Table of Contents
Book Introduction
Prophecy, Religion, and Doom
1-32 (PDF)
Chapter One
Christianity and the Road from Atlantis
33-51 (PDF)
Chapter Two
The Watchers and the Sons of the Gods
52-100 (PDF)
Chapter Three
The Pawns of War
101-118 (PDF)
Chapter Four
The Human Threat
119-134 (PDF)
Chapter Five
The War in Heaven
135-176 (PDF)
Chapter Six
The Epistle: The Children of the Great Dame
Chapter Seven
The Epistle: World War II and the Rise of the Pagan Sect
Chapter Eight
The Epistle: November 22nd, 1963: American Coup d'état
Chapter Nine
The Epistle: September 11th, 1990: The New World Order
Chapter Ten
The Epistle: September 11th, 2001: The Eve of Desolation
Chapter Eleven
The Epistle: The Global Economic Collapse
Chapter Twelve
The Epistle: The New World Order and the Antichrist
Chapter Thirteen
The Epistle: Gog and Magog Unleash New Weapons
Chapter Fourteen
The Epistle: World War III - The Chinese-Islamic Alliance
Chapter Fifteen
The Epistle: The Empire of Ogmios
Chapter Sixteen
The Epistle: The End of the Tribulation and the New Golden Age
Chapter Seventeen
The Timeline and Code of Nostradamus
Chapter Eighteen
The Lords of Armageddon
Chapter Nineteen
UFOs, Rapture, and Salvation
Chapter Twenty
Other Prophecies to Consider
Chapter Twenty-One
Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, the Essenes, and Armageddon
Chapter Twenty-Two
The Science, Weapons, and Technology of Armageddon
Chapter Twenty-Three
War, the Divine Right of Kings and Blood Sacrifice
The World After Armageddon
CNN World Markets
Kitco Commodities and Currencies
Beginners Study
Serious Study
The Global Consciousness Project
The Associated Press
The Associated Press RSS Feeds
BBC News
Asia Times
Global Research News
Sacred Texts
Sacred Texts - Nostradamus
Sacred Texts - King James
Nag Hammadi Library


November 27, 2009
Russia 'will' deliver S-300 to Iran in 2 months
December 14, 2009
Tough sanctions against Iran are needed urgently, Washington says:
Revelations that Iran has been working secretly on a trigger for a nuclear bomb urgently underscore the case for tough new sanctions against Tehran, the Obama Administration said.
December 15, 2009
US to drill Iranian attack scenario
ABC News: December 21, 2009
Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Yemen Terrorists:
Cruise Missiles Launched Thursday Hit Two Suspected al Qaeda Sites; Major Escalation of US Efforts Against Terrorists

Nostradamus X-31
The Empire [of] saint(s) [Islamic martyrs] will come into Germany,
The Ishmaelites [Moslems] will find open places:
[Because] The asses will also want Carmania (Iran),
The supporters will be covered by earth.
The Age of Desolation: G. A. Stewart: Introduction and Chapter Twelve
...Apollyon is [a character derived from] a Persian tale of an ogre from Yemen wielding a powerful magic sword known as Al-Samsama.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-55
Of the country of Arabia Felix (Yemen)
One born powerful in the law of Mahomet:
To vex Spain, to conquer Grenada,
And more by sea against the Ligurian people (Genoa, Italy)
See Chapter Eleven: The Epistle: The Global Economic Collapse


Source: AFP
Tzipi Livni
Guardian: December 14, 2009
British court issued Gaza arrest warrant
for former Israeli minister Tzipi Livni: Warrant issued over war crimes accusations was withdrawn when it emerged former minister had cancelled plan to visit...

Jerusalem Post: Dec 15, 2009 21:22
US to drill Iranian attack scenario...
Smoke and mirrors and part of the psychological warfare operations prior to Israel's attack on Iran. Great Britain and the G7 countries
are all onboard with destroying Iran's nuclear energy and weapons programs.
The Western Nations' biggest fear is not nuclear weapons. There is reason to believe that the Middle East is a store house of Extraterrestrial artifacts.
Vritra in Zoroastrian mythology was known as Azhi Dahaka or Dahhag and Zahhak. The ancient heroes of Persia imprisoned this
creature under Mt. Damavand, which is forty-five miles northeast of Tehran in Iran. During the final age of the world,
Dahhag is supposed to escape from his captivity and devour every third person on the Earth.
See the September 7, 2009 Update
Chapter Four: The Human Threat
119-134 (PDF)


Is Hu Jintao Nostradamus' "Man With An Iron Rod"?
Bloomberg: 12/25/2009
China Raises GDP Growth Estimates, Narrowing Gap With Japan:

Source: Getty
Telegraph: By Malcolm Moore in Shanghai: December 30, 2009
China may build Middle East naval base: In a sign of the growing confidence of the Chinese military, Admiral Yin Zhuo said that the country may set up a base
in the Gulf of Aden in order to support missions against Somali pirates...

See Chapter Fourteen: The Epistle: World War III - The Chinese-Islamic Alliance


Vladimir Putin has controlled Russia since he was quickly sworn in as Russia's second President just
minutes before midnight on December 31, 1999. I believe the reason this was done was to fulfill a prophecy.
In Berlin Germany in 1944, Nichol Rycempel discovered a tube of lead that had been hidden in the walls
of the Church of St. Paul during the nineteenth century. Taking the tube from the burnt ruins of the church,
he found a document inside written by a Benedictine Monk over a century before.
It contained one-line predictions from 1900 until the year 2000. The simple prediction for the year 1999 was,
"A New Peter". Was this a reference to Peter the Great?
Peter the Great of Russia

Telegraph: Dec. 18 2009
UFO pyramid reported over Kremlin
A giant pyramid which appears to be a UFO hovering over the Kremlin has caused frenzied speculation in Russia that it is an alien spacecraft.

It is interesting that no MIG Interceptors were sent up to investigate. This, of course,
implies that this was some type of military craft and exercise. It is also interesting that this appeared to be a tetrahedral shaped craft and not pyramid shaped.
R. Buckminster Fuller had much to say about quarks, mites, photons, and tetrahedrons. If this was related to the Directed Energy Weapon display in Norway,
was this floating device similar to some sort of "radar balloon" or device to deflect such weapons?
See Chapter Twenty Two: The Science, Weapons, and Technology of Armageddon


January 7, 2010
"Brutally cold" in Midwest — once again
Hundreds of flights canceled in Chicago, Atlanta; subzero temps, more snow...

January 7, 2010
Icy conditions strike after snow
Temperatures as low as -18C have followed days of heavy snow to leave treacherous conditions across the UK.
January 5, 2010
Britain braced for heaviest snowfall in 50 years
The heaviest snowfall in almost 50 years is hitting parts of Britain as Arctic weather brought nationwide chaos

December 8, 2009
Bayer Admits GMO Contamination is Out of Control
Mother Jones:By Andy Isaacson: December 29, 2009
The Search for an Endangered Mushroom That Could Cure Smallpox, TB and Bird Flu: IN THE OLD-GROWTH forests of the Pacific Northwest grows a bulbous,
prehistoric-looking mushroom called agarikon....

Nostradamus VI-5
So great a famine by a pestilent wave,
By rain extending the length of the Arctic Pole:
SAMAROBRYN 100 leagues (135 miles) from the hemisphere,
Living without law exempt from politics.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-71
The earth and air will freeze a great [jet] stream,
When they will come to venerate Thursday:
That whom is not at all so good,
From the four parts [of the globe] they will come to honor him.
George Ure at and Cliff High at
beat me to the presses, but I think this is going to be a winter that kills many people.
With some help, I have, however, traced it back to the Norway Light Spiral. George Ure: "Day After Tomorrow" Round One?
...The data also indicates that the [extreme cold]
and [disrupted/disjointed winds] will be [thrown back (into the) face] of the [propagandists] by the [popular reactions]. Nonetheless, the [diaspora] sub set is indicating that [hundreds of thousands (of humans)] will be [on the road (or relocating)] due to the [extreme(s) of climate] that will [descend (from the jet streams)] in very late December and continue through into January.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 53
Then in the same year, and in the following there will ensue the most horrible pestilence,
and made more stupendous by the famine which preceded it…
Nostradamus Sixain:XXVII
Fire from space from the Western side,
From the mid heaven, running to the East,
Worms have dead without finding a root.
Third Age of Mars the warlike,
One will see fires shining from the Carbuncles,
The age of the Carbuncle will bring famine in the end.
Nostradamus II-91
At sunrise one will see a great fire,
Noise and light extending toward AQUILON:
Within the circle death and cries are heard,
Through steal, fire, famine, death awaits them.
See the January 2010 Update

8 JANUARY 2010
This would be the appropriate place to recap what I had anticipated last year and where I got it wrong.
I did believe that President Obama would not be allowed to come to power, or that a military coup might happen somewhere around May.
I did believe that Israel would attack Iran with nuclear weapons.
I did believe that any use of nuclear weapons would be preceded by a massive sighting of extraterrestrial spaceships.
I did believe that once the Large Hadron Collider was operational again we would see the demonstration of a new weapon.
On the surface it looks like I am batting a thousand; I am completely wrong.
There are some people that will argue that the Norway Light Spiral was not a weapon, and plausible deniability makes all of this conjecture on my part.
But I think the subtleties of change are about to give way as spectacularly as the lightshow in Norway.
First, here is something tangible about President Obama, he has not changed a thing.
Obama Endorses Indefinite Detention Without Trial for Some
Obama's support for the new Graham-Lieberman secrecy law
Obama proposes Indefinite Preventive Detention without trial
Obama Channels Cheney Obama adopts Bush view on the powers of the presidency
New Obama DOJ claims sovereign immunity in wiretap case
A cursory look at the history of Chicago politics can start with Sibel Edmonds. See my October 4, 2009 Update. She connects former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, to former Governor
Rod Blagojevich, and with a host of others connected to Chicago politics and the American Turkish Council. If you look at the military-industrial companies
that sit on the ATC, you will notice that some have reportedly been benefactors from the extraterrestrial technology recovered at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
Also the late Chicago Archbishop,
Paul "the Gorilla" Marcinkus, the former President of the Vatican Bank, who was implicated in the
Banco Ambrosiano Affair, can be associated with individuals in the revolving door world of the military-intelligence-industrial complex.
According to David Yallop in his book, "In God's Name" he was also involved in the murder of John Paul I. The connection to
Propaganda Due is well documented. The so-called Italian shadow government
is one of the visible tentacles of Nostradamus' pagan sect within Christianity.
It is perfectly clear who employs President Obama. By Robert Schmidt: October 14, 2009:
Geithner Aides Reaped Millions Working for Banks, Hedge Funds:Some of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s closest aides, none of whom faced Senate confirmation, earned millions of dollars a year working for Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Citigroup Inc. and other Wall Street firms, according to financial disclosure forms.
The advisers include Gene Sperling, who last year took in $887,727 from Goldman Sachs and $158,000 for speeches mostly to financial companies, including the firm run by accused Ponzi scheme mastermind R. Allen Stanford. Another top aide, Lee Sachs, reported more than $3 million in salary and partnership income from Mariner Investment Group, a New York hedge fund.
This is what I wrote in my December 2008 Introduction:
Something is amiss, and this has caused an interesting new twist to what I originally wrote in my book.
There are a series of Nostradamus' Quatrains where he uses the French word le noir. Some commentators have appropriately translated this as
the Black One when it fits as a noun and subject of a phrase, but Nostradamus used anagrams and many different literary devices to give
certain phrases multiple meanings. Inside le noir is also roi (Roy), meaning king. There are commentators that have translated this as the Black King,
and there happen to be many important quatrains where he describes a young, black king.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-60
Throughout all Asia great proscription,
Even in Mysia (NW, Turkey), Lycia (SW Turkey), and Pamphilia (SW TURKEY):
Bloodshed through absolution,
Of a young black king filled with felony.
The downside is that the "young black king filled with felony" could also apply to President Barack Obama. Then it would be linked
with the previous Quatrain and it is part of a Nostradamus pair, which appears quite frequently throughout all the Centuries.
It would then indicate that President Barack Obama will try to invade the Middle East, therefore making him the Third Antichrist:
Nostradamus III-59
Barbarian [Islamic] Empire usurped by the third [Antichrist],
The greater part of his blood being put to death:
Through senility [madness] death strikes a fourth [of the world],
For fear that blood for blood is not death in vain.
As you might suspect, the Norway Light Spiral fits into this too.
Revelation 13:13 (King James)
And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in sight of men.
Logically, it should convince me that Obama might just be the Third Antichrist. It connects with issues like his
birth certificate and Nostradamus' Man from the East. In fact, it lines up with so much other material, that I keep wondering why I am not completely convinced,
because there is some other disturbing circumstantial evidence.
It is interesting and coincidental, that the H1N1 Swine Flu virus first appeared in Mexico around April 13, 2009. Newly elected President
Obama visited Mexico on April 16, 2009. Shortly thereafter, archeologist Felipe Solis Olguin, who met with President Obama, died of a heart attack related to pneumonia.
Felipe Solis Olguin: SWINE FLU OBAMA SCARE: Statement from Ricardo Alday, spokesman for the Mexican Embassy to the United States of America:
“Mr. Felipe Solís, Director of Mexico’s National Anthropology Museum died on April 23rd, a week after he welcomed Presidents Obama and Calderón
at the Museum. He died of complications of a preexisting condition and not of swine flu.”
This time period also has another strange esoteric link, because it was followed up by President Obama's visit to the Central Intelligence Agency on April 20, 2009, just after his return to the United States.
Obama reassures CIA on torture
In my 2008 Website Introduction I had a lot of interesting things to say about April 20th. Historically, a lot of blood has been spilt on that day.
I have seeded
Chapter Seven: The Epistle: World War II and the Rise of the Pagan Sect
with some material from the book and that 2008 Introduction. Please note how important April 19th and April 20th are to some people at the Central
Intelligence Agency and NASA.
Notably, April 20th is also the birth date of Adolf Hitler.
Where is President Obama in all of this? Let us look at what we know.
New details on Obama’s CIA front employer:
WMR has obtained additional details on Business International Corporation (BIC), the CIA front company where President Obama spent a year working after graduating from Columbia University in 1983.
WMR has learned that when Obama lived in Indonesia with his mother and his adoptive father Lolo Soetoro, the 20-year-old Obama, who was known as ‘Barry Soetoro,’ traveled to Pakistan in 1981 and was hosted by the family of Muhammadmian Soomro, a Pakistani Sindhi who became acting president of Pakistan after the resignation of General Pervez Musharraf on August 18, 2008.
Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, and his father, Barack Obama, Sr., met at the University of Hawaii in 1960 in a Russian-language class. At the time, the CIA and Britain’s MI-6 were concerned about Soviet penetration of Kenya’s independence movement. Kenya became independent of Britain in 1963.
Dunham Soetoro was in Indonesia when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Barack Obama visited Lahore, Pakistan, where his mother worked as a “consultant,” in 1981.
CIA files also contain a report on the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (1971-1973), which is possibly pertinent to the agency’s involvement in Indonesia. One of the participants in the Chicago CFR’s 1971 conference in Oak Brook was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who would later become President Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, the chief architect of the U.S. support for the Afghan mujaheddin, and one of Obama’s professors at Columbia University.
President Obama is clearly a player in the game.
Obama praises elder Bush at A&M
Like Bill Clinton, President Obama was chosen to be President to fulfill a purpose.
We may not have seen a military coup against President Obama, but there was talk of one.
Newsmax columnist: Military coup "to resolve the 'Obama problem' " is not "unrealistic"
There was also the introduction of the Obama military coup board game.

Obama 2011 Coup Game Lists Malkin, Beck, Limbaugh as Patriots
Nostradamus Presage 56 November
He shall not be placed, the New Ones expelled.
The black king from afar and the Great One hold hard:
Recourse to arms. Exiles further expelled,
Consoled to sing victory, not liberty.
I like to keep my editorializing to a minimum, but this is why I sigh deeply when I talk to most Evangelical Christians.
They are buffalo being herded over a cliff. They have been heading for that cliff since Ronald Reagan became President.
Mainstream media sources have documented both Bush I and Bush II's participation in blatantly pagan organizations like Skull
and Bones and the Bohemian Club, and yet the vast majority of Evangelicals I have met stick their heads in the sand and
refuse to even question the symbolism.
I loss faith when I see the army of followers that flock to anyone who claims to be a conservative or a conservative Christian while
openly displaying behavior that holds not an inkling of either philosophy.
How does an obese hillbilly heroin addict or an obese ex-Secretary of Education, who dared to write a book on virtue while gambling away millions
of dollars, get into a position to dispense moral judgment?
Rush Limbaugh, William Bennett, Dick Morris, Newt Gingrich, and Karl Rove should all be laughed off the airwaves, but they are being allowed
to stir up the nuts and whackos.
Rush, Deafness, Hillbilly Heroin and Opioids
Bill Bennett's Gambling "Problem" The author of "The Book of Virtues" is a high roller. Does it matter? Should we care?
Gingrich Admits to Affair During Clinton Impeachment In Radio Interview, Gingrich Acknowledges Cheating on First and Second Wives
Dick Morris, High on the Critical List: Morris was fired after the Star tabloid revealed his longtime relationship with prostitute Sherry Rowlands. His marriage to attorney Eileen McGann broke up, and his $2.5 million book on policy-making in the White House was a commercial flop.
The manipulation of civil discourse is so apparent, with Fox News on the right, MSNBC on the left, and CNN seemingly in the middle of it all, that
it seems as if the real news can be found on the comedy shows, like Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, or Saturday Night Live.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-26
Kings and Princes raise imitations,
Prophets empty, elevated [making] fortunes:
Horn [of plenty] victim of gold, blue [skies], dazzling,
[This will be] Interpreted by the soothsayer.
Yes, Nostradamus got it right, blue skies, happy days, and the horn of plenty were sold to everyone, but only the elevated prophets made fortunes with their empty words.
The Tea Parties and the angry Town Hall meetings are setups for people who are truly angry. The far right is going to be made the biggest demographic of dupes and patsies since Hitler sold the Big Lie and got people wearing brown shirts.
And then watch out.
S'rîmad Bhâgavatam, CANTO 12, Chapter 2, Texts 19-20, (Swami Prabhupâda)
Lord Kalki, the Lord of the universe, will mount His swift white horse Devadatta and, sword in hand, travel
over the earth exhibiting His eight mystic opulences and eight special qualities of Godhead. Displaying His unequaled
effulgence and riding with great speed, He will kill by the millions those thieves who have dared dress as kings.
Book of Enoch LII:4 (Richard Laurence Translation)
Then I inquired of the angel of peace, who proceeded with me,
for whom those instruments were preparing.
Book of Enoch LII:5 (Richard Laurence Translation)
He said, these they are preparing for the kings and powerful ones of the earth, that by this they may perish.
Revelation 6:2 (King James)
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-5
So great a famine by a pestilent wave,
By rain extending the length of the Arctic Pole:
SAMAROBRYN 100 leagues (135 miles) from the hemisphere,
Living without law exempt from politics.

SAMAROBRYN is an anagram. The rules for Nostradamus' anagrams allow rearranging of the letters and one letter substitution with any letter.
Also, Y and I, U and V, S and C, I and J are interchangeable pairs.
There are also other rules to the literary devices Nostradamus used, which can be found in Edgar Leoni's, Nostradamus and His Prophecies, page 114.
SAMAROBRYN can be resolved to this:
As you can see OBAMA is easily extracted from SAMAROBRYN:
This leaves: OBAMA SRRYN
Now apply the other possibilities based on the interchangeability of Y with I and S with C:
This leaves four puzzle pieces.
OBAMA (SRRYN or SRRIN or CRRIN or CRRYN). All letters can be rearranged and one letter in these four possibilities can be substituted with any letter.
Can you resolve the second part of the anagram? Remember, it will be in French.
Well two other literary devices that Nostradamus used to disguise a puzzle word are apocope and apheresis. Apocope is a word with an omitted last
letter or syllable and apheresis is a word with a missing first letter or syllable.
Now I say both these poetical devices apply because Nostradamus enfolded information into words. You need a spectrum analyzer to remove each layer of information.
How about a hint if I see another word in there and rearrange the letters for you in the right order?
Here is the solution.
Add an E to S, front or back to form ES or SE, based on the rules for Apheresis or Apocope.
ES translates as the verb is, and SE translates as the pronoun his,
His Majesty or
His Excellency. I believe this is a little Nostradamus humor.
For the word NRYR
Change the Y to an I based on the rules for anagrams.
The remaining letter R can be changed to any letter based on the rules of anagrams,
so we change the R to an O.
But look how Nostradamus did that with the original anagram SAMAROBRYN:
Perhaps the R and O placed next to each other was meant to be a subtle clue to the one letter that will be changed,
and what it will be changed into.
After rearranging I applied the puzzle rules:
Look, another anagram inside an anagram; ROIN is an anagram for NOIR
D'un jeune noir rempli de félonie.
Of a young black king filled with felony.
NOIR translates as Black but inside this word is the anagram ROI (Roy), king.
The Nostradamus' tongue in cheek version also applies.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-60
Throughout all Asia great proscription,
Even in Mysia (NW, Turkey), Lycia (SW Turkey), and Pamphilia (SW TURKEY):
Bloodshed through absolution,
Of a young black king filled with felony.
I immediately thought of Quatrain VI-5 when the Norway Light Spiral appeared. But in my original translation I used the measurement of a league as 2.7 miles,
which is an accepted value for the English speaking world. The League throughout history has varied. A quick look at
on Wikipedia quickly got my attention. The origin of League is leuga gallica, or league of Gaul, the ancient Roman name for France.
That distance was 1.5 Roman miles, 2.2 km, and that is 1.35 miles.
I hope Richard Hoagland at does not mind that I use his graphic and his work to so perfectly illustrate this very important Nostradamus prediction.
This is major news folks, these winter storms have been caused by the unleashing of a weapon of mass destruction seen in skies over Norway and the Arctic on the night of
December 9, 2009.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-5
So great a famine by a pestilent wave,
By rain extending the length of the Arctic Pole:
SAMAROBRYN 100 leagues (135 miles) from the hemisphere,
Living without law exempt from politics.

Richard Hoagland has done some great work on placing the altitude of the light spiral at 124.9 miles.
A "Nobel Torsion Message" Over Norway? Part II
A pestilent wave... SAMAROBRYN 100 leagues (135 miles) from the hemisphere,
That would make the quatrain altitude of the pestilent wave as 135 miles above the Arctic hemisphere, which is 10 miles shy of the altitude Hoagland calculated.

Now, as I have mentioned on my Home Page, I worked in an advanced space propulsion laboratory for fourteen years.
I have seen plenty of rocket engines exhibit asymmetrical thrust. Generally when they do, they have a tendency to rip apart any number
of inches of steel and exhibit asymmetrical thrust across acres of parking lot and swamp.
Twenty-five years ago, after I read
The Monuments of Mars, Richard Hoagland led me into the WuJo as George Ure likes to call it.
I believe that he is right in his article on the Norway Light Spiral, it does look like the Russians launched a
Bulava Missile in conjunction with whatever it is that was seen.
But these nearly perfect symmetrical rings could not have been produced by an errant rocket.

It appears to me that the spiraling blue light that blossomed out of the center of the artificial galaxy and
diverged towards the ground was synchrotron radiation or Cherenkov radiation. Either way, it means lots of high speed particles spiraling down magnetic lines of force.
Cherenkov radiation results when a charged particle, most commonly an electron,
travels through a dielectric (electrically insulating) medium with a speed greater than that at which light propagates in the same medium...
Moreover, the velocity that must be exceeded is the phase velocity of light rather than the group velocity of light. The phase velocity can be altered dramatically
by employing a periodic medium, and in that case one can even achieve Cherenkov radiation with no minimum particle velocity—
This seems to be some type of new Directed Energy Weapon that went online to coincide with President Obama's acceptance of his Noble Peace Prize.
So, the question is who was sending the message?
Noting the bellicose tone of President Obama's speech for a Nobel Peace Prize, I am inclined to believe that he was sending a message from the Group of Seven Nations's military arm, NATO.
Aquilon, the Alliance of the North, has risen.
The supporting evidence would be the EISCAT ionospheric heater at Ramfjordmoen, Norway.
Though this facility is the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association, it is suspected that it works in conjunction with the HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska, which is jointly run by the United States Air Force, Navy, and the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency. Logically,
the two facilities would be connected through NATO.
Is it coincidental the the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland just set a record on December 8, 2009?
I would like to see some published times of both events.
New York Times: December 10, 2009
Large Hadron Collider sets record...
Now only briefly will I touch upon here the spookier aspects of modern physics, like
Quantum Entanglement
as a method for connecting the Large Hadron Collider to the light show in Norway. The scientific aspects of what I talk about here, I will address in more detail
in Chapter Twenty Two, The Science, Weapons, and Technology of Armageddon.
I am not in a position to offer myself up as an expert on Directed Energy Weapons, but I have passed College level physics, chemistry, astronomy, and electronics courses. I will save most of my speculation on the technology
of the Apocalypse for Chapter Twenty Two, but this was my first impression of this event:
First, the generation of perfect symmetrical rings was too computer perfect.
Show me one perfect rocket failure like that and I will believe it. I mean exactly like that, with symmetrical white rings spreading out and rippling the entire sky, and coiling blue rings that diverge toward the ground.
The coiling blue light reminded me of synchrotron radiation or Cherenkov radiation.
Now some people believe that this was a test of
Project Blue Beam,
a method for projecting holograms. But Richard Hoagland has produced enough data to convince me that
the EISCAT ionospheric heater at Ramfjordmoen, Norway, was in part responsible for doing something that has now greatly affected the weather in the Northern Hemisphere.
That has been absolutely clear, since around December 19, 2009, when Predictive Linguistics had noted another change of emotional state.
Questions I would ask:
Is there a method of changing the permeability and permittivity of the atmosphere, which in effect changes the refractive index?
By changing the refractive index of an ionospheric mirror, can you produce a stream of particles moving faster than the speed of light?
Was the energy of the Transmitter, presumably the EISCAT ionospheric heater at Ramfjordmoen, Norway, in any way enhanced by Quantum Entanglement or any other method
by the experiments being conducted at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN?
I will briefly refer to Tom Bearden's work and Entropy and Negentropy. Entropy is the movement toward disorder, such as the heat from a circuit wire that is radiated out
into space. In a time-reversed fashion, Negentropy would be the movement of the phonons and electrons that are carrying away that heat back toward the wire.
Exothermic reactions radiate energy, endothermic reactions absorb energy.
Electronic Circuits source and sink current as weather has its highs and lows that drive winds, all produced by the sourcing and sinking of energy in the atomosphere. When you source and sink energy in the atmosphere you can steer the Jet Stream.
On the fringes of my naïve speculation, suppose in some unknown fashion, a Black Hole was created over Norway, as it appeared. By the way, some people were worried that
the Large Hadron Collider might do that very thing.
New York Times: Dennis Overbye: April 15, 2008
Gauging a Collider’s Odds of Creating a Black Hole...

Note in this sequence from video, that the rings collapse into a bright spot and then a Black Hole appears in the center of the ring and appears to evaporate outward.

An artist's impression of a Pulsar.

The Vela Pulsar approximately 958 light years away.
Something has happened to drastically change the weather, and it appears to have been planned if we are to believe Nostradamus.
If a miniature Black Hole has been created and his now lodged or circulating somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere, drawing away all the thermal
energy, then soon it should build up an accretion disk from everything it begins to suck in, which will create heat. That may soon become visible at night through
Infrared Vision equipment, and even possibly rise to a level of incandescence. That would bring me into a whole range of Nostradamus predictions about a second
sun appearing in the sky, and I do not want to go there just yet.
Suffice it to say that this is what I found just last night regarding Nostradamus predictions of what will happen. It will lead directly to war with China in 2011.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-71
The earth and air will freeze a great stream,
When they will come to venerate Thursday:
He who is not at all is not so nice,
From the four parts they will come to honor him.

If you insert my bracketed interpretations, then it looks like this:
Nostradamus Quatrain X-71
The earth and air will freeze a great [jet] stream,
When they will come to venerate [on] Thursday:
He who is not at all [peaceful][and] is not so nice,
From the four parts [of the globe] they will come to honor him.
President Obama received his Nobel Peace Prize on Thursday, December 10, 2009.
Now I will admit that I have some major differences with the commercially successful Nostradamus commentators and the third line of Quatrain X-71.
Only Erika Cheetham is the closest to the way I interpret it.
Erika Cheetham
He who will come will never be as fair,
John Hogue
That which will be, never was [it] so fair,
Edgar Leoni
That which will be never was it so fair,
Nostradamus Quatrain X-71 (Third Line)
Ce qui sera jamais ne fut si beau
They key phrase descriptors are Jamais and si beau.
Jamais means never, not at all
Si Beau means so good, so nice
Ce qui means Whom, which, and by inflection, he.
Sera means be or exist
Ne fut means was not or is not,
If you put these together you get:
That which is not at all, is not so nice,
He who is not at all is not so nice,
...They will come to venerate [on] Thursday:
He who is not at all [peaceful][and] is not so nice...
This translation of course fits in with many of the descriptions of the young black king,
and black king throughout the quatrains.
Nostradamus Quatrain IV-7
The savage black king when he has tried
His bloody hand at fire, sword, and drawn bows:
All of his people shall be terribly frightened,
Seeing the greatest ones hung by neck and feet.
Nostradamus associates the black king with Nero.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-76
With the black king Rapacious and blood-thirsty,
Issued from the brothel of the inhuman Nero:
Between two rivers left hand military,
Shall be murdered by Young baldy.
Nostradamus writes that the Third One will be worse than Nero.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-17
The third one [Antichrist] [is] first [and] worse than Nero,
Valiant vacant how much human blood will flow:
He will rebuild the furnace,
Golden age, dead, a new King great scandal.
The Third One that he mentions in many predictions is, of course, the Third Antichrist.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-77
The third antichrist soon annihilated,
27 years of blood will his war last:
The heretics dead, captives exiled.
Blood, human bodies, water, red hail covering the Earth.
Could the red hail covering the earth, be the material from the Black Hole accretion disk that falls back to Earth after the Black Hole evaporates?
I initially had a problem with identifying President Obama as Nostradamus' Third Antichrist as you can read in the 2008 Website Introduction,
and in my notes above, begun, by the way, days, before my epiphany last night.
I have been expecting an older man, and the reason for this is because I was comparing the prediction of the Antichrist to another set of prophecies
known as the Lead Tube Prophecies.
I have now seeded
CHAPTER TWENTY with the twenty-one Lead Tube Prophecies that I have. You will note that 1985 is entitled "The
Voice of the Antichrist".
Now President Obama
graduated from Columbia in 1983. Maybe this is the date
he secretly joined the Central Intelligence Agency as Wayne Madsen conjectures in the link provided above.
Many years ago, I originally thought that this applied to Mikhail Gorbachev, who came to power in the Soviet Union in 1985.
We will know soon enough if millions die from a long, brutal winter.
I believe this is why Nostradamus named those of the Group of Seven Nations, Aquilon, the countries of the North or of the North Wind.
Richard Hoagland is right; the Russians seem to have launched a Bulava missile in conjunction with this phenomenon. Could it pertain to the Great Celestial War
that I have speculated about on these pages and in my book? Did we open up a dimension in Space-Time and shoot a nuclear missile through it, with perhaps as many
as six 150 kiloton nuclear warheads onboard?
I was working on that aspect of the website for my next Update, when current events forced me to shift gears. I will save that thought and expand upon it
in my next Update.
For now I want to get this out on to the Internet. George Ure and Cliff High beat me to the punch with their announcement today.
Here is something for George and Cliff to ponder, as should all of us who receive the web bot reports. What if that circulating cloud that Cliff predicted
is the accretion disk that I mentioned above that could circulate with a drifting miniature Black Hole?
Any way that you want to look at it, a particle weapon was used on the eve of President Obama's receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize.
After the latest web bot report and my revelation last night concerning the anagram, SAMAROBRYN, many of the quatrains easily link up now.
Nostradamus predicted where it would lead to, famine.
Nostradamus Sixain:XXVII
Fire from space from the Western side,
From the mid heaven, running to the East,
Worms have dead without finding a root.
Third Age of Mars the warlike,
One will see fires shining from the Carbuncles,
The age of the Carbuncle will bring famine in the end.
Nostradamus predicted that when a Group of Seven nations hold the power over heaven and Earth the forces of Asia would perish.
Nostradamus Quatrain IV-50
Libra will see Hesperia [America] reign,
Holding rule over heaven and earth:
The forces of Asia nobody shall see perish,
When 7 hold the hierarchy in order.
Nostradamus predicted that China would not be too happy about having millions of people killed with "Fire from Space".
Nostradamus Quatrain V-81
The royal bird [Eagle] over the city of the sun [Rome, Italy]
Seven months in advance it delivers a nocturnal omen:
The wall of the Orient [China] will fall lightning and thunder,
Seven Days the enemies directly to the gates.
This will ignite World War III and it will kill almost two billion people when the Antichrist tries to invade the Middle East.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-59
Barbarian [Islamic] Empire usurped by the third [Antichrist],
The greater part of his blood being put to death:
Through senility [madness] death strikes a fourth [of the world],
For fear that blood for blood is not death in vain.
World War III will last 27 years. The obvious discrepancy between twenty-five and twenty-seven
will get a closer look in a future Update. But could we imply from Quatrain VIII-77, the third antichrist
soon annihilated to mean that the Third Antichrist dies two years into the twenty-seven year long war?
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-77
The third antichrist soon annihilated,
twenty seven years of blood will his war last:
The heretics dead, captives exiled.
Blood, human bodies, water, red hail covering the Earth.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:1
After that the antichrist will be the infernal prince, again for the last time,
all the Kingdoms of Christianity, and even of the infidels, will tremble for the space of twenty-five years…
In my September Update, I showed readers how this worked out.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-77
The third climate comprising Aries [World War III]
The year 1727 in October,
The King of Persia (Iran) captured by the Egyptians:
Conflict, death, loss: to the Cross great shame.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-49
Very much before such intrigues,
Those of the Orient by virtue of the Moon [Islamic Army]
The year 1700 will cause great ones to be carried off,
Almost subjugating a corner of Aquilon.
As I have mentioned in plenty of places on this website, the Timeline in the Epistle to Henri is based
on Christian history. 1700 years after the Roman Edict of Christian Toleration issued by Galerius on April 311 CE, the
combined armies of China and Islam will invade the Caucasus region and occupy a corner of Russia, Europe, and the United States.
According to the way I read Nostradamus, that means World War III will begin in 2011 and will end with the last battle in Azerbaijan in 2038.
That is not a pleasant future for most of us alive today.
9 JANUARY 2010
Just a quick note for today and a glaring omission on my part, I forgot to mention how this all fits perfectly with Norse mythology and the myth of their Apocalypse called Ragnarök.
This is the beginning of Fimbulvetr, the three years of winters that lead up to Ragnarök.
Wikipedia: Fimbulvetr
Fimbulvetr is the immediate prelude to the events of Ragnarök.
Fimbulvetr is three successive winters where snow comes in from all directions, without any intervening summer. During this time,
there will be innumerable wars and brothers will kill brothers. The prefix 'fimbul' means "the great/big" so the correct interpretation
of the word is "the great winter".
Wikipedia: Ragnarök
Ragnarök: The "final destiny of the gods" is a series of major events,
including a great battle foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of major figures (including the gods Odin, Thor, Freyr, Heimdall,
and the jötunn Loki), the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world in water.
I touch upon Ragnarök in Chapter Four: The Human Threat.
The Timeline of Nostradamus
Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and Poseidia
2008 Website Introduction

As you will read in the Introduction to my book, whether manned or unmanned, I have
a great love of space exploration. I worked in an advanced Space Propulsion Laboratory for many years.
The rocket engines I helped build and test have sent spacecraft out into the universe that will still be on their journey long after I have completed mine.
NASA lost credibility with me after the Challenger accident. I woke up to the fact that the Official View masquerades as the truth.
The subject of the first article I had published in a major newspaper was about NASA withholding the true story behind the heroic deaths of the
Challenger astronauts. The undisputable facts of that tragedy are that some of the astronauts survived the explosion and tried to save their doomed ship.
To withhold that information from the world and posterity is the sterilization of human history. Seven people, seven lifetimes of training and discipline
channeled into two and a half minutes of superhuman courage and strength, erased in a moment by a government dolt who found public knowledge of the complete
story disturbing.
There will be no dreams or myths in our future. There is a concealed body lurking in the shadows of power, and it is intent on building an Ant Civilization.
In this insect empire, there are only queens, workers, and the Official View.


Source: 20th Century Fox
Planet of the Apes
"I'm a seeker too... but my dreams are not like yours..."
It has been twenty-six years since the Challenger accident, in the interim there was the Savings and Loan Crisis, the Iran-Contra Affair, Desert Storm,
the Dot-com Crisis, 9/11, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the space shuttle Columbia's disintegration over Texas, the sub-prime crisis, the credit default crisis, and the list goes on.
Every stage of these crises was signed-off by an inspector, a manager, or someone in charge who put on a good paperwork show, but the paperwork facts did not measure up to reality.
When oblivion comes knocking on the United States' front door, the country will go down ISO certified.
In the Introduction to my book you will read about the conversation I had some years ago
with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon. It forced me to ask deeper questions about extraterrestrial life and humanity's
place in the scheme of things.
Those answers led me to an Alternative View. It is an all encompassing view that straddles science, religion, politics, and history.
It is a view that abhors the reductionist's method of compartmentalization and embraces the ultimate conspiracy theory by seeking to connect everything.
On a planet where no political, social, scientific, or religious institution has been left uncorrupted,
there are no reference frames or standards with which to compare. We are all left with reason and our own moral compass to guide us in this wilderness of mirrors and illusion.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 27:1
And the countries, towns, cities, realms and provinces who will have abandoned their old customs to gain liberty,
will have in fact enthralled themselves still more profoundly, causing them to secretly let go of their liberty.
And losing faith in their perfect religion, they will begin to strike to the left, only to return to the right.
And replacing the sanctity, overcome long ago, of their pristine scriptures
I believe the verse above is a warning that Nostradamus gave the United States over two hundred years before the country was founded.
When I read that prediction thirty three years ago, I could never have imagined the transformation that he had envisioned. It appears
that we are near to the day when the freedoms set forth by the Constitution might be lost.

Do not expect any changes from the Obama Administration. The Bush Team is still in control of major elements of the military, the intelligence agencies,
and the Justice Department. In fact, the secret is out.
Rolling Stone: Matt Taibbi: Dec 09, 2009
Obama's Big Sellout:
...The year since Obama won the presidency has turned out to be one of the most dramatic political about-faces in our history.
Unfortunately, it appears to be more than a sellout. There has been absolutely no change regarding the flagrant misinterpretation and violation of
the Constitution that was initiated by the administration of George W. Bush.
Bloomberg: Greg Stohr: Dec. 14, 2009
U.S. High Court Rejects Appeal Alleging Torture at Guantanamo: The justices today rejected an appeal by the former inmates, leaving intact a lower court ruling that shielded the government
officials from suit.
The lower court's decision will stand. That means anyone labeled a
"terrorist" will be labeled a
"domestic enemy combatant" and the Constitution
will not apply to them. William Fisher: Dec. 16, 2009
US: Guantanamo Prisoners Not ‘Persons’: The Obama administration
had asked the court not to hear the case. The circuit court ruled that "torture is a foreseeable consequence of the military’s detention of suspected enemy combatants."
There can be no doubt about where President Obama stands.
It is not an accident that the original definition of a
"terrorist" has been broadened to include new forms of "
Domestic Terrorism".
Since Congressman Ron Paul has wanted to end the Federal Reserve System for many years, it is no wonder that his supporters are now finding themselves on Political Enemies Lists.
Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists...
The seeds of an outright military coup d'état against President Obama are being planted in the minds of the public. Every utterance of a coup is a trial balloon, floating the meme like a seed
on the wind looking for a place to land.
Newsmax columnist: Military coup "to resolve the 'Obama problem' " is not "unrealistic"
Obama 2011 Coup Game Lists Malkin, Beck, Limbaugh as Patriots

God help all of us if Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are being modeled as the next Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry.
It appears that the fix has been in for a long time, since monetary policy and the deindustrialization of the United States have transcended Presidential administrations
and political parties.
Rhetorical Questions: Why do Fox News and the rest of the conservative media that was in the Bush Court promote Obama dissent? How do the liberal media get away with pretending
there is a dime's worth of difference between George W. Bush and Barack Obama?
Personal Opinion: Because Civil War is being engineered, with or without President Obama's acquiescence. He would be a fool or an imbecile if he did not understand or see what is coming.
There are a series of Nostradamus' Quatrains where he used the French word le noir. Some commentators have appropriately translated this as the Black One when
it fits as a noun and subject of a phrase, but Nostradamus used anagrams and many other literary devices to give certain phrases multiple meanings.
Inside le noir is also roi, meaning king. There are commentators that have translated this as the Black King, and there happen to
be many important Quatrains where he describes a young, black king.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-60
Throughout all Asia great proscription,
Even in Mysia (NW, Turkey), Lycia (SW Turkey), and Pamphilia (SW TURKEY):
Bloodshed through absolution,
Of a young black king filled with felony.
Are bloodshed and absolution references to the hypocrisy of giving the War President the Nobel
Peace Prize? Is this award absolution for the bloodshed that will be spent to enforce "world peace" through a "global government" of bankers and self-delusional great thinkers?
The one historical constant that tyrants have always forgotten is that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Now I have not made that determination yet, but I will say that after collating the Nostradamus predictions
of the "Young Black King", they are consistent with the tone of Quatrain III-60. These also involve "left" and "right" military factions in Civil War.
In light of the dollar's approaching collapse emanating from the International Monetary Fund meeting held in Turkey on October 3, 2009,
and President Obama's subsequent enlargement of the War in Afghanistan, and his threats to Iran, he is meeting all the criteria for the "young, black king
filled with felony".
This realization has changed the course of my book. You can read in the Website Introduction how I came to see my mistake. After my post-analysis review of where
I originally went wrong, I have come to the conclusion that I have been too optimistic. At first I thought the system was either completely corrupt or completely controlled.
I have come to the conclusion that it is so completely controlled and on such intimate levels, that when most people in Western countries finally understand,
the technological curtain will have fallen. We will all be trapped and locked down. The ten percent of the population with access to heavy weapons, armor, and gunships,
will control the other ninety percent of the population.
My own prejudices have clouded my reason. I did not think that so many people in view of the world would so easily sellout. I am adjusting to that on a daily basis
and rewriting major elements of my book. Readers will witness that on these web pages.
It is clear that President Obama has been given a very powerful mandate by some unseen Western power.
The turnabout in his policies is so "in your face" that it almost seems to be a display of arrogance. This, as you will come to read in these pages,
is a chief characteristic of the young black king in the prophecies of Nostradamus. That also includes a propensity to use force and violence.
President Obama's "in your face" arrogance is also a more frequently seen characteristic of the majority of Congress, the Senate, and the Supreme Court.
When you have recordings of politicians saying one thing and doing another and it is played back to them, they offer only more lies. The inflection of contempt
in their voices, threatens all of us with, "yeah, what are you going to do about it?"
Sadly, Nostradamus was pretty clear on what people are going to do about it and this website is going to be dedicated to taking notes and recording it for history.
Nostradamus' interleaving of characters throughout his prophecies, creates an interesting cast of actors that will soon appear on the world stage.
You can read more about them in Chapter Eighteen: The Lords of Armageddon.
Obviously, President Obama is tied to the surveillance and control group managing the Western powers.
Wired: By Sarah Lai Stirland: July 7, 2008
Netroots Activists Mad at Obama for Spy Bill Flip-Flop
In my 2008 Website Introduction, you can read that I was not prepared to believe the worst in President-Elect Obama. You will also read that I believed he would
not be allowed to become President.
Unfortunately though, I now understand the game a little better. I started to suspect the worst after he lied about his position on
the FISA Amendments Act of 2008.
There is a Quatrain linking the
young black king with
Ogmios, the Celtic god of eloquence. It certainly seems an appropriate description given President Obama's oratory skills.
But I am still not convinced that President Obama qualifies as
Ogmios or Nostradamus'
Third Antichrist, for he is certainly a long way away from this descriptor,
"the Third [Antichrist] worse than Nero..."
Unfortunately, as you will read, these descriptions seem to lead back to the
young black king.
As I post the appropriate Quatrains in each chapter, we will have to see if the predictions match current events.
S'rîmad Bhâgavatam, CANTO 7, Ch.1, Tx. 9
One can understand whether a living entity is a demon or a demigod by understanding that living entity's devotional performances.
A thoughtful man can understand how much a person is favored by the Supreme Lord by seeing his actions.
See the October 2009 Update for the Turkish connections to the Chicago political machine.
See Chapter Seven: The Epistle: World War II and the Rise of the Pagan Sect

December 21, 2009
Meteor hunt in Beijing continues
NOVEMBER 18, 2009

Source: Fox13Now Utah
Was the November 18, 2009 meteor seen over Utah and Colorado really a meteor as NASA claims?

Source: Fox13Now Utah
NASA officials stated that a meteor the size of a drier exploded with the energy of approximately one thousand tons of TNT. At 12:07 AM,
the explosion lit up the night sky.

The Great Celestial War has once again come to the planet Earth.
Book of Enoch LIII:5
…These are prepared for the host of Azazeel, that they may be delivered over and adjudged to the lowest condemnation; and that their angels may be
overwhelmed with hurled stones…
Nostradamus V-59
The English chief stays too long in Nîmes (France),
Towards Spain, AENOBARBE to the rescue:
Millions will die when war starts that day,
When in Artois (Northern France) a bearded star will fall.

Source: Les Ashwood
November 18, 2009

Source: Mohamed Elhassan Abdelatif Mahir (Noub NGO), Dr. Muawia H. Shaddad
Sudan October 7, 2008
What was that strange zigzagging cloud that appeared after the Utah explosion? Something similar appeared near Sudan on October 7, 2008.

And what is up with Utah, on June 9, 2008 another fireball streaked across the skies over Salt Lake City?

Source: Thanh Nien News
Twelve days later, on June 21, 2008 something exploded over the skies of Vietnam, where pieces of wreckage were recovered.


Source: Associated Press
Computer hacker Gary McKinnon to be extradited to US...
Gary McKinnon extradition being fast-tracked by Labour 'to stop Tories reversing it'...
The betrayal of Gary McKinnon...

The Guardian: Game Over By Jon Ronson: Saturday 9 July 2005: Gary McKinnon Interview
...I started going to places where I really shouldn't be". "...The US Space Command,"
"I found a list of officers' names..." "under the heading 'Non-Terrestrial Officers'."
I found a list of 'fleet-to-fleet transfers', and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren't US navy ships.
What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet."
Revelation 13:7 (King James)
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.


Clearly, since the October 3, 2009 Istanbul meeting of the G7 Finance Ministers, the International Monetary Fund, and the governors of Central Banks, the
course of the dollar has been charted.
G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors met in Istanbul, on Saturday 3 October 2009
Dollar Reaches Breaking Point as Banks Shift Reserves
US facing massive economic ‘power shift’ with dollar’s downward spiral
Roubini: Global Markets Could Soon Crash:
Another figure in the world of economics has been involved in a shooting. Is there any connection to what happened in Istanbul on October 3rd to the October 8th shooting and attempted
murder of an economist that worked for the International Monetary Fund?
A Shooting of Prominent Economist Baffles Police: BETHESDA, Md... has been identified in an email to his fellow employees at the International Monetary Fund as
the man shot...
When the bankruptcy of the United States appears imminent, the IMF will step in to restructure the United States debt through IMF bonds purchased by China.
This will be the end run around an outright dumping of the dollar.
The Foreign exchange reserve of the People's Republic of China is mainly composed of dollars in the forms of US government bonds and institutional bonds. Mainland
China (with exception to Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR) held foreign exchange reserves amounting to $2.273 trillion at the end of September 2009 making China the top
foreign exchange reserve in the world.
The Central Banks of Europe will then dictate the terms of repayment to the people of the United States.
The devaluation of the dollar and the austerity measures that the IMF will impose will create great anger. That is clear from what is now happening in Iceland.
Anger as Iceland battles to recover
Iceland´s Debts and the Question of Fairness
An intelligent guess is that to stave off a looming crisis of faith in the dollar, the International Monetary Fund will soon intrude
into the way the United States is allowed to conduct business.
This is a great article on how that process works. It is essentially a silent coup.
The Quiet Coup
Debt obligations to the International Monetary Fund will be the excuse that Congress, the Senate, the President, and the Supreme Court
use to shirk their duty and their oath to the Constitution.
Taking down a nation: Money, murder and national sovereignty:
Unfortunately, Argentina was the prototype that the American version will be constructed and improved upon. In my 2008 Introduction, I mentioned how the United States
government has used Latin America as its testing ground for police and military tactics for nearly seventy years. In actuality, it has been doing it for well over a century,
but the post World War II vassal states south of the American border adopted the Nazi model from their Central Intelligence Agency advisors.
This model relies on the use of death squads, torture, rendition,
and indefinite detention, which are just a few of the basic tactics of any good Inquisition. The puppet masters, of course, can be traced back to members of Nostradamus'
Pagan Sect.


Source: Copyright © 2009 The American Conservative
November 1, 2009
Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?
Austrian Times:
British nuclear expert dies in 40-metre plunge:
Authorities said the 47-year-old man had joined the UN’s current talks with Iran over its nuclear programme.
Mail Online: Jason Lewis: 14 November 2009
British UN scientist's death was 'not suicide',
Gordon Brown is told:

Nostradamus Quatrain V-25
The Arab prince of Mars, Sun, Venus, Lion,
The reign of the church succumbs through the sea.
Towards Persia (Iran) very nearly a million men,
Byzantium (Turkey), Egypt, the true serpent will invade.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-62
To the great one of Ceramon-agora (Usak, Turkey)
The crosses [crusaders] will be attached [labeled] by rank,
The long lasting Opium and Mandrake,
RAUGON shall be released on the 3rd of October.
See the October 2009 Update For The Alternative View
to Sibel Edmonds' Story


Source: Getty Images
Tony Blair
Guardian: Hans Blix: December 14, 2009
Blair sold Iraq on WMD,
but only regime change adds up:
Mirror: Jason Beattie: December 15, 2009
Tony Blair slated for Iraq war 'power trip'

Nostradamus Quatrain IX-89
Seven years shall fortune favor Philip,
Belittling the efforts of the Arabs:
At his mid-heaven [a] perplexing backwards affair
Young Ogmios damages his strength.
Dog and Dogma are references to Gog and Magog. Tony Blair and George W. Bush may fit that description
for ordering the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Philip may then be a reference to the Anglo Empire, and Philip would refer to the most notable male leader of that
empire, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. If Obama turns out to be Ogmios, then it appears that he will somehow challenge the Anglo Empire.
Mirror Online: March 31, 2008
is "not a shred of evidence" that Prince Philip ordered the execution of Princess Diana by the security services, the coroner declared yesterday.
See Chapter Seven: The Epistle: World War II and the Rise of the Pagan Sect


Source: Christophe Morin / EPA-ZUMA Press
Newsweek: September 29, 2009
Law Brute:
A sitting president takes on a former prime minister in a headline-hogging French legal case... By Angelique Chrisafis in Paris: September 20, 2009 19.52 BST
Sarkozy and De Villepin enter court battle over alleged smear

See My September 21, 2009 Update For The Series of Murders Linked To This Story
Nostradamus Quatrain III-23
If France, you cross the the Ligurian Sea (NW Italy),
You will be enclosed by islands and sea,
Mahomet [Islam] against you, more so in the Adriatic,
You will gnaw the bones of asses and horses.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-24
From the expedition great confusion,
Immense loss of men and treasure:
You should not extend further,
France, let what I say be recorded.


Catholic News Service: Nov-10-2009
Vatican-sponsored meeting discusses chances of extraterrestrial life...
This may be a clue that disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent.

The Guardian: Friday 22 June 2007
After 30 years as a closet Catholic, Blair finally puts faith before politics:
It may seem like a strange alliance, but look closely at the history of the Windsor Family, and the background of Pope Benedict XVI.
Act of Settlement 1701: To settle the succession to the English throne on the Electress Sophia of Hanover...
The Pope was elected by the Papal Enclave on April 19, 2005. This date has great significance, it is the eve of Adolf Hitler's birthday. Look also at the Pope's background.
Pope Benedict XVI: As a German soldier, he was put in a POW camp...
Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara document the connection NASA has with the Nazis and the occult in
Dark Mission the Secret History of NASA. Nostradamus connected
the Nazi with a very powerful post World War II group he called the Pagan Sect of Christianity.
See Chapter Seven: The Epistle: World War II and the Rise of the Pagan Sect