In Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Complete Prophecies of World War III, I have included a large Appendix that organizes Nostradamus’ prophecies under various headings. As you can see from the menu on the front page of this Website, I present just a few of the Triplicate Series. Most of the Triplicate Series are generally nested together.
I present an important series below without comment.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-73
Le temps present avecques le passé,
Sera jugé par grand Jovialiste,
Le monde tard luy sera lassé,
Et desloyal par le clergé juriste.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-73
The present time together with the past
Will be judged by the great Jovialist [Globalist],
The world late will be weary of him,
And disloyalty by the clergy’s jurist [Vatican attorney].
Au revolu du grand nombre septiesme,
Apparoistra au temps jeux d’Hecatombe,
Non esloigné du grand age milliesme,
Que les entrez sortiront de leur tombe.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-74
The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
Appearing at the games of slaughter:
Not far from the millennial age,
When the buried come out of their tombs.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-75
Tant attendu ne reviendra jamais,
Dedans l’Europe, en Asie apparoistra,
Un de la ligue yssu du Grand Hermes,
Et sur tous Roys des Orients croistra.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-75
Long expected he will never return,
Inside Europe in Asia appearing,
One issued from the league of Great Hermes,
And over all the Kings of the Orient he will grow.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-76
Le grand Senat decornera la pompe,
A l’un qu’aprés sera vaincu, chasses,
Des adherans feront à son de trompe,
Biens publiez. ennemis dechassez.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-76
The great Senate will ordain the triumph,
For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out,
His adherents prepare at the sound of deceit [Trump],
Public property, enemies expelled.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-77
Trente adherans de l’ordre de quirettes:
Bannis, leurs biens donnés ses adversaries,
Tous leurs bienfaits seront pour demerites,
Classe espargie delivrés aux Corsaires.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-77
Thirty adherents of the order of Quirites [Roman Citizen/Warrior]:
Banished, their property given to adversaries,
All their benefits will be misdeeds,
The fleet sunk delivered to the Corsairs.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-78
Subite ioye en subite tristesse
Sera à Rome aux graces embrassées.
Dueil, cris, pleurs, larm. sang excellent liesse:
Contraires bandes surprinses & troulsées.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-78
Sudden joy to sudden sadness,
At Rome the graces embrace,
Greif, cries, tears, weeping, blood, excellent mirth:
Contrary bands surprised and trussed up.