Here is something for every reader of the Alternative Media to think about. On November 15th, 2024 post I warned that Nostradamus’ Senile Leader, who we can now identify as Joe Biden, was going to incite a Nuclear War with Russia. Three days later, Joe Biden authorized Ukraine to start launching NATO supplied missiles deep into Russia.
In “Major Policy Shift” Biden Authorizes Ukraine’s Use Of US Missiles To Hit Targets Inside Russia
Ukraine Launches First ATACMS Strike On Russia, Sending Markets Reeling Amid WW3 Fears
12 UK Storm Shadow Missiles Were Fired Into Russia, Local Sources Say
Notice the day 11/19/2024. That is 911 backwards. How many poseurs in the Alternative Media will now make that observation?
Putin Signs New Doctrine Lowering Nuclear Weapons Threshold in Warning to U.S.
President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday signed a revised nuclear doctrine declaring that a conventional attack on Russia by any nation that is supported by a nuclear power will be considered a joint attack on his country.
Here is the point where I call the Princes of the Alternative Media frauds looking for clickbait. On February 23th, 2021, I first identified Joe Biden as The Senile Leader who starts Nuclear War.
With Joe Biden’s obvious senility now very well known, this prediction of nuclear war takes on a whole new meaning.
We are close to the serious parts of my books.
Moscow warns the US over allowing Ukraine to hit Russian soil with longer-range weapons
Ukraine fires first US-made missile into Russia: WW3 fears as Kremlin threatens ‘nuclear response’ if long-range Western weapons are used on its territory
Nostradamus Quatrain III-59
Barbare empire par le tiers vsurpé
La plus grad de son sang mettre à mort:
Par mort senile par luy le quart frapé,
Par peur que sang par la sang en soit mort.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-59
Barbarian [Islamic] Empire usurped by the third [Antichrist]
The greater part of his blood being put to death:
By senility death through him a fourth [USA/NATO/or the world] smitten,
By fear that blood for blood is acceptable death.
12 UK Storm Shadow Missiles Were Fired Into Russia, Local Sources Say
In many posts that I have written throughout the last three-years, I have supplied readers with the signs to look for regarding Senile Joe Biden leading the world toward a Nuclear War.
With the exception of George Ure over at UrbanSurvival.com, every Alternative Media outlet has intentionally ignored what I have written here. These people are poseurs and losers who have turned out to be self-destructive narcissists; and they want to drag their readers down into the pit with them pretending they saw it all coming.
Frankly, I do not care, because I will get taken out in the first round of nuclear missiles aimed at the United States. I have been that person who is REALLY standing on the wall telling people when. These other people are phonies, who I no longer have any respect for, because the hour approaches and their silence is deafening.
What Megyn Kelly just said about faux journalists, I will say to all of you clowns in the Alternative Media who think you are prophets.
Megyn Kelly: “Go fck yourselves. Go fck yourselves, you dishonest jokes of faux journalists.” – on Morning Joe….lol DANG!
It is really sad that these people believe that they are breaking new ground. “See, we are so smart, we told you so… Joe Biden will start World War III before Donald J. Trump takes office.”
Whether it’s selling Trump or clickbait, the Alternative Media has its own agenda.
It is an interesting process that I have observed over the years; some writers emerge from Substack onto Zerohedge.com selling the obvious, and then immediately, the rest of the Alternative Media follows like a pack of dogs after fresh meat.
Readers need to ask themselves, “Why now is Senile Joe Biden allowing Ukraine and NATO military forces to start firing missiles into Russia before Donald J. Trump’s inauguration?”
I say Biden’s decision to launch missiles into Russia is so obvious that people need to ask, “Why now?”
“The Trump To The Rescue Scenario” is all a little to contrived for me, and it stinks of “Social Engineering“. There are many clues. Consider this, we all know that if one nuclear weapon is used in Ukraine or the Middle East all NATO countries will move to Martial Law. Given this obvious fact, why would Joe Biden and Barack Obama allow Donald J. Trump to win an election and form a second government?
Here is how I see it working out as I described in my last book and on this website.


Nostradamus Quatrain V-48
Apres la grande affliction du sceptre,
Deux ennemis par eulx seront deffaictz:
Classe d’Affrique aux Pannons viendra naistre,
Par mer & terre seront horribles faictz.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-48
After a great affliction from the scepter [Russia],
Two enemies [NATO/41-Nation Sunni Army] defeated by them [Russia]:
A fleet from Africa will appear before the Pannons (Hungarians),
By sea and land will be horrible events.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 818-819
This is the Quatrain that makes me wonder if Russia does not initiate a First Strike Nuclear Attack after Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton come back to power. “After a great affliction” then NATO and the 41-Nation Sunni Alliance army are defeated.
Therefore, when the Russian “fleet from Africa will appear before the Pannons” defeat comes to Hungary and NATO. Apparently, The Great Affliction From Russia has already been delivered. I suspect that this is linked to the nuclear defeat of NATO naval forces in the Aegean and Adriatic Seas.
Since Hungary is landlocked, it suggests that Russia delivers troops to the Balkan Peninsula from the Aegean Sea or the Adriatic Sea after the destruction of NATO’s naval forces.
WW3 fears as Sweden tells citizens to prepare for nuclear war and stockpile food and water
Nordic neighbours release new advice on surviving war
US Opens Provocative Missile Base In Poland
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 72
In June of 2002, President George W. Bush withdrew the United States from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia. The words and intentions of the West are meaningless.
The Russian government cannot possibly trust any word that they hear from Washington or Brussels. Russian President Vladimir Putin is a skilled martial artist and chess player. Clearly, Russia feels threatened by NATO’s meddling in Ukraine, and with the placement of missiles in Romania and Poland next in 2020.
Famous last words, right? Here is what I have been writing for years and years…
Nostradamus Quatrain III-57
Sept foys changer verrés gent Britannique
Taintz en sang en deux cent nonante an:
Franche, non, point par apui Germanique.
Aries doute son pole Bastarnan.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-57
Seven times will the British nation change
Steeped in blood in two-hundred and ninety years:
Free not at all through Germanic patronage.
Aries [war] doubt his pole [flag or missiles] [in] Bastarnan (Ukraine/S. Poland).
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 561
As I described in Chapter Three, Nostradamus writes in Quatrain X-100, the last Quatrain in The Centuries, that Great Britain has ruled the Western world for over three hundred years.
The 1701 Act of Settlement began the Hanoverian Succession and the German ascendancy to the throne of Great Britain.
This is clearly a very successful prediction. “Free not at all its support Germanic” is a reference to the Hanoverian Succession. Add 290 years and Great Britain was “steeped in blood” in 1991 when it joined George H. W. Bush’s New World Order in the Desert Storm invasion of Iraq. The biggest banks are in Great Britain; the leaders of the Western world do get their marching orders from the City of London. Gog and Magog are, therefore, the appropriate symbols as the guardians to the financial interests of the globe.
Incidentally, 1991 was also the recognized year of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
This Quatrain is also part of The Ukraine War Triplicate Series that includes a Nuclear War started by a Senile Leader.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 797
“Pole” becomes the key to understanding the last line. It may mean lance, standard, or missile. “[The] war [in] doubt, his pole [in] Bastarnan (Ukraine/Southern Poland).”
In May of 2016, the U.S. AEGIS Ashore Missile Defense System was activated in Romania over 100-miles West of Bucharest.
The AEGIS Ashore Missile Defense System at the U.S. Navy support facility in Redzikowo, Poland is still going through tests, but is expected to be operational by the end of 2023.
Russia has warned both Poland and Romania about installing the Missile Defense System in their countries.
BREAKING: Russia Threatens Attack On US Base in Poland [VIDEO]
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 562
Russia has warned Poland and Romania about installing the Missile Defense System in their countries. Romania activated its system in May of 2016. Poland’s system comes online at the end of 2018.
“[The] war [in] doubt” suggests that the war is indecisive in Northern Europe. Here is where we find an interesting coincidence with a 19th century French priest, Brother Anthony of Aix-la-Chapelle. He had a vision that Germany and France would go to war against Prussia.
The Kalingrad Oblast, a Russian enclave, is the center of ancient Prussia. Russia moved its hypersonic Iskander nuclear-capable missiles into Kalingrad in October of 2016.

Nostradamus Quatrain IV-82
Amas s’approche venant d’Esclauonie,
L’Olestant vieulx cité ruynera:
Fort desolee verra sa Romanie,
Puis la grand flamme estaindre ne scaura.
Nostradamus Quatrain IV-82
An army approaches from Slovenia.
The old Destroyer will ruin the old city:
He will see his Romania desolated,
Then he will not know how to extinguish the great flame.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 730
Russia will immediately destroy the NATO missile system at Deveselu Air Base, and then probably send in an occupation force.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 84
The Russian government cannot possibly trust any word that they hear from Washington or Brussels. Russian President Vladimir Putin is a skilled martial artist and chess player. Clearly, concerned with NATO’s meddling in Ukraine and the placement of missiles in Romania, Russia feels threatened. In both martial arts and chess, prepositioning for combat can only go so far.
The war between NATO and Russia is finally here.
White House Will Get “WW3 Going Before My Father Has Chance To Create Peace”, Don Jr Warns
Yes, Donald Trump Jr.; surely you suspected what was going to happen. Certainly, I did, and that is all documented on this website.
Quite frankly, with the kind of urgency that Nuclear War presents, Don Jr. seems rather cavalier about nuclear destruction. How come nobody on the Trump Team is shouting from the rooftops.
Vladimir Putin just sent a very big message.
Everyone Missed The Most Important Part Of The First Putin-Scholz Call In Two Years
“The Clock Is Ticking For Russia To Achieve Its Maximum Goals In The Ukrainian Conflict” before Trump might “escalate to de-escalate”, hence the urgency with which Putin made his pass at Scholz, which could either delay Trump’s plans till Russia achieves more of its goals or outright derail his plans in toto.
And by the way…
Baltic Undersea Data Cable ‘Disruption’ May Take Two Weeks To Repair
WORLD AT WAR: Two Undersea Data Cables Destroyed in the Baltic Sea, Between Finland and Germany and Between Lithuania and Sweden – European Officials Blame Russian Sabotage
I believe the simple facts are that Donald J. Trump was going to turn what was left of Ukraine into the West Germany of the 21st century and arm it to the teeth. These people simply do not understand the history of Russia.
Here’s What Trump’s Peace Plan Might Look Like & Why Russia Might Agree To It
1) Trump probably wouldn’t agree to freeze arms shipments to Ukraine, but they might naturally be curtailed as he refocuses America’s military priorities on containing China in Asia instead of continuing to contain Russia in Europe.
2) …The US might dangerously “escalate to de-escalate” to stop a run on the river if Ukraine is then routed.
3) …The most that Russia might do is lay siege to Zaporozhye city, but even that might not materialize by the time that Trump shares his peace plan.
4) Trump ramping up military support to Ukraine if the Kremlin refuses to cease hostilities.
5) Considering his tough-talking personality and proclivity for “escalating to de-escalate” on his terms if he feels disrespected, which he flirted doing with North Korea during his first term as a negotiating tactic…
Donald J. Trump, this ain’t the WWE, and you are the odd man out and being setup like a bowling pin.
The Donald J. Trump “Make Israel Great Again” Internet meme has been around since he formally recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.
Live ZH Debate: MAGA Takeover Or Israel First? Blumenthal Vs. Beattie To Clash Over Trump Appointments
Israeli Troops Reach Deepest Point In Lebanon Since Ground Op Began
Hezbollah’s Media Spokesman Assassinated By Israel In Heart Of Beirut After Haifa Synagogue Attacked
Israeli Officials Belatedly Claim Secret Nuclear Site Destroyed In Last Month’s Iran Strikes
It is all converging as I wrote seventeen-years ago, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and very soon Pakistan against NATO and the West. As a “professional“, American military hubris has always amazed me.
Today was a bad day; not only am I tired of the Alternative Media, I am tired of dealing with retired Colonels brought up with a silver spoon in their mouths and with their heads so far up a defense contractor’s ass, they don’t know if it’s night or day, and you can’t tell the difference between the symbiont or the host.
American leadership has failed. It should be obvious. Be cautious of what comes next on the battlefield.
Here is what I have previously written.
In the 1879 Battle of Isandlwana in South Africa, British forces, armed with the most modern military equipment, had invaded Zululand and were decisively defeated by Zulu forces armed with spears and cowhide shields. From the Roman Empire to the British Empire, empires collapse from rules and laws that do not work.
Hopefully, readers recognize the historic similarities. At their zenith, empires always overestimate their military power. This is how the United States will be destroyed.
However, I suspect that in the shadows is another group, and they have access to some very advanced technology. And that is what is waiting behind the curtains in the wings of the the world stage. Many of us have to die first before they will bring those technological toys out.
Rubio says ‘we can’t ignore it’ after UFO whistleblowers come forward
Multiple whistleblowers with access to restricted government information have claimed first-hand knowledge about U.S. activity involving UFOs, Sen. Marco Rubio said this week. Rubio, vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, revealed in an interview with NewsNation that current and former government employees with high-level security clearances have “over the last couple of years” shared information with the committee involving what are now referred to as unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAPs.
I do not make these citation headlines up myself, so doubters and critics can forward their cynicism to the offending media outlet. Meanwhile, the U.S. is supposedly running out of artillery shells and missiles. Yeah…
NATO strikes $1.2 billion deal to restock allies’ ammunition supplies
NATO’s Rutte congratulates Trump, says allies spending more on defence
Where is this going? It will be heading toward a Limited Nuclear War in the very near future. Russia will now take all of Ukraine.


Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 22:1
And by the third which will extend their forces towards the circuit of Eastern Europe…
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 22:1
And then by the actions of the third brother and the [Third Antichrist] who will expand the forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization throughout Eastern Europe, which will threaten the peace with Russia.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 22:2
Where, in the Pannonias, they will be overthrown and succumb…
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 22:2
In Hungary, the armies of [NATO and the New World Order] will succumb [to the armies of the Chinese-Islamic Alliance].

Nostradamus Quatrain II-90
Par vie & mort changé regne d’Ongrie:
La loy sera plus aspre que seruice,
Leur grand cité d’vrlemets, plaincts & crie:
Castor & Pollux ennemis dans la lyce.
Nostradamus Quatrain II-90
Through life and death the realm of Hungary changed:
The law will be more harsh than service,
The great city cries out with wails and screams:
Castor and Pollux enemies in the arena.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 242
Castor and Pollux were the mythical twin brothers. If readers will recall, I mentioned this important quote from Nostradamus’ Epistle to Henry, “those two brothers of Aquilon who are not yet brothers.”
When I examine this Quatrain in depth, you will note that Nostradamus repeatedly predicts that even though Russia and the United States go to war, as mentioned above, they will eventually align to defeat China and the Islamic Alliance.
WWIII ALERT: West Could Face NUCLEAR WAR By Christmas, Warns Ex-Putin Adviser!
Hmmm; I wonder where InfoWars.com got that scoop. Yes, that is a possibility.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-30
Au port de PVOLA & de sainct Nicolas,
Perir Normande au goufre Phanatique,
Cap de Bisance rues crier helas,
Secours de Gaddes & du grand Philippique.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-30
At the port of Puola (Pula, Croatia) and of Saint Nicholas [Day] [December 6th],
Norman (French) to perish in the Gulf of Kvarner (Croatia),
Captain of Byzantium (Turkey) to cry alas,
Help from Cadiz (Spain) and the great Philip [King Phillip of Spain].
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,056
It is difficult to delineate if there are two major naval engagements in the Adriatic Sea or whether these are different events. Various Quatrains may be describing the same naval event; however, Nostradamus has layered them with other important predictions that we can link together.
In this Quatrain, we know that a Turkish leader is in trouble, “Captain of Byzantium (Turkey) to cry alas.” This also suggests that The Battle of Armageddon is still a future event. Therefore, Quatrains I-74 and IX-30 may be connected.
“After sojourning sailing to Epirus (Greece/Turkey),” “The frizzy haired Black [King] reaches out strongly for the empire [Aquilon/NATO],” “The great rescue comes towards Antioch (Turkey/Syria).”
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-25
Par Mars contraire sera la monarchie,
Du grand pescheur en trouble ruyneux:
Ieune noir. rouge prendra la hierarchie,
Les proditeurs iront iour bruyneux.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-25
Through Mars [War] contrary [to the] the monarch [King/President],
The great fisherman [Pope] in ruinous trouble:
The young Black [King]. red [Muslim] seizes the hierarchy,
The traitors move on a rainy day.
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 411
Please note that both Quatrain VI-25 and Quatrain VI-38 refer to the red Black King. I had missed Quatrain VI-25 referring to a “red” Black King because I did not use the 1568 edition, which is when this quatrain first appeared. A sharp reader of my website noted the mistake and after I checked the 1568 manuscript, I recognized that I had missed the reference to a “red” Black King. It further supports the contention that Barack Obama is a Muslim.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 325-326
This is another important Quatrain in Century VI. “Jeune noir rouge”, “Young [Muslim] red Black King” repeats the description Nostradamus used for his Third Antichrist in Quatrain III-60, “D’un ieune noir rempli de felonnie”, “Of a young Black [King] filled with felony”.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 275
In this Quatrain, “Ieune noir. rouge prendra la hierarchie”, “The young Black [King]. red [Muslim] seizes the hierarchy”.
In Quatrain VI-38 Nostradamus uses “Noir sanguinaire, rouge sera commis,”, “the Black [King] bloodthirsty, red [a Muslim], shall be exposed”. As you read Quatrain VI-10 defines “red”, “De blanc & noyr les deux entremeslee”, “Of white and black of the two intermixed”, “Rouges & iaunes leur embleront les leurs”, “Red and yellow ones will carry off their possessions”.
Therefore, Quatrain VI-25 definitively states that “Jeune noir rouge” is a Muslim who, “seizes the hierarchy” and who Nostradamus considered “Les proditeurs”, “The Traitors” from the Latin word “proditor”, “traitor”.
Although, Barack Obama remains behind the scenes, we know that Quatrain VI-25 predicts that “The young Black [King]. red [Muslim] seizes the hierarchy, The traitors move on a rainy day.”
Clearly, I was wrong about this move being made during the Trump Administration. By process of elimination, this can only be Barack Obama moving against Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. Some event will force Barack Obama to come out into the open and seize control of the U.S. government.
Nostradamus Sixain XLVII (45)
Le grand d’Hongrie ira dans la nacelle,
Le nouueau né fera guerre nouuelle
A ƒon voiƒin, qu’il tiendra aƒƒiegé,
Et le noir eau auec ƒon alteƒƒe,
Ne ƒouƒƒrira que par trop on le preƒƒe,
Durant trois ans ƒes gens tiendra rangé.
Nostradamus Sixain XLVII (45)
The great one of Hungary [Viktor Orbán], he will go into the bark [the Church],
The new heir [Henri Selin] will make new war [NATO-Russia Ceasefire – Then Civil War]
To his neighbor [The Second American Civil War] whom he will hold besieged, [New Mason-Dixon Line]
And the Black [King] [Barack Obama] water [Poseidon Status 6 nuclear torpedo] along with his highness [violence/force],
Not suffering, through too much pressure,
For three years he will keep his people arrayed.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 840
“The great one of Hungary, he will go into the bark [the Church]” the war between NATO and Russia will come to Hungary and Hungary’s leader will go to the Vatican to seek peace.
“The Black [King]”, “For three years he will keep his people arrayed” means that the NATO and Russian armies will face off on the border of Hungary and the rest of Europe for three-years.
If we follow Brother Anthony of Aix-la-Chapelle’s timeline, this means that the war in Northern Europe and Ukraine will be waged for almost a year before the war comes to Turkey.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,506
As I wrote in Chapter XIX, this will most likely be Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, whose name appears in Quatrain X-62. He will go to the Vatican to arrange The False Peace; however, clearly from Quatrain II-90, Hungary will be occupied by Russian troops.
Nostradamus Quatrain IV-95
Le regne à deux laissé bien peu tiendront,
Trois ans sept mois passés feront la guerre
Les deux vestales contre rebeleront,
Victor puis nay en Armonique terre.
Nostradamus Quatrain IV-95
The realm left to two [Barack Obama and Henri Selin] very few will hold,
Three years and seven months passes they will make war [Second American Civil War]
The two vestals rebel in opposition,
Victor the [eldest] born in the land of Armonique [America].
Nay: Né – Born – Aîné né – Eldest born. Alternate name for Henri Selin, Henri V.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2023, G.A. Stewart, Page 1248 – 1249
We must add to this interpretation similar characters and circumstances such as “The realm left to two very few will hold” are the two warring sides in Armonique [America]. After Nuclear War “very few will hold” on to power suggesting a few iterations of the U.S. government after Senile Joe Biden is removed.
“Victor the [eldest] born in the land of Armonique [America]” suggests that the loser was not born in America.
The third part of this Triplicate Series identifies The Black King’s opposition.

Russia Using Nuclear Weapon in Ukraine Would Collapse Global Economy, Warns Declassified Intel Document
I do not like using InfoWars.com citations and links because they are ephemeral; they will disappear in a few weeks. However, that is also my assessment, and I now believe that The March/April Economic Collapse Scenario will now become part of The False Peace. The upside of that could mean that Limited Nuclear War remains at the tactical level, although if it reaches the strategic level Great Britain and Florida may be made examples of Russia’s promise to escalate.


We await The First Blow of Steel in a Palestinian territory and The Second Blow of Steel in Italy. These may be the only two warnings we get before Russia’s Tactical Nuclear Blitzkrieg.

Nostradamus Quatrain II-15
Vn peu deuant monarque trucidé,
Castor Pollux en nef, astre crinite.
L’erain public par terre & mer vuidé,
Pise, ast, Ferrare, Turin, terre interdicte.
Nostradamus Quatrain II-15
Shortly before the monarch is slaughtered,
Castor Pollux in the ship, a long-haired star [comet].
Public funds emptied by land and sea,
Pisa, Asti, Ferrara, Turin forbidden lands.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 821
“Shortly after there will be another blow” “…against the wolf [Italy]” means that the “blow of steel…” “To a very great one, relative of the leech [Palestinians]” will come to Italy.
“And of such deeds one will not see the issue” certainly implies nuclear terrorism by an unknown group.
This will cause “Public funds [to be] emptied by land and sea”. From Sixain XXXIV, we also know that “The Princes of Jerusalem [are] very agreeable” “To committing the heinous and execrable deed”, and “They [Israel] will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.”
This is how I would reorder my Nostradamus Timeline. Therefore, book owners, take note.
NATO Military Chief Says Troops Would Be on Ground if Not for Russian Nukes
This is why Russia and China and other countries build nuclear weapons.
So, dear readers, you can follow all those False Prophets in the Alternative Media, or Nostradamus. Clearly, now that we are down to firing missiles into Russia, and threats of Nuclear War, it appears that I got it right. There are lots of details on how it will go down in my last book. Will your favorite False Prophet be as accurate?
Since Russia has threatened to attack the U.S. Aegis Ashore missile base in Poland, I have added a few more sections from my book because this is a direct prediction from Quatrain III-57 above.
Early this morning I woke up to a ZeroHedge.com article regarding a Russian ICBM launch targeted at an arms facility in Ukraine. If it was an ICBM, Russia and Vladimir Putin would be sending a Big Message; the next ICBM may have a nuclear warhead.
I cannot seem to find that article anymore; but it did exist.

Ukraine Becoming ‘Global War’ After Western Long-Range Weapons Used Against Russia: Putin
This may be that article with a different thumbnail identifying the post, but the article that I read seems to have disappeared.
This is what I mean about the ephemeral nature of using Internet citations and links from both the Mainstream Media and the Alternative Media.
I have some really great readers, and I value their opinions, but here is what I want to impress upon all those people who feel that my criticism regarding the Alternative Media is envy and anger at the copycats. It has nothing to do with me. They do a disservice to all of you. However, I do want to thank these readers for their empathy; but it is misplaced.
Frankly, I could give a shit about the Alternative Media. I live on another level of reality. What I provide to readers here is the warning on the label of the information that he or she is about to ingest. Here is what I wrote and published seventeen-years ago on this website.
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2007, Page X
You will find that every researcher, author, and commentator on prophecy has a particular approach, be it spiritual, scholarly, or sensational; some simply have an agenda.
Prophecy has always been used to sell faith. Since I will be referring to the Old and New Testaments, as well as other religious texts, the reader is entitled to know immediately if I am selling religion or faith. That is an emphatic no on the religion! But faith comes in two varieties. The first comes by way of nature and constitution – no matter what: most people get up in the morning and get on with their lives. And that attitude is sometimes augmented by the second: that leap of faith the intellect makes in acceptance of those things that cannot be substantiated by any of our senses or instruments. This can be faith in anything, God, prophets, demons, religions, cults, rapture, doomsday, or antichrists.
We all choose from a wide spectrum of beliefs, and that will ultimately affect the way you feel about this book.
I am on my own journey, and all of you are reading my journal. What have I learned in forty-five-years? Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce got it right, and that means prophecy is real. That gives validity to Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce’s beliefs on religion and God. That is what the copycats are cheating their audiences out of, and it is sad given the alleged religious beliefs that some of these people profess. What prophets in history have produced the same quality and quantity of information?
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2023, G.A. Stewart, Page 6-7
There are a total of 1,321 Nostradamus’ prophecies. Counting the known Quatrains, Presages, and Sixains published in English to date comes to 1,140 prophetic poems. There have been an extra 27 Quatrains found, making the recognized total 1,167.
I discovered evidence that points to more than the recognized 141 Presages.
My discovery of four unpublished Presages makes this the most unique Nostradamus Compendium in the history of Nostradamus editions. Since that discovery, this changes the official numbering order of The Presages.
The Nostradamus Compendium, G. A. Stewart, 2022, Page 5
In my four books, I have used 593 of Nostradamus’ prophecies, including some Biblical, Jewish, Islamic, and Vedic prophecies. I have also juxtaposed these with the prophecies of Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet of the 20th century, and a smattering of lesser-known prophets. I have found that there is material common to many visions of the future.
I have done some very serious homework on prophecy, and today that is why it is very hard for the Internet bullshit artists to slip one by me. For many years, I believed that many Alternative Media people were collaborators in this great big puzzle of “What The Fuck” is going on; it turned out that I was very naïve.
I have also lived and worked inside the heart of “The Machine” for most of my life. The Machine does not give a rat’s ass about you or your family. I am battling with it right now for the Gazillionth time in my life. But I am getting very tired and I might lose this one. I do not care… Most of us are Dead People Walking. I understand that because of the work of Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce. Most Internet consumers do not know it because Joe Blow, the Internet prophet, thinks that he has better shtick than Nostradamus, the icon of prophecy.
Obviously, if you read the news, that is not hyperbole.
********** FLASH ********** Putin TV Address: “Entitled to Strike” Nations Giving Weapons to Ukraine
That means Poland and possibly Romania will be attacked by Russia very soon, and that will kick off Nuclear War. Most people in the Alternative Media seem surprised. My warnings go back years.
On my personal journey, only in 2014, a short ten-years ago, did I finally accept that prophecy is a valid human sensory instrument. What prophet has put out 1,321 prophecies in exact detail? I barely grasp about a third of them, but enough history has passed from 1979 until now for me to put some of the pieces together and I have worked that out after seventeen-years of posts on this website and by publishing seven books.
After realizing that Nostradamus was the most accurate and precise prophet in history, only a few years ago, I finally understood that he was the William Shakespeare of prophecy. Nobody gives a crap if “you the critic” cannot understand Shakespeare or Nostradamus and you do not want to waste the time learning.
I barely understand either, but the works of both authors exist in human history, and if you look at that work long enough, you appreciate the artwork. I have 45-years invested in studying Nostradamus’ writings; today, it is easy to recognize the structures in time that he described through Narrative Poetry.
In the horror, there is a beauty in the choice of words and phrases that he uses that seems to transcend time. I appreciate it at that level.
If you understand what I write here, I am glad; I have done my job. If not, my apologies and good luck.
My issue with the Alternative Media, who looks for and exploits every kind of conjuring scam known to humanity, is that they have really cut God out of the picture, or have redefined God in their own terms.
Here is where I get preachy… If Nostradamus is right, then his spiritual and metaphysical outlook needs to be examined. From his name, to all of his writings, The Great Sterile Dame and Her Children is his metaphor supporting the sanctity of Christianity.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-53
La loy du Sol, & Venus contendens,
Appropriant l’esprit de prophetie:
Ne l’vn ne l’autre ne seront entendens,
Par Sol tiendra la loy du grand Messie.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-53
The law of the Sun [Christianity] and Venus [Islam] contending,
Appropriating the spirit of prophecy:
Neither the one nor the other will be understood,
Through the Sun [Christianity] holds the law of the great Messiah.
Thus, successful Nostradamus’ prophecies validate Christianity. This is how I came back to Christianity, especially after I began to see connections to Edgar Cayce’s prophecies.
What is our spiritual heritage? I have chosen to investigate the roots of that heritage; some people want to remain steeped in dogma. Luckily, at its foundation, Christianity offers acceptance and compassion between all people with differences. It is the various interpreters of Christianity, and most other religions, who want to redefine foundational precepts. Joining those cults generally comes at a price.
Essentially, that means Joe Blow, the Internet prophet, has hijacked and obscured the path to God, along with our spiritual heritage.

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