Table of Contents
Book Introduction
Prophecy, Religion, and Doom
1-32 (PDF)
Chapter One
Christianity and the Road from Atlantis
33-51 (PDF)
Chapter Two
The Watchers and the Sons of the Gods
52-100 (PDF)
Chapter Three
The Pawns of War
101-118 (PDF)
Chapter Four
The Human Threat
119-134 (PDF)
Chapter Five
The War in Heaven
135-176 (PDF)
Chapter Six
The Epistle: The Children of the Great Dame
Chapter Seven
The Epistle: World War II and the Rise of the Pagan Sect
Chapter Eight
The Epistle: November 22nd, 1963: American Coup d'état
Chapter Nine
The Epistle: September 11th, 1990: The New World Order
Chapter Ten
The Epistle: September 11th, 2001: The Eve of Desolation
Chapter Eleven
The Epistle: The Global Economic Collapse
Chapter Twelve
The Epistle: The New World Order and the Antichrist
Chapter Thirteen
The Epistle: Gog and Magog Unleash New Weapons
Chapter Fourteen
The Epistle: World War III - The Chinese-Islamic Alliance
Chapter Fifteen
The Epistle: The Empire of Ogmios
Chapter Sixteen
The Epistle: The End of the Tribulation and the New Golden Age
Chapter Seventeen
The Timeline and Code of Nostradamus
Chapter Eighteen
The Lords of Armageddon
Chapter Nineteen
UFOs, Rapture, and Salvation
Chapter Twenty
Other Prophecies to Consider
Chapter Twenty-One
Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, the Essenes, and Armageddon
Chapter Twenty-Two
The Science, Weapons, and Technology of Armageddon
Chapter Twenty-Three
War, the Divine Right of Kings and Blood Sacrifice
The World After Armageddon
CNN World Markets
Kitco Commodities and Currencies
Beginners Study
Serious Study
The Global Consciousness Project
The Associated Press
The Associated Press RSS Feeds
BBC News
Asia Times
Global Research News
Sacred Texts
Sacred Texts - Nostradamus
Sacred Texts - King James
Nag Hammadi Library


November 27, 2009
Russia 'will' deliver S-300 to Iran in 2 months
December 14, 2009
Tough sanctions against Iran are needed urgently, Washington says:
Revelations that Iran has been working secretly on a trigger for a nuclear bomb urgently underscore the case for tough new sanctions against Tehran, the Obama Administration said.
December 15, 2009
US to drill Iranian attack scenario
ABC News: December 21, 2009
Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Yemen Terrorists:
Cruise Missiles Launched Thursday Hit Two Suspected al Qaeda Sites; Major Escalation of US Efforts Against Terrorists

Nostradamus X-31
The Empire [of] saint(s) [Islamic martyrs] will come into Germany,
The Ishmaelites [Moslems] will find open places:
[Because] The asses will also want Carmania (Iran),
The supporters will be covered by earth.
The Age of Desolation: G. A. Stewart: Introduction and Chapter Twelve
...Apollyon is [a character derived from] a Persian tale of an ogre from Yemen wielding a powerful magic sword known as Al-Samsama.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-55
Of the country of Arabia Felix (Yemen)
One born powerful in the law of Mahomet:
To vex Spain, to conquer Grenada,
And more by sea against the Ligurian people (Genoa, Italy)
See Chapter Eleven: The Epistle: The Global Economic Collapse


Source: AFP
Tzipi Livni
Guardian: December 14, 2009
British court issued Gaza arrest warrant
for former Israeli minister Tzipi Livni: Warrant issued over war crimes accusations was withdrawn when it emerged former minister had cancelled plan to visit...

Jerusalem Post: Dec 15, 2009 21:22
US to drill Iranian attack scenario...
Smoke and mirrors and part of the psychological warfare operations prior to Israel's attack on Iran. Great Britain and the G7 countries
are all onboard with destroying Iran's nuclear energy and weapons programs.
The Western Nations' biggest fear is not nuclear weapons. There is reason to believe that the Middle East is a store house of Extraterrestrial artifacts.
Vritra in Zoroastrian mythology was known as Azhi Dahaka or Dahhag and Zahhak. The ancient heroes of Persia imprisoned this
creature under Mt. Damavand, which is forty-five miles northeast of Tehran in Iran. During the final age of the world,
Dahhag is supposed to escape from his captivity and devour every third person on the Earth.
See the September 7, 2009 Update
Chapter Four: The Human Threat
119-134 (PDF)


Is Hu Jintao Nostradamus' "Man With An Iron Rod"?
Bloomberg: 12/25/2009
China Raises GDP Growth Estimates, Narrowing Gap With Japan:

Source: Getty
Telegraph: By Malcolm Moore in Shanghai: December 30, 2009
China may build Middle East naval base: In a sign of the growing confidence of the Chinese military, Admiral Yin Zhuo said that the country may set up a base
in the Gulf of Aden in order to support missions against Somali pirates...

See Chapter Fourteen: The Epistle: World War III - The Chinese-Islamic Alliance


Vladimir Putin has controlled Russia since he was quickly sworn in as Russia's second President just
minutes before midnight on December 31, 1999. I believe the reason this was done was to fulfill a prophecy.
In Berlin Germany in 1944, Nichol Rycempel discovered a tube of lead that had been hidden in the walls
of the Church of St. Paul during the nineteenth century. Taking the tube from the burnt ruins of the church,
he found a document inside written by a Benedictine Monk over a century before.
It contained one-line predictions from 1900 until the year 2000. The simple prediction for the year 1999 was,
"A New Peter". Was this a reference to Peter the Great?
Peter the Great of Russia

Telegraph: Dec. 18 2009
UFO pyramid reported over Kremlin
A giant pyramid which appears to be a UFO hovering over the Kremlin has caused frenzied speculation in Russia that it is an alien spacecraft.

It is interesting that no MIG Interceptors were sent up to investigate. This, of course,
implies that this was some type of military craft and exercise. It is also interesting that this appeared to be a tetrahedral shaped craft and not pyramid shaped.
R. Buckminster Fuller had much to say about quarks, mites, photons, and tetrahedrons. If this was related to the Directed Energy Weapon display in Norway,
was this floating device similar to some sort of "radar balloon" or device to deflect such weapons?
See Chapter Twenty Two: The Science, Weapons, and Technology of Armageddon


January 7, 2010
"Brutally cold" in Midwest — once again
Hundreds of flights canceled in Chicago, Atlanta; subzero temps, more snow...

January 7, 2010
Icy conditions strike after snow
Temperatures as low as -18C have followed days of heavy snow to leave treacherous conditions across the UK.
January 5, 2010
Britain braced for heaviest snowfall in 50 years
The heaviest snowfall in almost 50 years is hitting parts of Britain as Arctic weather brought nationwide chaos

December 8, 2009
Bayer Admits GMO Contamination is Out of Control
Mother Jones:By Andy Isaacson: December 29, 2009
The Search for an Endangered Mushroom That Could Cure Smallpox, TB and Bird Flu: IN THE OLD-GROWTH forests of the Pacific Northwest grows a bulbous,
prehistoric-looking mushroom called agarikon....

Nostradamus VI-5
So great a famine by a pestilent wave,
By rain extending the length of the Arctic Pole:
SAMAROBRYN 100 leagues (135 miles) from the hemisphere,
Living without law exempt from politics.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-71
The earth and air will freeze a great [jet] stream,
When they will come to venerate Thursday:
That whom is not at all so good,
From the four parts [of the globe] they will come to honor him.
George Ure at and Cliff High at
beat me to the presses, but I think this is going to be a winter that kills many people.
With some help, I have, however, traced it back to the Norway Light Spiral. George Ure: "Day After Tomorrow" Round One?
...The data also indicates that the [extreme cold]
and [disrupted/disjointed winds] will be [thrown back (into the) face] of the [propagandists] by the [popular reactions]. Nonetheless, the [diaspora] sub set is indicating that [hundreds of thousands (of humans)] will be [on the road (or relocating)] due to the [extreme(s) of climate] that will [descend (from the jet streams)] in very late December and continue through into January.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 53
Then in the same year, and in the following there will ensue the most horrible pestilence,
and made more stupendous by the famine which preceded it…
Nostradamus Sixain:XXVII
Fire from space from the Western side,
From the mid heaven, running to the East,
Worms have dead without finding a root.
Third Age of Mars the warlike,
One will see fires shining from the Carbuncles,
The age of the Carbuncle will bring famine in the end.
Nostradamus II-91
At sunrise one will see a great fire,
Noise and light extending toward AQUILON:
Within the circle death and cries are heard,
Through steal, fire, famine, death awaits them.
See the January 2010 Update

UPDATE: 3 July 2009
Image: Steve Alexander Copyright 2009
Location: Rough Hill, nr Winterbourne Bassett, Wiltshire, Great Britain 6/24/2009
I think this Crop Circle is self-explanatory.
Nagasaki August 9, 1945
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:3
By the means of Satan, Infernal Prince, so many evils will be committed that the entire world will be found undone and desolate.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:4
Before these events many rare birds will cry in the air. Now, now, and sometime later vanish.
UPDATE: 5 July 2009
This Crop Circle represents the Celtic Claddagh Ring.
Image: Jack Roderick Copyright 2009
Location: Silbury Hill, nr Avebury, Wiltshire, Great Britain 7/5/2009
The Claddagh ring (Irish: fáinne Chladach) is a traditional Irish ring given in friendship or worn as a wedding ring.
The Claddagh's distinctive design features two hands clasping a heart, and usually surmounted by a crown.
The elements of this symbol are often said to correspond to the qualities of love (the heart), friendship (the hands), and loyalty (the crown).
The Claddagh ring belongs to a widespread group of finger rings called “Fede Rings”.
The name "fede" comes from the Italian phrase mani in fede ("hands in trust" or "hands in faith").
These rings date from Roman times, when the gesture of clasped right hands (dextrarum iunctio) symbolized marriage.
The way that a Claddagh ring is worn on the hand is usually intended to convey the wearer's romantic availability, or lack thereof.
The ring is worn on the right hand with the heart facing outward to show that the wearer is not romantically linked but is looking for love.
When turned inwards, it is shown that the wearer is in a relationship, or their heart has been "captured".
The ring worn on the left hand with the heart facing outward shows the wearer is engaged; turned inward indicates the wearer is married.
Is the hand of friendship being offered to the people of the planet Earth? Perhaps instead of a Coronal Mass Ejection from the Sun, as some believe, Extraterrestrial Contact will be made sometime in the very near future.
Are we then to believe Nostradamus' prediction that I quoted above? Are the Rare Birds UFOs and will Nuclear War follow after a Global Mass Sighting of Extraterrestrial Spaceships?
Unequivocally, the art work seen in the recent three months have referenced the mythologies of many cultures around the globe, from the Thunderbird myth of the North American Indians to the Phoenix myth of the Greeks. But the preponderance of messages clearly seems to be in an artistic style related to the ancient Celts.
Note that the heart at the center of both hands is similar to the iconic Gray Alien head.
Celtic Wonder Tales Retold by Ella Young: The Earth-Shapers
In Tir-na-Moe, the Land of the Living Heart, Brigit was singing. Angus the Ever-Young, and Midyir the Red-Maned,
and Ogma that is called Splendour of the Sun, and the Dagda and other lords of the people of Dana drew near to listen.
Brigit sang:
Now comes the hour foretold, a god-gift bringing.
A wonder-sight.
Is it a star new-born and splendid up springing Out of the night?
Is it a wave from the Fountain of Beauty up flinging Foam of delight?
Is it a glorious immortal bird that is Winging Hither its flight?
It is a wave, high-crested, melodious, triumphant,
Breaking in light.
It is a star, rose-hearted and joyous, a splendour Risen from night.
It is flame from the world of the gods, and love runs before it,
A quenchless delight.
Let the wave break, let the star rise, let the flame leap.
Ours, if our hearts are wise,
To take and keep.
Brigit ceased to sing, and there was silence for a little space in Tir-na-Moe. Then Angus said:
"Strange are the words of your song, and strange the music: it swept me down steeps of air--down--down--always further down.
Tir-na-Moe was like a dream half-remembered.
I felt the breath of strange worlds on my face, and always your song grew louder and louder, but you were not singing it.
Who was singing it?"
"The Earth was singing it."
"The Earth!" said the Dagda. "Is not the Earth in the pit of chaos?
Who has ever looked into that pit or stayed to listen where there is neither silence nor song? "
"O Shepherd of the Star-Flocks, I have stayed to listen. I have shuddered in the darkness that is round the Earth.
I have seen the black hissing waters and the monsters that devour each other--I have looked into the groping writhing adder-pit of hell."
The light that pulsed about the De Danaan lords grew troubled at the thought of that pit, and they cried out:
"Tell us no more about the Earth, O Flame of the Two Eternities, and let the thought of it slip from yourself as a dream slips from the memory."
"O Silver Branches that no Sorrow has Shaken," said Brigit, "hear one thing more! The Earth wails all night because it has dreamed of beauty."
"What dream, O Brigit?"
"The Earth has dreamed of the white stillness of dawn; of the star that goes before the sunrise; and of music like the music of my song."
"O Morning Star," said Angus, "would I had never heard your song, for now I cannot shake the thought of the Earth from me!"
Image: Images Jack Roderick Copyright 2009
Location: Silbury Hill, nr Avebury, Wiltshire, Great Britain 7/5/2009
Silbury Hill is a man-made chalk mound near Avebury in the English county of Wiltshire.
Silbury Hill, part of the complex of Neolithic monuments around Avebury (which includes the Avebury Ring and West Kennet Long Barrow),
is the tallest prehistoric man-made mound in Europe and one of the world's largest. Its purpose however, is still highly debated.
There are several other Neolithic monuments in the area, including Stonehenge.
What is the connection to this ancient Neolithic Monument and the Crop Circles that have formed around it? To understand the messages, humanity must reach back into its most ancient myths.
UPDATE: 7 July 2009
Thank you George Ure at
No Coronal Mass Ejection from the Sun today, despite the current formation of Sun Spot 1024.
In our quantum, non-local universe perhaps human fears have contributed to its formation.
The universe works in subtleties.
Look to President Obama’s trip to Russia and tomorrow’s G-8 meeting for the answers.
UPDATE: 10 July 2009
The intensity of Crop Circles seen in Great Britain since April has inspired all kinds of translations about their meaning, including my own, which still stands: and that is that humanity is on the verge of Contact. I am not sure if I would call it Extraterrestrial Contact.
The validity of the Crop Circles phenomenon has always been at question. The intricate and exacting nature of most of the designs, the altered physical nature of the crops themselves, all suggest that a very sophisticated technology is used in the creation of most Crop Circles. It does not necessarily have to be alien or extraterrestrial technology.
You will also notice that the intensity of spectacular Crop Circles has fallen off after the appearance of the last intricate Crop Circle, which I interpreted as a Celtic Claddagh Ring. I will return to this momentarily.
I view the two simplistic Crop Circles that appeared in the following days very suspiciously. If you have read this website’s introduction, than you will have noted that I have presented a strong case that two competing messages are appearing and have been appearing throughout the history of the Crop Circle phenomenon.
This is the main reason why I would not be meditating on Crop Circles as Whitley Strieber suggests at, or spinning Crop Circles to achieve an altered state of consciousness as suggested by the folks at and
You can think of these competing themes in Crop Circle designs as the Galactic version of Radio Free Europe. During the days of the Cold War radio signals broadcast behind the Iron Curtain allowed the citizens of these closed countries access to another message. Very clearly, the Crop Circle creators are part of, for lack of a better term, a Signal Intelligence unit for their respective civilizations.
The Signal Intelligence Corps of modern militaries also work hand in hand with the Psychological Warfare units.
In my book, The Age of Desolation, I have generally tried to keep my own personal opinions to a minimum, and I will continue to do so in these updates. The entire gamut of the UFO phenomenon has been rife with personal opinions since 1947, due mostly in part to the subjective nature of the phenomenon itself.
As you will read in the Website Introduction and in the Introduction to my book, I was led to write my book after a dinner conversation with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon. Dr. Mitchell has publicly expressed his belief that an extraterrestrial civilization is visiting the planet Earth.
In our conversation, he also expressed his belief that the United States military is reverse-engineering the extraterrestrial technology recovered from the Roswell Crash and perhaps even with the help of the extraterrestrials themselves.
As I drove home I thought about that. The world hasn’t become a very nice place in the last sixty-two years. Why is that? Very sophisticated technology has allowed many people to be murdered very efficiently.
Imagine if you will an altered version of a Star Trek episode where Captain Kirk and Spock assist an underdeveloped planetary society with Federation technology to wage war, commit genocide, and imprison the planet’s population under a technological control grid.
This appears to be happening to the countries associated with the Group of Eight, who have been meeting these past two days in L'Aquila, Italy. Notably, they have an entwined military-industrial complex through NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Revelation 17:11 (King James)
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven and goeth into perdition.
Interestingly, there have been Crop Circles that have been addressed to major world organizations.
Source: Aerial image © 2008 by
Perhaps this is a Mayan Lamat formation, but this crop circle found on August 15, 2006 on Etchilhampton Hill near Devizes, England looks very similar to the flag of NATO.
The day before this glyph appeared, the United Nations cease-fire in Lebanon took effect following Israel’s July 12, 2006 invasion of southern Lebanon to root out Hezbollah missiles and guerrilla forces.
One can assume that it is the militaries of the NATO alliance that have benefited from the Roswell Crash.
Source: Aerial image © 2008 by
The crop circle found on August 14th, 2008 in Bedfordshire, England, I believe is very explicit.
Notice that the rib structure inside the crop circle pentagon matches that of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., therefore unequivocally this is a message to the Pentagon.
Centered and joined by a star, this crop circle is the superposition of three symbols with one clear meaning: the first symbol represents the United States Pentagon; the second symbol is the United States Air Force insignia inscribed inside the Pentagon; and the third symbol is the Islamic crescent united with a second, smaller crescent and they encircle the Pentagon.
Source: Source:
This crop circle found in Everleigh, Wiltshire, England on June 6th, 2007 is certainly identical to the logo for the World Bank.
On the day it was discovered the Group of Eight nations opened its 33rd summit in Heiligendamm, Germany.
To date, there have been no “in your face” incidents or experiences that have made the UFO phenomenon real to all six point six billion inhabitants of the planet Earth. For sixty two years this last week, beginning around July 7, 1947 with the Roswell Crash, the people of the world have lurched from one explanation to another as UFO cults have sprung up and then withered away, followed by the next cult and the next UFO guru.
The personal and subjective nature of the UFO phenomenon, notably the Alien Abduction aspect, invites a whole range of questions. Why have we had sixty-two years of zaniness? We have heard of space brothers from Venus, Grays, Plejarens, and Reptilians; you name it and somebody has already met them and was told an important message. It all seems very deceptive and designed to invite ridicule, as so many have discovered.
Presently, Whitley Strieber is the most notable individual to rise to the forefront of the abduction phenomenon. I share his views on many things, and I have referenced some of his journal essays as must reading, however, I completely reject the idea of a partnership with any entity that remains so purposely mysterious.
I do not buy into the handy New Age answer that on some other level of consciousness humans have acquiesced to being abducted from their homes to make involuntary donations to some alien DNA bank.
I personally do not enter into partnerships until I have a complete “conscious” understanding of all the caveats, fine print, footnotes, clauses, liabilities and benefits.
I understand that humanity may have no other choice and this is the sad nature of military defeat and enslavement.
With so much disinformation rampant through modern sources, I have chosen to glean as much information as I can from historical texts. And roundabout, this brings us to the Nag Hammadi texts and Gnostic Christianity, which you will find that I have heavily referenced throughout the first five chapters of my book.
The Archons are supposedly masters of the physical universe.
The Age of Desolation, Stewart G. A., Chapter Three, pg. 105, Copyright 2007
The Gnostic Christian philosophy introduces an interesting twist to the Judaic concept of the Watchers and the Holy Ones of Heaven. To the Gnostics, the physical world was a prison constructed to contain the Archons. Through their own power, arrogance, and blindness, the Archons believe that they are gods. They are are creatures separated from the godhead that rule over a material universe meant to contain them. They are unaware and unable to understand that a divine hierarchy emanating from a supreme, eternal, and unknowable God, rules over all.
If the Platonic idea of the demiurge was a universal ideal that crafted and shaped humanity, the Gnostic version saw the demiurge as the evil intent of the Archons. Demiurge is derived from ancient Greek, and interestingly enough, it can be translated as craftsman. It is the force or impetus responsible for creating the physical universe and driving the evolution of man.
The Archons were believed to be the creators of mankind, and apparently they reside at the top of the food chain inside the physical universe.
Nag Hammadi: The Hypostasis of the Archons (Translation: Bently Layton)
On account of the reality of the authorities, (inspired) by the spirit of the father of truth, the great apostle - referring to the "authorities of the darkness" - told us that "our contest is not against flesh and blood; rather, the authorities of the universe and the spirits of wickedness..."
Ephesians 6:12 (King James)
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Humanity seems to have been bio-engineered as slaves and soldiers. Interestingly enough, Edgar Cayce picked this up nearly 12 years before the Nag Hammadi texts were discovered.
Edgar Cayce (Readings 5249-1)
In the Atlantean land the entity was the time keeper for those who were called things, or the servants, or the workers of the peoples, and the entity felt latent and manifest, as in the present, the wanting to reform, to change things, so that every individual soul had the right to freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of activity…
The entity felt the need of God’s hand in what evil, or Satan, had brought in the earth (for this was before Adam).
Nag Hammadi: The Apocryohon of John (Translation: Frank Wisee)
And the man came forth because of the shadow of the light which is in him. And his thinking was superior to all those who had made him. When they looked up, they saw that his thinking was superior. And they took counsel with the whole array of archons and angels.
The creators of man became very worried about the superiority of their creation.
Nag Hammadi: The Origin Of The World (Translation: Hans-Gebhard Bethge Bently Layton)
And when he had come to know in truth that an immortal man of light had been existing before him, he was greatly disturbed; for he had previously said to all the gods and their angels, "It is I who am god. No other one exists apart from me."
They decided that humanity had to be wiped out like any lab experiment gone awry.
Nag Hammadi: The Hypostasis of the Archons (Translation: Bently Layton)
Then mankind began to multiply and improve. The rulers took counsel with one another and said, "Come, let us cause a deluge with our hands and obliterate all flesh, from man to beast."
Book of Enoch LIII:5 (Richard Laurence Translation)
…These are prepared for the host of Azazeel, that they may be delivered over and adjudged to the lowest condemnation; and that their angels may be overwhelmed with hurled stones …
According to many texts and myths, the Flood, meteor storms, natural disasters, and eventually nuclear-type weapons appeared to be the instruments of choice for the god's War in Heaven.
So what then is the true nature of physical reality and what is humanity’s part in it? Is something or someone coming to explain it?
Nag Hammadi: The Origin Of The World (Translation: Hans-Gebhard Bethge Bently Layton)
"Until the moment when the true man, within a modeled form, reveals the existence of the spirit of truth, which the father has sent.
Then he will teach them about everything, and he will anoint them with the unction of life eternal, given him from the undominated generation.
Then they will be freed of blind thought, and they will trample underfoot death, which is of the authorities …
Nag Hammadi: The Sophia of Jesus (Translation: Douglas M. Parrott)
I came from First Who Was Sent, that I might reveal to you Him Who Is from the Beginning, because of the arrogance of Arch-Begetter and his angels, since they say about themselves that they are gods. And I came to remove them from their blindness, that I might tell everyone about the God who is above the universe. Therefore, tread upon their graves, humiliate their malicious intent, and break their yoke and arouse my own. I have given you authority over all things as Sons of Light, that you might tread upon their power with your feet."
I apply this to what Clif and Igor at have interpreted as “Secrets Revealed” from their Predictive Linguistics software.
I have also made the same interpretations from both Edgar Cayce’s and Nostradamus’ prophecies. Both Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus foretold that just before Armageddon was at hand, terrible secrets would be revealed and the people of the Earth would discover the truth about their political and spiritual leaders.
Edgar Cayce 3976-15
…The rottenness of those that have ministered in places will be brought to light, and turmoils and strifes shall enter. And, as there is the wavering of those that would enter as emissaries, as teachers, from the throne of life, the throne of light, the throne of immortality, and wage war in the air with those of darkness, then know ye the Armageddon is at hand.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 31:1
Then the impurities and abominations, will to great shame, be brought out and manifested in the darkness of the obscured light…
Returning to Whitley Strieber’s recent journal article, he also mentions the two prophets written about in Revelation 11:3. If you are a person who places significance on the meaning of the end of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012, than you should note that July 7, 2009 would mark the beginning of the 1260 days when these two prophets would openly challenge Apollyon, the beast who arises from the pit in Revelation 9:11.
I briefly touch upon the coincidences in Revelation 9:11 to events on that infamous day in my book’s Introduction. I explain it completely in Chapter Ten – The Epistle: September 11th, 2001: The Eve of Desolation.
Book of Enoch, LVIII: 5, (Translation: Richard Laurence)
But when the time shall come, then shall the power the punishment, and the judgment take place…
Book of Enoch, LVIII: 6, (Translation: Richard Laurence)
That day has been prepared for the elect as a day of covenant; and for sinners as a day of inquisition.
Book of Enoch, LVIII: 7, (Translation: Richard Laurence)
In that day shall be distributed for food two monsters; a female monster, whose name is Leviathan, dwelling in the depths of the sea…
Book of Enoch, LVIII: 8, (Translation: Richard Laurence)
And a male monster, whose name is Behemoth…
Book of Enoch, Chapter LVIII:12-13, (Richard Laurence)
And the angel of peace, who was with me, said, These two monsters are by the power of God prepared to become food. That the punishment of God will not be in vain.
Then shall children be slain with their mothers, and sons with their fathers.
Something or someone is certainly predicted to be coming to shake up the world. Is it the two Prophets in Revelation 11:3? Is it the White Horseman in Revelation 6:2? Is it Nostradamus’ Ogmios? Is it Edgar Cayce’s John Peniel from his famous 1934 Reading?
The Old Testament predicts that the angels of heaven will return.
Daniel 12:1 (King James)
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
Returning to the last intricate Crop Circle, which I interpreted as a Celtic Claddagh Ring, you will notice that the two hands offering the Crowned Heart have four fingers on them. It is the Grays who supposedly have four fingers.
From the June 21, 2009 Crop Circle below the Milk Hill White Horse and its subsequent morphing, it appears that a Gray Alien spaceship at the Langrangian L3 point between Mars and Earth is transmitting something to the Sun and the inner planets of the Solar System.
The June 27, 2009 Crop Circle at Rough Hill also conveys the idea of information transmission. I would interpret it as: a spaceship in orbit over a planet is transmitting a stream of data between the iconic Gray Alien head and the planet below the spacecraft. Incidentally, this is the same type of UFO Kenneth Arnold spotted in 1947.
There was a great deal of Internet consternation about a Solar Flare striking the Earth on July 7, 2009. Is there significance than to President Obama’s meeting in Russia on July 7, 2009 and then the subsequent Group of Eight nations meetings that have just ended in L'Aquila, Italy?
Look for another major Crop Circle in the next few days symbolizing the acceptance or the rejection of the Claddagh Ring.
UPDATE: 15 July 2009
Image: Russell Stannard Copyright 2009
Location: Chesterton Windmill nr Harbury Warwickshire, Great Britain 7/9/2009
Image: Jack Turner Copyright 2009
Location: Grey Wethers, nr Temple Farm, Wiltshire, Great Britain 7/14/2009
The Trilateral Commission Logo
It is indeed hard for some to break away from their own view of the world, myself included. It is notable that on July 5, 2009 sunspot 1024 did appear just prior to the prediction of a Coronal Mass Ejection from the Sun that was due to take place on July 7, 2009.
As we all struggle to make our own interpretations from the last three months of Crop Circles, we cannot make these interpretations in a vacuum. Consider the world events that were taking place at the time. The Presidents of the world’s two superpowers met on July 7, 2009, followed by the gathering of the Group of Eight nations, and then President Obama met with the Pope, the world’s most prominent spiritual leader.
The first major Crop Circle to appear after these events looks suspiciously like the logo for the Trilateral Commission, which is essentially the committee that manages the Western World.
As noted at, each facet of the logo contained seven tiles, or fragments. That gives a total of 21 fragments. Arguably, that could be symbolic of the Group of Twenty Nations and its governing body the Trilateral Commission.
Revelation 17:11 (King James)
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven and goeth into perdition.
In my book, The Age of Desolation, I have interpreted the following Nostradamus’ quatrain as the destruction of the United States and its withdrawal from the Group of Eight, followed by Russia’s emergence as the leader of a reorganized Group of Seven Nations.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-82
Desolation everywhere for Libra [Balance] and unsociable [isolated],
The nephew of the great Pontiff will come to wander:
Felled by seven with a heavy club,
For those who afterwards will occupy the Chalice.
In Part Two of my book, I show that the United States is Libra, or the “Kingdom of the Balance”.
From the quatrain above, it seems that America will be made desolate and then left isolated.
The Timeline of Nostradamus
Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and Poseidia
2008 Website Introduction


Source: 20th Century Fox
Planet of the Apes
"I'm a seeker too... but my dreams are not like yours..."

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 27:1
And the countries, towns, cities, realms and provinces who will have abandoned their old customs to gain liberty,
will have in fact enthralled themselves still more profoundly, causing them to secretly let go of their liberty.
And losing faith in their perfect religion, they will begin to strike to the left, only to return to the right.
And replacing the sanctity, overcome long ago, of their pristine scriptures
I believe the verse above is a warning that Nostradamus gave the United States over two hundred years before the country was founded.
When I read that prediction thirty three years ago, I could never have imagined the transformation that he had envisioned. It appears
that we are near to the day when the freedoms set forth by the Constitution might be lost.

Do not expect any changes from the Obama Administration. The Bush Team is still in control of major elements of the military, the intelligence agencies,
and the Justice Department. In fact, the secret is out.
Rolling Stone: Matt Taibbi: Dec 09, 2009
Obama's Big Sellout:
The president has packed his economic team with Wall Street insiders intent on turning the bailout into an all-out giveaway...
What's taken place in the year since Obama won the presidency has turned out to be one of the most dramatic political about-faces in our history.
S'rîmad Bhâgavatam, CANTO 7, Ch.1, Tx. 9
One can understand whether a living entity is a demon or a demigod by understanding that living entity's devotional performances.
A thoughtful man can understand how much a person is favored by the Supreme Lord by seeing his actions.
See the January 2010 Update to solve the anagram SAMAROBRYN
See the October 2009 Update for the Turkish connections to the Chicago political machine.
See Chapter Seven: The Epistle: World War II and the Rise of the Pagan Sect

December 21, 2009
Meteor hunt in Beijing continues:
Witnesses in Beijing and nearby Tianjin recorded a clearly visible fireball-like
meteorite descending near the west horizon of Beijing at 10:23 pm on Dec 16.
NOVEMBER 18, 2009

Source: Fox13Now Utah
Was the November 18, 2009 meteor seen over Utah and Colorado really a meteor as NASA claims?

Source: Fox13Now Utah
NASA officials stated that a meteor the size of a drier exploded with the energy of approximately one thousand tons of TNT. At 12:07 AM,
the explosion lit up the night sky.

The Great Celestial War has once again come to the planet Earth.
Book of Enoch LIII:5
…These are prepared for the host of Azazeel, that they may be delivered over and adjudged to the lowest condemnation; and that their angels may be
overwhelmed with hurled stones…
Nostradamus V-59
The English chief stays too long in Nîmes (France),
Towards Spain, AENOBARBE to the rescue:
Millions will die when war starts that day,
When in Artois (Northern France) a bearded star will fall.

Source: Les Ashwood
November 18, 2009

Source: Mohamed Elhassan Abdelatif Mahir (Noub NGO), Dr. Muawia H. Shaddad
Sudan October 7, 2008
What was that strange zigzagging cloud that appeared after the Utah explosion? Something similar appeared near Sudan on October 7, 2008.

And what is up with Utah, on June 9, 2008 another fireball streaked across the skies over Salt Lake City?

Source: Thanh Nien News
Twelve days later, on June 21, 2008 something exploded over the skies of Vietnam, where pieces of wreckage were recovered.


Source: Associated Press
Computer hacker Gary McKinnon to be extradited to US...
Gary McKinnon extradition being fast-tracked by Labour 'to stop Tories reversing it'...
The betrayal of Gary McKinnon...

The Guardian: Game Over By Jon Ronson: Saturday 9 July 2005: Gary McKinnon Interview
...I started going to places where I really shouldn't be". "...The US Space Command,"
"I found a list of officers' names..." "under the heading 'Non-Terrestrial Officers'."
I found a list of 'fleet-to-fleet transfers', and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren't US navy ships.
What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet."
Revelation 13:7 (King James)
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
See the January 2010 Update


Clearly, since the October 3, 2009 Istanbul meeting of the G7 Finance Ministers, the International Monetary Fund, and the governors of Central Banks, the
course of the dollar has been charted.
G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors met in Istanbul, on Saturday 3 October 2009, to discuss
economic and financial developments and policy priorities.
Dollar Reaches Breaking Point as Banks Shift Reserves
US facing massive economic ‘power shift’ with dollar’s downward spiral
Roubini: Global Markets Could Soon Crash:
Another figure in the world of economics has been involved in a shooting. Is there any connection to what happened in Istanbul on October 3rd to the October 8th shooting and attempted
murder of an economist that worked for the International Monetary Fund?
A Shooting of Prominent Economist Baffles Police: BETHESDA, Md. - Police are still looking for clues
after a prominent economist was shot in the garage of his upscale home. Ashoka Mody has been identified in an email to his fellow employees at the International Monetary Fund as
the man shot...
When the bankruptcy of the United States appears imminent, the IMF will step in to restructure the United States debt through IMF bonds purchased by China.
This will be the end run around an outright dumping of the dollar.
The Foreign exchange reserve of the People's Republic of China is mainly composed of dollars in the forms of US government bonds and institutional bonds. Mainland
China (with exception to Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR) held foreign exchange reserves amounting to $2.273 trillion at the end of September 2009 making China the top
foreign exchange reserve in the world.
The Central Banks of Europe will then dictate the terms of repayment to the people of the United States.
The devaluation of the dollar and the austerity measures that the IMF will impose will create great anger. That is clear from what is now happening in Iceland.
Anger as Iceland battles to recover
Iceland´s Debts and the Question of Fairness
An intelligent guess is that to stave off a looming crisis of faith in the dollar, the International Monetary Fund will soon intrude
into the way the United States is allowed to conduct business.
This is a great article on how that process works. It is essentially a silent coup.
The Quiet Coup
Debt obligations to the International Monetary Fund will be the excuse that Congress, the Senate, the President, and the Supreme Court
use to shirk their duty and their oath to the Constitution.
Taking down a nation: Money, murder and national sovereignty:
Unfortunately, Argentina was the prototype that the American version will be constructed and improved upon. In my 2008 Introduction, I mentioned how the United States
government has used Latin America as its testing ground for police and military tactics for nearly seventy years. In actuality, it has been doing it for well over a century,
but the post World War II vassal states south of the American border adopted the Nazi model from their Central Intelligence Agency advisors.
This model relies on the use of death squads, torture, rendition,
and indefinite detention, which are just a few of the basic tactics of any good Inquisition. The puppet masters, of course, can be traced back to members of Nostradamus'
Pagan Sect.


Source: Copyright © 2009 The American Conservative
November 1, 2009
Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?
Austrian Times:
British nuclear expert dies in 40-metre plunge:
Authorities said the 47-year-old man – a member of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) – had joined the UN’s current talks with Iran over its nuclear programme.
Mail Online: Jason Lewis: 14 November 2009
British UN scientist's death was 'not suicide',
Gordon Brown is told:

Nostradamus Quatrain V-25
The Arab prince of Mars, Sun, Venus, Lion,
The reign of the church succumbs through the sea.
Towards Persia (Iran) very nearly a million men,
Byzantium (Turkey), Egypt, the true serpent will invade.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-62
To the great one of Ceramon-agora (Usak, Turkey)
The crosses [crusaders] will be attached [labeled] by rank,
The long lasting Opium and Mandrake,
RAUGON shall be released on the 3rd of October.
See the October 2009 Update For The Alternative View
to Sibel Edmonds' Story


Source: Getty Images
Tony Blair
Guardian: Hans Blix: December 14, 2009
Blair sold Iraq on WMD,
but only regime change adds up: The PM seems to have deployed arguments as they suited him. Our weapons inspections were telling another story
Mirror: Jason Beattie: December 15, 2009
Tony Blair slated for Iraq war 'power trip'

Nostradamus Quatrain IX-89
Seven years shall fortune favor Philip,
Belittling the efforts of the Arabs:
At his mid-heaven [a] perplexing backwards affair
Young Ogmios damages his strength.
Dog and Dogma are references to Gog and Magog. Tony Blair and George W. Bush may fit that description
for ordering the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Philip may then be a reference to the Anglo Empire, and Philip would refer to the most notable male leader of that
empire, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. If Obama turns out to be Ogmios, then it appears that he will somehow challenge the Anglo Empire.
Mirror Online: March 31, 2008
is "not a shred of evidence" that Prince Philip ordered the execution of Princess Diana by the security services, the coroner declared yesterday.
See Chapter Seven: The Epistle: World War II and the Rise of the Pagan Sect


Source: Christophe Morin / EPA-ZUMA Press
Newsweek: September 29, 2009
Law Brute:
A sitting president takes on a former prime minister in a headline-hogging French legal case... By Angelique Chrisafis in Paris: September 20, 2009 19.52 BST
Sarkozy and De Villepin enter court battle over alleged smear

See My September 21, 2009 Update For The Series of Murders Linked To This Story
Nostradamus Quatrain III-23
If France, you cross the the Ligurian Sea (NW Italy),
You will be enclosed by islands and sea,
Mahomet [Islam] against you, more so in the Adriatic,
You will gnaw the bones of asses and horses.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-24
From the expedition great confusion,
Immense loss of men and treasure:
You should not extend further,
France, let what I say be recorded.


Catholic News Service: Nov-10-2009
Vatican-sponsored meeting discusses chances of extraterrestrial life...
This may be a clue that disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent.

The Guardian: Friday 22 June 2007
After 30 years as a closet Catholic, Blair finally puts faith before politics:
Outgoing PM seizes early opportunity to convert free of dilemmas of public role...
It may seem like a strange alliance, but look closely at the history of the Windsor Family, and the background of Pope Benedict XVI.
Act of Settlement 1701: To settle the succession to the English throne on the Electress Sophia of Hanover...
The Pope was elected by the Papal Enclave on April 19, 2005. This date has great significance, it is the eve of Adolf Hitler's birthday. Look also at the Pope's background.
Pope Benedict XVI: As a German soldier, he was put in a POW camp...
Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara document the connection NASA has with the Nazis and the occult in
Dark Mission the Secret History of NASA. Nostradamus connected
the Nazi with a very powerful post World War II group he called the Pagan Sect of Christianity.
See Chapter Seven: The Epistle: World War II and the Rise of the Pagan Sect