This is what I just wrote on August 7th, 2018:
Another way to evaluate a PYSOP is to watch the hardware. Whether it is armies on the move, fleets leaving port, or military and passenger jets falling out of the sky, there are clues to who, what, when, and where. I have just given readers a two year history of major headlines and what appear to be the clandestine actions of Spies and Special Operators.
Show this list to the Q Critics who think Q is some kid in a basement munching Doritos and wired on Mountain Dew.
It would seem that Q’s Forces may be facing a Mexican Standoff with The Purple Revolution Forces.
I agree with Q, This is Not a Game.
There are some very serious incidents occurring with regularity. Let me point out the most serious.

U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met face-to-face Tuesday morning for their highly anticipated summit.
Mystery object spotted over Washington state island, military denies missile launch
According to Q, Air Force One had to divert on the way back from the Trump North Korean Summit because an unauthorized missile launch had targeted the Presidential Plane. This is a pretty remarkable coincidence captured by photograph and the Mainstream Media.
Those preceded the two major air incidents today.

Airline worker who stole plane told air traffic controllers: ‘I don’t want to hurt no one’
Video showed the Horizon Air Q400 doing large loops and other dangerous maneuvers as the sun set on the Puget Sound. The Q400 is a turboprop aircraft with 76 seats. There were no passengers aboard.
FBI Seeks Motive After Seattle Airport Employee Steals And Crashes Plane

“Serious Incident” Unfolds As NATO Jet Accidentally Launches Secret Missile Near Russian Border
This is what Q has to say.

Clearly, there is something very strange going on. I will be placing further reports and updates on this page.
Keep in mind that the backstory is China.
Not The Driver? Feinstein’s Chinese Spy May Have Been Office Director
China Escalates Media Attack On Trump: “Drop In Chinese Stocks Doesn’t Mean US Is Winning”

China tells US plane flying over disputed island to ‘leave immediately’
“War In Front Of Me” – New Chinese Military Video Shows Off Range Of Advanced Weaponry
The world is in a very dangerous place right now. It can change in one day.
There is a possibility that the June 10th, 2018 Seattle Missile Launch and the August 11th, 2018 Q400 Plane Crash are related. In the Intelligence and Special Operations world, I do not believe in coincidences.

Was there an unannounced missile launch on Whidbey Island early on Sunday morning?
Greg Johnson of Skunk Bay Weather on the northern Kitsap Peninsula has one of the most impressive weather cam facilities in the nation, including high quality digital cameras photographing the clouds at night. He is an extremely reliable weather observer.
But early Sunday morning he picked up something that is both startling and unexpected: what looks like a missile launch from Whidbey Island.
Here is the picture (with a 20-second exposure) at 3:56 AM Sunday morning from one of his cameras (looking north towards Whidbey Island).

I include some speculative ANON Post about what may have been behind the Q400 Plane Crash.
Horizon Employee Conveyed Flying Knowledge to Air-Traffic Controllers
Some of rogue pilot Richard Russell’s own statements to air-traffic controllers could provide clues to law-enforcement and aviation officials investigating how he managed to perform aerobatic maneuvers in a sophisticated, twin engine airliner over Puget Sound.

QAnon Corroborates Hawaii Missile Attack & Hunt for Rogue CIA Submarine
I linked this article even though it is wrong because the premise is correct, but The Hawaiian Missile Alert was The Q Forces pinging the Clintons, who were in Hawaii at the time.
It is interesting that the individual who stole the Q400 was named Richard B. Russell, and the USS Richard B. Russell nuclear-powered attack submarine was decommissioned in Bremerton, Washington and supposedly scrapped in 2003.

Richard B. Russell was both decommissioned and stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on 24 June 1994. She was stored at Bremerton, Washington, until 1 October 2001, when she entered the Nuclear-Powered Ship and Submarine Recycling Program at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton for scrapping. Her scrapping was completed on 3 January 2003.

How it unfolded: Full coverage of the Horizon Air crash and the man who stole the plane from Sea-Tac

Ketron Island is remote and nondescript. It seems to be regularly serviced by a ferry from the Google Earth images. But it is doubtful that anyone is hiding a submarine base on the island. Perhaps, though, there is something important there that The Q Forces want to focus the public’s attention on.
Though the island does have a James Bond and Dr. No aspect to it.

The clue may lie with Joint Base Lewis McChord on the other side of the channel.

Joint Base Lewis–McChord is a training and mobilization center for all services and is the only Army power projection base west of the Rocky Mountains in the Continental United States. Its geographic location provides rapid access to the deep water ports of Tacoma, Olympia, and Seattle for deploying equipment. Units can be deployed from McChord Field, and individuals and small groups can also use nearby Sea-Tac Airport. The strategic location of the base provides Air Force units with the ability to conduct combat and humanitarian airlift with the C-17 Globemaster III.
I do, however, completely accept that the Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime Families have armed their capos very well. Think of Tommy Lee Jones’ character in the movie Under Siege. Senator Daniel Inouye pointed out that The Deep State had its own private army, Navy, and Air Force during the Iran-Contra Scandal in 1987, and that was 31 years ago.
Daniel Inouye (HI) speaks on visions of government at the end of the Iran Contra hearings

Where the nukes are: 20 miles from downtown Seattle
Nearly one-quarter of America’s 9,962 nuclear weapons are now assigned to the Bangor submarine base on Hood Canal, 20 air miles northwest of downtown Seattle.
This is where the United States is right now. One of the first Nostradamus’ prophecies I published on this Website in 2007 was my interpretation of Nostradamus’ Epistle to Henry.
There should be enough material in this Post for readers to believe that The Q Phenomenon is real. It is a Psychological Warfare Operation that is necessary to bring people slowly up to speed on how depraved Western Society has become; this is a civilization turning point.
Nostradamus predicted the arrival of a Second Thrasybulus. This legendary Athenian General rescued democracy from the cruel rule of the traitorous oligarchs left in control by the Spartans.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 30
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 30
Until there will be one born from a branch long sterile one, who will deliver the people of the world from this benign and voluntary servitude. Placing them under the protection of Mars, stripping Jupiter of all his honors and dignities, and establish himself in the free city [and] in another smaller Mesopotamia.
And the chief and governor cast out from the middle and hung up in the air, ignorant of the conspiracy of one of the conspirators with the second Thrasibulus, who for a long time will have directed all this.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 30:1
Then there will come forth a military leader believing in the ideals of democracy, which had long been sacrificed to the excesses of capitalism and globalism [Jovialists]. He will deliver the world from usury and the benign and voluntary servitude of fascism imposed by multinational corporations, banks, and corrupt politicians.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 30:2
He will protect the laws of the Constitution with military force. First, he will establish himself in the war in Iraq, a smaller Mesopotamia, and then establish himself in Washington D.C.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 30:3
A prominent leader, ignorant of the conspiracy, will be cast out of government and lynched. One of the conspirators with the second Thrasibulus directed the plot for a long time.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, Page 456
At the end of the Peloponnesian War in 404 BCE, Sparta installed a puppet government of oligarchs to rule over Athens. After the Thirty Tyrants began executing and imprisoning large numbers of Athenian citizens, the Athenian General Thrasybulus and seventy followers seized the fortress at Phyle. He was joined by many followers and exiles and he soon had an army of over a thousand soldiers.
Thrasybulus eventually defeated the army of the oligarchs and he came to terms with Sparta, and so restored democracy to Athens.
President Donald J. Trump and his Joint Chiefs of Staff are walking a razors edge. They have to convince the Russians and the Chinese that they are still in control of the nuclear weapons and can defeat the military insiders who still have command of military assets, as well as the CIA’s private military forces.
The ANONS are hard at work tracking down the mysteries to Ketron Island, and some have been doing some great research.

I have taken some of theses pictures from Twitter Feeds. I cannot verify that this silo is actually on Ketron Island. Obviously, when you blow up the picture from the June 10th, 2018 Washington missile launch you can clearly see that it is a missile and nothing else. It is remarkable that the Mainstream Media has not investigated an unauthorized missile launch near a major city.
Since it was launched on June 10th, 2018 at 03:56, it appears that The Deep State tried to take out Air Force One as it flew to North Korea for the summit with North Korean leader, Kim Jung Un.

For your orientation, the map below shows the location of the Skunk Bay camera (red circle) and Whidbey Island Naval Air Station (blue circle)
This means the missile launch could not have happened from Ketron Island, which lies to the South. A submarine must be underwater to launch a missile, and this suggests a submarine out at sea.

This picture was also taken from a Twitter Feed and I cannot verify its authenticity. Q claims that Eric Schmidt of Google, Mark Zuckerburg of Facebook, and Jack Dorsey of Twitter were sent by The Deep State to set North Korea up with the latest technology. If this picture is genuine, Kim Jung Un looks thinner and younger suggesting that it was taken several years ago.

Clearly, if there was an excavation project and a tunnel system on Ketron Island, this quarry less than a mile away provides the perfect cover for disposing of the removed earth.
The Pagan Sect of New Infidels are tunnel rats; they love their underground systems and hideaways.
Using the available picture evidence and some High School Trigonometry, there is a method to determine at what distance from the camera the rocket was launched.

The inner ring is the minimum distance and the outside ring is the 14.8 mile distance using the cloud base data. Obviously, the submarine that launched the missile was somewhere north in Puget Sound or more likely the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Some early models had to surface to launch their missiles, but modern vessels typically launch while submerged at keel depths of usually less than 50 metres (160 ft). Missiles are launched upwards with an initial velocity sufficient for them to pop above the surface, at which point their rocket motors fire, beginning the characteristic parabolic climb-from-launch of a ballistic missile.
There are too many risks in a surface-to-air-missile launched from land, even on a remote island where a suspected Deep State submarine is operating or thought to be hidden. My distances are an approximation. No boat Captain is going to sail into the Strait of Georgia or any enclosed channel and launch a missile at Air Force One. The Strait of Juan de Fuca is deep and a boat Captain has a quick getaway to the Pacific Ocean. I suspect they fired from West of Whidbey Island and then made for open sea.
The reality is someone launched a very big missile close to many military installations and a major city; it was captured by a camera with a date and time stamp, and nobody in government, law enforcement, or the Mainstream Media cares to follow that up and ask questions. It is not Conspiracy Theory, it is apathy.