For the last several years, whenever I wanted to know what the U.S. government is selling, I go to The Drudge Report.

‘Multiple’ drones entered airspace at New Jersey naval station: Official’Multiple’ drones entered airspace at New Jersey naval station: Official
The New Jersey drone sightings can be connected to some of my interpretations of several Nostradamus’ prophecies, so I thought I needed to take a look and comment here, because it could be very important to coming events. December of 2024 was a critical time period in my last book Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024.
Frankly, many important events should have played out by now, and I suspected that I had gotten somethings wrong; so, I was thinking about winding this website down after the new year. This is a tough job, it costs me money to do it, and it comes with a great deal of intellectual theft that I have tolerated. I have had my fill.
Me being wrong is a very good thing.
I had written that a nuclear terrorist event in a Palestinian territory, that I call The First Blow of Steel, would have happened. This would have led to a U.S. naval defeat in the Arabian Sea, and the nuclear destruction of a NATO fleet off the coast of Croatia and Italy in the Adriatic Sea, possibly some time around December 6th, which is Saint Nicholas Day and mentioned in the same prophecy. Then following this would come the Battle of Armageddon.
December 6th, 2024 has now come and gone. There are actually a great deal of predicted events from my book playing out now: NATO is now launching missiles deep into Russia, Syria and Assad have fallen to the forces of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He has a prominent role in my books. I discovered his name in anagram form in 2014.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-62
Au grand de Cherra mon agora,
Seront croisez par ranc tous attachez,
Le pertinax Oppi, & Mandragora,
Raugon d’Octobre le tiers seront laschez.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-62
To the great one of Ceramon-agora (Usak, Turkey),
The crosses [crusaders] will be attached [labeled] by rank,
The long lasting Opium and Mandrake,
Raugon on the third of October shall be released.
RAUGON is an anagram for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. STEWART, 2017, Page 543
On October 3rd, 2014, when the Turkish Parliament voted to give Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan the power to invade Syria, the solution to the famous anagram in Quatrain IX-62 became suddenly apparent to me. I even chided myself for not having solved it sooner, since Erdogan came onto the world stage as Prime Minister in 2003 and was elected President in 2014.
I have a suspicion, however, that Erdogan’s fate is sealed. He is trapped between the United States and Russia.
I was told that the Sufyani will rule for three and a half years.
Here is where we run into conflict in various prophecies. Since some Hadith commentators believe that there will be two Sufyani’s, is this three-and-a-half years the totality of their reign? I suspect that there will be only one Sufyani.
It appears that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the despotic leader in Islamic prophecy known as The Sufyani. His appearance was first described in my 2013 book, Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation.
Therefore, maybe December 6th, 2024 was a Nostradamus’ Indicator Date. I call this The Nostradamus Butterfly Effect. These are the indicators that Nostradamus provides, so you the reader, can get ready for World War III. Without them and the reader’s recognition of these indicators, Nostradamus’ warnings would be useless.
Nostradamus gives exact dates, such as 2011 as the beginning of World War III, but nobody recognizes the NATO attack on Libya as the beginning of World War III, because Barack Obama was a Nobel Peace Prize winner and sold as a “Good Guy“.
Nostradamus gives us three-important years, 2011, 2014, 2019, that is Libya, Ukraine, and COVID-19. These are the most important years of the last two-decades. What are the odds?
Every reader who does not believe that World War III began in 2011 is wrong and not Nostradamus.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-49
Beaucoup beaucoup auant telles meneés
Ceux d’Orient par la vertu lunaire
L’an mil sept cent feront grand emmenées
Subiugant presque le coing Aquilonaire.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-49
Very much before such intrigues
Those of the Orient [Russia/China] by virtue of the Moon [Islamic Army]
The year one thousand seven hundred [1700 -2011] prepares the great to be marched away
Nearly subjugating a corner of Aquilon [NATO].
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 626
Once NATO attacked Libya on March 19th, 2011, World War III was set in motion.
Events in “the year 1700 [2011] will cause great ones to be carried off”.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 303
In my 2010 EBook, The Age of Desolation, World War III in 2011 was conjecture. By 2013, in Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, World War III had become a fact. Even Pope Francis has said that World War III has begun.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 126
According to Nostradamus in Quatrain I-49, the attack on Libya guaranteed World War III…
The NATO attack and destruction of Libya has released tons of weapons into the hands of Islamic Jihadists as a tactic employed by the United States government and NATO leaders.
Therefore, Nostradamus’ dates and comments become relevant, “when the adversaries of Jesus Christ and his Church commence to multiply greatly”.
a) 2011 – NATO destroys Libya – kills Muammar Gaddafi
b) 2014 – NATO supported coup d’état in Ukraine
c) 2019 – COVID-19 released (NATO Biological Weapon)
Nostradamus Sixain XXVIII (24)
Nostradamus Sixain XXVIII (24)
L’an mil ƒix cens & neuf on quatorzieƒme,
Le vieux Charon fera Paƒques en Careƒme,
Six cens & ƒix, par eƒcrit le mettra
Le Medicin, de tout cecy s’eƒtonne,
A meƒme temps aƒƒigné en perƒonne
Mais pour certain l’vn d’eux comparoiƒtra.
Nostradamus Sixain XXVIII (24)
The year one thousand six hundred and nine [1609-2014] or fourteen [1614-2019],
The old Charon will celebrate Easter in Lent,
Six hundred and six [1606-2011], in writing he will place it
The Physician, by all this is astonished,
At the same time summoned in person
But for certain one of them will appear.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 525
In Chapter Three, I explained how Nostradamus identified The Leech as being south of France, which makes The Leech North Africa, or more precisely, the Arab League. With that explanation, it is easy to make the case that The Leech of Unequal Order and Rank is the single most important Islamic leader in the world.
The question begs, why does Nostradamus call the other antagonist, The Physician of the Great disease? Is this person a doctor? Is it a metaphor? We know he “will set fire to the Olive branch”. Does he use “the great disease” as a weapon? Does he start biological warfare?
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 292-293
Charon and Ogmios are mythological psychopomps. Readers should note the appearance of The Physician of the Great Disease. He appears in three of The Sixains and is integral to starting World War III.
This Sixain provides all the important years of major NATO provocations. In 2011, NATO invaded Libya. In 2014, NATO operatives staged a successful coup d’état in Ukraine, in 2019, COVID-19 was released, and it appears that it was developed by the U.S. National Institute of Health under the guidance of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Congratulations, you who are reading this have survived the first 13-years of The Third Antichrist’s twenty-seven year war; 2011 to 2038. What’s that you critics say? “It doesn’t feel like World War III.” Maybe you could be in Ukraine or Syria.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-77
L’antechrist trois bien tost annichilez,
Vingt & sept ans sang durera sa guerre,
Les heretiques morts, captifs exilez,
Son corps humain eau rogie gresler terre,
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-77
The third antichrist soon annihilated,
Twenty-seven years of blood will his war last,
The heretics dead, captives exiled,
Blood, human corpses, water, red hail covering the Earth,
IN 2038
Nostradamus Quatrain III-77
Le tiers climat soubz Aries comprins
L’an mil sept cens vingt & sept en Octobre,
Le roy de Perse par ceux d’Egypte prins:
Conflict, mort, pte; à la croix grand opprobre.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-77
The third climate comprising Aries [World War III]
The year one thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven [1727-2038] in October,
The King of Persia (Iran) captured by the Egyptians:
Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great shame.
Nostradamus Sixain XXVII
Celeƒte feu du coƒté d’Occident,
Et du Midy courir iuƒques au Leuant,
Vers demy morts ƒans point trouuer racine
Troiƒieme aage à Mars le belliqueux,
Des Eƒcarboucles on verra briller feux,
Aage Eƒcarboucle, & à la fin famine.
Nostradamus Sixain XXVII
Celestial fire from the side of the West,
From the South, running to the Levant [East],
Worms half dead without finding a root.
Third Age of Mars the warlike [World War III],
From carbuncles [Lasers] one will see brilliant fire,
The age of the carbuncle [Laser] and in the end famine.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 63
“Fires shining from the Carbuncles” is a reference to laser weaponry. Interestingly enough, a carbuncle is anyone of the scarlet and crimson varieties of garnet where the stone is cut with a convex face. There is an ancient legend that Noah used such stones to illuminate the ark.
The lines, The Third Age of Mars and fires shining from carbuncles, are clearly prophecies of World War III and lasers. I remember forty-years ago looking up the definition of carbuncle in my 1956 American Educator Encyclopedia. I noted that it mentioned that the ancients had prized carbuncles for their ability to “shine in the dark”.
Now I realize that I am writing to the same group of people with every post and I keep repeating myself; however, my goal was to go viral, attract many readers, become a Best-Selling Author, make lots of money, and then go find a mountain cave somewhere. That has certainly changed.
At this point, that no longer matters, but by going over ground that I have already gone over, I do convince a few new readers that the world is not what it appears to be, and I sell one or two books here and there with these posts. My material covers seventeen-years of books and website posts. People are certainly catching on that what I described in my books and posts on this website are now easy enough to see.
Personally, the Alternative Media has shamed themselves by ignoring what I have written here; and generally, I disregard what I read unless I can verify it myself through reliable sources. Clickbait is still the Business Model, and you know what they say about opinions…
I have discounted the stories of the New Jersey drone sightings until I read from several sources that some of these drones are as big as cars. That raises the bar right there, because that is beyond the financial ability of the average individual. is where I do my public thinking. There are just so many smart and self-sufficient people who read and comment on George Ure’s posts that it has become my personal access to a think-tank. In fact, some of the comments have led me to material that I have put into my books. Last week, some of those comments referring to my work here made me pull my head back inside the car.
Special Report: UFO’s Now Make Sense (Sorta)
I have been trying to take a mental holiday vacation from Doom and Gloom, because I have been living it since I lost everything in Hurricane Helene on the night of September 26th.
2024 turned out to be a very tough year, and we still have two-weeks left. I whince at what I think is underway and possible.
All of this is a necessary prelude to my comments about the New Jersey drone sightings, because another possible answer hit me this morning coming back from my morning coffee, bagel, and reading the breaking news.
We know that NATO is at war with Russia. We know that NATO is responsible for the collapse of Syria and the Assad government. We know that COVID-19 was a genetically engineered disease that came out of a Chinese biological warfare laboratory that was partly funded by the United States government.
The Dutch Minister of Health claims that COVID-19 was a NATO operation.
Dutch Minister of Health: Covid-19 is a NATO military operation
We know that the Donald J. Trump political faction is at war with the Barack Obama political faction.
We know that the U.S. government is hiding evidence of the reality of The UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomenon.
U.S. recovered non-human ‘biologics’ from UFO crash sites, former intel official says
…A former Air Force intelligence officer who claimed the U.S. government has operated a secret “multi-decade” reverse engineering program of recovered vessels.
All of those news stories really do mean that I have consistently gotten many things right in my books and in these posts for the last seventeen-years.
Woo-Woo and the Land Grab
George… Thank you to that link to the Farsight session. I am not a fan of Farsight, but I think this video is cause for concern, because it brings up the visions of some lesser known people that I have included in my books.
If it involves fighting in the U.S., is it Civil War or is it an invasion?
U.S. Domestic Military Engagement 2024-25 – Aziz Brown at Farsight
In my books, the sides of The Second American Civil War line up with the results of the last Presidential elections.

New York City has had a special place in my writings since 2007. It becomes the capital of The Progressive Left and The Global Elites, as well as the home of the British government after half of England is sunk buy a Russian Poseidon Status 6 nuclear torpedo. This will come with what I have called The False Peace.
As readers will see, in my 2023 book, Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, I expected Nuclear War in December of 2024, and The False Peace to be negotiated sometime in January or February of 2025.
Readers should note that the Farsight Remote Viewer Aziz Brown has come up with the blind target events chosen by Courtney Brown. Courtney Brown’s chosen targets were events for December 2024, January 2025, and February 2025.
Now I will tell Courtney Brown and Clif High, it is about damn time you all recognize my work here. It validates your work, because much of what I present here came online on December 10th, 2007. This also applies to the Princes of the Alternative Media.
I get a good vibe from Remote Viewer Aziz Brown, and frankly it is scary, because it lines up with where I am at, and my last book explains it in detail.
Let me get down to my basics.
These drone sights in New Jersey could be defined as weird or surreal. This is almost how I translated “insolit oyseau” in Quatrain II-57.
However, in Quatrain I-91, Nostradamus gives his readers a confirming prophecy identifying these “Rare Birds” or “Strange Birds” as being connected to the gods. Both Quatrain II-75 and I-91 describe the appearance of many Extraterrestrial craft as coinciding with a great war when “man will be eating his fellow man“.
Nostradamus Quatrain II-75
La voix ouye de l’insolit oyseau,
Sur le canon du respiral estaige,
Si haut viendra de froment le boisseau,
Que l’home d’home sera Antropophage.
Nostradamus Quatrain II-75
The voice of the rare bird heard,
Over the cannon breathtaking coinciding,
So high will the bushel of wheat rise,
That man will be eating his fellow man.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 930
Once again, we see this term “insolit oyseau,” “rare bird,” “Insoli” can mean “rare,” “unusual,” “bizarre,” or “freaky.”
“Respirer” means “to breath.” Extrapolating from seeing something rare that coincides with a great war that leads to cannibalism, I would say that the intent is some event that takes people’s breath away.
“Estaige” is “etage.” As a masculine noun, “etage” can mean “floor,” as a verb it means “to superpose” or “to place something above something else;” in geometry, it means, “to make two figures coincide exactly.”
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 194
In the best-selling book The Day After Roswell, by General Philip J. Corso (Retired), he recounts his experience in transferring extraterrestrial technology into the hands of private industry.
Even though Corso took over this project in 1962, I believe that private industry began to usurp the development of extraterrestrial technology during the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. This is the warning that President Eisenhower was trying to convey to the nation and the world in his farewell address.
Corso had many connections to the post-World War II intelligence agencies in Italy, since this was his assigned operating area after the war. As I have outlined above, it is almost a certainty that the Georgetown Set had access to the information of the Roswell crash. Perhaps Corso’s intelligence connections in Italy were why he was chosen to be the point man in parceling out the various pieces of the technology to the proper industries. It suggests how one small element within the Central Intelligence Agency gained control of extraterrestrial technology and was able to isolate it from government and military oversight.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-91
Les dieux feront aux humains apparence,
Ce quils seront auteurs de grand conflit:
Auant ciel veu serein espée & lance,
Que vers main gauche sera plus grand afflit
Nostradamus Quatrain I-91
The gods make to humans [an] appearance,
That they will be the authors of a great conflict:
Before heaven seen serene sword and lance,
On the left hand there will be great affliction
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 884
I read line one, “Les dieux feront aux humains apparence” differently than most Nostradamus Commentators, especially in the light of the prediction from The Epistle to Henry that I detail below. “Feront”, “make” “apparence”, “appearance” is clear enough. “The gods make an appearance.”
Why are the prevalent drone sightings occurring in New Jersey?
FBI, DHS Say “No Evidence” New Jersey Drones Pose National Security Threat
This is complete bullshit. This is highly controlled airspace. Consider that the current Democratic government-in-charge are discounting the drone sightings over military weapons installations, because they are allowing it to happen.
Ocean County Sheriff Says 50 Mysterious Drones Spotted Coming Off the Ocean — Claims ‘They Vanished Into Thin Air’ After Outrunning the Coast Guard and an ‘Industrial-Grade’ Drone
I can also connect New Jersey to a well-known Nostradamus’ prophecy found in my books.

Nostradamus Quatrain X-49
Jardin du monde auprés de cité neufve,
Dans le chemin des montaignes cavées,
Sera saisi & plongé dans la Cuve,
Beuvant par force eaux soulphre enuenimées.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-49
Garden of the world near the new city,
On the road of mountain caves,
Shall be seized and plunged in the tank,
Being forced to drink sulfurous poisoned water.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,456
“Garden of the world near the new city” certainly sounds like the Garden State, and New Jersey is adjacent to New York City. I believe this Quatrain confirms the interpretation of “cité neufve” as New York City.
Some Nostradamus Commentators have interpreted this as a prediction of an earthquake or nuclear explosion. I see “Sera saisi” “shall be seized” as a corroborating prediction about New York City’s invasion and occupation.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-87
Ennosigée feu du centre de terre
Fera trembler au tour de cite neufue:
Deux grads rochiers lõg tẽps feront la guerre
Puis Arethusa rougira nouueau fleuue.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-87
Earthshaker fire from the center of the earth
Will cause towers to tremble around the new city:
Two great rocks will make war for a long time
Then Arethuse [Arethusa] will redden a new river.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 285
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 541
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 1,017
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,456-1,457
There is a possibility that this Quatrain could apply to the September 11th, 2001 attacks. “Two great rocks will make war for a long time” may be a metaphor for Christianity and Islam.
Nostradamus uses the word “Ennosigaeus,” which was the surname of Poseidon or Neptune, meaning “Earthshaker.” We have seen that Nostradamus uses Neptune in conjunction with Ogmios. Therefore, I cannot fully rule out that this Quatrain deals with a future battle for New York City during The Second American Civil War.
“[Arethusa] will redden a new river” is a reference to the Greek myth of Arethusa. Arethusa was a water nymph who was born in Arcadia and found her way to the island of Ortygia in Syracuse, Sicily. She is the “Waterer” an attendant of the goddess Artemis.
There is a connection here with the Quatrain IV-27 and Henri Selin.
With all of what I have written over these last seventeen-years, readers should consider some of the drone targets.

1) Naval Weapons Station Earle, which is located in Colts Neck, New Jersey.
2) Picatinny Arsenal
3) Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst.
In all of my books, and as Regular Readers know, New York plays an integral part in the next government after Washington D.C. is abandoned by the Federal Government.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-33
Des principaulx de cité rebellee,
Qui tiendront fort pour liberté rauoir:
Detrencher masles infelice meslee,
Crys vrlemens à Nantes piteux voir.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-33
Of the principal ones of the city in rebellion,
Who will strive mightily to recover their liberty:
The males cut up, unhappy fray,
Cries groans at Nantes (W. France) pitiful to see.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 618
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 967
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,344
In the third Quatrain of this Triplicate Series you will read, “The free city of the great Selin.” I would suggest that “Selin’s free city” is the “city in rebellion” in this Quatrain. Once assembled together, these Quatrains point to New York City.
The American Progressive Left are the people rebelling against the Constitution of the United States. According to Nostradamus Quatrain IV-16, New York City will be made an “asylum” of “profligates and dreamers.” It is a perfect description of what is happening now with the immigrant crisis.

Nostradamus Quatrain IV-16
La cité franche de liberté fait serue:
Des profligés & resueurs faict asyle.
Le roy changé à eux non si proterue:
De cent seront deuenus plus de mille.
Nostradamus Quatrain IV-16
The free city of liberty [New York] enslaved:
Of profligates and dreamers made an asylum [sanctuary].
The king changes and is not so violent:
From one hundred becoming more than a thousand.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 249
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 536
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 640
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 995
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 249
I believe that New York City is the reference here with the capitalization of Liberty and enslaved is an allusion to Martial Law. From one hundred to more than a thousand seems like an oblique reference to Thrasybulus, whom Nostradamus mentions in his Epistle to Henri. Thrasybulus started with seventy followers and his army grew to over a thousand.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,350
“La cité franche de liberté” seems to suggest the Statue of Liberty and New York City. By name, six Quatrains deal with Nostradamus’ “new city.” Four more Quatrains that I have included here seem to allude to New York City and are connected to complete the narrative to a story.
What is interesting to note is “the king changes and is not so violent.” I have pointed to many Nostradamus’ verses that make it clear that The Black King is “bloodthirsty.” Therefore, I link “The Violent King” to The Black King.
With that in mind, Nostradamus seems to be predicting that during The Second American Civil War New York City will remain a neutral city, “made an asylum [sanctuary].” No doubt, this will be due to the United Nations and the relocated British government.
Since my interpretation of Quatrain IV-16 has not changed since 2007, I suppose I was predicting “Sanctuary Cities” before the mayors of major U.S. cities were declaring their cities “Sanctuaries” for illegal immigrants.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-76
Avec le noir Rapax & sanguinaire,
Yssu du peaultre de l’inhumain Neron,
Emmy deux fleuves main gauche militaire,
Sera murtri par Joyne chaulveron.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-76
With the Black [King] Rapacious and bloodthirsty,
Issued from the brothel of the inhuman Nero:
Between two rivers [the] left military hand,
[He] Shall be murdered by Young baldy.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,911
Quatrain IX-76 associates The Black King with Nero. “With the Black [King]… between two rivers”, is another Nostradamus’ allusion between “[the] left military hand” and the “right military hand”, the combating parties in The Second American Civil War.
As I mentioned, since the last battles of The Second Civil War will apparently be fought around New York City, besides the multidimensional metaphors in this Quatrain of “Christianity versus Islam” seen in The Sixains, and “[the] left military hand versus [the] right military hand”, the two rivers are most likely the Hudson River and the East River.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-25
Par Mars contraire sera la monarchie,
Du grand pescheur en trouble ruyneux:
Ieune noir. rouge prendra la hierarchie,
Les proditeurs iront iour bruyneux.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-25
Through Mars [War] contrary [to the] the monarch [King/President],
The great fisherman [Pope] in ruinous trouble:
The young Black [King]. red [Muslim] seizes the hierarchy,
The traitors move on a rainy day.
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 411
Please note that both Quatrain VI-25 and Quatrain VI-38 refer to the red Black King. I had missed Quatrain VI-25 referring to a “red” Black King because I did not use the 1568 edition, which is when this quatrain first appeared. A sharp reader of my website noted the mistake and after I checked the 1568 manuscript, I recognized that I had missed the reference to a “red” Black King. It further supports the contention that Barack Obama is a Muslim.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 325-326
This is another important Quatrain in Century VI. “Jeune noir rouge”, “Young [Muslim] red Black King” repeats the description Nostradamus used for his Third Antichrist in Quatrain III-60, “D’un ieune noir rempli de felonnie”, “Of a young Black [King] filled with felony”.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-33
Sa main derniere par Alus sanguinaire,
Ne se pourra plus la mer guarentir:
Entre deux fleuues caindre main militaire,
Le noir l’ireux le fera repentir.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-33
Through Alus [ l’USA/in the US] his hand finally bloody,
Unable to protect himself by sea:
Between two rivers fearing the military hand,
The Black [King] irate will make him repent.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 927
ALUS is another successful anagram that I have solved. Rearrange LUSA – L’USA. The USA.
Readers found in Quatrain IX-76 above the same reference, “between two rivers [the] left military hand”. As I mentioned, this no doubt is a metaphor for the Left and Right political definitions, as well as The Black [King’s] religious beliefs.
“Unable to protect himself by sea” hints that The Black King will not have the support of the United States Navy.
Nostradamus Quatrain IV-47
Le noir farouche quand aura essayé
Sa main sanguine par feu, fer, arcs tendus:
Trestout le peuple sera tant effraie:
Voyr les plus grands par col & pieds pendus.
Nostradamus Quatrain IV-47
The savage Black [King] when he has tried
His bloody hand through fire, sword, and drawn bows:
All of his people shall be terribly afraid:
Seeing the great hung by neck and feet.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 593
Here is the Quatrain that suggests when Barack Obama returns to power, it might just be Donald J. Trump that is hung, “the [Commander in] chief and governor cast out from the middle and hung up in the air”. It is certain to be someone from Trump’s administration.
With at least a dozen celebrities essentially calling for a violent military coup d’état, a public execution of Trump or someone from his administration would be acceptable to at least half of the voting population.
From the very detailed perspective that I have provided in the material above, if Barack Obama and the Democrats are planning a coup d’état some time between now and the inauguration of Donald J. Trump for the second time on January 20th, 2025, then they would be doing the preparation work using drones to probe sensitive military installations, especially weapons facilities.
Most likely, they are using drones with some form of Extraterrestrial technology. From Dr. Steven Greer’s work, we know that The European Global Elite have access to this technology and have already initiated Project Blue Beam, a so-called Fake Alien Invasion.
As I have explained numerous times in my work, humanity is living the Space Opera we all love to watch in movies. These movies are successful because they strike a spiritual tone.
There can be no such thing as a Fake Alien Invasion if there has been some form of warfare going on for countless millennia. Human history seems to be one aspect of this war.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 101
Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein, allegedly told Dr. Greer that humans on Earth who control Extraterrestrial technology are the ones abducting people and who are responsible for cattle mutilations. According to Dr. Greer, this is being done by humans to make it appear that Extraterrestrials are dangerous and a threat. Apparently, the Global Elite are trying to start an interstellar war.

Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein
From Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein, to Dr. Steven Greer:
Your efforts to affect disclosure are noble… but they will not be able to be permitted. And not for the reasons you think.
We have concluded that we have to prepare the public for Interplanetary War. And in doing so, we can then also force the return of Christ.
Nostradamus Presage 56 (78) November 1560
Ne sera mis, les nouveaux deschassez
Noir es de loing et le grand tiendra fort,
Recourir armes, exiléz plus chasséz.
Chanter victoire, non libres réconfort.
Nostradamus Presage 56 (78) November 1560
He shall not be placed, the new [ones] expelled
Black [King] from far away and the great hold hard,
Recourse to arms. exiles further expelled.
Reassured chanting victory, not liberty.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 429
Since 2020 is the most frequent year in all of Nostradamus’ dated prophecies, Donald J. Trump may be forced out of the Presidency in 2019, and in 2020, the war with Russia might begin.
Sixain XXVIII suggests that Russia invades Ukraine in 2019. It may take until 2020 to develop into a full-blown war with NATO. Brother Anthony of Aix-la-Chapelle’s prophecy indicates a conventional war may last close to a year. My analysis points to the invasion of Turkey and the fall of Israel as the point in time when Phase I wraps up and The False Peace is negotiated. This may be around 2022.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 429
I did get this one wrong on my website… sort of. I knew Donald Trump would win the election, I just did not believe that he would be sworn in as President. However, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are certainly colluding with Democratic leaders to overthrow Donald Trump. The “Black [King] from far away and the great hold hard”.
The sabotaging of Trump’s Presidency is not in the realm of Conspiracy Theory; it is obvious to even some outlets of the Mainstream Media. In fact, readers can surely see that with entertainment personalities openly calling for a coup d’état, revolution, violence, and assassination of President Donald J. Trump, that Donald J. Trump is fighting serious opposition.
I actually began this section of the post before what you have read above.
World events are just moving in a torrent now, and people are being played and this has to be said before the end of the year.
Attention Alternative Media; the following author in the link below has it exactly right.
Russia Dodged A Bullet By Wisely Choosing Not To Ally With The Now-Defeated Resistance Axis
That second-mentioned false notion will go down in infamy as one of the most successful psy-ops ever conducted against the Alt-Media Community (AMC), and ironically enough, by its own top influencers.
Attention Paul Craig Roberts, I love your commentary, but you have to be knocked around a little in life to know how to play the game with bullies.
US Opens a Third Front Against Russia”
The problem with President Putin is that he never finishes anything. He has let Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, which should have ended in three weeks go on for three years and talks about ending it with negotiations, in which he will again be deceived.
In the non-coddled world, you develop a cautious pragmatism regarding your martial ability and your bully’s martial abilities. Sometimes you have to eat the shit sandwhich.
Putin: ‘The streets of Leningrad taught me one thing’
Russian President Vladimir Putin had a difficult childhood growing up in the slums of Leningrad, Russia.
And that upbringing has seemingly stuck with him and continues to inform his view of dealing with fights — including terrorism — today.
“Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing: If a fight’s inevitable, you must strike first,” Putin said…
This is my point regarding the entire Alternative Media; there is no continuity of thought in any Conspiracy Theory from the JFK assassination to The UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomenon.
In other words, any successful assassination of a President that connects to any government agency, like the CIA and FBI, means it was a coup d’état. That completely delegitimizes any government that comes afterwards from then into perpetuity. It calls into question every one of a criminal government’s actions.
If this same government recovered and developed Extraterrestrial technology and kept it secret, we would have to question why Extraterrestrials would allow that to happen.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 295
“Why would an advanced extraterrestrial species, obviously in command of such basic scientific principles as observation and measurement, give highly advanced and deadly technology to an inferior species with a propensity to kill, enslave other members of its species, and at the same time destroy its environment?”
Therefore, attention all Alternative Media pundits. If those two Conspiracy Theories are true, consider Russia’s position if it does not have access to Extraterrestrial technology. What might come out of the underground hangars in Area 51 in a war between NATO and Russia would certainly illicit caution to any prudent leader, especially if it involved a Western alliance with hostile Extraterrestrials.
Once again, I will bring up Barack Obama’s phony Nobel Peace Prize, the Norway Light Spiral, and the failure of a Russian submarine launched missile, all within the same 24-hour period and not far from each other, in conjunction with Barack Obama’s Might For Right speech when he accepted his Nobel prize. It was my main point in the last post and the discovery that has defined the direction of my work on this website for these last seventeen-years.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 101
What is paramount in Nostradamus’ World War III prophecies is to recognize that any time he writes “The Seven”, it is most likely an allusion to the Group of Seven Nations. The G7 formed around a series of meetings between the financial ministers of France, Great Britain, and West Germany beginning on March 25th, 1973.
Big plans seemed to have been set in motion in 1974. It began with the British elections on February 28th, 1974 and a Hung Parliament a day later.
President Pompidou of France died on April 2nd, 1974 and his successor resigned.
West German Chancellor Willy Brandt resigned on May 7th, 1974 and three of his successors passed through the position by the end of the year.
President Richard Nixon of the United States was forced to resign on August 8th, 1974.
Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka of Japan resigned in a scandal on December 9th, 1974.
There was more to The Watergate Scandal than history records. In the light of the removal of four world leaders in 1974, these original core nations would later form the Group of Seven Nations, the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany, Japan, Canada, and Italy.
In two very important Quatrains related to nuclear war, Quatrain IV-96 and Quatrain VI-82, the reader must understand The Seven and its relationship to the nation of The Balance. They are allusions to the G7 and the United States position in that group.
This brings me to the miraculous and coincidental collapse of Syria, the election of Donald J. Trump, who wants to Make Israel Great Again, and the apparent retreat of Russia from Syria.
Russia Rapidly Packing Up Military Equipment At Bases In Syria
We might surmise that the following links are the reason why.
Trump Team Weighing Options For Preemptive Airstrikes On Iran’s Nuclear Program
Israel Sees ‘Opportunity’ For Attacking Iran Nuke Sites With Syria Knocked Out
Russia will let it happen and then go clean up the pieces. That is how you play chess.
That is not going to be too good for any of us, and it just goes to show you how full of shit these characters are; so, enough with the Trump Hope, already. Trump and Elon Musk better double their security. They may want to also stay away from New York City for awhile.
There is also the possibility that a false-flag Dirty Bomb has been planted somewhere in the area, and government agencies are using drones with radiation sensors to sniff out the location.
So, dear readers, when I hit the Publish Button, let’s see how long it takes for the Alternative Media to start writing and publishing opinion pieces about a Trump-Obama Drone Coup d’état that is underway. My stop watch is ticking: It’s 14:52 ET, December 14th, 2024.

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