It is clear that President Donald J. Trump has fully engaged The Deep State. Whatever happened in Las Vegas and subsequently in Saudi Arabia are indicators that policy and personnel maneuvers have turned to full contact. Armies preposition, re-position, and then engage.
If you have not noticed, President Donald J. Trump seems to turn quickly on his former allies as quickly as they seem to turn on him. I have often wondered if he and those he fires, or those people who resign, are not making 3D chess moves against The Deep State and Robert Mueller’s investigative team.
Beginning on October 28th, 2017, an anonymous poster on 4chan named Q claimed to be posting information straight from President Donald J. Trump’s inner office. These posts have included alleged photographs taken from Air Force One and a pen and stationary on the President’s desk at the White House and Camp David.
Q’s posts to 4chan and 8chan are quite frightening, because I have been writing about these subjects for over ten years. Q is confident about the future; I am not, hence my Post.
There is so much disinformation after decades of intelligence and military Psychological Warfare Operations, that identifying Good Guys and Bad Guys is almost impossible. So, when a corroborating source for every major Conspiracy Theory since World War II enters the public arena and goes viral on Twitter, it is time to take notice.
The posts from Q have been linked by the Mainstream Media with Conspiratorial White Supremacist Nazi Trump Supporters Who Believe In UFOs. That is a good sign that Q might be a legitimate information source and powerful people are afraid. Here it is February 2018 and Newsweek has taken the Mainstream Media helm to sell Conspiracy Theory after the December 2017 New York Magazine article failed.
How ‘The Storm’ Became the Biggest Fake News Story of 2018
On October 28, someone calling themselves Q began posting a series of cryptic messages in a /pol/ thread titled “Calm Before the Storm” (assumedly in reference to that creepy Trump quote from early October). Q claimed to be a high-level government insider with Q clearance (hence the name) tasked with posting intel drops — which he, for some reason, called “crumbs” — straight to 4chan in order to covertly inform the public about POTUS’s master plan to stage a countercoup against members of the deep state.
To measure disinformation you have to gauge words against reality. Generally, facts and reality cannot be debated and will stand up to official lies. Government lies these days stand only because of powerlessness and apathy. It is too hard and too expensive for The Common Person on the Street to uncover the truth.
Making it harder, Intelligence Services use a technique known as Limited Hangout which provides little bits of truth within the overall lie to sell the Psychological Warfare Operation that is in play.
I am always wary of knights on white horses, because this is a dark world filled with lies and liars. Therefore, I will start at the beginning. Nobody has put this together yet, so I will put it into a timeline sequence that suggests Q may be real. Some of this I wrote about in an Updates at the end of 2016 and 2017, and so I will just provide the quotes.
NATO put 300,000 troops on ‘HIGH ALERT’ amid fears of all out confrontation with Russia
On November 8th, 2016, Donald J. Trump is elected the 45th President of the United States.
On November 16th, 2016, the Navy TACAMO plane, commonly known as the Doomsday Plane began flying circles over Denver, Colorado for hours.
Someone did try to TAke Charge And Move Out. This aircraft is a strategic communications element in the United States’ nuclear forces.
“Mysterious” plane circling over Denver was “just” an E-6B Mercury “doomsday” plane
I suspect that this demonstration was to show President-elect Donald Trump that only the person with his finger on the button of 6,970 American nuclear warheads is in control.
Why did Admiral Michael Rogers, the Director of the National Security Agency, risk his career and meet with President-elect Donald J. Trump on November 17, 2016, the very next day? I would say that a possible reason is that he did not want to see a nuclear war started. It obviously infuriated Barack Obama and The Deep State.
Top Obama military official under fire as he meets Trump
On November 17th, 2016, the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper resigned.
Spy chief James Clapper resigns
December 19, 2016
Trump private security force ‘playing with fire’
The president-elect continues to employ a battalion of retired cops and FBI agents
Donald J. Trump’s reluctance to depend on the Secret Service is important to some of Q’s postings. Here is a link to a library of Q’s postings. Since this is a disinformation game, I suggest that you research all available threads so readers can judge for themselves. The questions, comments, and interactions with other Posters on the messages boards is also educational.
In some of the posts Q uses intelligence/military/police speak to make his/her points; Jerome Cosi has the best translations.
Jerome Cosi QAnon Post #151134 Dec 27 2017 DECIPHER Vers 21.0 Dec 27 2017
In this Update, I will point to important Q posts that confirm what I have written about for over 10 years.
President Donald J. Trump seems to have engaged The Deep State right after The Las Vegas Massacre.

October 13, 2017
Sheriff Insists ‘No Conspiracy’ as Las Vegas Shooting Timeline Changes Again
The changing story of The Las Vegas Massacre and the facts that do not add up were never addressed and then very quickly the questions, mysteries, and contradictions disappeared in the barrage of Mainstream Media stories regarding The Harvey Weinstein Scandal.
Several months ago, I pointed out that the airing of The Harvey Weinstein Sex Scandal was very coincidental.
The New York Times begins publishing its expose on the now disgraced Movie Mogul
October 12, 2017
Did Bannon Just Take Down Harvey Weinstein?
Some people believed that this was initiated by the Trump Administration. At the time, I suspected that since it appeared in The New York Times, it was most likely a story initiated by the CIA and The Deep State to divert public attention away from The Las Vegas Massacre that occurred only four days before. Now, however, I am not so sure.
The Las Vegas Massacre was followed four weeks later by the arrest of Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and the roundup and detention of those Saudi Princes that threatened Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.
The fact that Prince Alwaleed bin Talal owned the top floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel where alleged mass murderer, Stephen Paddock fired down on the people attending the Route 91 Concert is more than coincidental.
Further coincidences include the extraction of a man at the nearby Tropicana Hotel that same night by a heavily armed SWAT Team. He looked suspiciously like Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

November 4, 2017
Saudi Arabia Arrests 11 Princes, Including Billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal
November 24, 2017
Alwaleed Bin Talal Reportedly Hung Upside Down And Beaten By US Mercenaries
The real story behind the Saudi Arabian coup d’état was apparently President Donald J. Trump neutralizing Hillary Clinton’s financial well-spring.
Hillary Clinton, The Podesta Group And The Saudi Regime: A Fatal Menage A Trois

Clearly, if Hillary Clinton has been indicted, arrested, or even questioned by the military or Department of Justice, it is not evident.

As I have examined 4chan, 8chan, and Twitter posts, Q refers to the 4 Families that rule planet Earth. After Donald J. Trump’s Presidential victory, one of the families was eliminated. In later posts, Q makes it clear that the 4th Family resided in Saudi Arabia. Since this post is dated October 31st, 2017, that means the Saudi Arabian coup d’état had not taken place yet.

Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
Who will make such an abominable breach in the Churches that neither the reds nor the whites without eyes nor hands will know what to make of it.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
And their power will be taken from them.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
Neither Christians nor Muslims, without communications or mobility, will understand what is happening to them.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
Their technological power will be taken from them.
Is this the EMP event predicted by Nostradamus, “without eyes or hands“?

Q’s post comes the day before the Saudi Arabian coup d’état. As quoted from in the article linked at the top of this page, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal was interrogated by American Mercenaries or Special Forces. The person writing this post is asking for prayers for the American Special Operators that were no doubt involved the next day in the arrest of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and members of his family.


17 Genuinely Creepy Photos From A 1972 Rothschild Dinner Party

Obama to meet world leaders in India and China weeks after Trump’s visit

Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
Google bigwig Eric Schmidt shocks with surprise resignation amid reports his personal life is being eyed
The crazy clue to yesterday’s missile alert is the date, 1/13/2018. This is of course a 3-1-1 ritual day that I discovered in 2004.
From Q’s post, it seems that the military used the cult ritual numbering system against the Clintons and The Pagan Sect of New Infidels. They were certainly in the Hawaiian Islands on January 13, 2018.

Bill Clinton discusses Trump’s immigration comments with Hawaii lawmakers on Friday January 12th, 2018

Train carrying GOP lawmakers to retreat hits garbage truck; one person killed
Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., said about 100 Republican lawmakers were on the train when the crash occurred…The train was en route to the Greenbrier resort in White Sulfur Springs for a three-day issues retreat featuring appearances by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

The Hawaiian Missile Alert, potentially NUCLEAR, happened on 01/13/2018. The Congressional Train Wreck occurred on 01/31/2018 as 100 Republican Congressmen were traveling to a well-known NUCLEAR shelter for Congress. Did they know something? Were NUCLEAR THREATS made by Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect on the reverse ritual number day?
Remember what I wrote at the beginning of this Update concerning the launching of the Navy TACAMO Doomsday Plane on November 16th, 2016, and then the Director of the NSA, Vice Admiral Michael Rogers, visiting President-elect Trump the very next day. Obama had him castigated in the Mainstream Media.

According to Q’s post, President Trump pinged the Clintons vacationing in Hawaii with the Missile Alert on 1/13. My research first identified the 3-1-1 number combination as a ritual signature in 2004, and I recently identified that again. Apparently, Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels pinged back on 1/31.

Nostradamus Quatrain X-76
Le grand Senat decornera la pompe,
A l’un qu’aprés sera vaincu, chasses,
Des adherans feront à son de trompe,
Biens publiez. ennemis dechassez.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-76
The great Senate will ordain the triumph,
For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out,
His adherents prepare at the sound of deceit [Trump],
Public property, enemies expelled.
I find it interesting that “la pompe“, Latin for “triumphal, parade” is also an anagram of the Director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo. This rhymes perfectly with “de trompe“, which is also an anagram for the man who appointed him, Donald Trump.

Nostradamus Quatrain X-77
Trente adherans de l’ordre des quirettes,
Bannis, leurs biens donnez ses aduersaires:
Tous leurs bienfaits seront pour demerites,
Classe espargie deliurez aux corsaires.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-77
Thirty adherents of the order of quirites,
Banished, their property given to adversaries:
All their benefits seen as misdeeds,
The fleet sunk, delivered to the corsairs.
If we can accept Q’s posts as real, and President Donald J. Trump has activated the military to fight Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels, it certainly will throw the world into chaos. I suspect that The Common Person on the Street will blame the military and Trump, “All their benefits seen as misdeeds” after The Global Economic Collapse. However, this fight had to come…

I am certainly not a newbie to Conspiracy Theory, I was red-pilled on December 27th, 1989 after momentarily pausing on C-Span to watch a CIA Whistleblower give a college speech. I was so taken aback by what I heard, I had my camera out for the Christmas holidays and I snapped a picture of the television recording the moment.

December 27, 1989
The first teacher to tell me about The American Matrix was John Stockwell, a former Vietnam Marine Veteran and Operations Director for the Central Intelligence Agency
His wake up call drove me to read many of the books that he recommended, then on to luncheons with soon to be politician Ross Perot and John Anderson, and finally on to write my first published article for a major newspaper.
Unfortunately, the futility of trying to wake up the masses becomes a grind on your soul. People do not want to be woken up to The Matrix; they want their fake steak.
The forensics, physics, and crazy concocted stories regarding the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and the murder of over 3000 people on September 11th, 2001 should have convinced The American Masses that something is wrong with the system that governs and protects them.
The System, The Deep State, The State, whatever Conspiracy Theorists want to call the organized criminals that can get away with political assassinations, mass murder, and military invasions has shown itself to be an intimidating monster.
So, over the last 17 years, my interest in Nostradamus and prophecy began to change my worldly interests from the political toward the spiritual, especially after my May 22nd, 2004 conversation with Dr. Edgar Mitchell. Most of my research time is spent trying to understand the connection between Science and the Metaphysical.
The idea that everything from spoons to stones are conscious is gaining academic credibility
If you believe in an omnipotent God or Creator, how could everything not have consciousness?
With those considerations, I always look for the motivating forces behind the physical world. Today’s politics is emotional drama, and the only thing that I find intriguing is where it fits into the history of Kings, Priests, and the big players in political courts who have plotted for power or monetary gain.
I found it necessary to understand this historical dynamic if I wanted to make sense of Nostradamus’ prophecies. Real history is Conspiracy Theory.
I have not seen any researchers specifically connect The Georgetown Set to the Kennedy Assassination, but my research of a particular Nostradamus’ prophecy led me to solve a string of Nostradamus’ predictions related to a powerful social group of high-level CIA officers, Senators, and Federal Judges. Three of them sat on the Warren Commission. They were the foundation of the post World War II American Deep State.
I suspect that the term “Conspiracy Theory” and “Conspiracy Nuts” are going to be hurled at all those people who support Donald Trump’s efforts when “the impurities and abominations, will to great shame, be brought out and manifested in the darkness of the obscured light” as Nostradamus’ Great Scandal unfolds.
People will have a hard time accepting that Real Evil exists.
The Great Scandal appears in Nostradamus’ Epistle to Henry, and I cover the details and interpretations in the Post at this link.
The Pagan Sect of New Infidels leave their signature everywhere. It is part of the game they play as they go about slaughtering the sheep. This is not dramatic hyperbole.
The October 1st, 2017 or 10/1/2017 Las Vegas Massacre seems to have been predicted in one of the 515 cards in The Illuminati Game card deck.

As it also turns out, there is a card that people have connected to the assassination of President Donald J. Trump as far back as 2016.
US Election 2016: Donald Trump’s assassination predicted by creepy Illuminati card game
I quite understand people’s hesitation and reticence to believe in such a possibility, but it took me a number of years to come around, and I invested almost four years into writing a screenplay about extremists. Digesting the red pill was a long, difficult process for me, I will take some quotes from a recent Update.
In 1987, I tried to sell a screenplay I wrote called The Eagle’s Feather. It was about “Right-Wing Christian Fundamentalism“.
The plot for The Eagle’s Feather was inspired by my experiences in the Persian Gulf during the 1979 Iranian Embassy Hostage Crisis, and the period shortly after, when I returned home to watch coworkers come under the influence of a born-again Christian Svengali selling spiritual snake oil. The irony was that I saw no difference between him and Ayatollah Khomeini.
It was written specifically for Burt Reynolds and sent to his agent. The plot revolved around a disgraced Navy pilot helping a woman retrieve her kidnapped son from her estranged husband who belonged to a cult of militarized “Christian Fundamentalists“.
Burt Reynolds’ agent turned my screenplay down, and one year later, Loni Anderson came out with a movie called Necessity. That plot revolved around “a pilot helping a woman retrieve her kidnapped son from her drug dealing ex-husband”.
I guess the religious part was too controversial, but certainly relevant to the times.
However, while researching The Eagle’s Feather, I studied various religious extremist groups. I became aware of a form of Christian Fundamentalism that believes in a worldwide “Jewish Conspiracy“. Jewish Conspiracy Theories are forged from stereotypes that go as far back in literature as William Shakespeare and The Merchant of Venice.
The Rothschild Family does control most of the banking on the planet Earth, but that is not the nature of the problem. There are a network of dirt-bags that support the Rothschild’s corrupt system and they are not Jewish. It is all about humanity and selling each other out for a paycheck. So, Grand Conspiracy Theories eventually funnel down to individual spiritual tests.
It is a story line thousands of years old. Maybe that is the nature of the reason we are born to this Earth – when humans can live up to their ideals and words, we get to move on.
Are the Masters of the Grand Conspiracy so trivial that they would reveal their plot in a card game released in 1995? Twenty-three years later the coincidences are astounding. However, that is a tough sell to the public at large, those people Nostradamus identified as The Common Person on the Street.
I wrote about people like Alex Jones in The Eagle’s Feather. I was a critic. I softened after the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks did not make sense. Then I fully converted after my May 22nd, 2004 conversation with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the Moon.
There is one thing that I have noticed in all of my years of reading, researching, and observing good-hearted and believing Christians, as well as good-hearted believers in UFOs and Extraterrestrials, they are always easy targets for a scam.
Dr. Mitchell and I discussed the trail of false narratives that researchers have to weigh and measure for the truth. This is why I just never felt comfortable with most UFO/Extraterrestrial contact stories. That is why I turned to reading the oldest records that humanity has passed down. I looked for the best English translations and came to the same conclusions, the roots for the major religions on Earth are based on Spiritual Warfare and the Greek myths concerning The War of the Titans.
If you were a science fiction writer, you might call Spiritual Warfare Interdimensional Warfare.
I have not been a fan of some of President Donald J. Trump’s actions in his first year in office. I have been quite critical of military leaders who seem to be continuing the neoconservative doctrine of NATO intervention and regime change in countries around the planet. A booming economy, a record-high stock market, and tax reform will not mean a thing if a war with North Korea, China, and Russia begins.
I have traveled throughout South Korea, and I was there on October 26th, 1979 when President Park was assassinated. After the assassination, the country fell under Martial Law. The Koreans are a very tough, no-nonsense people. One bullet, one bomb, or one bloody nose given to North Korea by the United States and it will mean total war. This, of course, is the agenda of The Deep State.
A War with North Korea and a War with Iran have been on the neoconservatives’ agenda for over two decades. The meme that Q is following is a well-know cornerstone of Conspiracy Theory.
Q emphasizes Barack Obama’s treason regarding North Korea and Iran. As he stated, it is difficult to accept that North Korea is a New World Order State. Then again, the symbolism is appearing on their Capital’s skyline. Are the North Koreans catering to high-end New World Order bureaucrats that visit on business?

As I have posted on this Website, the violent Anti-Trump sentiment in America is leading to some very dark places, and this certainly appears in Nostradamus’ prophecies. My interpretations of a new American Civil War have been posted on this Website for almost 11 years. Since my 2007 EBook, The Age of Desolation, I have called it Civil War II. Reality has finally caught up.
My opinion of Trump and his tactics, however, and that of some of his Generals may be changing. As I wrote in those two linked Posts above, Nostradamus predicts a Second Thrasybulus. The Athenian General Thrasybulus rebelled against the Athenian Oligarchs who were puppets of Sparta and restored democracy to Athens.
I am expecting an American General who served in Iraq to be that man.
Whatever the cost, Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels must be destroyed. If Q is legitimate, then Donald J. Trump put his life on the line, especially if he was in Las Vegas meeting with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to initiate and plan events that were to come in Saudi Arabia.
Nostradamus does not describe an initial positive outcome, and The Black King does regain power. We could be on the verge of some very violent events in the near-future.
I found this post from Q very disturbing.

The stock market downturn today was driven by Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels.
The Friday February 2, 2018 Dow was down 666 points. The Monday February 5, 2019 S&P 500 was down 113 points.

As we saw on 01/13/2018 Q’s Team gave the Clintons a Nuclear Ping in Hawaii. As we saw on 1/31/2018, The Pagan Sect gave Q’s Team a Nuclear Ping as 100 Republicans were traveling to a government relocation facility.

Since nobody has been putting this together, I felt compelled to post this observation to Q on 8chan.