I want to thank all of the readers who have sent me emails over the last few days. You recognize what I have accomplished here. I get many, many thank yous. There are about a handful of you who also regularly donate, and I would not do be able to do this without you.
Also, many of you have been great sources of information over the years. I just got one email from a Regular Reader and longtime supporter who has nailed it perfectly with his friends, who are, “hillbillies, red necks, solid Americans to the core. Farmers, ranchers, large land owners… That guy in Florida got it;” they suggest that “If Egypt has a bomb they will wait until the IDF is in full invasion of Gaza then light it up. No more IDF. Then what…”
I think they called how The First Blow of Steel will be delivered.
Israel Gives 1.1 Million North Gazans 24 Hours To Evacuate As UN Warns Of “Calamitous Situation”
I also remind readers that not only is today Friday the 13th, it is also a 1-1-3 Ritual Day. That is something I worked out way back in 2004, after the Madrid train bombings.
Protected: 113
Another long time reader just just made a donation and wrote, “Thanks so much! Have been reading your work over many years. . . and here we are.”
As far as I am concerned, my First Blow of Steel interpretation of a Nostradamus’ prophecy is one of my best successes. It is a shame the Alternative Media does not understand the importance and what comes next.
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 491
Following one likely scenario that follows Nostradamus’ predictions, is that perhaps during the invasion of Gaza a smuggled Egyptian nuclear device might be brought into the Palestinian territories.
We know from the Epistle to Henri and the book of Matthew that a nuclear type of explosion will happen near “The sepulcher” and “Then let them which be in Judea flee to the mountains” because “a calamitous affliction will befall pregnant women,” “And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!” Will it be a dirty bomb that contaminates a large area of Jerusalem with radioactivity?
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 528
So, one likely scenario is a nuclear dirty bomb or similar weapon will be used in the Palestinian territories. As I have mentioned, Israel is the Forward Operating Base for NATO in the Middle East, so of course it will sustain the first critical assault as the West attempts to conquer and control all of Islam.
Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 491
Will it be a dirty bomb that contaminates a large area of Jerusalem with radioactivity?
There is another terrorist incident that will occur in Italy shortly after the nuclear explosion near East Jerusalem. “And shortly after there will be another blow, By foul play, committed against the wolf, And of such deeds one will not see the result.
If readers are wondering whatever happened to my emails to Jeff Rense,, or my comments to Dick Allgire, they all to a person just ignored them. Of course, I expected that. For those solid Americans that my reader was referring to in the paragraph above, he also added, “These guys do not internet.”
It is the same in my professional sphere; 99.9% of the people who I work with have no clue about all the self-proclaimed Princes of the Alternative Media. I actually find it very amusing that some consider themselves guardians and shamans of secret knowledge… just sign up for their Patreon account.
In the previous posts, I have provided a long list of my prediction successes. After the COVID-19 outbreak, I was quite amazed that having provided the exact year of 2019 for the unleashing of biological warfare by a character Nostradamus called The Physician of the Great Disease, that hardly an eyebrow was raised with any of those Princes of the Alternative Media. Since I have exchanged emails with most, they are quite aware of what I do here.
I hope I have pulled back the curtain and shown that any claims by these people of altruism, intellectual curiosity, or saving humanity are quite frankly laughable.
My prediction of the Palestinian First Blow of Steel is pretty well-documented, from my books to what I have posted on this website, especially my post at the end of July. The true shame is that the Nostradamus’ prediction of the Palestinian First Blow of Steel is just one in a series of predictions of what is coming and what has come before. Those previous successful interpretations were things that I checked off and then went to the next event on my list. That was the Palestinian First Blow of Steel; that is why I put out my warning after the The 9th of Av.
We all need the Alternative Media; and Lord knows, I do not begrudge them a method of paying the bills. I completely understand, because I have lost so much money on this prophecy project over the last 16-years. However, I do continue to warn people that surfing the Alternative Media is like mucking horseshit in a barn, but you will find some gems of information. Just be cautious of the personality cults and “unidentified secret sources.”
As I have mentioned before, I believe The January 6th, 2021 Capitol Riot happened because of the Alternative Media and The Q PYSOP. Just about every fool with an opinion played right into the hands of the FBI. It was like shooting fish in a barrel.
IT WAS A SETUP! FBI Admits Jan. 6 Was Deep State Operation – They Were Running At Least One Operative in the Crowd at the US Capitol (VIDEO)
Now There is Evidence the FBI Planned the January 6 Operation and Planted Documents Days Earlier That Were Later Used Against Innocent Americans
The Alternative Media is a tough sell in my professional world; however, people I seriously respect do come to me on a regular basis asking what is new, because they know that I have been getting it right. To make my point, I wind up taking them to a number of links found on multiple Alternative Media websites. It is a strange, vicious circle, but the message has not gotten out, because the Alternative Media is nothing but an echo chamber with the same personalities talking the same shit in a Game of Thrones struggle for click-bait.
Each Alternative Media website, whether it be an aggregate news website, or someone with an opinion, will chose material and links only within their bandwidth. Therefore, I find myself needing to go to a number of sites for a wider view. Very soon, we are not going to have any view.
And the way realms will have been weakened by those of the Orient…
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:2
And the world economic system will weaken and collapse after North Korea and the United States go to war. China will immediately abandon the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:3
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:3
It will seem that God the Creator has loosed Satan from the prisons of hell to give birth to the great Dog and Dohan,
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:3
After the collapse of the dollar and the global economic chaos that ensues, [Gog and Magog] will be given the powers of Satan and set free from the prisons of hell.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
Who will make such an abominable breach in the Churches that neither the reds nor the whites without eyes nor hands will know what to make of it.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
Neither Christians nor Muslims, without communications or mobility, will understand what is happening to them.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
And their power will be taken from them.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
Their technological power will be taken from them.
You see Dick Allgire, Clif High, Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, and others, are only selling you a small part of the picture. I generally joke around that I am a “legend in my own mind,” but it is a great big wide world out there and I know where I fit.
Wednesday, I did save the world by cleaning-and-jerking a hundred-and-fifty-pound pilot seat in and out of a tight cockpit in record time to escape a decertification. Thursday, at O’Dark-Thirty, I went back to work, realized that The End of the World was indeed coming, and so I went home early and decided to take Friday off too and finish my book Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars 2024.
It is a monkey that I want to get off my back.
Yesterday, I had a good pace, I am in the final edit and got three-chapters done, with ten more to go. I am also in the middle of ordering what I need on Amazon. Next come the big ticket items, like a duel-fuel generator, a topper for my truck, and maybe buying that acre of land a hundred-miles north of me that I have been looking at for the last year.
The readers here know the signs. Some were reminding me earlier this week that today would be a 1-1-3 Ritual Day.

Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
Princes & Seigneurs tous ƒe feront la guerre,
Couƒin germain le frere auec le frere,
Tiny l’Arby de l’heureux de Bourbon,
De Hieruƒalem les Princes tant aymables,
Du fait commis enorme & execrables,
Se reƒƒentiront ƒur la bourƒe ƒans fond.
Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV (31)
Princes and Lords will all make war against one and other,
First cousin, brother against brother,
[L’Arby/Arab League] finished by the happy Bourbon,
The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable,
To committing the heinous and execrable deed,
They will feel the effects of the bottomless purse.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 594
L’Arby is an anagram for Nabil Elaraby; he was the Secretary General of the Arab League until his retirement in July of 2016.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 594
This is a very important prophecy that Nostradamus uses as a temporal marker for a war in the Middle East that coincides with an economic crisis.
“The heinous and execrable deed” certainly sounds like a false-flag event. “The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable” also makes it sound like a false-flag attack conducted by Israel.
This Sixain also has one of the most important clues to when The Global Economic Collapse will come. In fact, this false-flag event seems to initiate the collapse, “they will feel the effects of the bottomless purse”.
Israel receives tremendous financial support from the United States, thus the interpretation seems to say, the time of “the bottomless purse” ends.
Nabil Elaraby is an Egyptian. He was Secretary General of the Arab League from 2011 until July of 2016.
If Egypt does have a nuclear weapon, Nostradamus may be trying to point to something. Nabil Elaraby played a large role in the Immigration Invasion of Europe; perhaps also in the development of an Egyptian nuclear weapon.
Nostradamus Sixain XIX (16)
Six cents & cinq, ƒix cens & fix & ƒept,
Nous monƒtrera iuƒques l’an dixƒept,
Du boute feu l’ire, hayne & enuie,
Soubz l’oliuier d’aƒlez long temps caché,
Le Crocodil ƒur la terre a caché,
Ce qui eƒtoit mort, ƒera pour lors en vie.
Nostradamus Sixain XIX (16)
Six Hundred and five [1605-2010], six hundred and six [1606-2011] and seven [1607-2012],
It will show us up to the year seventeen [1617-2022],
Of the pursuit of fire anger, hatred and envy [nuclear weapons],
Under the olive tree [Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty] for a long time hidden,
The Crocodile [Egypt] has hidden on the land,
That which was dead, will then be alive. [State of War between Israel and Egypt].
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 484
The Crocodile is a reference to Egypt. This specifically addresses the prediction that the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt will be broken. Jealous of Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons, “the incendiary”, Egypt has secretly developed nuclear weapons.
As I also keep mentioning, the one line prediction in the Berlin Lead Tube Prophecies for 1979 was “The Death of Judah”. Israel did not die in 1979, but on March 26, 1979, it did sign the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty.
Under the cover of peace, “for a long enough time hidden under the olive tree”, Egypt has hidden its nuclear weapons program.
According to this prediction, they do not appear to be capable of delivering one through a missile system, but they seem to have been hidden, or the weapons will soon be hidden, in the countries described below as “the Relative of the Leech” and the “wolf”.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 370
Here is another Sixain where I like my translation. “Bouter” is to hunt or pursue. “Du boute feu” is the “pursuit of fire”. Edgar Leoni translates it as “jealousy of the incendiary”, which I immediately understood when I read his version.
In doing the research for this sequel to Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, I discovered many more prophecies in Islamic Hadith concerning the coming of Al-Mahdi, the Islamic savior, and The Sufyani, an Islamic despot, who some Islamic scholars believe will come from Egypt.
I am now tempted to link Nostradamus’ metaphor of “The Crocodile” not only with Egypt, but also specifically to The Sufyani. Various Hadith contradict each other with predictions of perhaps two Sufyanis.
We know that [1605-2010], [1606-2011], and [1607-2012] were the important years of The Arab Spring. “Pursuit of fire anger, hatred, and jealousy” is most certainly the desire for nuclear weapons. “The Crocodile” may have acquired its nuclear weapons in these years and has hidden them from view.
As you will read in the chapters ahead, “The Crocodile” appears to be the first to use nuclear weapons. The predicted brutality of The Sufyani makes it seem very plausible.
Again many thanks to those readers emailing their support. It is greatly appreciated, and thankfully I now know that there are a few people out there who understand the historic implications of what I have written in my books and on this website. Besides this prediction of The First Blow of Steel being another validation of the work of Nostradamus, it validates the spiritual aspects of our existence.
I have added more material to my 2019 book, as well as bringing it up-to-date and measuring my performance. I recently found this little gem in the readings of Edgar Cayce. I have nearly 4,000 pages of Edgar Cayce’s readings; there is far more material than all of Nostradamus’ writings. I have also learned to search through all of them looking for specific subjects.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 445
I found one quote in Edgar Cayce’s readings extremely illuminating. Periods between lives were called Intermissions. Individuals also have what is called The Body of Intermission. The physical world, with its rising and collapsing civilizations, some of which were apparently human and some of which were not, is shaped by the Divisions Within the Intermission.
We must apply some term to this location he called the Intermission, perhaps in terms of something more recognizable such as an ethereal or spiritual plane, or another universe or dimension. The differences between physics, religion, and metaphysics are just semantics.
Edgar Cayce: Text of Reading 294-147 July 27, 1932
“…Divisions in the body that were represented by those divisions of the intermission, or the body OF INTERMISSION of an entity, from an experience to an experience.”
Biologically, we see the same construction in Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Fields.
Morphic Resonance and Morphic Fields – an Introduction
We see this same construction on the Internet with Belief Systems and websites that turn into personality cults. It is the same with preachers, psychiatrists, psychologists, and bartenders. Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce may be passé, but that does not change the quality of the information.
Recently, while reading through Edgar Cayce’s work, I realized that there is a great history of individual, personal stories that stretch back to Egypt and Atlantis. That is where today’s troubles begin. I completely understand that this is difficult for most people to accept. However, when Edgar Cayce provided a reading to a person, their former lives were judged as Lesson Learned or Lesson Not Learned. Those former reincarnated lives went through the same challenges that everybody must go through today.
It is not all about Ego. If it were, where are the great works of the scholars, artists, and poets of Atlantis today? Nature simply does not care. For some of you, nature simply does not care if you believe or do not believe. One day that Emergency Broadcast Signal will blast from your smartphone and it will not be a drill.

My 2019 book, Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, the Prophecies of World War III is dedicated to the prophecies of World War III from the works of Nostradamus and many other sources. My 2024 book is the update to this all inclusive book on the prophecies of World War III.
The Nostradamus Compendium is my compilation of all of Nostradamus’ prophetic writings taken from the three oldest remaining editions of Nostradamus’ published works. I have made the translations myself, and generally there are no interpretations for the 1,321 Nostradamus’ prophecies that I have catalogued. I do provide a general history for the important ones and show where the major printing errors crept into the publishing history.
The first two chapters provide the sources and history of Nostradamus’ publications. This book is the standard for all-things Nostradamus.
Nostradamus created an epic Narrative Poem. It tells the story of The Great Sterile Dame and Her Four Children. This is a metaphor for Christianity and its sects. The antagonist is, of course, Satan, represented by his Three Antichrists covering three periods of time; from Nostradamus’ lifetime, during the Protestant Reformation, until the next millennium.
This is why I laugh at the fools who call Nostradamus’ work part of the occult.
The Three Antichrists represent three periods in time and Nostradamus’ Narrative Poetry is constructed as a three act Greek play. There is a happy ending, but the tragedy is that most of us alive today will not see it in our lifetimes. We are currently nearing the end of Act III.
If you are doing the math, a linear divide of all 1,321 Nostradamus’ prophecies gives readers approximately 440 prophecies devoted to World War III. I suspect that it is more likely a non-linear count. That makes this one act a very big story.
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