olympique.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-16
At the place where HIERON [Jason] had his ship built,
So great a flood and so sudden,
That there will be no land to attack,
The wave climbs Fesulan [Thessalian] Olympic (Mt. Olympus, Greece).
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 453
I accept Henry C. Roberts interpretation of “HIERON” as Jason, of the mythical Jason and the Argonauts, who set out from the Bay of Volos in Greece. I also accept Edgar Leoni’s interpretation of “Fesulan” as “Thessalian”. Both interpretations place the location in Greece.
In Chapter Fourteen, you will read from Quatrain V-90 of “a pestilence through a false dust” that will cover “the entire Peloponnesus”, which sounds like radioactive fallout will cover Greece.
Also keep in mind that the Russians have claimed they will use “nuclear mole missiles” to generate destructive tidal waves.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 452
The biggest game changer to Russia’s nuclear strategy was leaked in an article for the Russian magazine, Komsomolskaya Pravda by Viktor Baranetz. A retired Russian army colonel and former defense ministry spokesperson claimed that Russia has seeded the coasts of the United States with “Nuclear Mole Missiles”
Apparently, Viktor Baranetz was a bit premature that “Russia is “quietly ‘seeding’ the U.S. shoreline with nuclear ‘mole’ missiles“. Was he three-years premature?
Russian Military Expert: ‘We Are Quietly Seeding The U.S. Shoreline With Nuclear Mole Missiles’
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed these claims.
I saw the Status 6 development when the news broke and connected it to Quatrain VIII-16, and wrote about that connection in my 2017 book. Today, there are some people who believe that the Russians have already placed the Status 6 Poseidon nuclear drone torpedo into service.

Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-17
Les bien aiƒez subit seront desmis,
Par les trois freres le monde mis en trouble,
Cité marine saisiront ennemis,
Faim, feu, sang, psƒte, & de tous maux le double.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-17
The affluent suddenly cast down,
By three brothers the world miserable and troubled,
Marine city seized by enemies,
Famine, fire, blood, pestilence, and all evils doubled.
The Clinton Triplicate Series are actually part of a longer series as I detail in Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Complete Prophecies of World War III. The affluent suddenly cast down has connections to a series of prophecies related to a shortage in the gold and silver markets.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 536
“The affluent suddenly cast down” brings us back to Quatrain VIII-14 and the hint that “the great credit of gold and abundance of silver” may refer to The Global Economic Collapse.
“Les trois freres” I suspect is Nostradamus’ reference to the three superpowers. Obviously, if they go to war they can bring “misery and trouble to the world”.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-8
Ceulx qui estoient en regne pour seauoir,
Au Royal change deuiendront appouuris:
Vns exilés sans appuy, or n’auoir,
Lettrés & lettres ne seront à grans pris.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-8
Those in the realm for knowledge,
Toward the Royal change become impoverished:
Some exiled without support, having no gold,
Letters and the lettered shall not be at a high price.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 564
I have come believe that “The Royal change” is the death of Queen Elizabeth, which as you will read in the chapters ahead, coincides with a war between NATO and Russia.
Once again, we have a confirming prophecy, Queen Elizabeth died on September 8, 2022.
Queen Elizabeth II has died
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-28
Les simulachres d’or & d’argent enflez,
Qu’aprés le rapt au feu furent jettez,
Au descouvert estaincts tous & troublez,
Au marbre escripts, perscripts intergettez.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-28
The replicas of gold and silver inflated,
Which after the rape furiously thrown into the fire,
After discovering all is dissipated and troubled by debt,
On marble inscriptions new laws inserted.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 509
“After the rape furiously thrown into the fire” suggests a connection to Quatrain V-46, and the line, “when the Sabine will have been elected” with its allusion to The Rape of the Sabine Women.
If the video of Bill Clinton involved in an act of rape mentioned by Anonymous surfaces, then we see a dual allusion, and this event will lead to The Great Scandal and then acceleration toward Global Economic Collapse.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 510
“On marble inscriptions new laws inserted” reminds me of words from the Constitution often carved into the marble of government buildings in the United States. Nostradamus prediction of “new laws” sounds like Martial Law and the loss of those Constitutional guarantees.
This theme of overturning foundational laws is also found in The Epistle to Henry where Nostradamus describes the United States.
“The replicas of gold and silver” are paper fiat currencies. “After discovering all is dissipated and troubled by debt” is self-explanatory. The major economic news around the globe today is the amount of growing debt incurred by the United States, Europe, and Japan.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 27:1
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 27:1
And the countries, towns, cities, realms and provinces who will have abandoned their old customs to gain liberty, will have in fact enthralled themselves still more profoundly, causing them to secretly let go of their liberty.
And losing faith in their perfect religion, they will begin to strike to the left, only to return to the right.
And replacing the sanctity, overcome long ago, of their pristine scriptures.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 27:1
People will abandon the old customs of their former lands to gain liberty. But in fact they will enthrall themselves through consumerism and debt, secretly giving up their liberty.
Losing faith in democracy and capitalism, they will vacillate between liberalism and conservatism. They will begin to turn to the left, only to return to the right.
And they will replace the Constitution and other pristine documents that long ago had sanctified their liberty.
G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 505
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 26:4
And the kingdom of the Rabid one, who counterfeits the sage, will be united.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 26:4
The Rabid One, who counterfeits the sage, will unite his kingdom.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III,
G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 508-509
Nostradamus points to The Rabid Dog at the end Paragraph 26 and in Paragraph 27, and finishes with a prediction of “replacing the sanctity of their pristine scriptures”.
The main question to ask is The Rabid One in Paragraph 26 related to The Great Dog in Paragraph 28.
I think not. The Rabid One, The Great Dog, and The Largest of Mastiffs are all allusions to a pack of warring dogs. However, The Great Dog sends forth The Largest of Mastiffs, pointing to two people.
That makes me more inclined to believe that The Rabid One is involved in “overcoming the sanctity of their pristine scriptures”.

Nostradamus Quatrain X-81
Mis thresor temple citadins Hesperiques,
Dans leeluy retiré en secret lieu,
Le temple ouvrir les liens fameliques,
Reprens, ravis, proye horrible au milieu.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-81
Treasure placed in a temple by citizens of Hesperia [America],
Therein withdrawn to a secret place,
The temple opened by starving bonds,
Retaken, ravaged, [those] in the middle horrible prey.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 629
As you read in Chapter Seven for my interpretation of the very important Quatrain IV-50, Hesperia was considered the far western land. Quatrain IV-39, examined further ahead on the timeline, I feel conclusively identifies Hesperia as America.
Fort Knox is the repository for all of the United States’ gold, therefore, “treasure placed in a temple by citizens of America”.
Rumors that the gold in Fort Knox has already been moved to another location have circulated for years.65 Nostradamus seems to confirm it.
“The temple opened by starving bonds” is another detailed description of how bad it will become in the United States. There will be no food available, and many people will starve to death.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-82
Cris, pleurs, larmes viendront avec coteaux,
Semblant fuir donront dernier assaut,
L’entour parques planter profonds plateaux,
Vifs repoussez & meurdris de prinsaut.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-82
Cries, weeping, tears will come with knives,
Seeming to flee, they will deliver a final assault,
Parks around to set up high platforms,
The living pushed back and murdered instantly.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 630
As you read in Quatrain X-81, thousands of people would rather risk death by bullets then death by starvation. “Cries, weeping, tears will come with knives” suggests that this is a disarmed population.
“The living pushed back and murdered instantly” means that the soldiers guarding Fort Knox will have the weaponry to instantly kill many people.
Note the similarity to “erecting the Promontory Weapon” and “set up high platforms”.
This could be some type of Directed Energy crowd control device. My suspicion is that this is the period that sees Barack Obama return as the savior and hero and the beginning of FEMA camps.
Do note that just as Century III seemed to hold many sequential Quatrains concerning World War III, Century X also holds many sequential Quatrains regarding The Second American Civil War.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-83
De batailler ne sera donné signe
Du parc seront contrains de sortir hors,
De Gand l’entour sera cogneu l’ensigne,
Qui fera mettre de tous les siens a morts.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-83
The signal to give battle will not be given
They will be constrained to go out of the park,
The banner around Ghent [Ghent, Kentucky] will be recognized,
Of him who will cause all his followers to be put to death.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III,
G. A. Stewart, 2019, Pages 629-631
I have mapped out the main area of warfare during The Second American Civil War.
“Ghent” is Ghent, Kentucky on the Ohio River just northeast of Fort Knox by approximately seventy-five miles.
As you will read in Quatrain VI-27, it seems that the front-line for The Second American Civil War will be along the Ohio River valley.
Amazingly, we can see the entire structure of the American uprising in a Series in Century VI.
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Pages 536
It is very important for readers of this book to understand the predictive power of the prophecies if you understand Nostradamus’ template of the future. Having originally translated Quatrain X-81 as some previous commentators, who also wrote about the connections to the United States and the Fort Knox gold repository, I originally wondered how Quatrain X-83 could be part of the triplicate if it referred to the municipality of Ghent in Belgium.
I surmised that a city of Ghent had to be located in Kentucky within a certain radius of Fort Knox. It did not take me long to find. Ghent, Kentucky was named for the Belgium city.
So, it seems that at some future date a large battle will occur around Fort Knox and “The temple [will be] opened by starving bonds”. Evidently, the people of the country will be starved into submission, but they will retake Fort Knox only to realize that all of the gold has been stolen.
It would fit that the Dayton, Ohio Five Rivers MetroPark waterways may be Henri Selin’s base of operations, because they connect to the Ohio River and Ghent, Kentucky.
Before Hazrat Mahdi (as) appears, trade and roads between nations will be cut and strife among people will grow.
Business being slack. Everyone will complain, “I cannot sell, buy or earn money [Before Hazrat Mahdi (as) appears] “The markets being stilled, a decrease in earnings…”
Hopefully, I have shown readers how interconnected these prophecies are, and the overarching theme that Nostradamus built into 1,321 prophecies. It is all self-consistent. The point to note here is the connection with the various Triplicate Series. As readers can see they branch off into World War III. Including The Clinton Triplicate Series that includes the detonation of a Status 6 Poseidon nuclear torpedo in Quatrain VIII-16 and just before that in Quatrain VIII-15, we see the Mannish Woman, NATO, and the universe are vexed.
Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
Princes and Lords will all make war against one and other, The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable, To committing the heinous and execrable deed, They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-26
Kings and Princes draft imitations, Prophets empty, elevated [making] fortunes: Horn [of plenty], victim of gold and of blue [skies], of dazzling:
Nostradamus Quatrain III-4
When the default of the luminaries [gold and silver] is related, Not far distant from one and other, Cold, drought, danger towards the frontiers
Nostradamus Quatrain III-5
Shortly after the default of the great luminaries [gold and silver] Which will occur between April and March. What loss!
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-28
The replicas of gold and silver inflated, Which after the rape furiously thrown into the fire, After discovering all is dissipated and troubled by debt, On marble inscriptions new laws inserted.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 27:1
And the countries, towns, cities, realms and provinces who will have abandoned their old customs to gain liberty, will have in fact enthralled themselves still more profoundly, causing them to secretly let go of their liberty. And losing faith in their perfect religion, they will begin to strike to the left, only to return to the right. And replacing the sanctity, overcome long ago, of their pristine scriptures.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-14
The great credit of gold and abundance of silver, Honor will be blinded by lust, The offense of the adulterer known,
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-17
The affluent suddenly cast down, By three brothers the world miserable and troubled, Famine, fire, blood, pestilence, and all evils doubled.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 31:1
Then the impurities and abominations, will to great shame, be brought out and manifested in the darkness of the obscured light; [it] will cease towards the end of the change in reign.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-15
Towards Aquilon [NATO] great efforts by the mannish woman, Nearly all of Europe and the Universe vexed, And for Pannon (Hungary) life and death reinforced.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-16
At the place where HIERON [Jason] had his ship built (Bay of Volos, Greece), So great a flood and so sudden, That there will be no land to attack,
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-23
The spirit of the realm coins devalued, And people stirred up against their King: Peace, new fact, holy laws [made] worse,
Quatrain VI-23 seems to indicate that this may be the period when The False Peace is in place and The Antichrist’s Martial Law is enacted, “holy laws [made] worse“.
I like stringing connected prophecies together, because readers can get a more coherent sense of the theme.
I will be adding to this post over the course of the next week as events or new insights warrant, so readers should check back. Fiat currencies will be dying a very hard death. The petrodollar will disappear along with the gold in Fort Knox. The question at this point is how long will it take to all fall apart?
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