"...I don't plan to cooperate with evil at any point."

Dr. Martin Luther King, January 14th, 1968


JULY 14, 2016


September 22, 2016, 2016
An Obsolescent Military: Bombing Everything, Gaining Nothing

July 14, 2016
Ex-Admiral: US Should Defend Reef off Philippines

I happen to agree with this Admiral; however, as an American citizen, I am kind of concerned that we have not been able to wrap it up in Afghanistan and Iraq, let alone begin to take on militarily Russia AND China.

I would certainly suggest "defend" legally through diplomatic negotiations before resorting to nuclear war.

This leads into the bellicose Presidency of Barack Obama who has brought chaos to the world. Of particular concern is Hillary Clinton, former Senator and Secretary of State and her connections to American Neoconservatives and their global agenda for an empire formed in their entitled image.


The butchering of Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi is not a proud American moment for me. As Americans, aren't we supposed to be the defenders and pargons of justice?

Hillary Clinton is real-time, on-camera giddy and excited over such a horrific act of violence. Why hasn't anyone questioned whether those are the emotions and reactions of a genuine psychopath?

Hillary Clinton is onboard with the globalization of the United States and getting Russia to conform to The New World Order; just read "The Plan is Secret".

She just may be Nostradamus' Mannish Woman who appears in Quatrain VIII-15. When "nearly all of Europe and the world vexed:" after "the two eclipsed will be totally routed", towards Aquilon [North Pole Countries] great efforts by the mannish woman who seems to be negotiating between Russia and NATO.

Because as we read in the Presage for April 1558, "towards Aquilon will be noises so loud", when "through discord failing by default" there seems to be no diplomatic and political settlement, leading to, "lesions, points traveling above [the arctic pole]".

The United States military/intelligence/industrial complex seems to be ignoring reality and history. The Russian people have burned Moscow to the ground to keep it out of an enemy's hands.

On November 9th, 2010, the Carnival Splendor was stranded 130 miles off the coast of Ensenada, Mexico due to an almost total electrical systems failures. It was towed to port by the United States aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan.

Also on November 9th, 2010, China flexed its military muscle in the skies west of Los Angeles when a Chinese Navy Jin class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, deployed secretly from its underground home base on the south coast of Hainan island, launched an intercontinental ballistic missile from international waters off the southern California coast.

Previously, on October 26th, 2006, a Chinese submarine stalked a U.S. aircraft carrier battle group and surfaced within firing range of its torpedoes and missiles before being detected.

Just recently, after the crisis in Ukraine, on April 10th, 2014, the United States AEGIS guided missile destroyer “Donald Cook” entered the Black Sea and had many of its electrical systems fail when it was repeatedly straffed by a Russian SU-24.

October 13, 2016
Russia tests ‘unrivaled’ new radio-electronic weapon

April 25, 2016
Killer airwaves: Russia starts trial of electromagnetic warfare system

November 12, 2015
Russia to test-launch ‘break-through’ photonic radar by 2018

June 25, 2015
Russian satellite-gagging jammer field tests announced

Maybe we are looking at the kind of innovative technology that decides wars. Scientific and engineering innovation, as well as industrial capacity win wars. In America, We Can't Make it Here Anymore.

I question whether or not the United States military command structure has been politically weakened to leave nothing but a hollow shell of military sycophants over-estimating America's military capabilities.

This real-news story below is my metaphor for what kind of leadership we can expect in the near-future.

A retired United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel felt that he was entitled to walk out on his dinner bill and even stiff his waitress. It was certainly not the conduct I expect from an officer and a gentleman.

Ralph Paul ate the seafood off the top of the pasta, then sent the dish back and asked the server to take it off his bill... When the restaurant didn't do that, he left without paying the $46 tab, which included an entree of mussels eaten by his girlfriend, coffee and dessert.

Sheriff's deputies called Paul, a 54-year-old retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel from New Port Richey, and told him he had committed a crime by not paying his bill.

Paul hired a big shot New York lawyer who charges $500 an hour. He refused to plead no contest and pay a fine. He went to trial.

The sad part is that a jury of the server's peers let this entitled idiot get away with it. She was not too happy, "I'm a full believer that a customer is not always right in every situation," Gross said. "There are times when they make it very difficult to serve them. We're their servers, but not their servants".

This kind of ego will bring ruin to the world, and look how much it costs.

In Nostradamus Quatrain II-60, he writes "The Empire [of] saint(s) [Islamic martyrs] will come into Germany" after "the hunger of the mule will be satiated". This will occur when the "Fleet [is] sprinkled, blood and bodies will swim".

"The hunger of the mule" I believe applies to a line from Quatrain X-31, “the asses will also want Carmania (Iran)”. It is the Neocon vision to conquer Iran. Therefore, the hunger of the neoconservative asses will be satiated through global war.

Readers should also note the line and warning to France from Quatrain III-23 at the top of this page "If France, you cross the Ligurian Sea (NW Italy), Mahomet [Islamic Army] against you, more so in the Adriatic, you will gnaw the bones of asses and horses".

Military spending is not an accurate assement of a nation's military. The reason that the U.S. military has been decimated under Obama, and is only ‘marginally able’ to defend the nation is because the military has outsourced everything to the globalist lowest bidder.

Military leaders are good with it, because they have jobs waiting for them in the private sector.

Here's my expert advice to Americans, be very worried.

October 7, 2016
Top Major General Used Taxpayer Credit Card For "Improper Interactions" On "Hooker Hill"

I told you, these guys are entitled idiots.

This website and the books, The Age of Desolation, Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, and Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars are copyrights of G. A. Stewart © 2007-2017. All Rights Reserved.
Copyrighted material on this website is cited when possible and for Fair Use in criticism and for public information purposes only.
Contact: TheAgeofDesolation@hotmail.com