For over a decade, two of the clearest Nostradamus signposts that I have identified as temporal indicators of an approaching storm are a Spring default in the metals market in conjunction with a war between Turkey and Greece. As I have pointed out in previous Updates, the potential for both of those indicators to materialize this Spring already exists.
Disorderly Price Increases Coming for Gold & Silver
One of the regular readers of this Website left several comments on a recent Greg Hunter interview at USAWatchdog.com. I felt compelled to leave a comment myself because of the breadth of expectations that people have of life after COVID-19.
The economy has collapsed, 30% of all renters in the United States have missed their rent payments this month. The majority of Americans with no savings are now in arrears one month’s rent, perhaps followed by two or three. Maybe you are one of those people.
Living paycheck to paycheck, how do people play catch-up?
It is unclear on where Americans proceed from this point, because nobody really understands the scope of the government’s financial rescue packages.
Now this is certainly not financial advice and I am offering only opinion; but it seems to me that politicians and bankers have been allowed to print unlimited amounts of paper currency by dividing gold and silver each into two entities, etheric or notional gold and silver versus physical gold and silver. The price has been controlled by large economic powerhouses buying and selling large contracts of notional gold and silver.
Record $10 Trillion Paper Gold Trading Market Continues To Depress Price
As we can see, the global exchanges traded a stunning $9.8 trillion worth of paper gold last year versus $42 billion in physical gold investment. This turns out to be 233 times the amount of paper gold traded for each ounce of physical gold purchased
This decoupling of the paper metals market from the physical metals market is the world’s snap back to reality.
Physical Silver Decoupling From Paper Market
This massive downward manipulation of silver prices has pushed the gold/silver ratio to an all-time extreme. Today, the current ratio is 123:1 (US$1532 per ounce for gold, US$12.48 per ounce for silver).
Keep in mind that for over 4,000 years, the gold silver ratio gravitated closely around 15:1. This reflects the supply ratio of the two metals in the Earth’s crust: 17:1.

Gold Soars Along With Everything Else As Fed Ends Capital Markets As We Know Them
Nostradamus Quatrain III-5
Pres, loing defaut de deux grands luminaires
Qui suruiendra entre l’Auril & Mars.
O quel cherté! mais deux grands debonaires
Par terre & mer secourront toutes pars.
Nostradamus Quatrain III-5
Shortly after the default of the great luminaries [gold and silver]
Which will occur between April and March.
What loss! But two great debonair ones
By land and sea bring relief [to] all parts.
Now, in tweaking my interpretation to this prophecy comes the determination of the April and March time-frame. Did Nostradamus mean from April Year X to March Year 2x or March to April in the same year? Did line 2 end with March to maintain the rhyme with line 4? Without a doubt, we can see that COVID-19 has led to a shortage in physical precious metals beginning in March of 2020.
As readers can see from the metals prices from August 2018 until April 2020 that the upward movement of prices began after March 2018, where gold prices seemed to have bottomed out between March and June.
If a war begins between Greece and Turkey this Spring, then we have our second confirmation that a larger war is coming before the end of 2020. Shifting the Tokyo Olympics to 2021 changes my timeline.
As most of my readers know, April 19th and 20th are Ritual Killing Days for Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels.
Coinciding with this discovery that I made almost two-decades ago are two important Quatrains regarding a May 10th earthquake, whose location I have determined might be Los Angeles. There is also the possibility that the trembling earth that Nostradamus mentions is a metaphor for war. This could be a possibility if the United States goes to war with China.
With the amount of printing that the Federal Reserve has begun to shore up the American economy, the question becomes when will hyperinflation lead people to burn paper money on the street and raid Fort Knox?
Anybody’s guess is as good as mine.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-81
Mis thresor temple citadins Hesperiques,
Dans leeluy retiré en secret lieu,
Le temple ouvrir les liens fameliques,
Reprens, ravis, proye horrible au milieu.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-81
Treasure placed in a temple by citizens of Hesperia [America],
Therein withdrawn to a secret place,
The temple opened by starving bonds,
Retaken, ravaged, [those] in the middle horrible prey.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-82
Cris, pleurs, larmes viendront avec coteaux,
Semblant fuir donront dernier assaut,
L’entour parques planter profonds plateaux,
Vifs repoussez & meurdris de prinsaut.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-82
Cries, weeping, tears will come with knives,
Seeming to flee, they will deliver a final assault,
Parks around to set up high platforms,
The living pushed back and murdered instantly.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-83
De batailler ne sera donné signe
Du parc seront contrains de sortir hors,
De Gand l’entour sera cogneu l’ensigne,
Qui fera mettre de tous les siens a morts.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-83
The signal to give battle will not be given
They will be constrained to go out of the park,
The banner around Ghent [Ghent, Kentucky] will be recognized,
Of him who will cause all his followers to be put to death.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Complete Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Pages 629-631
As you read in Chapter Seven for my interpretation of the very important Quatrain IV-50, Hesperia was considered the far western land. Quatrain IV-39, examined further ahead on the timeline, I feel conclusively identifies Hesperia as America.
Fort Knox is the repository for all of the United States’ gold, therefore, “treasure placed in a temple by citizens of America”.
Rumors that the gold in Fort Knox has already been moved to another location have circulated for years.
I have mapped out the main area of warfare during The Second American Civil War.
“Ghent” is Ghent, Kentucky on the Ohio River just northeast of Fort Knox by approximately seventy-five miles.
As you will read in Quatrain VI-27, it seems that the front-line for The Second American Civil War will be along the Ohio River valley.
Amazingly, we can see the entire structure of the American uprising in a Series in Century VI.
I remember when I connected all three of these Quatrains, it led me to discover what I now call The Triplicate Series. The first two are so specific and easily recognizable as Fort Knox that in the third one, I rationalized that there had to be a city of Ghent near Fort Knox and not the city of Ghent in Belgium. To my amazement, it did not take me long to find a Ghent just over an hour’s drive from Fort Knox.
It is interesting how some citizens in Ohio have reacted to the forced stay-at-home orders.
Demonstrators Swarm State Capitol To Protest Forced Business Closures
Protesters gathered outside the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus on Thursday to demonstrate against Gov. Mike DeWine and Ohio Department of Health director Dr. Amy Acton.
The sad part about regarding business closures around the United States is the government response. It speaks of a greed so deep that revolution will be the only outcome just as Nostradamus predicts.

Morgan Stanley Warns It Will Take At Least 7 Months For Markets To Normalize

The Clinton Triplicate Series are connected to a second Triplicate Series that begins with a prediction of Global Economic Collapse, when “all evils doubled“.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-17
Les bien aiƒez subit seront desmis,
Par les trois freres le monde mis en trouble,
Cité marine saisiront ennemis,
Faim, feu, sang, psƒte, & de tous maux le double.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-17
The affluent suddenly cast down,
By three brothers the world miserable and troubled,
Marine city seized by enemies,
Famine, fire, blood, pestilence, and all evils doubled.
I have always taken the “Three Brothers” as the three superpowers, the United States, Russia, and China. During the happy days of the Group of Eight Nations, the three were brothers in trade and cooperation.
“Marine city seized by enemies” is the possible invasion of one of China’s artificial islands in the South China Sea.
Quatrain VIII-14 of the first series is now owned by Bill Clinton, “the offensive of the adulterer known“, and it is also tied to notional gold and silver, “The great credit of gold and abundance of silver“. Since it was Bill Clinton who opened the door to China in return for many Chinese donations, Nostradamus’ connected series is most likely pointing to one of China’s “Marine cities” in the South China Sea.
The Clinton’s connection to Chinese money comes through the death of John Ashe, who was to appear at trial within days on charges of taking bribes from Chinese businessmen. He died at the height of the 2016 Presidential Election.
Barbell accident kills former UN leader accused of corruption
John Ashe, ex-president of general assembly, died of ‘traumatic asphyxiation’ while lifting weights on bench at New York home
Allegations of Chinese donations to Bill Clinton’s Presidential campaign go back nearly three-decades. John Ashe was a tangible filament of the Bill and Hillary Clinton, Democratic, Chinese connection. I believe that is why Ashe was “murdered” while Hillary Clinton was battling Donald Trump for the Presidency.
The Jeffrey Epstein, Bill and Hillary Clinton connection points to Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels, and that is why the last two Quatrains in the second Triplicate Series deal with the Catholic Church, because the Vatican became Satan Central in 1963, the same year that John F. Kennedy was sacrificed.
This leads readers to consider the March 26th release of Bob Dylan’s first new song in eight-years, Murder Most Foul.
Hear Bob Dylan’s Absolutely Mind-Blowing New Song ‘Murder Most Foul’
“Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty over the years,” Dylan said in a statement. “This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting. Stay safe, stay observant, and may God be with you.”
Bob Dylan – Murder Most Foul
This song is a masterpiece, a haunting dirge for the end of our age. He put everything into the lyrics. I plan to listen to it many more times. I hear many things in there, the Tavistock Institute, the fake hippie movement, MKULTRA; altars of sacrifice, it is a retrospective on the false reality that was created after John F. Kennedy’s assassination and that leads us to the present moment. “Tommy can you hear me…”
The release of this song does not seem to be coincidental.
The cornerstone of The Q PYSOP has been President John F. Kennedy’s assassination by The Deep State.
The one interesting fact that we do know is that President Donald J. Trump released some of the Kennedy Assassination files in October 2017, but he kept some secret.
Trump Releases Some JFK Assassination Files, Keeps Others Secret
The Q PYSOP began on October 28th, 2017. That is pretty coincidental, since the JFK assassination has been symbolically important to The Q PYSOP.
Unfortunately, I suspect that it is the old Reagan Republican Iran-Contra crowd that is running The Q PYSOP. Israel was the go-between for the Iran-Contra Scandal, and the Trump-Pompeo connections to Israel are as obvious as a Sunrise.

Quant ceulx de polle artiq vnis ensemble,
En Orient grand effrayeur & crainte:
Esleu nouueau, soustenu le grand temple,
Rodes, Bisance de sang barbare taincte.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-21
When those of the arctic pole [NATO] unite assembling,
In the Orient [China/Russia] great terror and fear:
Newly elected supporting the great temple,
Rhodes (Greece), Byzantium (Istanbul, Turkey) stained with Barbarian blood.
As regular readers recall, I have corrected a 400-year old error. Every Nostradamus Commentator for the last four centuries has used tremble instead of temple in Quatrain VI-21. Quatrain VI-22 confirms it, and Quatrain VI-23 connects the newly-elected leader friendly to Israel to an economic crisis.
Once again it is worthwhile to note that this Triplicate Series connecting a newly elected leader to an economic crisis also predicts a war between Turkey and Greece.
In Quatrain VI-22, I suspect that line “Liberty false shall be horn and cry” is a reference to a coming revolution in the United States. “Liberté” may be an oblique reference to New York and the Statue of Liberty, also connected to France.
Dedans la terre du grand temple celique,
Nepueu à Londres par paix faincte meurtry:
La barque alors deuiendra scismatique,
Liberté faincte sera au corn. & cry
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-22
Within the land of the great celestial temple,
Nephew at London through false peace murdered:
The bark will then become schismatic,
Liberty false shall be horn and cry
D’esprit de regne munismes descriees,
Et seront peuples esmeuz contre leur Roy:
Paix, faict nouueau, sainctes loix empirees,
Rapis onc fut en si tresdur arroy.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-23
The spirit of the realm coins devalued,
And people stirred up against their King:
Peace, new fact, holy laws [made] worse,
Rapis [Paris] was never in so severe an array.
Clearly, Jeffrey Epstein reported to Mossad, and before Epstein, George Bush’s Republicans were having romps in the White House with teenage call-boys. It was Donald J. Trump’s mentor, the late Roy M. Cohn who allegedly procurred many young men for closeted homosexual Repulican politicians.

On May 2nd, 1983, Rupert Murdoch and Donald J. Trump were chairman of a tribute given to Roy M. Cohn at B’nai B’rith’s annual State of Israel Bond dinner. President Ronald Reagan even sent an honorary telegraph that was read aloud.
Roy M. Cohn sat on the board of Permindex. Permindex had multiple connections to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Therefore, I consider The Q PYSOP, Trump to the rescue propaganda an affront to the memory of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.
Fast forward to 2017 and the Presidency of Donald J. Trump. What I suspect is that somebody in Israel began to fear the Democratic Party’s connection to the Chinese.
The Democratic Party and the major technology companies have been bought and paid for by China since the Clinton Administration.
Clinton Foundation scandal echoes Clinton-China controversy from 1998
George Bush was a brand new Commander-In-Chief when the Hainan Island Incident gave away the United States naval codes and surveillance technology from a captured EP-3E Aries, a signals reconnaissance aircraft.
US says sorry, China to free crew, US ‘regret’ over pilot’s death, 24 air crew to travel home
China to question US surveillance
Dismantled U.S. Spy Plane Flown Out of China
China Broke Secret US Military Codes After Capture Of Spy Plane
I suspect that this was a manufactured incident to give China technology that ITARS Regulations prevents.
Most importantly, readers must understand that David Icke, Alex Jones, and the late FBI agent Ted Gunderson got it perfectly right, The New World Order is an international cabal of practicing Satanists. The symbolism is everywhere. Of course, nearly two-decades ago, when I came across the work of these men, I was able to identify Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels.
Even when the evidence is plain to see and beyond coincidence and Conspiracy Theory, most people simply deny the reality of child-sacrificing Satanists because that reality forces everybody to do a spiritual introspection. Religion suddenly becomes as real as a brick wall while we are driving down the highway of life at 70 miles per hour.

Google has helped build the Chinese Big Brother System, and Bill Gates wants to chip the serfs.
“Immunity Certificates” Are Coming – COVID-Survivors To Get ‘Special Passports’ Enabling Return To ‘Normalcy’
Bill Gates Calls For National Tracking System For Coronavirus During Reddit AMA
Bill Gates’ Vaccine Agenda A Win-Win for Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination
Clearly, Bill Gates’ Event 201 on October 18th, 2019 was the practice drill for the release of the virus the following month. There is nothing coincidental about it. It is a fact that shows clear intent. This, by all definitions, is an act of genocide.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.
The majority of people will be good with what is coming. I think Mike Adams has it just about right.
COSMIC END GAME: Coronavirus vaccines, depopulation and the demonic war to claim your soul for Satan
Even those people steeped in Conspiracy Theory have trouble with this one. The evidence is in everybody’s face, but the Book of Revelation, Satan System is coming our way, designed in America, built and tested in China. This is the purpose of COVID-19.
The bioengineering criteria is evident; it must be deadly to a certain useless sector of the population, easily spread, and impossible to cure. Virus reactivation guarantees lifetime control and monitoring.
South Korean Scientists Warn: COVID-19 Can Spontaneously “Reactivate” In Cured Patients
VIRUS PERIL Terrifying video shows how a single cough can spread a cloud of coronavirus across supermarket that lingers for minutes
Horrific video shows coronavirus particles from runners can infect you even if you’re 2m away
I expect that the virus was designed so that everybody gets it, so that everybody will need to be given the vaccine. Of course, in conspiracy circles, I have been hearing about a false-flag plague and mandatory vaccines containing microchips for at least two-decades, maybe more. It seems that day is finally upon us.
Here is another dose of in-your-face reality.
From the McMartin Preschool, to Comet Pizza, to Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, and now to the famous Playboy Mansion, it seems that those accused of pedophilia, satanic ritualism, and other acts of debauchery all have a predilection for digging secret tunnels.
Jenna Jameson Says She ‘Can Attest’ to Network of Tunnels Under Playboy Mansion
Former Playboy reality TV host says that she ‘can attest’ to underground tunnels and quarters beneath the Playboy Mansion
The FBI Declassifies Files on The Finders and McMartin Pre-school Child Trafficking Cases
One of the controversies in the case were reports by the children and speculation that there were tunnels and rooms under the school center. The debunkers ultimately succeeded in pigeon holing this into the realm of “crazy conspiracy theory.”
But lo and behold, we have confirmation of tunnels and rooms by the FBI itself!
Page 48-49 states tunnels were found at McMartin Preschool, as well as pentagrams and bones.
Of course, child-sacrificing satanists would want to be able to take your kids without Due Process. The United States’ legal system once recognized this as kidnapping.
WHO Suggests Kidnapping Your Children To Fight Coronavirus
Executive Director of WHO Health Emergencies Program encourages tyrannical police state
In conjunction with many Democratic politicians promoting socialism, the Chinese have allied with Iran. During the Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush II era, the CIA plotters of the Kennedy assassination and their political puppets all played nice together, and then came Barack Obama, the chosen one. The Arab Spring changed the landscape and the battlefield. A potential army of 15-million Muslims now occupies Europe.
COVID-19 restrictions cannot be enforced in immigrant neighborhoods, because local law enforcement does not have the resources. Most European governments have succumbed to The Pagan Sect of New Infidels‘ Muslim agenda. Hungary seems to be one of the last holdouts as Nostradamus’ predicted.
The minions within The Pagan Sect of New Infidels do not like the fact that Mossad holds all the cards, and so it seems that Mossad was outplayed, because the Muslim agenda neuters Israel. Israel knows that it can never stand against China, Russia, and Iran. It has also most likely made the same assessment about the United States military and NATO.
At some point during the reign of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, some faction within Israeli politics and intelligence must have silently broken with the extremists in the Democratic Party. Jeffrey Epstein and Roy M. Cohn were puppets of Israel. During the days of the Reagan Administration, Iran-Contra funding came from Rupert Murdoch.
How Roy Cohn Helped Rupert Murdoch
Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance
Top 10 Donors to Trump’s 2016 Campaign
2. Sheldon Adelson and Miriam Adelson, Las Vegas Sands Corporation (LVS)
Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal
The picture painted by the evidence is not a direct Epstein tie to a single intelligence agency but a web linking key members of the Mega Group, politicians, and officials in both the U.S. and Israel, and an organized-crime network with deep business and intelligence ties in both nations.
That suggests Mossad is holding Epstein’s blackmail evidence as a cudgel against American politicians, while The Q PYSOP leaves a trail of “bread crumbs” for the public to follow to incite the blackmail victims to get back into line. Mossad, however, can never reveal most of the Epstein evidence, because no doubt the Democratic Party and the Hollywood Satanists have their own evidence from Donald J. Trump and Roy M. Cohn’s Studio 54 days.
Like a tumor wrapped around a vital organ, there is no way that Mossad can surgically remove itself from The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal. The Q PYSOP is thus meant to selectively steer the plebs away from the deeper questions regarding Jeffrey Epstein’s connections to Mossad and Israel. This is why Jeffrey Epstein had to die.
Attorney General William Barr once had the job of cleaning up the Iran-Contra Scandal.
What Does William Barr Have to Do With Iran Contra?
Jamal Khashoggi most likely used his job as a contributing journalist to the Washington Post as a cover. His Uncle Adnan Khashoggi was a central player in the Iran-Contra Scandal, and he had connections to Osama bin Laden.
Jamal Khashoggi’s Complicated History With The Saudi Royal Family
Missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s ties to Osama bin Laden explained
Jeffrey Epstein’s murder and Jamal Khashoggi’s murder seem to be part of the clean up operation that is underway to distance Israel, Trump, and Saudi Arabia from The Pagan Sect of New Infidels.
Former FBI Bureau Chief Ted Gunderson believed that Saudi Arabia was the hub of international child-trafficing. This accounts for the November 4th, 2017 arrest of eleven Saudi Princes ordered by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
A house divided: How Saudi Crown Prince purged royal family rivals
This is the reason that The Q PYSOP announced that 60% of the information will never be released to the public. Unfortunately, it is more like 99.9%. Apparently, we are approaching a series of more important days related to The Q PYSOP. Therefore, in the days to come, I expect more elements of what I call The Great Scandal to emerge.
China and The Pagan Sect of New Infidels are the people playing 4D chess. Trump and the economy will never recover before the November election. Six-figure deaths will make Trump and every news commentator calling for ending quarantine look like heartless bastards.
US records the deadliest day from the coronavirus pandemic worldwide, becoming the first country to mark 2,000 deaths in 24 hours as number of infections tops HALF A MILLION
As a postscript, I have a message to those idiots claiming Coronavirus is a fraud. The reason so many hospitals across the country are empty is the uneven spread of the virus. Since March 26th, I have been tracking counties where I live and where I have friends and family, that includes New York City. New York had 23,112 cases and 365 deaths then, and sixteen days later, there are 94,409 cases and 5,820 deaths.
If the average airliner carried 250 people that is the equivalent of over 23 plane crashes in 16 days. When the number of cases in major cities reach New York’s numbers, all you wackos will get your death drama and your opinions will forever be ridiculed. You are making yourselves inconsequential.
Then there is that old red herring, “but the fatalities are just old people and people with health issues, so it really doesn’t count“. Isn’t that some form of compassionless bigotry or maybe eugenics? This isn’t the flu. It is a biological weapon leaving lasting damage.
If commentators think people are going to snuggle up to their cold and calculating view of the world while granny is dying behind the glass in a hospital filled to capacity, guess again. You will all be chased out of town, and people will flock to the comforting reassurances of Big Brother.
This is not going to come all in one day, one week, or one month; it will be how we live our lives for the next few years, or maybe for the rest of our lifetimes.
Disturbing photos show COVID-19 patients being stacked on evacuation buses to be driven between NYC’s overwhelmed hospitals while more body bags are wheeled out to refrigerated trucks after 1,000 died in the city in 36 hours
Pastor who criticized coronavirus ‘mass hysteria’ dies from illness
Grocery workers are beginning to die of coronavirus
The only thing that can rescue Trump is an economic rescue package not weighted down by The Left’s globalist agenda and The Right’s special interest agenda. That means destroying politicans and business leaders immediately by releasing the evidence on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.
Flynn Lawyer Says Shocking Clinton Material On Anthony Weiner’s Laptop, Recommends Military Examine It
Unfortunately, it is easy to see where this is going.
AG William Barr: China Far Bigger Threat Than Russia, ‘One of Our Highest Priorities’ in Counterintelligence
As you read above from my interpretations of certain Nostradamus’ prophecies, there is a strong possibility that a United States war with China has already begun. In my 2019 book, Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Complete Prophecies of World War III, I suggest that Donald J. Trump may go after the artificial islands and military installations that China is building in the South China Sea.
US Intelligence Warned Of “Cataclysmic” Coronavirus Crisis As Impeachment Dominated Headlines
The impeachment of President Donald J. Trump was a well-played political diversion as the Coronavirus was being released.
Trump’s military is starting to look like a crew of leaderless buffoons.
Pentagon Denies ABC News Report Military Intelligence Knew About Coronavirus in November
Military Warns of Coronavirus ‘Breakouts’ Aboard USS Nimitz
Acting Navy Secretary Modly resigns
He Led a Top Navy Ship. Now He Sits in Quarantine, Fired and Infected.
Colleagues say the downfall of Capt. Brett E. Crozier was charging headlong into the Trump administration’s narrative that it had everything in the coronavirus pandemic under control.
Sailor From Virus-Stricken Carrier Found Unresponsive As Over 400 Crew Infected
Here is a sad example of Trump waffling and ego driven leadership.
Trump: ‘I Agree 100%’ With Navy Decision to Fire Captain Brett Crozier
President Trump Says He Might Intervene in Fired Navy Captain’s Case
Golf, handshakes and a Mar-a-Lago conga line: Squandered week highlights Trump’s lack of COVID-19 focus
President Donald J. Trump’s ear is just one-degree of separation away from this Website. I can think of a great example of leadership.
Six THOUSAND families line up in their cars for hours at a food bank in San Antonio as millions across the country turn to charity organizations to keep from going hungry during coronavirus lockdown
“We Can’t Give Our Product Away” – Farmers Toss Thousands Of Acres Of Fruits, Veggies As Sales Plummet
For every farmer who feels the same way as the farmers destroying their crops because of the collapse in the restaurant industry, why not have the government buy their crops and feed those people lining up miles for food.
CEOs Gorged on Buybacks for Years. Now They Want Bailouts
Bailing out the banks, hedge funds, and corporations who have long benefited from crony capitalism will not go over well with the public in the coming months. With low interest rates and with negative interest rates coming soon, many people will begin asking why they are still paying 29.99% on their credit cards.
Negative Rates In The US Are Virtually Guaranteed Now
This all plays into the Antifa socialist agenda, and it appears that Trump’s destruction has been perfectly scripted.
Trump in 2nd Day of Meltdown Over Government Report on Hospital Shortages
Jared Kushner has coordinated distribution of medical supplies with Republican donors: report
Media On ‘Jihad’ Against Anti-Malaria COVID-19 Treatment Since Trump Endorsed Use: AG Barr
Donald J. Trump’s Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, inspected the gold held in Fort Knox on August 21st, 2017.
Mnuchin’s Fort Knox Quip: ‘I Assume the Gold Is Still There’
Only third Treasury secretary to visit U.S. Bullion Depository
$200 billion worth of gold, though not counted since 1953
The Gold Is Still There!
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin paid a rare official visit to Fort Knox to check out the nation’s gold stash Monday.
Before visiting the Ft. Knox vault, the former Hollywood movie producer quipped about the possibility that the gold wasn’t even there any more.
I assume the gold is still there. It would really be quite a movie if we walked in and there was no gold.”
Well, it doesn’t appear there will be a movie in the works.
“Glad gold is safe!” Mnuchin tweeted after visiting the facility.
“Treasure placed in a temple by citizens of Hesperia [America], Therein withdrawn to a secret place, The temple opened by starving bonds, Retaken, ravaged, [those] in the middle horrible prey“, if Nostradamus is correct, it will not go well for Steven Mnuchin or Donald J. Trump, since they signed the receipt for the gold in Fort Knox in 2017.